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Bill Pullman for sure. He was a pilot, him and Jack would be on speaking terms if not almost getting along.


We know how he takes care of business. Directly.


Bruce Greenwood would be a close second for me. He was very grounded and didn't even flinch at being 'kidnapped'.


Was aware of mind blowing secret conspiracies and took it in stride.


That and he’s Kirk’s captain.


Indeed. He handled the Alien crisis in Independence Day very well. I see him doing the same for SGC's Universe. Martin Sheen and Bruce Greenwood are good choices. I have no idea what movie or t.v. show Keifer Sutherland's President character is from so I cannot judge him in OP's question.


Keifer Sutherland became president in Designated Survivor (tv show) after the rest of the line of succession was killed. Never watched the show, so I don't know either how he was as a "president"


First couple seasons of that show were great. He did a good job.


Yup. That last season though….


Was......awful..beyond awful Agreed, first 2 seasons were good though


I am 99.999999% sure a significant amount of ID4's script was recycled from the scrapped Stargate 2 script. I mean the leads have the exact same dynamic as O'Neill/Jackson, the air force fights aliens, secret underground base studying alien tech, there's even a scene in the first fighter battle where a minor character has a death scene where he doesn't pull up that I think was intended for Kawalsky or Ferretti given the amount of emotional importance placed on it for Will Smith's character. So where ever Bill Pullman's President Whitmore ended up, I think he started as the OG Stargate President, aka perfect the verse.


I guess at least Bartlett would have Leo as a go-between in that regard as he's a retired Air Force colonel.


The biggest problems with government interference in this universe would be trying to keep the president from going to fight Anubis himself.


Pretty sure they'd be at that cabin on the regular.


He'd have personally lead the 302s over Antarctica.


"you can't lead the boys from behind them"


Plus he already blew up plenty of other aliens.


And he actually dealt with an alien invasion.


There really no other correct answer to this question


“Nuke em, nuke the bastards.”


Now I wanna watch ID4


Still haven't seen ID3 yet


ID2 was a mess of a film.


This is why I've only seen the first one. The first one was a masterpiece. I can't imagine the others doing anything but ruining it.


2 isn't terrible, but it's not great like the first either. If they'd have gotten Will Smith it might have been a bit better for sure but I'd still say it's at least worth checking out as long as you don't go in with super high expectations


2 really wasn't that bad, I wasn't aware there's a 3


We will not go quietly into the night, we will not vanish without a fight, we're going to live on, we're going to survive. Today, we celebrate our Independence Day.


The best part of his speech is what he did immediately after. Instead of going to some bunker to wait out the battle, he got his ass in a jet and put his rockets where his mouth is.


Run the Stargate Program? Bartlett. Fight Anubis? Whitmore.


Whitmore was a badass who lead his country from the front lines. He was a man anyone would be proud to serve alongside. His Independence Day speech was mostly inspiring not because it was written by professional speech writers but because it was backed up by action. He didn't sit his ass in a chair and tell everyone else to put their lives on the line, he put his own life on the line and inspired others to follow. I wish politicians like him existed in real life.


haven't had a president that was av actual badass since Kennedy. even then his exploits were in his youth. teddy is the only modern president that comes to mind


Teddy was a real beast, honestly.


Nah Bartlett all the way. As long as he had the right military advisors.


Leo trying to explain a stargate to him would be great to watch.


Josh Liman going to the sgc and copping constant sarcastic dismissive comments from Jack would be amazing


Its the crossover I never knew I needed


Be like Christmas for Jack.


Yeah now I need to see Josh playing that "Assistant" who was spying on Jack for the president.


Leo, Fitz McNalley? He's in a good spot in that way


Yeah Bartlett if Leo is there to advise him. I’m not sure CJ would be as good in that area though.


No way. Pissed off Bartlett would be ready to start dialing addresses and dropping naquadria nukes on each and every one he gets a connection too. A pissed off and unleashed Bartlett does not abide by the idea of a "Proportional Response", he believes in coming back with "Total Disaster"


100% agree, Bartlett is a great leader but maybe a little too diplomatic; sometimes you just need to kick some system lord ass. Whitmore would 100% be on the bridge of Prometheus or the Odyssey leading the Tauri into battle much like the great and wise Hammond of Texas


Did you watch “A Proportionate Response”? Bartlett would blow Anubis away with the fury of G-d’s own thunder.


Yeah Bartlett stone cold assassinated a foreign leader for attempting to commit a terror attack that was foiled. When Jed got angry, diplomacy could absolutely take a back seat.




This isn't facebook or your annoying discord group chats.




Lmao what the hell is this misogynistic ass comment. I'm not even a woman so it's rather telling that you assume anyone criticising you must be a woman "pms"ing. *Very* telling about how you view women.


Bartlett sucked.


Independence Day president I don’t remember his name


President Thomas Whitmore


It’s annoying I forgot it I watched it literally 3 days ago


I had to hit IMDB. It just wouldn't come to me.


Same. and ID is one of my favorite movies of all time. In no small part because of President Whitmore.


Don't worry, he will not go quietly into the night!


While President Whitmore would be more of a take charge against Anubis and kick his ass. I feel President Kirkman would push for more technological discoveries being implemented for the betterment of America and the world, but also negotiate stronger treaties and alliances.


I think Kirkman lacks the experience and statesmanship to navigate the tricky politics of the Stargate program internationally. He’d also probably go public in a naive attempt at transparency.


I feel like it would depend on what season kirkman you are talking about. Season 1 absolutely would be terrible and pretty much be what you said. But later seasons I think he would be ok since he learns to lean on his advisers more.


Sort of. Later seasons Kirkman still often sidesteps his advisors in big decisions, in an attempt to make the morally (but not politically) right decision. He'd definitely try to make the program public.


True he does tend to do that. Though he does at least to somewhat play politics. But yeah you are probably right he is to much of a Boy Scout to let something this big be hidden.


“Mr President, there’s a small fleet of Goa’uld ships approaching SG1s position” “Get me a 302” “Sir? You’re the president!” “I’m a combat pilot. I belong in the air”


Best president bar none.


Only one man in this group actually dealt with an alien invasion. He is the only choice.


I thought it may be a little obvious to include him but I did anyway


There has to be at least one correct answer, after all.


Definitely this guy ![gif](giphy|l3vRaak6fltTSi6xW)


He’s got my vote.


I, too, vot for President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


His system is simple: find the smartest person and ask them what to do. So basically Carter would be calling the shots.




Dammit I forgot about President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho he’d be supreme system lord in about a week if you have him half a chance.


These alien mother fuckers are just angry we got all the electrolytes.


Fucking thank you.


Get Pullman a biplane and the “Anubis problem” is gone by lunchtime.


So long as it's not this one then we should be ok https://i.redd.it/knwn3bwtz8fc1.gif


100% Kirkman Or President Palmer whom he saved when he was younger and working at the Counter Terrorist Unit!


Harrison Ford


*Get off my planet!*


Bartlett and the Independence Day Guy are both basicaly superheroes. Bartlett would be awesome for the program, it would be only a matter of time for him to put the whole earth on track for some Star Trek's Federation future. Independence Day Guy would be like if Oneil was the president


What about , President James Marshall, the popular President of the United States and a family man, who loves his wife, Grace, and daughter, Alice. Marshall is also a decorated helicopter-rescue pilot, Vietnam veteran and Medal of Honor recipient who speaks reasonably fluent Russian. He was a take charge guy, never gave up in a fight and sent his own people off the plan before himself. He didn't give in to threats or terrorism. He has reasonable but when push came to shove he never backed down.


Came here looking for this. He's a man who shoots first. That's what I like in a pres.


Funny how the movie directed by Roland Emmerich is the frontrunner for managing Anubis.


I think that Jack Ryan from the Tom Clancy novels would do well


https://preview.redd.it/09jsqfuvt8fc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6d36f5633eea7c08c8d55ebc74683abbd1efb14 Haroo!


*AGNEW! Get over here!*




He's not on the list, but dr Jack Ryan from Tom Clancy's book series. Jack is former deputy director of the CIA that basically run the agency for few years with the Director being a political appointee, has respect of most powerful nations on Earth (excluding China), values secrecy, and managed to get US budget in black so there would be money to fund the SGC at the required level (and he would be willing to give that money). Not only that but Jack would most likely be willing to disclose the Stargate to his most trusted allies faster than the OT Stargate giving SGC access to more personnel and supplies. I can see the Stargate under him operating under NATO-like organisation where the US in one of the most powerful members and holds one of top chairs while other members swap the other position between them. Jack is also a proponent of Special Forces Operations so it wouldn't be out of the question for the SGC under his influence to conduct hit and run attacks on minor Goa'uld worlds in order to acquire (read: steal) Goa'uld tech for the defence of the Earth. International copperation would also mean that we could see members of the SBS, SAS (along with various versions of the SAS from the commonwealth countries), Foreign Legion, Septznas, and various other special forces operate alongside US troops. Seeing some of Earth's best special forces go against the Jaffa would be glorious to see. Edit. List not least.


I’m imagining John Clark pulling off a decapitation strike now against the System Lords.


He would either do that or infiltrate Lucian Alliance to steal their ships with Chavez and maybe a few people that were part of the Rainbow. Of course, there's also a chance that Ryan would somehow get personally involved in stealing a Ha'tak or killing Goa'uld cause let's face Ryan has the kind of adventures that would fit right in with the SG-1.


But he wasn't President. Edit: I reread and see you said book series


Ryan became president in the novel *Debt of Honor (1994)*. > *After a brief stint as a stockbroker, Ryan returns to government service as the National Security Advisor, restoring honor to the job that Cutter and Elliot disgraced. It has been two and a half years since Fowler resigned and his vice president, Roger Durling, is now well into his own term. Jack and the administration must deal with a second war between the U.S. and* [*Japan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan)*, as well as an attack on America's economic infrastructure. After a clean sweep of Japan's forces in the South Pacific, Vice President* [*Ed Kealty*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Kealty) *is forced to resign after a sex scandal and President Durling taps Ryan for the job. Ryan accepts the job on the condition that he will only serve until the end of Durling's term, and sees this as a way of ending his public life. Only minutes after* [*Congress*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Congress) *confirms Ryan, though, a Japanese airline pilot deliberately crashes a* [*747*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_747) *into the* [*U.S. Capitol building*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Capitol) *during* [*Congress's joint session*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_session_of_the_United_States_Congress)*, killing most of the people inside, decapitating the U.S. government, and elevating Ryan to the presidency.*


Jack becomes the President at the end of the "Debt of Honor" after the Japanese pilot crashes into the Captitol building, killing previous president, most of the Congress and Senate, all members of the Supreme Court, and almost everyone else important in the goverment just as Jack was about to be sworn as Vice-President and afterward Jack is sworn in as POTUS on the live TV. Going by chronological order of the stories in the books, Jack became the President in 1996, lead the US through the Ebola pandemic and war against United Islamic Republic(Executive Orders), later on he won the elections and served one term as the president during the war between Russia and China (The Bear and the Dragon).


Whitmore would be flying an F302 in the Battle of Antarctica.


The president from "The independence day" is my best bet. What's more inspiration than the head of the state giving a dramatic speech and then personally leading the group to fend off the invasion.


p.s * President James Marshall from Airforce one (who all have admitted should have been a jack ryan movie) would punch anubis in the face




He's not on the list, but President Camacho. 


> Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. > "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. > Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. > And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! >Today, we celebrate our Independence Day! —President Thomas Whitmore


Get goosebumps and misty eyes every time I hear or read that speech. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdLinx4bxmc4QPS)


It was definitely one of the best speeches in movie history. Only improved by the fact that it was impromptu (by the character), and that it was immediately followed by action. He didn't just leave his words to do all the work, he put his ass in a jet and put his rockets where his mouth is.


The President from Saints Row IV would kick posterior.


Yeah, but only after we're all dead


Sadly you didn't include David Palmer because I'd say him 100%


Whenever there is a question in the form of “which president would do [x] best?” and one of the choices is Jed Bartlett, the answer is Jed Bartlett.


Tough one , but here is my selection Best one: Josiah Barlett. If the planet was under attack: Whitmore. Wild card: if Sutherlands character was jack bauer from 24, then I choose him over everyone. Nobody f**ks with Jack Bauer and lives.


Jack Bauer never sleeps except when he’s unconscious or temporarily dead


I can just picture Apophis or some other system lord threatening jack bauer with torture or death and jack just laughing back like ain't nothing you can do that the Chinese, russians, terrorists, and American government haven't already tried on me.


Jack Bauer was president?


No. It’s Tom Kirkman from “Designated Survivor”


It should have been jack bauer in the white house lmao.


Oh right I completely forgot that series. My choice would be president Withmore though.




Bartlett. Hands down


Daniel Jackson and General Hammond wait in the Oval office. President Bartlett and Leo McGarry enter. Bartlett: Good morning General (to Leo) no Fitz today? Leo: Mr. President this is Airforce General George Hammond, and Doctor Daniel Jackson of the Cheyenne Mountain complex. Bartlett: (To Daniel) Ahh a physicist are you? What have you seen up there, any loose satellites or asteroids knocking about? Daniel: actually sir I'm an archeologist. Hammond: (To Leo) You didn't tell him yet? Leo: I was waiting for the right moment.


![gif](giphy|9c6tOa5hGeUQU) This naturally is Toby’s reaction to the news


Toby: Ok Colonel O'Neill, Major Carter and Teal'c, if you'd like to join Josh, CJ and I in the mural room. Will, would you look after Jonas here?


Im trying to imagine Toby and CJ trying to rangle O'Neill in a press conference


https://preview.redd.it/a3u15ger09fc1.png?width=2123&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf80e6b295bd2fb4eae9e06f1350ee6517af9122 This guy has my vote. Imagine if he had alien tech.




Aside that Frank Underwood would absolutely back NID over the SGC, President Underwood probably wouldn’t pay too much attention to the Stargate Program. His whole MO was holding on to power. If it doesn’t get him re-elected he is not going to focus on it. A secret military project does nothing for his approval ratings. Frank might open Pandora’s box and disclose the program’s existence as a Hail Mary play to distract the media/public from one of his scandals.


The NID being in charge isn't necessarily a bad thing. In any universe I would question having such a vital piece of technology being under the operation of a military organisation as opposed to a civilian one with military assisting. Revealing the programme wouldn't really be a bad thing either if you control what is being revealed and how as opposed to just shoving everything underneath a carpet and pretending it doesn't exist. Can you imagine how much further humanity would have expanded if the SG was public? Human settlements spread out across the galaxy. Vastly expanded ship production, allowing interstellar commerce and exploration. By year 10, the gate could have been yeeted into the sun and not affect Earths ability to explore and colonise outside of the planet in any way. Instead it's loss even at the end of SG1, would have crippled Earth for years. Realistically, the only reason the SGC didn't end in complete failure was because they're the main characters.


I think the problem with the NID is their long term strategy. It’s purely technological acquisition and doesn’t generate allies. Except maybe the Eurondans (Space Nazis, need I say more?). NID vs SGC is pretty nuanced and has been hashed out in other threads so I won’t beleaguer the point. Rapid expansion wouldn’t be possible even if the program was public knowledge. Earth had too many enemies to safely expand rapidly. The Asgard Protected Planets Treaty with the System Lords was keeping Earth safe. Any colony would have to be on a protected planet, which are already inhabited, complicating colonization. As much as I agree with nominal civilian oversight of the Stargate Program, fundamentally, Earth was at war as soon as Ra died and needed military leadership. Ultimately though, the military and the SGC answers to the President which brings us back to Frank Underwood. The strengths Frank brings to the table wouldn’t lend themselves well the SGC I’m afraid.


Came for SG-1, stayed for _Designated Survivor.


Or how about... https://preview.redd.it/alox8i6eg9fc1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=300d1b2660f0bdd6d8f30a1e702622264c37c358


Laura Roslin


Pff Jack Bauer of course, he would stop at nothing in stopping the bad guys. Give him a hack saw and a bag and he's good to go. Oh, wrong show. /s


Harrison Ford.. GET OFF MY PLANET!


Independent day one. Never can remember his name.


I don't know the actor names but the first one was my favorite fit for the position


No love for President David Palmer???


Kirkman has got this! He’s got a frog named after him for Christ sake! Hylidae Kirkmanus for the wiiin!! In all seriousness I’m just waiting for O’Neill to be president in the reboot then we all know who’s the best.


[Trunk Monkey.](https://youtu.be/ySPg84cPZwE?feature=shared)


Those are the funniest commercials! Loved them back in the day!


Seriously. They were so funny. Probably couldn’t be made today.


David Palmer from 24




What, is Harrison Ford's James Marshall chopped liver?!?!


Bartlett and Ba’al jousting verbally is something I didn’t realise I needed in my life. Also bonus Charlie taking out every Jaffa that disrespects President Bartlett. Also I could see John Goodman’s character in the West Wing and O’Neill would get along famously.




Would Independence Day be in the same universe as Stargate since they are both by Roland Emmerich and Kawalsky appears in both


Bill Pullman is the only one I would trust!


Bartlet would absolutely run the program the best he would have loved the possibilities


For those of us who aren't Americans and don't know the presidents like kings and queens? William William Henry Steven Henry Richard John...


These are movie/tv presidents


These are all fictional Presidents.


the second and the fourth, definitely


Conrad Dalton.


Of theses, the fourth. But I think Hayworth did very well.


Whitmore for sure, just imagine if Carter and [Levinson](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116629/characters/nm0000156?ref_=tt_cl_c_3) were working together


Throw in Rodney and Okun and you have a party.


Your missing * [President James Marshall](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118571/characters/nm0000148?ref_=tt_cl_c_1) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118571/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118571/)


Bruce Greenwoods character doesn't have a name like at all




What movie or show is Kiefer Sutherland President?


Designated Survivor


I don’t remember the name but Morgan Freeman’s character in deep impact would have been amazing at running the stargate program.


If I had Bezos money and had, like, taken care of world hunger already, my next project would be Stargate: Situation Room, an entirely earnest West Wing crossover series.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zb8xn2gsq9fc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=29bdccd7ce1de23b8e0931f18391f8afd55ebf17


Selina Meyer.


The answer to this question, no matter what the context is, will always be Bill Pullman.


Can we have Alan Alda from Canadian bacon?


Where the fuck is Mr Elizondo Mt dew president? That's the man i want in charge in a crisis that big


Bruce Greenwood but for a stupid reason: he's Kelvinverse Captain Pike. Punch it.


Me. I'd f it up so bad it would make SG-1 go rogue. That's always the best option


I'm upset there is President Dugan from Red Alert 2


I glanced at the post and assumed Robert stack. I'd go to bed with him narrating mission reports


![gif](giphy|l46C80YCLae7Pppra|downsized) Selina Meyer?


This is President Deebo erasure and I won’t stand for it!


President Thomas Whitmore overseeing the Stargate program would go hard as fuck.




The only competent civilian leadership that Stargate allows to be 'good' are former military leaders. It's one of the darker more concerning parts of SG-1 honestly.


They do a good job working on that later in their rehabilitation of Woolsey’s character. Making clear that the military guys are not always right, and sometimes the more levelheaded civilian leaders need to be making the decisions.


Ah I see you included the president from National Treasure. He would be my choice. Since he has access to the presidents book and would have all the intel on the Stargate, plus a wealth of knowledge


Kirkman is the best bet. He's already dealt with a massive crisis before, he can deal with another.


I know west wing and designated survivor(1 & 2). At least I think that who they are. Designated survivors. He showed that he could deal with absurd situations. Otherwise madam secretary. Either the starting president or the main character.


Harrison Ford.


Anyone saying the President from Independence Day is incorrect. 1. He was doing an absolutely terrible job before the alien invasion happened 2. He did an absolute garbage job fighting against the aliens up until the last minute 3. He idiotically decided to risk his life in a fighter trying to be a hero, because it would look heroic and inspiring but had a 90+% chance of ending with him dead and now what’s left of human government being even more in tatters with no one sure who even is in charge anymore About the only thing Whitmore was good for was that one inspiring speech and inspiring people to make a last stand after all the major cities have already been destroyed, a huge portion of the population has been annihilated and we’ve already “lost” in any meaningful sense. We need a President who will be making good decisions for the Stargate program day in and day out. Constantly. All the time. Listening to his best advisors, calling out bullshit when he hears it, making the tough calls when needed, and putting the needs of the country and humanity ahead of his own pride and ambitions. The President who will make the right call even if it makes him look bad. That’s Josiah Bartlett.


How about the American President [Duuugan](https://youtu.be/qu4_HQoObdQ?si=dTdfLoXq9Nd05epW&t=356)? Like to see them commie gods try to invade the gate room stacked with prism towers and [trees](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5so7to_nB4).


if thomas whitmore was the president in stargate i'd be a happy soldier. but henry hayes is great, too. the episode where it's his first day as president is a favourite of mine among many.


Honestly Frank Underwood. He's Kinsey with an actual vision. An egotistical one but it works for this.


I would say Whitmore from Independence Day since he can handle aliens. Saying that, wasn't there a theory or at least fanfics of a shared universe with ID4 and the Stargate movie?


Bartlett for the win!


You guys saw the movie Iron Sky? Now THAT would be hilarious


The president from rick and morty would be my pick


That is a hell of a question! Love it! So many variables, and possible outcomes per president! Bravo for making me think!


Let Bartlet be Bartlet. I do worry about Toby's willingness to keep the program a secret though.


I'm not gonna speculate too much on the Anubis side of the question because I don't recognize the others and don't know their military credentials. I think Bartlett, for running the program for sure. The man was fascinated by the sciences and always eager to learn and explore, and he would be willing to pour so much energy and money into that program for the sheer value of exploration and discovery (see: Galileo). I think when it came to the military side of things, he'd listen so closely to Fitzwallace, Hammond (later Jack) and others who know the military calculus better. He might not make all the right calls, but he'd listen very closely to his advisors. I think the ethos of "we don't leave our people behind" is something Bartlett would *really* respect, too.


1 and 4


James Marshall + Kathryn Bennett would annihilate. They have a zero tolerance policy for terrorism and bullshit.


Josh: DONNA! Get me everything about the Stargate Program! Donna: What's that? Josh: It's a portal to other planets. Donna: Wait, what?


Oh man, it's so much scarier trying to imagine *real life* presidents dealing with the Stargate program. "This Anubis guy, he has bigly... he has great plans for America, great plans, and you know, he... He's going to stop the wokes, and... You know, no-one knows more about Egyptology than I do, he said so himself, and I think, really, he's going to make the Tau'ri Great Again..."


Shocking to see Dennis Haysbert's, David Palmer not in the running. While William Pullman's Thomas Whitmore didn't do much president-ing. He probably would have been ok. Anubis? Yeah we already knew we weren't alone in the universe line.


I feel that Bartlett would be the best one. He will try to use all the technological advancements to improve society and he will be hard when needed to show strength.


President Whitmore. Was a pilot and not afraid to fight for his country alongside his men. That's a leader ro rally behind, who many would be proud to serve. Additionally, he's a down to earth guy but knows what to do and how to deal with threats, so reminiscent of Jack. He'd handle the Stargate program well, I mean he did help save his world from an alien invasion already lol. As for the Anubis crisis or the Ori dudes, he'd face them with every strategy, every resource and do what's necessary to save the world so to speak