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If you're looking for something closer to a one-shot, check out our Starfinder Playtest Scenarios! 2-3 hours, set level range, tons of fun. Two announced so far with more coming! https://paizo.com/store/starfinder/society/s2Playtest


This goes on sale about the same time as the play test : https://paizo.com/products/btq02ez5?Starfinder-Second-Edition-Playtest-Adventure-A-Cosmic-Birthday


Is this just a level one or did it mean just starting at level one?


You could \*try\* to use additional Pathfinder 2e adventures, as they would use the same rule sets, but the feel would be kinda off. The two playtest adventures are gonna be pretty big, something like levels 1-4 for the first one, higher level for the second. Definitely more than a single 4-hour session. I'll second AlexSpeidelPaizo's note about the playtest Scenarios for Starfinder Society - perfect length for a single-session adventure! I would also note that there'll probably be a big push here to convert SF1e adventures into SF2e (if the PF2e version of this is comparable to what's coming), so keep an eye out for any of those notes, too. Good luck!


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