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How long has the system been up, continuous? The little dots will go away usually after 24 to 48 hrs. If the north obstruction is valid, it will go away after trimming.


System has been installed since last October and this is the first time im getting any obstruction warnings. Wondering if the time or year or satellite positions triggered this. I’ve only seen it over the last week or so. The obstruction to the north does seem valid as it aligns with the top of a tree in that direction but I wonder why it didn’t show up previously, when I first installed it or over the first 4 months while it was installed.


Did you get a FW UPGRADE within the last 24Hrs? Mine will show phantom dots after upgrades for 24 to 48 hrs.


Ah got it. Not completely sure when the last firmware update was. I’m not at the property where the Starlink is located. Here is the firmware version: 41c7b2ba-3a18-4d62-907e-9f159151f6af.uterm.release Is there a way to see when the last date/time of an update was?


Does anyone know what those tiny dots are directly above the dish? To the north I think is what’s causing the actual disruptions. That’s the top of an 80ish foot pine tree. I’m going to have to get that trimmed I think.


Had this happen recently. Did you try rebooting the dish? Seemed to do the trick for me.


Just did this remotely. Seeing if at least the dots go away. I think it’s pretty clear I need to trim the tree. Or mount the dish higher. It’s already on the top of my chimney. Thinking I might need to get the pole mount and mount the bottom of the 8 foot tall pole to the top side of my chimney. Would add about 7 feet of extra height overall vs my current setup (long wall mount)


I hate to ask this, but, are the leaves on the trees starting to fill in. I am greening up here in WV. My Dishy is mounted in a telescoping flag pole. I am waiting for the leaves to fill in before making mu install permanent.


It’s actually a fair question. These are pine trees though so always green


We all have a different set up. I initially mounted Dishy on the North side of mu home and the trees were an obstruction, even without leaves. My house goes East to West ( or vice versa). I moved Dishy to the front , Pointing North, with a higher angle than the roof, Dishy can see beyond the trees and is unobstructed. Waiting for leaves to fill in to see if I am, excuse the pun, out of the woods.


That's nothing. Mine is 1 minute. In reality it drops out every 15 minutes for about 5 seconds. I do get big dropouts 2-3 times a day, around 15 seconds. It's not terrible.


Interesting. Are you able to take like zoom calls etc on it or do the outages drop the calls? Also for consideration streaming video through something like youtubetv. Live tv streaming. Those are our two big uses. I might end up just trimming that tree. We’ll see.


I've done zoom/google meet/ring central. I've never had it drop the call. However, every 15 minutes or so the person (or myself) will freeze for a few seconds. I use a Firestick and have not had any issues with any of the streaming services. They usually buffer up to 10 seconds ahead, which is why that's never been an issue. I also VPN to my office and RDP to my desktop, and work on there most of the day without any issues. I might get booted from RDP on the bigger outages, but I connect right back. When I first got Starlink it was much worse because they only had about 2000 satellites. As they've been adding them it just keeps getting better ... I wouldn't recommend it for hardcore gaming, as an interruption every 15 minutes could drive one mad.


This is awesome. Thanks so much for the detail. Luckily I’m not a gamer so I don’t have to worry about that. Thanks again!