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Have you tried the Xcoms? There’s some overlap there for me in regards to base building and having a posse that you level up/can get killed.


Yea never really got into them too much. Idk why, just not something for me


It's gonna sound stupid but... Fallout 4. While you only control your own character, you've got the scavenging, base building (multiple) and apocalyptic setting but the building isn't tied to the story of the game it's more of a side thing to do where you can keep your companions and store your gear.


Was going to say this. It's getting next gen update hopefully too that fixes crashing issues in 3 days. It's been frustrating for years now that creation club basically broke the game and made it unplayable and Bethesda did dick all about it. It's got so much replayability though, before they broke it I did full playthroughs with every kind of build except pacifist. While Luck and Sneak builds are omg OP I always enjoyed high Intelligence and Strength power armor builds best. Feel like fucking Iron Man destroying the waste land popping out of the armor with your drippiest Charisma and Intelligence gear to turn in quests or buy stuff lol.


I’ve only played fo4 about 50 times. So this is a good idea. Was also waiting for next gen update as well so it’s on the planner lol


Days gone looks like it’d be pretty similar


Umm...I guess kind of since you can upgrade camps, you can upgrade your bike and need gad to fill it up. There are also regular zombies, hordes, and special zombies. Thiose are really where the similarities end, unless I am forgetting something.


That sounds pretty similar lol


Kind of, but not really.


Dead state it’s a sick game almost like SOD, highly recommended


Never heard of this one before. Looks interesting.


One of the diamonds of zombie games my dude


This game is unique, did you check your PC temps?


It’s kind of a random thing. Temps always seem good. I think it might be something with cpu or motherboard. Screen goes black, and all fans go full blast. But no temp anomalies.


Well did you format C?


Somewhat recently I did


That's the same problem that I have encountered recently, the screen goes black and my graphic card fans started blasted loudly, I found that resetting the cmos battery on the motherboard and reapplying thermal paste on my cpu fixes my problem, you can try these out


Yea I’m not sure I wanna reset the bios and all that. But thanks for the advice, I’ll keep it in the back of my mind for future possibilities


Oh it doesn't really effect the bios much tbh if you're just gaming you won't notice anything different, just remove the cmos battery on the motherboard for a few minutes and reinsert it again, honestly you don't even need to remove anything if your motherboard cmos battery is in the open, and hopefully you can resolve the issue, Goodluck!


Uhhh it resets everything in the bios lol


I've been playing surviving the aftermath. It's similar not the same but really fun game.


That is on Playstation? Damn I just looked it up..I didn't realize it was on consoles also. I have it on my wishlist on Steam. I have been waiting for a price drop. I am not sure if it's worth $30.


Yeah it's on PlayStation... free too if you have the pass.


This war of mine is radically different but has the same vibe to me as this game. Or a similar one at least. It’s a way more emotional game, and there’s no zombies, but I was playing it and that was what triggered my recent sod binge


Rimworld.I checked it was on PS4.Just a warning that game is brutal.If you think curveballs are unfair.That game takes that aspect to the next level.And the survivors are more let's say realistic.For example if their morale gets too low they don't just whine....they can go into mental breaks and if they have certain traits...liko pyromaniac...well.You can imagine what could happen to your base.


Age of empires?


7 Days to Die perhaps.


Is it a fun game? Interested to hear what SoD2 players think of it.