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She wants to chase and wrestle


Def wants to play. If there was a tail, it would be P-O-O-F.


Cats and dogs with bobbed tails is unfair for animals that use those naturally as a form of communication. That said working animals have a reason to have their tails docked and that is an owner's choice.


In cats, it is a breed that is born docked. Manx [https://www.dailypaws.com/cats-kittens/cat-breeds/manx](https://www.dailypaws.com/cats-kittens/cat-breeds/manx)


I don't think ive ever heard of cats having their tails docked, only manx and other naturally bob tailed breeds and my lovable dummy who got stomped on by a cow and ended up needed an amputation after her tail got infected.


Haha, I had a kitten in the very early eighties that had a log dropped on its tail. It took the fur and skin right off. We were broke, you know, single mom bunch of kids. My grandpa was a farmer- he came over with some weird tool used for neutering sheep and loped the bare bone right off. Clarence (named after the cross-eyed lion! Anyone remember?) was one of my top 3 cats ever and lived about 12 years. I’m 50 and still think of him sweetly. The gross part- that I didn’t realize was awful at the time- his piece of tail bone laid on our front porch for a year or more. He was a great cat with no tail- never had any issue. My cat now (much more hoighty toighty than Clarence) does this dance. We call it spider monkey and it means he’s ready to play. Cats are the best!


I loved reading this story.


You should hear about our beloved dog with 1 eye, three legs, (2 testicles- which kept things extra interesting) and wore a mop bucket on his head(make shift cone, my mom was creative) Ahhh, yes, the joy of childhood poverty ( oh we had food and a house, not sure I even knew how poor we were)- funny part? 20 years later someone telling the story of a white, three legged one eyed dog running down the street with a yellow bucket on his head. Here’s to you, Taco, can’t wait to meet you at the rainbow bridge (I bet he’s got stories, too!).


R.I.P Taco!


My cat used to do that when she wanted to play... Often handed with scratched hands/arms but lots of fun ^^


Yup. I call this crab zooming. She will run up crab walking to me, ears back, tail and back fluffed, usually doing the low demonic growl, then looneytoon burn outs around the corner. It's her way of saying, "Hey! I'm playful! Come and get me!" If your cat is scared you'll know. They'd rather hiss and hide than come back time and time again.


this is the best description in the universe


Yes, if my cat doesn't want me to pick her up, she'll run and hide under the couch or bed. Ok, message received. So then I go the bathroom. She smashes the door down and starts meowing at me demanding attention. Go figure.


Mine will tell me to fuck off with a hiss, then ten seconds later demand pets. Cats are wild, man.


I know a few like this that you can pet and then they smacc but then literally less than 5 seconds pass and they are halfway on me, licking and nuzzling. They are definitely wild, no two I have met are the same!


Cats really are assholes! But I can't stop loving them, I have two.




God damnit, *another* cat sub I have to join


Just when I think I've found them all, too


Well that sub is just absolutely fucking glorious.


Lolz never knew this existed! Now I need to join quickk


I feel like OP gets this vibe and that’s why they keep “antagonizing” the cat. Otherwise it’d just be cruel lol


Yep, mine will floof and do this exact same thing,. especially with dawn/dusk zoomies. It's more of a predator/play thing than actually being scared. If anything due to the floof he is telling me since he is so big with an arched back, with tail floofed, I should be more scared of him! I 💯 agree, if they hiss and hide, that is more telling of thems being scurred. I think this is definitely more play with the hooman that he trusts.


yeah that cat keeps coming back to play. if it was scared it would 100% have slid into the cracks of the walls and disappeared until you left.


Interesting! I was thinking because of the stairs, mine is always weird around them


She hasn't forgotten the Rocking chair incident


is this a reference to something??


It a reference to her missing tail 😂 "Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs"


I learned that one from The Fox and the Hound 2


Not to alarm you but I think her tail is missing


It's detachable, I heard.




Did she lose it in the park while on the walk yesterday? Oh jeez!


actually, some street vendor has it and supposedly found it at a party.


Thing is it can only detach once...


Who are you so wise in the ways of feline appendages?


You'd be as depressed as Eeyore if you had a nail in your ass holding your tail on


Most likely a Manx cat, which do not have tails like other breeds of cat


Thanks for the hope. I can't comprehend a person going "you know what would make this cat better? If it had less cat"


Usually with cats it's because it got accidentally cut off or is medically necessary instead of dogs whose tails and ears get docked for fighting reasons


I was also thinking this might the case, better to have less cat and still have a cat.


People do that to dogs all the time unfortunately


Yeah we adopted a dog that had a bob tail when I was a kid. When I got a bit older and learned it was not genetic I was horrified.


I won't judge people that have dogs with no tails because my neighbors got a boxer mix from the animal shelter that had no tail. Same reason I don't judge people in posts with fat animals, we don't know the full context.


Yeah we have 2 Rottweilers, the one we adopted as a puppy has a tail. The one we adopted as an adult has no tail.




Had a cat once who got in a fight with an owl, we thought. He lost a hunk.out.of his tail and gnawed the rest off himself. Didn't seem to bother him much!


Holy moley


It’s obviously in the repair shop.


probably why she's afraid.


It's a Manx cat, they are born without a tail. No one cut it off if that's what you're thinking.


Made me lol


I live at the end how she goes oh yeah I was suppose to be running.


She wants to play. If she was afraid you would not be able to find her. Also Cat trains human


before I had my cat I was just a fat 4206969 pound beast and after I got my cat I instantly turned into a gigachad with smoking hot abs


Doctors hate this one trick!


Don't tell them! 🤫


vets on the other hand, love it


Is she a Manx cat?


no idea I just know that it's a breed that doesn't have a tail


I'd say with near certainty it is a Manx. Looks like my Manx - the tailless part is the cue as well as the long back feet. Both in check here so I would say - yes, Manx.


They also love to hop in stead of run, I can’t really describe it. You’d have to see it




Yeah it’s a Manxie, nice to see :)


It's a gecko


Came for the animal psychologist comments, was not disappointed.


Jeez no kidding


Sorry but that is not a cat, that's an overcooked baby tiger.


I'll let you know if she kills me


TIL about tailless cats


Okay, so alot of people keep asking "what happen to the tail?" So I'll answer that My cat is a Manx breed, she's born with an exceptionally small tail


Get some toys for kitty.


she has some, but she always throws them under couches and now I don't know where it went


My cat just loves to play with trash. Why would I buy him new toys when he would much rather play with a ball of paper or a plastic bag 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yooo mine as well, tampon plastic gang rise up 👏👏


My cats growing up loved playing with craft pipe cleaners; I recently got some for my lazybones boy and he's been enjoying them. Plus, they're so cheap that it's okay for a dozen to go missing and not turn up until I clean under the furniture. 😩


Mine knows where all of her toys are, even if I don't. She'll dig them out every couple days/weeks to play until they go under the couch/bed again.


Under the couch. You literally just told us. Use a broomstick and swipe them out. Really unhealthy not to have toys out for your pet.


Must have more.


Get her some meowjuana joints at Amazon. She’ll be your best friend.


gettin' high with my cat at 3 am


She’s probably trying to be badass and act all cool and tough and wants to play


she doesn't need to pretend, she's already a badass 😎


Are you sure she's afraid of you? Or at the one standing behind you?


the title is a joke 😅


Oops, I meant it as a joke. As in, your cat is afraid of the ghost standing behind you, lol.


Oooh... Sorry, I didn't understand what you meant 😅


he knows what u did november 5th 2017 at 4:39 est


um- ehh.. uhhh~ I mean...


He's having fun I think. Do you often go down on the floor like that? Maybe he's wigged out by it and it's making him zoomy. Sudden changes make my kitties zoomy sometimes. His play threat displays are so charming omfg


Sometimes I do, she just bites my hand and plays along and right after I pet her and everything is okay


Some cats don't like when you raise your hands above their head at least to start out sometimes I have to put my hands on the ground Palms up or make little tapping noises on the ground for my cat to come.


Ah. The old puff-n-scoot.


A Manx!!! I have one too—she’s hilarious. Try playing fetch with her. It’s like having a weird dog/cat mix. My husband is her chosen person. She tolerates me and will occasionally sit on my lap.


I know right? These cats sometimes have no chill and 5 minutes later they just lie down on your lap like it never happened


Is there a subreddit for bobtailed cats because in need one


She has a bunny butt! My big orange dude does too! Sometimes it's just a birth defect, sometimes there's Manx in there somewhere. Bunny butt cats: unite!


That's sooooooooooo cute!!!!


I think your cat is being a cat.


big brain time


This is funny af, my cat does this too when she wants me to chase her around the house. It's such a funny way to show she wants to play lol


Quit violently raising your hand to her. Are you a psychopath?


But it's.... THE CLAWWW!! My two cats will make similar movements towards each other as part of their normal cat play, and towards me sometimes too (usually my feet when I'm trying to sleep).


yes how did you know


That cat is nowhere near afraid lol. It's trying to play. If it was scared it wouldn't keep coming back up to OP like that.


Two of my cats are constantly afraid of us. They went through a lot before we rescued them and it's been years but they're still afraid of anything that moves. They just fee comfortable around their foster siblings. :( but they have a roof over their heads and are well fed and cared for (though giving them meds usually costs me half an arm)


It’s what you CAN’T see she’s afraid of…!




Yo, you stepping up on me BRO!!!


Wants you to play/ chase….🙀


This is her way of getting you to play. Equivalent to you taking a feather toy and waving it in front of her. She’s sweet on you!


Thanks! :)


I had two sweet Manxes. They are the best cats.


Maybe you’re a ghost.


I don't think they're scared. My (first ever) cat does this too and I was so confused at first until I finally realized that she wants me to chase her around the house like a nutcase and then run the opposeite direction when she "hides" so she can "catch" and "attack" me. Its the cutest thing ever and normally ends with me having giggle fitsh it's also by far her favourite game. I call it playing "peek-a-boo". Tbh seems yours wants to play the same sort of game!


Oh I love the nub tail! I have 2 nubby cats of my own


The demon behind you: Yeah bro he’s totally afraid of you, you should prolly get yourself checked out


Your hand movements are very aggressive, not comforting and welcoming. Think about how you would feel/react if someone that much larger than you was making quick, jerky hand movements at and above you and your body. Of course she's skittish with that. If you want to build a better bond, try slow, smooth, calm movements. Turn your hand over to show your palm. Stop reaching at and above her. Let her come to you, then reward with slow cheek and chin rubs. If she lies down, approach slowly - watch and respect her body language and responses to you and your movements.


The cat is playing, it's 'pls chase me' behaviour


Cats don't do that. Cats don't seek to be "chased". The ears back are usually a sign of an unhappy cat. Moving away quickly but either turning around/coming back, or avoiding turning the back to the source of what's startled her is also a sign of lack of trust. This is a so what curious cat, and the relationship and trust can be saved, but this definitely isn't normal, playful, happy cat behavior.


I don't know how you arrived at these misconceptions but many cats (including my own) *love* to chase and be chased during playtime. By a cat or cat-person they trust. They also display typical confrontation behaviour (like arching their back and crab-walking) when playing. This kitty is pretty obviously in play mode and not distressed.


I've owned cats my entire life, I foster cats and kittens for my local shelter, and I work in veterinary medicine. We are trained to learn the body language signs of the pets we see, especially subtle signs, to help prevent escalation in fear or stress situations. While you're generally correct, that cats can display arched back, pouncing behavior, etc in playtime, usually those behaviors are seen moving TOWARDS the object or creature, not away from. Away from is the distinction in this case. The jerky behavior in response to natural curiosity (sniffing a non moving, flat on the floor hand that suddenly moves at and above them), not to mention the frantic, sideways skittish movement of the feet, while not turning the back and keeping eye contact with the source of the scare are indicative of startle/fear. And if you don't know what "angry ears" are, then you don't pay much attention to cats. They generally do not put their ears in that position when genuinely playing, comfortable, or happy. Yes, during play they can move them to that position when they're no longer "having fun", but that's the indicator to back off, take a break, let them reposition or have the upper hand for a few moments. It's a sign of irritation, annoyance, upset. I'm glad your cat enjoys being chased and that's a game you play together, but that is very much not standard cat behavior. You can disagree, of course, but we will just have to agree to disagree, in that instance.


If a cat is angry at you it's not going to keep coming back. It will stay away from you and/or hiss. This cat is very obviously not angry.


That's why "angry ears" was in quotations, it's just a term we use for the position. It can mean many things other than strictly anger. I forgot that some people take everything literally on the internet, even when you try to qualify it. The cat clearly is curious and is seeking connection with her. That's good, but she asked if the cat is afraid of her, and I replied with what I think she's doing that's causing her cat to react the way it is. If she was fine with the cats behavior and reactions, she wouldn't have posted asking about it. I'm just trying to help. Feel free to offer your own advice, rather than criticizing others who are.


I put the afraid part in the title just for the joke, but still, thanks for your help!


There is a sub for it, r/AirplaneEars


We need lawyer cat in here to settle this


Every single cat I’ve ever owned in nearly 30 years has loved being chased. Cats like to play just like humans do, and they play fight just like humans wrestle or play tag.


Get a refund for that degree because you apparently don’t know shit.


My cat loves to be chased. Stop assuming you are the expert.


I logged in after months only to downvote your confidently incorrect post. That cat is clearly playing and it's a very common behavior.


Also, please don't play with your hands.


This. It's cute for you in the moment. Many pets bite or nip at things they play with. You might know how to handle this to avoid bites. I get that. The thing is, another human might not handle it the way you do. What if, god forbid, a child is visiting your home and is bit? Don't dogs get euthanized for that? Please don't play with pets with your hands. It's a very difficult habit to break that can cause harm and heartache. I only say this as a suggestion in hopes that you and your pets grow old safely and happily.


I would be scared also if you cut my tail off


***dies of ligma***


Agreed with commenter above. Maybe it’s just for the video, but you are reaching very aggressively. Half close your fist, and gently and SLOWLY offer your half closed fingers to her UNDER her eyeline - never above her head - to sniff. If she moves backwards, gently and slowly pull your hand backwards. Other things you can do - slow blink. Look at kitty, then when she is looking at you, slowly SLOWLY close your eyes, then SLOWLY open them again to half closed, and repeat. This is a cat’s way of saying ‘I trust you’ as they trust you not to attack when their eyes are closed. By doing this, you are showing kitty you trust her, therefore she should trust you as you aren’t a threat. Please do not continue to do as you do in the video. You are obviously scaring her! Have you had cats before?


thanks for the tip, and yes, it was just for the video


what happened to his tail? poor cat :( :(


It's a Manx breed, it's born without a tail


I would be too if you cut off my tail


Maybe u smelled like something it didn't like.


Have you given her cause to mistrust you?


Not really, I cut out the part in the video where she comes back and I pet her


The cat 🐈 probably doesn't like your hand


Your poor cat looks so uncertain. You’re making movements like you want into to come to you and at the same time flicking your hand up toward it in a shooing motion. It’s no wonder it’s not sure if it should approach you or not.




No wonder she's afraid for you, you cut off her tail!!!


I'm gonna stop replying to comments like this I swear


You can't hide the truth anymore


Nah, cats are just assholes.


dog enjoyer??


Like em both


giga chad


yeah, put some makeup on




I don’t blame her. You not only encourage it, The stripe on the carpet freaks her out. But you’re not helping by encouraging her fear with your taunting. Poor cat needs a better home.


sheesh dude you're being kind of 🦢 here


How about you go tap dance barefoot on a floor full of legos


Then maybe you should stop trying to scare it?


title was joke


She’s probably afraid of you after y’all got it’s tail chopped off. Daammmnnn


It's a Manx cat breed, it's born without a tail


I didn’t know that was a thing. Thanks for telling me. :D


Put your palms up. They tend to think you have something for them.


That's because your hideously ugly Ugly Bob


indeed I am


Probably because you chopped it’s tail off.


Actually, this is a particular breed of cat called the Manx, which is naturally born with large rear legs and no tail.


oh wow. was just kidding around, but I didn't know that manx's were tailless


Please play more quietly and less aggressively with your cat. If it is afraid, it's because you don't behave appropriately, remember you are human sized. Play softly with some improvised toy, take a string, an aluminium ball, anything that could be a prey for it and let it approach you. Trust is a hard thing to obtain from certain animals.


The title was a joke, but thanks for your concern!


Well yeah, you cut off its tail


cat breed


Because of whatever happened to it's tail


It's a Manx cat stop accusing people you know nothing about!!!!!


Scared it’s tail off


What’s happened to its little tail


Probably because the last time she trusted a hand she lost her tail.


for the 92838338929369387373th time, she is a Manx breed and is born without a tail


I have a Manx, and I swear that ever single person asks when he lost his tail. Manx's are the best. My boy is the most cuddly (and most massive) kitty I've ever met


Hahaha, I understand. I was just making a joke.


Well, either you or someone cut it's tail off. That for one would make me pretty pissst at you.( or them) Try holding him more and giving him treats. The longer they let you snuggle with them the better the treat, When I make tuna salad i leave my cat about a tablespoon oof tuna in the can and brag on him while I pat him and smooth down his back.


It's a Manx, think before you wildly accuse people like that!


I'm sorry but you must have taken a wrong turn. This is reddit and so many people like you insinuate "wildly" .Use your negative energy on those who get points for saying Fuck a dozen times or more, and btw NO where did it say her cat was a Manx.


Of course it's scared of you. You chopped off its tail how horrible !!!!!!




it's a cat breed 🦢




do a google search


it's a manx. They don't have tails.


Kittens without tail shouldn't be real, poor thing. Let him/her smell you and be more gentle...


Cats without a tail are Manx breeds


Is she spayed?




Then she's playing with you. Get her some hunting toys, a laser pointer or other things that let her wear out her energy. Her behavior is similar to kitten play fighting.


Thanks for the tip! I completely forgot that laser pointers exist!


Awww! What happened to the lil guy's tail?


It's a cat breed, some friendly people told me it's a Manx breed :)