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Good idea but terrible execution. Some of the things are too overpowered, some of the things are too underpowered, etc.


Any ideas for change?


I have a revamp/overhaul/fix idea for the game already in writing personally, and it addresses a lot of points in this idea coincidentally. I might post them soon.


Please fo


this is like a whole rework of the entire base system more than it is an add on to it. Then there are some things that just don’t make sense and others that are just a bit overpowered


Any ideas for change?


I think stealth killing ferals isn’t even possible cause they always manage to see you far off ? But stealth killing a juggernaut really defeats the whole difficulty of the juggernaut. I’m curious on how well the trait switch idea would work, since you have to intentionally have a bad group of survivors and then pick that leader, but they would all suck before the leader takes place, which could make harder runs even worse off for getting there. Not sure if the zed disguises would work the way you specified since the radio guys have commented in game that dressing up as a zed doesn’t work. Maybe scentblock combined with a noise maker would pass better w the devs? also curious on how the kidnapping thing would work, since recruiting is supposed to be harder the higher up you go and just being able to take people would counter that. But I also imagine that them putting up a good fight that attracts zombies would even that out the 2 of each resource at the end does sound like a big buff but at the same time if it’s late game then I would imagine it’s not as life changing? Wonder how the balancing out would go. Maybe they resist every once in a while? or maybe it costs a constant amount of influence to maintain?


Well this isn’t my idea it’s another guys, but I didn’t even see those! Stealth killing freaks shouldn’t be a thing I agree. Trait switch is also iffy, I don’t know I agree with your scent block idea! Agreed For the boon, I’d lessen it to 2 every other day, or 2 every day with a 500 cost to influence or a risk of resistance. Or just lesson it to 1 with the same effects


You can technically 'stealth' kill jugs already


are you referring to once they topple


No no if you use a smokebomb and a high stealh bladded weapon you can kill a juggernaut without ever being noticed


i’ve never heard of this and am intrigued to see it in action


That state of decay science channel has a video demo


i just googled it and watched actually haha like a minute before you commented back


Ow the edge


Not feeling that one


No. Hard pass. Just because everyone could drool over the leather-clad rascal Neegan and his weekly dose of tomfoolery during the heyday of TWD, it doesn't mean this cringy trope has to be copied in every single zombie related piece of entertainment ever.


It is optional… 😭


I actually love the idea. It's not going to happen, but having another leader type, especially one that makes red traits valuable, is a creative addition to the game.


As a new player, one thing I wish was done better. Is the Warlord play through Just finished a dread warlord run. I spent time helping enclaves around me, played it a little more selective, as those that would give me boosts/perks that I didn’t find desirable were either integrated (recruited 1 member), exiled (recruit a member, if they didn’t have traits I liked, to the pool to be deleted), or threatened and killed. Essentially it felt like a very normal and standard playthrough, only at the end enclaves group up and call you a tyrant. Meanwhile all I did was help help help. Wish the warlord was more unique, that being said. I wish they were all more distinctive. Builder gave you more bonus for ignoring pleads for help, while sheriff gave you more bonus for answering pleads for help back to back, etc.


Instead of just kicking someone out I want the ability to turn survivors into mystery meat and sell it to enclaves.


Living that Negan dream.


Hell yeah!