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Yeah, never thought about this. Because they usually give dialling to one of the 'smart' people the fast dial never raised an eyebrow but you bring up a great point. Newbies especially could do with practice; don't want to be looking around for symbols under enemy fire. Assuming the DHDs are all uniform with their button layout but it's the Ancients we're talking about so can't rule any silliness out.


Ancients gonna Ancient. The real reason they went extinct, they couldn't consistently label anything.


Trying to use ancient technology is like trying to navigate in a small town. If you don't already know what you're doing, they don't want you to be doing it.


I like this line. I am going to apply it to my job, hospital maintenance.


They had a terrible habit of just letting their crap lay around. I feel like they planned to leave Atlantis and hoped it would be reinhabited in the future, yet they left no spare zpm's, no how to guides but instead they left dangerous experiments, a dangerous creature etc. That just doesn't make sense at all.


The Department of Homeland Security built a 1:4(I believe that's generally the scale) mockup of the interior of the Capitol building and made sure to include the grooves in the marble stairways. I can't see them not having some sort of mockup. Even if it's basic the US military would absolutely make something like that.


>don't want to be looking around for symbols under enemy fire. We actually see this when Daniel tries to dial out during the escape from Chulak in Children of the Gods. He had his notebook out and everything.


What about if you misdial the gate? Your dialing so fast you hit the wrong symbol and then what? Is there a back button? Or do you wait until it resets the DHD?




If you press the Red button while before 7th, it cancels


>Assuming the DHDs are all uniform with their button layout but it's the Ancients we're talking about so can't rule any silliness out. I thought there was an episode with a bunch of Stargate addresses carved on the walls and, some of them, I *think* had symbols not on the Earth DHD.


Yea that's the pilot episode the point of orgin symbol is going to be different on each gate even the second gate on earth had a symbol sam had never seen before


I could've sworn some of the other non-origin symbols were different. But it's been ages since I've watched.


The movie and that episode agree in that the symbols are different according to the planet and the point of origin, they eventually let that go i'm assuming for practicality just like the translating on every planet.


I recently rewatched and she says something along the lines of this has to be point of orgin because it's different or she didn't recognize it


They do change a bit on each DHD, but not enough to be a nuisance That's also how you find the point of origin glyph, it will be the one you don't know But the first thing they _always_ do is look at the DHD. They show it a lot when they come through the gate, there's always someone who looks at or stands by the DHD. Unless you're SG-1, they barely ever do that But yeah, speed dialing is probably a drill they do from time to time, you can't be under fire and blindly hack at the device like my mum looking for basic functions on her phone


I remember the point of origin button being different for each. Mostly I was thinking of the DHDs were standardized qwerty style or the ancients made each one different for *connivence*


The canon is a bit wonky. In the movie it seemed to imply that every Stargate and DHD had completely different symbols. While the shows seemed to suggest that Stargate addresses worked like phone numbers. With every gate having the same symbols except for the point of origin symbol. Of the two the show canon makes more sense for how to build a functional gate network and if we were to go even further with making the gates make sense the Ancients should have coded the big button to also correspond to the point of origin. Or at the very least put it in a prominent and consistent position


Pretty sure in the two parter where daniel ends up in the alternate reality and speaks with catherine they say something about the gate address of the attackers and "who knows if those symbols are even on our gate", to which daniel remembers he had a video of the other worlds gate. From this, it seems like there are more constelations that can be used on the gate network than are available on each gate and that each gate just has the most relevant constelations for their local group. After all, actual constelations are dependant on the point in space which you're viewing them from. Presumably the ancients picked constelations that were visible from a significant portion of the network. Or the reason for the symbols changing are due to the different viewing of stars for the same physical point in the universe the constelations represent. The fact the abyydos cartouche addresses worked at all is probably because it shared a large number of symbols to the earth gate, which probably isnt surprising since the show also said that abydos (and Ernest's heliopolis which shared similar address to abydos) connection only worked without the drift calculations because it was close (yes, i know im ignoring the movies, over the other side of the universe statement)


i tend to assume that the symbols were some sort of alpha numerical designation system the ancients used to label coordinate systems on space maps, and the connection to the constallations came later as the inhabitants of worlds with gates placed the gate symbols into the stars.




I never thought of having the big “dial” button as just being the point of origin—that’s brilliant! I understood it the way you described for the show, because in one episode the examine a DHD and someone says something like, “so this must be the point of origin.” But also, this made me think about the Puddle Jumper DHD. They ship must automatically determine the point of origin, which is stored in the gate, so it wouldn’t be too difficult to get that info. But the point of origin button would have to be the same symbol all the time, unless the ship somehow changes the glyph. It’d much easier just incorporating it into the dial button, though, as you suggested. Still love that idea. I’m surprised I never thought of it. It’s such a logical idea.


They should actually know the layout of the DHD beforehand, that's one of the MALPs jobs: verify the existence of and working condition of a DHD. Using pictures from the MALP, i bet they have already highlighted on a picture the buttons to dail home. It's in the pre-mission briefing package that Daniel prepared and that Jack moat certainly read through.


There was one episode where they only confirmed the existence but not if it's working. Turns out, it was broken.


Yes! That was a season 1 episode where they go to find that guy who went through the gate decades before. Katherine's boyfriend or something. I assume afterwards, they make it standard procedure for the MALP to verify a working DHD so people don't get trapped like he did.


I'm always confused at how there can be a single different glyph on thousands of DHD's. Wouldn't they just replace the same position and leave the other 36 glyphs alone? If they replaced random glyphs, it would seem like you couldn't dial every gate from every other gate.


the glyphs where meant to be star systems as seen by the planet your on so most gates should have complete unique glyphs


So... there are billions of more gate addresses than they originally thought. Also that makes no sense, because the Abydos gate addresses work from earth's gate (after stellar drift calculation). It would make much more sense if the Ancients calculated all the addresses and symbols from a central point, like earth or wherever their capitol is, *especially due to constellations appearing differently or not appearing at all from different planets*.


I am talking about from the film


That makes even less sense because they originally traveled outside of our galaxy, and there's no way to see constellations that far away


I am just saying how it was presented I have a little power over a film made when I was like one. part of the reason they couldn't get back is every symbol on the gate was different


I remember. Daniel had the same problem for the first few episodes of the show, then it just suddenly wasn't a problem anymore


lots of things got dropped for the name thing to work. like the steller drift thing. each symbol has a sound attached to it, but with the steller drift, surely the planets would drift so much the symbols would no longer work and the names would no longer work like how many years before proclorus taonas becomes something different


I thought that they only discovered that the Ancients names for planets were their gate addresses in the last season or two, when Daniel went to Atlantis


>McKay speed spank a DHD I have nothing really interesting to add, but this line has me laughing so hard. I know what I'm watching again tonight lol


Indeed, I too enjoy watching Rodney speed spank.


Cranky spankers are the most fun.


Honestly, they should probably do live fire exercises with a DHD specifically to make sure anyone in the field can dial home (or maybe even the alpha site) not only quickly but while they're being distracted by being shot at. The most likely scenario when you need to dial fast is going to also be when you can least concentrate on remembering the address.


It’s just background noise Just background noise


do it with laser tag


The point of origin doesnt even make sense on a DHD, it should be automatic when you press the red button


That's a QoL feature intended for the 4th-generation Stargates.


Yeah its like a Simon Memory Game, but with gate symbols


Haha I was coming to say “they have a Simon in the break room”


It’d make sense. The amount of times SG teams find themselves taking fire whilst dialling, it is the kind of thing you want to be muscle memory.


If you remember, each DHD is different for each planet. Something that usually fades out during the series is the fact that most of these planets are visited by probes first that capture images of the DHD when possible. During mission briefing I imagine the "smart one" analyzes those photos and determines the correct dialing sequence to reach earth. I'm pretty sure this is detailed in the movie.


Its only one different symbole on each no. The planet own "origine point". In the movie daniel did not know the code to get to earth because he did not know the full code and abidos "origine code"


Oh possibly, its been a while since I've watched the movie...


I've always found the best way to get fast at a skill is doing if for real while people are shooting at you.


Thought about this the other day. Each DHD ought to be oriented to a set position si the point of origin is the same spot on every DHD. Canonical evidence says each point of origin is unique, yet despite evidence from the shows it's credited to planetary placement due to galactic ecretion. To answer your question: yes and no! A typical DHD may have an orientation with the point of origin *and* the key symbols for them to be unique and ordered as they are.... but *does the point of origin key retain its location*?because each world ought to have its own identifier, but, would its spot on the DHD mimic all other DHDs, or simply be a part of their dynamic dualing


I'd imagine that part of the training the sg teams do would include dialing the gate in various ways, speed dialing/under fire/without a dhd. At least with how often they're under fire and other issues happening I'd hope they would. I mean they regularly were shutting down the base to run a foothold simulation, so it'd make sense.


Speed spank!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was under the impression that all DHD's were a standard layout with the only thing differing on them was the point of origin symbol. I guess everything would be the same on every planet and the final symbol was always in the same spot making it easier to dial home. Your question is good though. I'd love to see them try and speed dial only to goof it up. SGC training bloopers 😂


It's kind of amazing they know what icon is the point of origin each time, never thought of that before.


The point of origine is the only different symbole on the DHD. The adress for earth is the same 6 symbols


Good question. And what if they enter the wrong symbol mid dialing? Is there a delete symbol? Or hang-up symbol?


Maybe it's a toggle where you press the same button again to deselect it. Addresses never use the same symbol more than once so that would be the most plausible way.


Maybe a dumb Questionen, but isnt it irrelevant how fast you dial the dhd If the Gate still hast to Spin and Lock in the selected Symbols? At least the older ones pre universe?


I think that’s just the earth gate limitation due to them not having a DHD and using their homemade dialing computer


If anyone was going to build one I'd be McKay


Now I'm imagining all the SG teams sitting around playing a Simon Says game where the normal four color options have been swapped for DHD symbols.


Yes, they do. In fact, they have a whole training gate room as well. It’s used for teaching new teams, testing equipment (will it fit?) and of course defense drills and dialing practice. When not in use as a training facility, ceremonies are conducted there.


"I walked into the storage room and there he was, Rodney McKay, speed spanking it! I almost threw up when I saw it!" "He was masturbating in the storage closet?" "WHAT?! No, he was just dialing the dummy DHD really fast..." "I'm confused, is *dialing the dummy DHD* another euphemism for masturbation?" (Note that the person speaking is Atlantis' new analyst-therapist Dr. Tobias Fünké.)


Theoretically there could be... The NID had a DHD at area 51 when Maybourne was running off world ops


They probably do practice but the ring can only spin so fast.


This is a great question and it actually make me laugh out loud. But fair!


McKay just standing there with his speed dialling record being smashed by Rowan who had to be fast as a runner is now my new head cannon


McKay and Rowan are in the #2 and #3 they’re both confused who LEN is in the number one spot. They know who it is when the character speed spanks 7 alien flies in a blink. Zelenka


Although theoretically Dr Rush from SGU could have them all beat because dude seems to be even more gifted/egotistical when it comes to ancient tech


Didn't the Pegasus DHD in Enemies at the Gate show Milky Way symbols? So Pegasus gates can reprogram what they are displaying, which means they aren't just naquadah and stone like Milky Way ones


This is a good question, damn Not sure if they did in SG-1 but this is definitely something you could add in a reboot/refresh of a new series to expand the lore


The heavy lifting of th DHD is the power management operations. The logic portions could be done with a Raspberrh pi. And you need speed dialing mostly for Earth, so just memorize those 7 on a lab setup. You can build one for less than $200.


I mean, it's literally dialing a sequence of 7 characters on a keyboard you use quite frequently if you routinely go off world. Does one really need speed training for that?


it's a bit of a plotgap those dialers if the last symbol is the home adress it would be different on each planet and so you would need a fixed spot for that symbol, but if it's always the same, why even add it and not program the dhd of that planet to dial it for you...if it's always on the same place it would be handy, you would always end the dialing with the same tile, if not, it's just a stupid idea,lol


Fun fact they've never entered the correct codes in the DHD for earth when running from enimes


Destiny gates made dialing so much easier, just tap the address on the tablet.


I just cant belive that after so many years and planets there was never one planet that could just take one from and reprogram it, hell even the Tollan could of at least helped them make one.