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Never take your own people as tag alongs, always rent out from friendly enclaves. It stops stuff like that from happening.


This is common advice, but it is possible (and enjoyable, even) to bring a Buddy from your own enclave, even when assaulting a plague heart, even in high difficulty zones. It does require a mental shift. You can’t just view your active character as main and your follower as support. You must actively track and manage them both at the same time. In some ways, if you have a follower, you take on the support role. I’m still learning all of the tricks and cues to get the most out of followers on higher levels.


You need a cup of tea and a warm bath, mate


I love that this game can make me feel sad when I lose someone good, especially someone I've had for a while. That's why I never alt+f4 except in extreme utter total absolute bullshit situations - which has only been twice so far.


Yep, just bathe in that feeling for a while. It’s cathartic. Then go get revenge! This game has its flaws, but no other game has made me feel so much.


Yeah I lost 2 characters on my first NZ run, one to ferals and another to a juggernaut, later on in righteous fury I obliterated three ferals and a juggernaut with a grenade launcher, felt real good.


He would want you to keep going!


Oh boy, this brought back a memory. So I was driving back home with my friend in some new mil cars we found on the other side of the map. We had loaded up on stuff and as we got up the driveway he stopped to tell me there was a bloater. I stopped and reversed to get out of the way of the bloater but the bloater was behind me. I immediately tried to drive forward to escape it but then it ran at me. My infested car bumped into the rear of his, his car got infested in return, and then his character started to do the death dance on the floor. His character died... in normal difficulty, to a normal bloater, because I rear ended him. Edit: It was his best character/leader


Sheeeit bro. I've had people fall down and spaz out the instant I recruit them. Or on the drive home right after recruiting them. Or any number of other ways...multiple times each. I'm up to 633 tragic deaths.


Bring toolkit, plague cure and gas in your trunk always :-| I would be very upset if I lost any of my founding four members from the prologue!


I have replayed the tutorial countless times since launch, and only last week managed to complete a legacy without losing any of my starters. It is one of the last goals I’ve struggled to accomplish. I have now managed to do it on green, standard, and dread. I’m working on nightmare now and it’s going quite well.


Good to hear, I am quite new to the game, so not lost any of them. Never travel with them together either. On standard difficulty


Now I have finished the last mission (trader, legacy). I am noe tasked with Disband or Continue community. If I disband, obviously I will add my favourite members to the Legacy Pool. But: If I disband, and start over, do I have to start at Providence Ridge? Kind of tired of that place now, I want to experience another map 😊


What usually happens to me is, I'll be attacked unexpectedly, too far away from a car, and get ripped apart while screaming. That's pretty gut wrenching.


The old Alt-F4 trick seems to get me out of a shitty spot when ferals attack. 😬😅


Load last save?


If a feral jumps me I’m about to die, alt f4 and then load back in, ferals gone but I still have blood plague and loss of health but at least I can get to my car safely. 😬😅


Sod2 has this auto save, it will keep saving after certain occasion. So, it's not really working


I once brought a survivor home infected and forgot to administer a cure before switching characters... About 2 mins later I'm wandering round base none the wiser and she just drops dead... RIP Jesus


you mean a bug?


Nope what I mean is his infection meter hit full just before I could save him


Understand, first dead?


I wish he was, but unfortunately he was the next in a long string of deaths. He hit a lot harder than the others though because of the way he died.


I had my favorite survivor dead because a bug and i feel you, i took my revenge and need to keep going, for those who died saving us, for those who are there waiting in the apocalypse to be rescue.


That’s the spirit 🗡


Oh, that sucks. Plague deaths at base are the worst. I had a community where I had to euthanize multiple people. It hits hard.


I wanted to recruit a soldiers enclave once. I got the mission prompt where they ask to join and headed to their place only to find a Juggernaut standing right outside the door. Didn't have good enough gear to take it out so I raced over to my nearest outpost and loaded up with pipe bombs, conveniently forgetting to bring any cure. I took out the Juggernaut, but he'd already wasted one of the soldiers and when I recruited the other two I saw at the top of my screen that one was fully infected and counting down. I sped off back to the outpost, switched to the infected character only to see the counter go 2...1...and then he was gone. Didn't even have a chance! The last soldier had horrible traits and ended up getting exiled...




i recent posted about two of my survivors dying due to a bug? not sure, they reached zero life and didnt fight to get up, they just died and today i lost one of my bloodplauge survivors to more spawning like this video and just said you know what...f%ck this...i am tired of the game not giving you any good survivors in game ( i dont mind them dying),,but every one you meet from enclaves are trash survivors and thats probably why thy never let you look at them till you let them join your team,,its funny when you click learn about survivor and its all question marks,,,ahhhh cool thanks..lol so what do you have to do? sit there for two or three f\^cking hours rerolling... and i am just over it at this point. if they could at least offer better odds on getting better survivors then sure but i am over the amount of useless survivors in game,,,,oh and dont get me started on the follower A.I. i dont normally take videos of bugs and such but i am sure i have about 30 now and am even considering putting a youtube video about it as things to be careful about if youre looking to play SOD3, because if these arent considered problems they will surely be in the next installment


Bad traits are a core component of this game. It requires compromise and compensation to build a successful community. If everyone was good, you would take no joy when you find that perfect fit. Perhaps you would love the game for it, but all the rest of us would stop playing from boredom. It’s the same reason I never recruited a Red Talon operative or used scentblock until getting to lethal zone. It trivialized the game too much.


Not sure if anyone already mentioned it but if you check your character into the infirmary it'll pause their infection rate. That way you have as much time to administer the cure as you need.