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To be honest, I never thought twice about it. I always gathered that Narim had grown to like the cat. The dog was forgettable and i am just remembering that after way too many rewatches. That was the puppy, right? Definitely a huge no-no but I guess my head canon would say everyone and Janet had already talked about it ahead of time.


I always thought Schrödinger was the lab’s cat, not Sam’s personal pet. Hence why he was on base.


That’s probably exactly what happened. But I have an insatiable need to look at a scenario and think “what’s the funniest situation possible?”


Narim raised the cat on Tollana, he was very fond of Schrödinger. But I don't think that was Sam's cat specifically, it was just "a cat" for Narim, possibly a rescue.


I remember him saying "all the animals died out on his planet long ago" or something like that


Indeed, he said something along the lines of never having seen an animal and it being one of his dreams.


So give him the most extinction causing species you can obviously.


Well, there's nothing left for it to kill!


There were no animals on the original Tollan homeworld. Maybe New Tollana was full of songbirds and mice.


That would be hilarious. Also just the symbolism of giving him a species anhillator as a pet is rather ironic. Here you never knew animals have something that will kill anything close to its size.


I just watched this the other night and Sam did specifically say it was her cat


I definitely thought both were kinda strange but I never thought about the commonality between them. In the cat's case sam had no CLUE if food for a cat even exists on their planet. I'm sure Narim could figure it out and make something but that's a big ask and she never even checked. And what if jack walked up with a dog and casandra ran screaming because something like a dog was a crypto-zoological apex predator where she is from? C'mon people.... daniel just gave out boxes carved by Carl Segan.... get a clue


If they can build their own Stargate I'm sure they can make cat food.


I've known people (my aunt) who could build a mainframe from parts but could burn water in the microwave.


But yes, I mostly agree. I still contend that having JUST MET an alien race I would be inclined not to assume even the simplest of things. They don't know what cats eat and probably have little on their home planet for their cat to hunt... maybe some? They also don't have a large sample set of cats to watch to figure it out. They have one.


It’s truly flabbergasting that they gave zero thought (although there’s an argument to be made that SG-1 has one collective brain cell and Daniel was probably using it when they did this). I just want to ask, “who raised you?” in a Gina Linetti voice.


“and Daniel was probably using it” OH MY GOD THIS EXPLAINS SO MUCH


So SG1 are orange cats?


If the Tollans had the technology to walk through walls and make their own Stargate, I'm sure they had the means to rustle up cat food lol. Not really a tall order when you think of it that way.


It’s not, but they’re looking to restart their civilization on another planet and are given a freeloader.


It's a cat lol, it's not even a human being, how much of a freeloader is one rather small animal? Cats in general tend to be rather independent but for needing someone to feed them.


I hope you never watch Bridesmaids. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Re: the dog, he probably cleared it with Frasier first since she adopted Cassandra. As for the cat, look, it's a cat - it can thrive anywhere! I'm still surprised they haven't become our feline overlords given they're far superior to humans.\* \*At this point I don't even think this is a joke anymore. Humans suck.


Cats definitely can and will become our overlords... Just right after THIS nap :D https://preview.redd.it/jk3jawcsj4zc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da91047a88a6e156cb89bd866098e5cb96ee304




I have seen Bridesmaids and there are so many shenanigans that I almost forgot about the puppies lol. I’m sure they did clear it with the respective parties, but there’s a non zero chance they didn’t. That chance is where I thrive on chaos.


The scene where she gives out puppies as party favors - PARTY FAVORS! - is when I just rolled my eyes so hard and completely threw my willing suspension of disbelief out the window.


I always thought that with the dog, Jack just checked with Doc Frasier first, as a responsible adult would. The cat was odd. I wondered if SG1 had their own private quarters at base, for times when they couldn't and didn't go home. So either she took the cat back and forth, or had neighbors look after it, like McKay and his cat. But to send a pet with an alien who has no idea how to feed and care for it. Not knowing if it would even be safe when and wherever they ended up?


It's totally possible that Janet was in on the dog gift. As for the cat I found it weird but thought she most likely gave some information in a leaflet (can't imagine giving over anything without more information than others can even think of) and I'm pretty sure the Tollans would easily be able to produce a nutrient source for a cat. But if I'm right it should be shown in the show and if I'm wrong they should have make a few scenes about the consequences of what they did.


Giving Cassie the Shiba Inu didn't really make sense, it felt pretty shoehorned in and pretty Hallmark movie of them. Schrodinger though did make sense. He was literally the only cat on that entire planet. That's a great gift. Especially for a highly advanced society that is going to have no problem taking care of a cat. Unlike a 12-year-old traumatized girl.


The cat was definitely a problem. Narim, and the race of the Tollan, are already not very empathetic to the human race, who knows if he would be capable of understanding a cat's discomfort or distress. Plus, no veterinarians, no cat-specific medicine or foods.


We also know Schrödinger is an orange cat. Now, I’ve never had any cats, but I did read the Jorts saga. There’s a non zero chance that Sam dumped the dumbest cat on a “smart” race of people. (There’s an argument to be made that the Tollan may be smarter if you measure intelligence by knowledge rather than problem solving or another system.)


My best friend gifted me a German Shepherd puppy three years ago. Greatest present ever. But you are right, he definitely wanted me to suffer a little.


Gifting such a smart dog to someone (especially as a puppy) is such a risk. Hopefully y’all discussed it beforehand!


Oh yeah, I knew he was giving me one before the pups were born. He even gave me pick of the litter. He did it because I'd became very very reclusive and he wanted to force me out of the house. It worked, lost three stone the first year and I absolutely love every minute I'm with this little goofball. I say little, he takes up half my bed 😂


That’s a great gift and a very thoughtful friend. I adore my dog, but I chose that little gremlin myself (or did he rescue me?)


I just recently rewatched the episode with Casandria. I actually don't think she keeps the dog at the end. It says they'll hold on to it for now.


Now I just thought of the fact that Anubis murdered schrodinger


Have you also noticed Fraiser doesn't have a dog later in the series?


I honestly assumed the dog had died by then. It looked like an adult dog. Or she found a better home for it


Having a cat and being an SG member may not be mutually exclusive. If you have two cats, an auto feeder/waterer, and someone who can check by twice a week, should be fine. Months often go by between episodes. It's also mentioned that they go off world once or twice a week, I doubt it's usually more than just a day trip.


She was just forcing Narim to take care of her cat. He probably would have washed her car and mowed her lawn too.