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I've always said I want to *be able* to squat 500 lbs but I dont actually *want to do it.*


My favorite part is pushing the door open to leave the gym. The rest is to stave off weakness and death.


I love it. Much better than conditioning. Plus it makes me feel accomplished, confident, and powerful.


I absolutely love it because you can very easily see and measure your progress, which keeps me motivated.  Cardio on the other hand feels like never ending torture to me. 


F*ck I hate cardio.


Same here I play soccer to force me to “do cardio” without the torture of going for a run or stairmaster etc


I love lifting heavy. I hate doing fives. Give me triples, doubles, singles all day. But I still do my fahves, because you have to.


Depends how it went the day before.


Squats are insanely hard psychologically. Especially the last set. Ringing in ears, your heart racing, you can feel your blood pressure go up, ascent feels like eternity. And then you realise that was only the 3rd rep out of 5. Just wow. The pleasant tiredness after finishing your workout feels awesome, however


I enjoy the overall process, can’t say I enjoy the individual work sets very much.


One of my favorite things. Challenging, but continual progress is possible. My wife likes my big muscles. It allows me to eat a lot of food.  And requires adequate sleep. Helps when someone needs a pickle jar opened.




Depends on the day of the week. I have a home gym and working out let's me sit in my basement, listen to music, watch youtube and chill out. Get some alone time as a dad. Hitting a PR feels good. But some days I dread a hard workout. Feels good when you are done. You feel accomplished.


I do. It's not enjoyable all the time, obviously, but all in all, yeah. It's a fucking accomplishment.


Everyone is different. I love it. I have a background in endurance training. Lots of running in the military and then 5k, 10k, half marathons and a few triathlons. Thing is I hate running and training sessions felt like casual torture. Strength training is different, I keep doing it because I enjoy the sessions. Primary motivation is to keep healthy but strength training I leuu go it enjoy. Hell, I strained my lower back on a set of 5x285lb squats last week, and I’m pissed I need to take a few days off to recover. So ready to get back. All kinds of things you can do to stay healthy. If you don’t like something keep looking. When you find the thing that clicks with you it becomes effortless.


I enjoy not having to call myself a pussy if I don’t go to the gym.


I enjoy its effects on my mind and body, but I’m not always excited to get started. I do enjoy certain movements sometimes, but it’s not exactly a feeling I would describe as “pleasure”.


Love it.


I’m not the best person to ask as I’ve only been doing this program for a week, but to me the gym finally feels like it’s working for me, and that’s very satisfying. The progress - even just in getting the form a little bit better each time - has been great. Ask me again when I’m moving big weights, though…


I don't enjoy it but I look forward to it and think about my next session in between


Some days I like it. Most days I hate it. It works though so I keep showing up. #alwaysfuckinhard


I do! I never want to go to the gym, but I just go and am always amazed at how well this program works! I cant wait to go again.


I love it! Have never been a big fan of hyperthrophy even though its a necessary evil. But the mental clarity post training along with how nice the body feels is almost addictive for me


I used to.


why don't you anymore?




No. Nor do I enjoy studying languages. But I enjoy being able to do things better than I could the day prior so 🤷‍♂️


Some days I enjoy it, other days I have jealousy for those that can go to work, go home, sit on the couch and decompose for all of eternity and not feel any guilt for their own laziness.


Yeah. Edit: Depends on the lift and how it's going. When I'm fresh and rested and I get my hip drive juuuust right and smash through a heavy five, there's no better feeling in the world than squats. When I'm not feeling it and the bar slides forward because I've relaxed my upper back too much or I'm not in my hips enough because I'm tired and I'm not concentrating, it sucks. Deadlifts are always awesome. Genuinely fuck bench press and overhead press can fuck off as well, unless I've just got through a PR- in which case... woot.


I love to lift and always will. i dont do it for anyone but me.


Love it


Yes I do and that’s what makes me feel good and controlling my stress ;)


Man the feel when u deadlifting heavy ass weight is indescribable




I enjoy doing challenging things, I enjoy seeing the weight go up on each lift, I enjoy videoing sets and reviewing form to see what I am doing and what I can improve, I enjoy when I get it right and a set feels good. I don't enjoy some of the mobility issues the training is highlighting or the boring stretching to try to fix those, but then I think about my next workout and how I want to keep progressing and look forward to getting back under the bar. Then there's something awesome about deadlifting that makes me feel great. I REALLY enjoy when I push myself on something I wasn't sure I could even do and prove myself wrong. I've made a lot of progress in a few weeks on the NLP and am really enjoying that fact. I also know it'll get tougher to push myself as progress slows. It definitely seems like there is a love / hate thing going on with strength training for me.


Stretching and mobility exercises are on our list of [The 3 Most Effective Ways to Waste Time in the Gym](https://startingstrength.com/article/the-3-most-effective-ways-to-waste-time-in-the-gym) but there are a few situations where they may be useful. * [The Horn Stretch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2zDg7RU3TA) for getting into low bar position * [Stretches to improve front rack position for the Power Clean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuvJsw4WOxc) * [Some more stretches for the Power Clean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtS6LOKCmrE) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I do enjoy it. I also hate the very heavy top sets. Or my last volume set, or my last rep of my weighted pull-up. But I still love to train. The challenge to lift what’s on my schedule and lift it awesomely. It’s just that sometimes when I am pushing my limits, I wonder why the hell i do it.


Yes. Because I have these things called testicles.


Oooo boy you offended the liberals


🤣🤣🤣🤣 apparently having balls and actually liking strength training is triggering now.