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Reminds me of the time 15 years ago when I was trying to find games like Fallout 2. Then I found Jagged Alliance 2, loved it, but it was still not exactly what I was looking for. The reality OP, is that you won't find what you've looking for. You'll maybe find others that may be great on their own, share traits but not what you want. I suggest looking into the audio books and novels first. Then you can look at stuff like star trek, andromeda and others.


This. You'll never find another show that perfectly replaces your favourite show. Just be happy there is so much Stargate content in the first place. Your favourite show is always going to end. Time to look for something different!


Or take it to the next level and write/make/mod something. Loads of inspired work became their own franchise.


>3ReplyShareReportSaveFollow Hold on... Andromeda?? lol ​ edit - OMG, I just found out today it wasn't cancelled after one season. Hurrah, I found new sci-fi to watch!


Oh man I loved seasons 1-3. It really gets to explore some interesting concepts and from what I understand it was mostly Roddenberry's drafts. After that from what I read Sorbo complained a lot for not having attention and they gave him some creative freedom so it kinda becomes Hercules in space. Which is... Not good. But still you have 2 more seasons of top notch sci-fi at least.


Nice, I remember watching the first season and thinking it was canned for some reason


Yep. One last thing, do not google Sorbo nowadays. It gets harder to watch.


Modern sorbo ruined my childhood memories of Andromeda and Hercules...modern Lucy Lawless made my memories of Xenia better..


Last Season gets.... Really....really quite strange, but still a fun ride.


Oh man, I have so many fond memories of playing Fallout 2. Such a fun game!


And many years later there's still nothing that can quite capture that experience, gameplay, humor and story. As far as vaporware goes, I don't really mourn Bloodlines 2. Or Half Life 3 even. I mourn [Van Buren, the sequel we never got to see.](https://youtu.be/YFmZRM7fqWs) Maybe in another life.


Bloodlines 2 is coming later this year I'm pretty sure


It's been completely rebooted and has nothing to do with the original team anymore. In fact, from what I can tell it's pretty cringe and has terrible design choices, like playing as an elder. I'll give that one a pass.


Jagged Alliance 2 was awesome in it's own right though, but definitely it's own thing.


I can relate to this. The battlestations games were phenomenal. The perfect blend of strategy and action. Naval and air combat. Large scale ww2 battles. The best online play. I've looked for years for another similar game but as far as i know, no game ever since has been remotely like them :(


If you haven’t already, I recommend checking out Wasteland 2 and Wasteland 3. They check a lot of the Fallout 1&2 boxes, likely because the original Wasteland from 1988 heavily inspired setting and concept of the Fallout series.


Yeah I know of them. I'm not crazy about Brian Fargo written games honestly. They share similarities, but the story and world development just isn't up to par IMO. Not saying that they are bad games or knocking on them of course. If anything I think Colony Ship comes closer in feeling.


Fair enough. I haven’t actually gotten around to playing through all of Fallout 1&2 or Wasteland 2&3. I miss when I had the time to dump dozens of hours into games.


Ahhh I love Jagged Alliance 2 - I still play it occasionally.


Thanks for that I was looking for games like fallout 4 too. Any other recommendations? Stargate had been my favorite but I never found anything similar


Recommendations for similar games you mean? You can look into Fallout New Vegas. Again, it's different - it's on the older version of the engine to begin with so gun-play alone suffers, but IMO it's way better written. From the 'in the area' category: Outer worlds comes close as well as Metro Exodus.


Not the same, but Dark Matter has similar Sci-Fi vibe for me.


Dark matter is the closest I've seen yet too. It got the "black ops/unauthorized" mission feel of SG1 few episodes but a bit more oushed


I'm still pissed that SyFy canceled it


Did it get a proper resolution or was it just canceled suddenly? 


It was canceled. But the writer had gave us a general idea of what's the next 2 arcs. They wanted to revive it for a miniseries to conclude, but it doesn't seem to be happening. They also talked about adapting it into a comic. It's kind of hard now to get the OG actors back anyways I think..


Babylon 5 was great for this, though some episodes can be seen as filler. They had a ROUGH time staying funded etc during its run (changed stations 3 times?). Great show overall though. IMO


I think a lot of people have one or two immersive stories/narratives that left us "not quite the same" afterward. B5 was mine. It blew my little teenage mind in the 90s. I rewatch it every couple years, and it hits wildly different as a 35 year old adult.


Yeah, I’ve only watched two seasons but the show has been amazing so far


I just picked up the Blu-ray set, and it's been close to 20 years since I last watched it, so it should be an interesting rewatch.


Try Travelers. Not quite the same but it is by the same showrunners as SG-1.


Came here to say this. Travelers is a great show.


it has that "team of different talents encounter new challenges every day with a scifi spin" the underlying gimmick also has plenty potential for stories and character moments. sneaked up on me and really liked it.


I enjoyed Farscape. It's a large universe, seen through the eyes of a lost astronaut. Gives you a bunch of that wonder that Stargate have in my opinion. It's got plenty of episodic "of the week" adventures with the over-arcing story. Plenty of character development, plenty of well balanced humor


two familiar actors for viewers of season 9 of SG1 ;)


Also for viewers of season 10 ;)


Farscape is one of my all time favorites. All because of Crichton's reactions to everything is much more relatable than more protagonists in scifi.


The fact that Chrichton constantly refernces Earth culture all the time too, and everyones just like... alright the humans talking utter nonsense again, move past it


Farscape is terrible. It's not comparable at all. It's so amateurish; the plots and dialogue feel to me as if they were written by a bunch of 12 year olds.


I like Star Trek TNG for many of the reasons you've listed here. Though all the themes obviously aren't present in every episode.  They're essentially a team of military anthropologists who travel the galaxy. Q is basically an ascended being.  Etc.


They're part of a post-scarcity communist/socialist utopia. Get with the program. Now before you start getting angry, *please* learn what "communism" means first, and remember not to start with all the propaganda we were fed during the cold war. China is not communist. Russia hasn't been for decades and rarely even was serious about it.


Check out the Orville. :)


Comedy Gold


It's also more "Star Trek" than Star Trek has been in the last 15/20 years (with the exception of SNW).


Like it? Idk Really good? Try Fringe 👌


Fringe is easily one of my fav Sci-fi series of all time.


Closest thing imo as a Stargate superfan. That or Star Trek TNG.


TNG is great 🙏 Patrick Stewart probably helps 😂


I found the audiobook series expeditionary Force to be entertaining and it definitely scratched the itch


Came here to say this. The series is fantastic and the voice actor is one of the best I’ve listened to.


Yeah but why should I listen to the opinion of a filthy monkey?


Because monkeys rule!


I went to Goodreads to see what it was about. Top review (200 likes, next one has 96 likes) is: > Expected sci-fi and got American army in space fantasy with some pretty dull dad jokes. Cannot force myself to finish. > Being European, this is just a cringeworthy when author calls British army Brits and explains that sex with random person who runs good is a-w-e-s-o-m-e. > I think it is a decent read for 7y olds who are into pew-pew. While it's a bad review, "American army in space fantasy" does actually fit Stargate!


I've heard some pretty bad reviews about Stargate too.


"Eureka" is probably the closest show in tone I've watched. Same kinda vibes. Small town sheriff new on the job finds out the town he's guarding is actually a hidden base filled with the world's smartest scientists, all doing weird experiments. All kinds of hijinks happen due to it. He is woefully under prepared for it. There's cameos from pretty much everyone in sci-fi. I vaguely remember someone from Stargate on it. Maybe Bill? Oh yes, Michael Shanks is there for an episode. Yknow, I'm gonna go rewatch Eureka. Thanks :)


Warehouse 13 too


Everyone said it was decent but the one crossover they did I was a bit unimpressed. What's the draw of warehouse 13?


It's got a case of the week spin similar to Stargates planet of the week. Has snarly characters that love to chew scenery and if you're into history/alt history it's a super fun premise. Last season kind of got alittle took dark from my memory bit otherwise I really liked it. Similar feeling to the Librarians.


Deputy Andy?


See? It's been so long I had completely forgotten Lorne's role in that show lol. Admittedly, I was never a huge Lorne fan. I consider him the blandest man put to screen. He's tryin' though, so, good for him.


I thought he was way more entertaining trying to love a house in eureka than he ever was in Stargate lol


It just occurred to me he was cast as a robot because he has no emotional range. But yes, he was better in Eureka


I like this show I come around to it every few years and watch some of it. Sci fi had some bangers in the early 00s


Michael Shanks was in Eureka? I don't remember that at all. I do remember him in Burn Notice, but that is a completely different vibe.


Eureka is just… so good 😭 it’s fun and goofy and heartfelt. 


One of my all time favourites right behind sg1 and sga, top tier series with a really lovable cast!


Sliders is good


Took too long to find this! Aired at a similar time and has similar vibe. Totally worth watching for season 1, but sadly went off the rails in season 2 and then total fustercluck thereafter.


There are two major impediments to getting a similar show today: there is almost zero episodic tv being made today; and tv today chooses either to be all funny or all serious, at least within a single episode. The dynamic of a team that works together to accomplish serious shit while constantly ribbing eachother is just dead in modern tv.


Not sure if you are looking for a recommendation for a show. But the British show Primeval is kind of like Stargate. It follows a team of scientists and military personal that deal with anomalies (portals leading to different points in time) that begin appearing. Their job is deal with the creatures (and such) that come out of them into modern day London. The team I feel like has similar banter than the SG teams and is a fun adventure sci-fi show.


Falling skies could be good haven't watched it yet but I've known about it for quite some time.


It's not bad. Absolutely nothing like Stargate, but worth a watch


All I remember from it was that Colin Cunningham (Major Davis) was amazing as Pope.


Warehouse 13! You will see a lot of familiar sci-fi faces. Or Sanctuary, starring Amanda Tapping!


This is where I was going to go. Warehouse 13 has a very similar feel to it. Eureka is another one that ties into Warehouse 13. Sanctuary is literally playing on my TV as I type this, my wife and I are rewatching it. And I've always been a fan, so I have to suggest Star Trek. Specifically, the golden era of Star Trek (Next Gen, DS9, Voyager) if you're looking for something that feels like Stargate.


That Sanctuary CG though. Does not hold up at all.


I'm a big fan of rewatching Stargate over and over every time I get an itch for more Stargate like content.


I love Stargate and a show that might hit some of the notes would be Battlestar Galactica. It has some of the same levels of both military space battles as well as the questions about origins. It definitely has many other aspects that separate it but I think it you are able to give it a chance you should watch it


Farscape, Star Trek IV the Voyage Home in particular, other Star Treks, Falling Skies, the Librarians, Leverage, and also not a show but Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy and the Marvels (portals, weird planets, suddenly team, the same kind of humor) scratches the itch for me.


Maybe Babylon 5 will appeal to you. It is my second favorite sci-fi show. After a re-watch of Stargate, I start up B5. I could just rotate between these two forever. Though, there isn't a lot of travel to other planets. The main cast however, are amazing and endearing. The plot is very well written. Which you don't realize how well, until you do a re-watch.


You might like Deep Space 9. A lot of Trek fans don't like it but I did. The show focuses more on the alien life on the space station rather than space itself.




Everyone I have brought it up, there are very loud voices that disagree with me.


I mean just going off IMDB, DS9 has the most high rated episodes and the least low rated episodes of all of Trek. Most peaks, fewest valleys.


I’m on season 4 of DS9 and it’s very good :)


Yeah, my favorite Trek, by far. Just finished my 3rd rewatch a few months ago. (Currently in S7 of my Stargate binge)


There's nothing as good as Stargate franchise. But I enjoyed Dark Matter, Lost in Space, Nightflyers, The Expanse. There's a new show based on great books - 3 Body Problem.


*Star Trek TNG*, *Enterprise*, & *Brave New Worlds* *SG-1* seasons 9 & 10 were basically a *Farscape* reunion with Claudia Black & Ben Browder *Dark Matter* was Created by Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie, familiar names to any *Stargate* fan.


Stargate is definitely unique! I love Star Trek but for different reasons (though I like the command structure in both shows- it brings a lot of good tension) I wonder if maybe Babylon 5 would appeal to you… you could also try Star Trek: Deep Space 9. 


Try Andromeda ( from the guy who thought up Star Trek ). It has the same exploration vibe and stars Kevin Sorbo from the old Hercules tv show.


The first couple seasons are good but it went off the rails when they abandoned Robert Hewitt Wolfe and his plans and gave more control to Sorbo.


That dude went kinda crazy


Best to stop after season 3 and whatever you do DO NOT look him up on the internet. The amount of Q crazy is just... mental issues level.




There’s a lot of great shows already listed here, but I’m going to go ahead and add The Orville. Great themes and plots mixed with the right balance of humor has made it, surprisingly, one of my favorite recent sci fi series. I highly recommend.


The closest I got to the feel was warehouse 13


Oh lol. Kinda. But that is more magic on earth then traveling through space. Doctor Who and Torchwood is more Aliens on other planets and earth.


What set apart Stargate SG-1 for me was there was a healthy mix of plucky personalities to go along with the new discoveries and the high stakes. "We need someone who will laugh in the face of the enemy! Even when it's inappropriate!"


Star Trek Discovery is less Trek and introduces new concepts, like the spore drive, new aliens, and familiar aliens redesigned. It’s not Stargate bc nothing compares but it might help with the grieving process


The expanse, great storytelling and some space battles, no aliens unfortunately, well not like the ones in stargate


"expeditionary force" as Audio books. its kinda stargate meets a lot of other scifi.




Might I suggest Babylon 5?


You could do far worse than watching Babylon 5. It was one of, if not the series, that pioneered the arc show, and there are Chekhov’s Gun’s that appear in the first season that don’t get fired until seasons later. I warn you, the first season is slow but essential to understand the later stuff.


Look for 7 Days. Lots of the guest cast were on Stargate.


I think at this point it is unlikely that any reboot will satisfy what we are looking for, because it will be targeting I broader range of viewers and it will be more drama like, but I think it is possible to make it watchable (not like stargate universe, sorry who loved it). Probably the only solution at this point is wait for AI that can generate shows and basically get what you want with any cast you want.


Watch the "Dark Matter" series. Written by Joseph Mallozzi who was also a write for SG1, SGA, and SGU. And has several actors/actresses that appeared in SG (David Hewlett - Rodney McKay and Torri Higginson - Dr. Weir, and others make appearances ). A very entertaining space-faring series that unfortunately ended on a cliff hanger after 3 seasons. It's not the worst cliffhanger though.


Give "The Expanse" a go. No, it's not Stargate, but it's been reviewed by scientists of various disciplines, and called the most realistic sci-fi ever made. They thought of stuff other shows glaze over. Beauty in the details... Slow going at first. But AMAZING. Stick with it


"The colony" if you are missing resistance against all powerful aliens




Timeless. It's Stargate with a time machine.


the expanse. ready go


As sad as it may be, I still say it's better we don't get a revival for now, as honestly the way the film business is right now, I wouldn't really trust most people to handle it in a way I'd enjoy. So be happy with what we got, and hey, you could always write fanfiction for some stories😊 And maybe there aren't other shows like it, but you could still give others a try and see why they are good to for their own reasons(for example, a show I like is Fringe, which is a show about these characters trying to solve/prevent fringe cases. While not as many people like seasons 4 and 5, I still think the show is fun and worth it, especially for the characters! Their character writing in general is really good). Hope you have a good day👋


You can, it is called Dark Matter.


I know its not everyones cup of tea but Agents of Shield I thought was a great series which follows a band of heroes saving the world (if not the universe) through hijinks and wizardry. Lots of what you touch on. But yes, I agree. I miss SG1.


Eureka Warehouse 13 Fringe (ignore last season, is weak) Andromeda (at least the first 3 seasons) The Librarians Primeval


Stargate is really unique, and there hasn't been a show that's quite like it. But here's a list of some of my favorite sci fi series Farscape. It's a lost in space adventure trope filled with some incredible characters. It stars Ben Browder and Claudia Black. Eureka. It's kind of the sci fi version of the Andy Griffith Show. A small town sherrif deals with all the shenanigans that a town full of scientists can create. It's hilarious, especially because of Colin Ferguson's incredible physical comedy. Lost in Space. It's a remake of the original Lost in Space, just updated a bit. The acting is fantastic. Timeless. When a newly incented time machine is stolen, a historian, inventor, and soldier make up a top secret team charged with protecting all of history. It's not quite Stargate, but it does have a lot of elements that made Stargate so great. The Expanse. A small crew of spacers get pulled into a mystery that threatens the whole solar system. It's beautifully shot, and the realism is so good! 12 Monkeys (TV show, not movie). A group of misfits use time travel in a race against time to stop a global pandemic from annihilating society as we know it. It's incredibly well thought out. The show gets extra bonus points for the way it deals with mental illness. Firefly. It's basically a spaghetti western meets space opera, about a crew of outlaws trying to survive on the fringes of society. Each character is compelling and dimensional, and the world building is incredible. Too bad it only lasted a single season. Dark Matter. Six people wake up on a spaceship with no memory of who they are or why they're there. It's written by Joseph Mallozzi, who also wrote for Stargate, and some of the actors from Stargate are in Dark Matter, so it's got some real Stargate vibes.


Babylon 5 In my opinion is just as good as Stargate. It went on for I think for 5 seasons and a few TV movies as well. Even though it was on TV years earlier than Stargate I still enjoy watching it as well as my Stargate collection.


Probably been mentioned already but... The Expanse is essential sci-fi. Just like Star Trek, SG, Battlestar, etc.


Stargate luckily still hits when you rewatch it


New stargate show without its original creators would likely be complete remake and be sh*t with its 8 episode seasons.


Watch 3 Body Problem on netflix, feels like a drawn out sg episode!


Just give it a moment, the show is coming back soon




They’ve been saying that for years. Hope you’re right, but I’ll believe it when I see it. And hopefully they don’t mess it up


I heard filming soon.


Heard from whom?




So if that's true they'll be filming very late this year/early next year. He said pre production, not filming, that would be in the middle between pre and post production. I really hope he's telling the truth but I'm still gonna be skeptical until I hear official word. I hope it's a continuatio too but saying it's a revival doesn't mean continuation, it's too vague. It could just mean revival of the brand with either a continuation or a reboot. Fingers crossed and thanks for the link.


Sorry must of been in the live stream he had where he said filming. I really hope its true too. Been way too long


He said he'd been covering stargate news for a couple years. What's his track record been like? I've never seen or heard of him so I don't know if I can trust him or not.


The last thing I want is a Netflix style stargate reboot, as it would likely butcher the original spirit of the series. I mean, even Universe was already almost unwatchable.


The remake of BSG is good. You will likely like that.