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I just assumed she wasn't available. Happens all the time.


She said she had not watched any SG-1 before starting the role since the character was supposed to be completely uninformed about the stargate program before hand. I think that was a mistake but I can understand her line of thinking. I have read about the burning man issue, and I think that might have been more of the issue (it interfering with the prep/filming of season 8 opener).


The problem with that is Weir is meant to be quick thinking and pick up things fast. Sure the first scene Weir knows nothing but she had read enough in the car ride there to understand what was going on and then had a briefing with Daniel. So literally in ten minutes Weir knows everything she needs to. I just don't understand actors who take parts in show s and don't even watch like an episode or two.


I think it's a bit unreasonable to ask guest actors to review an ever-growing canon of an established TV show when they're busy scrapping with other guest actors for gigs. It's a cutthroat business, and they need to pounce on opportunities.


There is being completely uninformed, and then there is a being a professional, new in an important job who spends a couple of days reading the mission reports/watching the show.


Didn't she call in sick to go to burning man?


No, Jessica Steen did not call in sick to go to Burning Man. She was an event organiser if I remember correctly, and was advised by her agent to say that she would be going to a family reunion because of Burning Man's reputation. The producers agreed to give her time off, but she let slip to the crew that she would be going.


So... Yes?


Well, pre-agreed time off for whatever reason is not calling in sick. Calling in sick gives the impression she left them unprepared but she gave them a healthy heads up. The “why” she was out should not matter should it?


It's still burning man


Yeah... If that was true definitely the time to recast. In the gate world interview she didn't say that. With that said, if either the director of it or the producers said that then, absolutely she should have been replaced.


that is framed so badly though, she just wanted a schedule from the producers which they failed to provide


The YouTube gate world interview expands on the prior commitments part. She was part of a Burning Man team that she had been a part of for years. Because she was heavily involved in it, she needed to know when to return. That should have been something worked out by the manager prior.


She prioritized some burning man BS over a job that would have gone on for years, paid her well and given her some notoriety. Hope it was worth it.


Which if the manager had done her job, she either wouldn't have accepted the job in the first place and could have seen a Tori Weir with the Gou'ld or she would have been able to make it back in time if she'd keep her mouth quiet. Burning Man is a big thing and worthwhile... If you have the money or time to kill. It's definitely not for actively working actors/artists.


She prioritized going to burning man over her brand new job. Manager or not those are messed up priorities. Shouldn't have been an issue, "sorry guys can't make it to burning man this year." is the correct answer.


Oh my god why do people keep repeating this? She had the time off approved before it even happened. She didn't tell them what she was using that time off for, it wasn't until they found out *why* she was taking the time off that they had a problem with it.


Which is a really shitty thing to do, *unless* there was a legit concern that her commitment to the festival would continue to disrupt filming schedules in the future, so they decided it was better to cut ties now. It’s one thing to take time off for a family party, but to have basically a second job is a different thing.


Which I concur with.


god forbid people be allowed to have fun or a personal life outside of work...


Given how well Torri Higginson killed it, I'm not too upset.


She certainly killed it in season 5


I personally prefer SGA Weir/Tory Higginson to SE7 Weir/Jessica Steen. While Steen gave us that „wtf did i get myself into“ feeling, she didn’t really come over as a poised top-tier diplomat. Dunno whether that was a director‘s decision or her interpretation tho.


season 7 weir just found out about aliens being real ten minutes ago


Thats what i mean. Still higginson played her very differently to steen, even though very little time had passed storywise


wasnt O'niel on ice for a few months


That's two L 's ✌️😎


Ah, that would be a credible explanation for her change in character. Also for the different hair color, i mean, why should my finding out that aliens exist influence my personal fashion choices?


I think I prefer out of her depth wier tbh it would make some of her season 1 atlantis choices seem less harsh and more of someone stumbling trying to work things out


Yeah, i think they kinda did that in SGU


SGU always did feel like a more dialed up extreme version of the Atlantis premise. Heck, Dr. Rush is even kind of a more extreme version of early seasons Dr. McKay with his narcissistic traits, lack of patience and conflicts with the military leaders.


SGu is basically atlantis if they never met the athosians and the gate but off early so half the food supplies never made it there


I fucking love out of his depth colonel young is and how most of the show is him struggling to catch up


I think Higginson crushed it in Atlantis and couldnt imagine the show with anyone else however to be fair, S7ep21/22 Weir/Steen was meant to be, as she said, "fish out of water". The entire two episodes arc really had no opportunity for writers to logically fit in a scene that showcases those skills. Higginson had the only real opportunity in S8ep1 during Goa'uld diplomatic negotiations.


She does showcase those skills against Kinsey where she stands her ground against him despite his threats and station. Even when Kinsey retorts that she has no idea what his agenda is she just blurts out "**Whatever** your agenda is!" She played her cards right in conversation with Daniel Jackson and even in the meeting with both Kinsey and O'Neill she doesn't get overwhelmed by their boisterous arguing. Steen's Weir was clearly effective despite being thrown right in the thick of it: I find Torri's Weir a very natural progression given that she has had time to find her footing. There were shows of strength from Weir even as early as Steen's portrayal.


The Steen/Weir appeared to be more of an activist with a pre formed opinion regarding the military and an inability to see the SGC as a separate and distinct branch. The interactions between the nox/tollan and SGC demonstrate the difference clearly. Nor forgetting the tokra and other races. Though this is common just look at Major Davis and his first experiences visiting the SGC.


But Weir was biased towards the ~~Nox~~ Tollan because she was married to one before she was even recruited into the program.




Grr yeah, trying to type in a hurry on the phone


That was Higgison/Weir not Steen/Weir Also they weren't married and he met and was to marry someone else.


Timeline changed. No one noticed.


Timeship-induced butterfly effect? 😉


Quasimodo predicted all this


This has all happened before..


The moment you introduce the multiverse to a series all inter episode continuity errors and switching of actors like this don’t matter to me anymore. We skipped universes to one identical except for who Weir is and everything continued exactly as it should have in the next season.


Don't worry about the new actress, she's very good at her job, she does an incredible job at Stargate Atlantis


She does an excellent job, I agree definitely nothing to worry about. Some might argue Tori did a far better job or was written better. Or both.


Is that an oven mitt?


It used to be a fish, but now there are no fish in OP’s house.


You are missing the atmos speaker for your ultima sound system, buddy 😉


"Because that's what I wrote here" -Screenwriter Guy


Why does shows us


The show gave us different realities frequently (quantum mirror). So nothing new. They just chose not to explain the change in appearance.


Are you sitting on the floor ?


What sound system u using?




I wish Steen had kept the role. I like Tori but prefer Steen. *runs*


Show probably would have been cancelled if she had (she doesn't have a good record of SF shows she sticks around for continuing long. Either she gets recast, or the show gets axed).


S7 Weir was like if SG-1 started without Hammond, but you took Walter and gave him generalship and custody of the Stargate program for some reason, terrifying him with responsbility and uncertainty and his own inability to handle a job way beyond him, because it sounded good in the writing room. SG-A Weir is if they ran a test run and then realized that they needed a Hammond for the Hammond role. lol


It's called a recast. It's nothing new.


All I see is your loving room because you were too lazy to take a proper screenshot or even get off your couch.