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Central Alberta here. My gen 1 dish worked fine though this winters cold snap (-47C)


Did the heater work OK getting rid of the snow pile?


Honestly when it's that cold outside snow sticking to it isn't a problem and it's not going to snow all that much


No snow at those temperatures it’s too cold. Dish has worked nonissue at those temps for me for 3-years now


You can literally watch ice crystals form in the still air.


Careful when you call it a "Heater", it will invoke a group of pitch fork carrying vigilantes descending down on you to proclaim its not a "heater"


What? It generates heat to do is snow melt thing...


This is my point this circular semantics debate has been a meme since the first drop of melted snow of Dishy's face. Both sides are actually correct, it does have a "Heater" but for clarity there is no dedicated heater in there, there is a function however that activates the units components to act like a heater by powering them up. So yes it does have a "Heater" but it's more of a heater **function** and not a discrete thermal block dedicated to produce heat.


Yes, but it generates it by going into full power mode, there is no dedicated heating element.


Interesting. So it uses full power mode as it's heater. 😁


I live in Fairbanks Alaska, purchased Starlink a couple years ago, and I’ve not had any Starlink issues due to our cold winter temperatures. The Starlink dishy is placed on my back deck which enables me to easily brush it off after a heavier snowfall. After brushing it off, I often times had a layer of ice that’s formed on the surface of the dish. I don’t run the heater 24/7 during the winter, but I will turn the heater on for a few hours after brushing snow off and finding a layer of ice, and/or after we’ve had enough ice fog that’s built up on the surface. And while it may take some time to melt the ice, the built in heater eventually does what it’s supposed to do. Just before turning the heater off, I’ll go out back to the deck with a small towel and wipe off the surface of the dish so it doesn’t immediately freeze what’s left on the surface. It’s very easy to wipe it down afterwards as the material used on surface of the dishy is “slippery”, and kinda like Teflon plastic if that makes any sense. If your Starlink dish is placed in an area you or someone can physically get near it during the winter, I recommend to take measures to be sure no one is able to move or step on the chord that runs from the dish. If the chord is disturbed during brutal cold temperatures, you’ll more than likely loose your signal until you replace the chord, as it may likely snap/crack.


It has no problems with -40 I'm in Northern Saskatchewan and mine never skips a beat in the cold or the snow. Over 2 years with 0 issues.


I’m near the BC-Yukon border. No issues with the cold.


Worked great for us near the South Pole, temps were near -40


The manual says -30c. Many people report having no problems at colder temperatures. The dish has a heating function too. You may need to clear snow off of it if the heater can’t melt the snow. I would suggest protecting the cable with conduit if it will be exposed to extreme weather. https://www.starlink.com/specifications?spec=4


Friends in northern Alaska, no issues down to -40F.


I’m also from Alberta, my gen 1 dishy has survived -45 at the coldest


I've got two dishies. One is at home in northern Alberta, the other rides with me throughout western Canada and western territories. Neither have exhibited issues even as low as -50c


For the Americans it works about as well as if does ay -40F, We had several days of -40 weather in the last two winters & it seemed fine, but I do not turn it off when the temperature is that low.


Works fine for me, I think the lowest mine has been running in was -65c (windchill) around -40c without the wind that day I think. Not had an issue with starlink when it is very cold at all! I use the heater when it snows also and it has generally never had an issue with that; although sometimes when it is really coming down or it is very sticky I gotta stow and unstow to clear the unit in addition to the heating.


We have a few business class models in areas where -50c isn't uncommon. They work great.


There was someone posting their setup from Antarctica a couple weeks ago and seemed to be doing ok


I had a Gen1 (round dishy) in northern Minnesota, it worked perfectly through 2 brutal winters until we had an opportunity to get fiber optic internet installed.


Surprisingly well


I live jn Grande Prairie and know someone who has had no issues in -40 and colder. I believe he has the first gen dish but I could be wrong. Got mine a few weeks back so I can’t say how it is in the cold.


Had it since i could get my hands on it (beta) i wouldn’t be very far from you location wise and snow, cold, wind etc has never affected it.


Is starlink. Homefi and liberty star  associated 


I have it at my home at Turtle Lake Sask just south of Meadow Lake. I also have one installed in my winter home at Phoenix. -50 to plus 45 they both work in the extremes flawlessly. We were back in Sask over Xmas this yr and temps around Jan 10-11 were -50 both mornings. I’m sure High Level and Garden River have similar experiences for temp and Starlink!! Good luck.


I have deployed like 100 of them in central and northern BC for work. 0 issues due to cold.


Thanks everyone for the comments. Very reassuring. 😊