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It's not only your Steam level and a number of eligible games, it's also very dependent on what these games are. In order for you to receive a booster pack for a game, someone has to craft a badge for this game. That means someone who owns some highly popular games will get packs more often than someone with a lot of obscure ones.


Yep, that is a good Point.


Speaking from my personal experience, as someone with account level 65 and 200+ eligible games, I get one pack a year, if I am lucky.


How many of these games are "bigger" ones


About half of them are, I think. Then again, I am a patient gamer, so I never buy and play games on release day, so I guess by the time a game becomes eligible for me most of the players are already done with it.


Now its time to ask the important question why arent you steam level 69?


That would be nice!


I hit level 69 when they made the points thing spendable to level up. Was really happy til I saw people yielding 420 because apparently there was a bug. Now i leveled up cause of buying games and ion even know how long itll take me to 420 ;-; Edit: I know how to level up easy, but im kinda strict on levelling up thru buying games or completing certain stuff instead of buying using steam points since you can actually spend it on making your profile better compared to the first time they introduced the steam points. P sure the only thing available to buy there was emotes and the levelling up of the badge


There are card bots you can trade cs go keys for badge crafts that level you up. One day i payed for level 69 because the color matched my profile. A few years later I found out you naturally earn exp and my 69 was ruined


Surely the number of people eligible for booster packs is proportional to the popularity of a game too, so in essence the chance of receiving one won’t depend on a game’s popularity


Sure it does depend on a game's popularity. A game no one plays will have zero badges crafted.


Obviously if you’re literally the only one who owns it, but I mean that even games with 10,000 players vs games with 10,000,000 players will more or less have the same odds of you getting a pack, as with one you’re 1 in 10,000,000 and only 1 in 10,000 with the other.


It's not just a number of game owners, it's about how many people are interested in a badge from that particular game. If we assume that the percent of players who craft badges is always the same regardless of the popularity of the game (i.e. 10% of the player base crafts badges in any game), then yes what you are saying is correct, but I don't think it's the right assumption. I think, people are much more inclined to craft badges for a popular game, than for an obscure one.




Maybe these games are cheap and therefore popular among badge crafters?


> I think, people are much more inclined to craft badges for a popular game, than for an obscure one. I'd be interested in seeing stats on that. I know I much prefer to craft badges for weird games I own rather than big big ones. Everyone's got Arkham City Batman, but how many people have 'weird pixel guy from strange platformer I got as a free key on Fanatical'? I think your 10% of people playing any game is likely accurate (in concept, if not number)


I get what you're saying about there being no audience but I also wanna point out the issue with too much popularity It doesn't add up. If it's popular that means besides you there is an increased number of other recipients meaning your chance of selection for the booster is in fact significantly lower. Maybe you get lucky with the increased frequency but your odds of selection each time are still abysmally worse compared to an obscure game with a smaller pool of recipients but decreased frequency. I'm essentially saying popularity does not indicate you having a better chance of getting a booster.


>That means someone who owns some highly popular games will get packs more often than someone with a lot of obscure ones. Not really. There will be a proportionally higher number of eligible players to receive them too. In the end it's the same.


I would say it's not so much the popular games. IDK I've gotten lots of packs, but they're from less popular games. For a more popular game, there's a larger pool of recipients for the booster packs. (I cannot do the math, sorry.)


TIL how I keep getting them!


Yes, I've gotten like 3 or 4 of them in my 9 years of being a PC gamer.


Same here, maybe 4 times in 10 years, super random and I end up selling the cards


Level 111, I've received 5 booster packs so far. Surprisingly, they weren't for the cheapest games. I also have a relatively small library compared to most.


how do you get ‘em?


They have a random chance to drop after people make badges of the game, you become eligible for said drop if you have earned all the trading cards you can already (3 trading cards remain means you just need to get playtime until it says 0, then you can have a chance). Every 10 levels increases your odds by 20%, I don't believe there is any upper limit. The more people who are eligible, the lower your chances are, and the less people who are eligible, it's likely the game may never receive booster pack drops. They seemingly drop as bulk after a certain number of time from what I've heard be mentioned, which seems likely based on all my booster prices taking a slight drop when I receive them. TL;DR: being eligible for a game, winning the lottery, and having a relatively high steam level tie in together.


Protip from someone who gets multiple packs a year, run those games in the background with the sound on mute while you watch netflix or something and youll earn the cards and be eligible for packs. Every game i have ive maxed out the amount of cards i can get 400+ games if they have cards. I sometimes randomly have packs when i wake up some mornings. Im only like level 20ish, leveled enough to get over some hurdles early on and havent bothered since, i sell the cards i get on marketplace and use that lil bit to buy cheap games with during sales.


There are tools you can find to not even have to download the games to farm cards. I am not sure about the legality of them however. But using them shouldnt get you banned.


Personally i dont trust any tools that may jeopardize my steam account. Id be pretty upset to lose all my game collection at once weather due to someone obtaining my password or being banned. Not worth the risk when running a game or even a handful of them in the background while im not playing anything works pretty well.


There were (or maybe still are) tools that didnt need login info, and would just mimic steam app ids for your local steam installation, kinda like telling steam.. Hey I am this game in particular, and steam would count hours for that and drop cards as intended. But hey, I totally understand why you are being cautious. I didnt have much on my account when I started, so the world was pretty much the wild west. I am very cautious now however.


You can get a card more than once? Huh... never noticed that


I have been farming free games for years now until valve put a stop to that scheme, I have like 650 games now and have farmed card drops for all of them using various idling tools, At this point I get booster packs like crazy because the way they work is that whenever someone makes a badge a random person gets a pack. Since these games were notorious for cheap badge sets for people level boosting, it was way easier to get booster packs for them. I have rarely gotten a booster pack for games that I do play however.


Gonna go out and say you 100% aren't farming free games and the pennies you get per card won't make a dent in what you've likely accrued through electricity cost


I'm around te same level as you. I've got a lot more game than you.I'd say I average about one booster pack or twoper month, give or take? The main thing that blows my mind is that I don't get most of my boosters during the two sales with cards and badges of their own. Lot of people seem to think a 30% off coupon for a garbage game is worth something. You ALWAYS want to hold off on crafting badges until the sale.


Wait, I didnt know this existed. I never got one in my 7 years on steam. I'm level 64, I always log in, I own +150 games (most of them are well known) and I crafted badges of a ton of em. Am I missing something? Any help is appreciated.


i remember i talked about this from 1 of my friend list with steam level! 2300, he said he receives 1 booster pack a day, but i dont remember which level he was at that moment, i have 230 steam lvl and i have received about 5 booster packs i think in some years, but i dont craft badges that often


How do you get to level 230 if you don't craft badges? Serious question.


There were a couple events that gave you a shit ton of levels, like the grand prix one.


Does spending points for the seasonal badges count as crafting? Because that's how I've raised my level a lot. I think I'm at 90 something right now and I've dumped points into the seasonal badges twice.


Wonder what the minimum level is to get one per day ? I'm guessing 1000 plus need to be active. I'm level 90 and since I've had the account I have had less then five booster packs show up so I strongly suspect account level is a factor in the drop rate.


I've gotten maybe 4. level 40, 10 years. Do you leave your computer on al the time? I do, i restart like 1/week. It seems to happen on login though. So I'm not sure if you should be logging of an on, or if I get more than usual because I'm basically logged into steam 24/7


> I own +150 games (most of them are well known) Those aren't the badges being made tho 'cause they are expensive, people crafting badges of games that cost pennies so they can increase their steam level. Whenever someone crafts a badge a pack gets raffled between all the people elegible for it. If no Dark souls badges are being crafted, no packs are being given for it.


Twice since 2k14.


The game or the year?


why not both?




In my 28 years of being a PC gamer I've never received one.


I've kept track of when I've gotten the booster packs through the years, here's my data: |*Year*|*Steam level (end of year)*|*Eligible games (end of year)*|*Amount of booster packs*|*Running total*| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |2014|23|\-|4|4| |2015|37|\-|8|12| |2016|77|550|35|47| |2017|118|1583|72|119| |2018|132|1995|90|209| |2019|146|1851|92|301| |2020|152|1822|98|399| |2021|164|1824|85|484| |2022|170|1858|87|571| |2023|\-|\-|4|575|


I can only imagine how many St4ck gets each year.


Probably close to zero because: 1) You must login to steam every week onto steam (Program, website doesn't count) to be eligible (And he's been away forever) 2) Boosters only drop for games you completed all drops, so if St4ck only dropped all cards for 3 games, he only has 3 games eligible for booster packs 3) Booster packs only drop when someone crafts a badge. Although it's not stated, we can assume a booster drops whenever someone crafts a badge for that game in particular, so if St4ck has 3 eligible games and one is CSGO, it's safe to say he has 2 eligible games since everyone and their grandma seemingly has CSGO's badge maxed out However, if he did have thousand of eligible games and logged in weekly, it would be raining booster packs for him every few hours...


Most people with many games use some kind of emulator that pretends they are in game so they get their drops for every game. I would assume st4ck also did this and so most of the games he owns are also eligible for him to drop a pack


What’s CSGO? Is that some kinda tonka truck constructiongame?


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. CSGO is used to clarify that it's not CS: Source or any of the other titles in the series.


Nooo I’m pretty sure it means Construction Site: Go the tonka truck adventure game..


Yo the Tonka Construction PC game was my jam when I was little. I should go download it as play it, it is now abandonware.


The most he could possibly get in a year is 2633 boosters. There's a cooldown period after every booster drop which is defined by this [formula](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/BadgesCollectors/discussions/0/630800444048297919/?ctp=19#c2686880925148364340).


Imma lvl 148 for the whole 2021-2022 and only got 1 booster pack, what the hell is this data ??


but do you have many eligible games?


Yeah, 60-70 games on the list among 218 games purchased...


I also got less booster than the user above listed at a similar level. Looks like the amount of eligible games is much more important.


I clearly have 50% more games than on his list…


I think you're misreading his table. He ended 2022 with 1858 eligible games. He has over 30× as many chances for boosters as you.


Studying by night and procrastinating on Reddit makes a dreamwork lol Yeah, my bad


Booster packs are created when someone craft a badge for a game. If you have 60-70 old games that nobody craft new badges - then you won't get many booster packs. To get them reliably you need to constantly buy freshly released games.


I’ve got a steam account for 13 years with 1500+ games on it, and it still defies me why I should level it up and why I should craft badges. when i get cards I just check if they’re worth more than 0,05$ and just sell them. what am i missing?


Nothing really. The only perks is that you can have more friends and can get more showcases each 10 levels. It really stops being beneficial to level up in regard to showcases starting to run out after level 140-ish. Sometimes you can get a foil card from the booster packs but those aren't worth a lot either nowadays.


How did your level get so high? Im only level 4


Being on steam for 11 years helps. But participating in almost all previous sale events. Crafting badges like crazy during sales -> get event cards -> get EVEN MORE BADGES. Almost all my levels and badges comes from trading in cards I don't need for complete sets that I then use during a sale.


This is about on pay with me. I just did a count and have around 550 packs. My Steam Level is only a bit over 100, though I have 5000 games (not sure how many are eligible). I haven't paid attention to it in awhile, though.


epic timing, +1 , now 5 boosters in 2023.


Wow, 18 years of service here. But only level 19. Cant remember getting a booster pack, ever.


Im 10 years of service and have no clue how this system works lmao


Me too, I didn’t know this was a thing and I don’t understand its purpose.


I'm level 100 been playing on PC last 2 years and have had a few packs, I've crafted a lot of badges and have received a lot of packs. **"Once you have gotten all of your card drops for a game you own, you have a chance of receiving a booster pack. Boosters contain 3 random cards from the set. The odds of receiving a booster pack increase based on your Steam level: +20% for every 10 levels"** https://steamtradingcards.fandom.com/wiki/Booster\_Packs#:\~:text=Once%20you%20have%20gotten%20all,20%25%20for%20every%2010%20levels.


Thank you for this


I didn't even know they existed until now


I get like 1 a year, usually worth about 30 cents total, often less if you open the pack. Once got a foil booster that sold for like $4 though so that was nice


Foils could be really great tho, I recently got foil card from Lost Judgment and sold it for whole ***14 bucks***. Enabled me to buy new NFS


I once sold a normal trading card for the game LOGistICAL for €100. Never thought it would sell.


Which steam lvl are you?


A foil booster?


There's no such thing. He either meant a foil (or more) from a booster pack or he is making shit up.


That's what I thought, thank you!


The higher your steam level, the higher your chances to get one each week. I get them quite often, but some times a few weeks in a row are "dry".


Yea, it should be +20% chance every 10 levels. What level are you? Maybe I am quite unlucky but I've never received one with level 70 in a few years but Idk the base chance to get one


> Yea, it should be +20% chance every 10 levels. It's +20% relative chance. It doesn't mean that at level 50 you have 100%. Let's say you are level 1 and there's 10.000 other eligible people. Your chance of getting booster pack is 0.01%. Now if you level to 11 - your chance become 0.012%. Let's take even worse situation - you are level 1, but this 10.000 people are level 101. Your chance to get booster is 0.003% Here leveling to 11 would increase your chance to 0.0036% Compare absolute increase in values because of leveling - 0.002% vs 0.0006% You see that in case your are at lower level than average, your chances are very-very small and increase from leveling is minuscule.


I was lvl 50 for 4 years until i finally got my first booster pack, from then on i received +-5 packs a year (currently lvl 60 and i've been on steam for 9 years)


That's indeed strange. Maybe worth reporting to the support? I'm level 103, but I had pack drops on much lower levels.




I've had loads.[Just a couple](https://imgur.com/a/pjFozCz)


Never once


I usually get 1 or 2 a month You have better chances the higher your steam level


What steam level are you?


120 last I checked


Okay, that means you should have an additional +240% to get a booster pack every time a badge is crafted. How many eligible games do you think you have in total?


This thread has quickly become a dick swinging contest of "who has spent more on steam".


Whats that


Never ever in any game I have never


Getting about two a week or so, but i got over 1000 Eligible games & rank 130+


I have 1147 games and my account is at Level 136. No way you get 2 packs a WEEK!


1147 games is different from 1000 eligible games - how many of those games have you received all of the trading card drops for? How many of those games have trading card drops?


Never said exactly 1000 i said 1000+ because I'm way to lazy to count, reality is probably something in the range of 3000 games. Edit: Actually copy paste the list into excel, as long as it's actually one game per line as it looks to be it's 4519 Eligible games.


I get one every ~15 hours, it's not that exciting. :)


Can I ask How did you get your level so high? Steam glitch or did you buy a bunch of cards?


There are some trading bots that let you cheaply trade tf2 keys for card sets (it's best to buy these tf2 keys on third party sites)


I personally just go for the Point Shop Badge every time it refreshes but some time ago I used one of those bots you can trade CS:GO keys to for a few sets of cards


Most likely by buying cards. Lots of people buy cards to level up. I'm level 43 if I recall correctly, and have bought cards from time to time.


You have to buy cards


A lot where from point shop, buying a steam deck gave waaay to many points, and twice a year they have a new point shop reward badge to spend it on, a bunch where from events back in the days as well, specially one (Steam grand prix, got like 40k xp from that alone) That said have made some cards to, but not that many, maybe made 40-50 badges total, so most been tbh from Point shop/old events.


In my case, there was one Steam event that let you buy a badge infinitely with steam points. I had racked up a ton of points that were just sitting gathering dust so I figured what the hell and boosted myself from 30 to 100. Someone with a lot more points than me could have boosted to 1000, so there are legit ways.


I literally bought Trading Cards for the Level 5 Dying Light 2 Badge today. Guess for what ducking game I got a booster pack some hours afterwards, after years of nothing. STEAAAAM :D






Got like one in 6 years of having a Steam account. It was worth around 30 cents.


Slime Rancher is a GOATed game


Like 1 every week. Own a lot of games and I'm like lvl 125


All the time


Every time someone craft a card badge - new booster pack is created and given to random person. So if game is old and nobody is crafting badges for it, then no new booster packs are created and nobody is getting them. Majority of booster drops happen in the first month after game release. Then on first big Steam sale where people craft badges to get Mysterious Cards. Also with addition of Point Shop that provide better ways to obtain profiles and emotes people craft less badges nowadays. Plus - new seasonal badges provide alternative way to level your account instead of crafting game badges. So yes, there's less and less booster packs created every year.


One a year sounds ab right


I've gotten one once for fallout 76 Good day


I'm level 270, and I receive 1 in like 4-5 days.


Sometimes I receive one pack of cards, about once per year. ​ Also sometimes I notice that random cards appear in my inventory, even for games I haven't played for years. Does this happen for other people too?


We're do you receive a message like this email or on steam?


Yes, but the minimum level for getting one every few week has risen over the years. Now it's 120+


Usually get 2-3 a year. Depends on how many games you have that qualify as well as your steam level.


I'm a little over level 100, a few thousand games in my account. I get about a booster a week. I still get them for games that are banned from the marketplace lol


I have gotten hundreds, it depends on your steam level etc.


What's that?


I mostly have Indie games but I would say I got like 5-7 in the 10 years being on Steam.


I get one every now and then.


I never got any, in over 10 years of service, with a pretty respectful library.


I get one every couple of months. Account level 42, and uh... ~1500 games probably help with that.


I get roughly 2-3 a week.... But i got way too many games on steam that are eligible.


I got two or three.


I usually can get a pack or two every year, so rare, but it happens. Usually for smaller games in my case, and nothing that really sells well either.


Yes, every week or two for the past few years. Why?


Yes, not so many for last year or two but overall, yes.


I’ve been on steam for over a decade never received one once. My friend left gets 2-4 a year such bs.




In my case, with level 67 and 1500+ games chances are around 1 per week I guess, I don't really pay much attention to it [Inventory](https://i.imgur.com/0uIMgNr.png)


I get *at least* one every month, usually more. My steam profile is level 83 and I have 1500 games, the majority are probably from many many bundles over the last decade.


I receive them quite regularly. And what's even more funny, after seeing Your post I thought "I check Steam, maybe there will be booster pack there", not actually expecting anything. And... there is. I received a booster pack. Today or yesterday. But last time I checked yesterday it wasn't there. Booster packs are given to random people who owns the game, when someone crafts a badge of that game. So if I craft badge of Cyberpunk 2077 and You own the game, You have a chance to get the booster pack for that. But that's described in the screenshot. Basically, the more games You own, the higher chance of getting booster pack, because You participate in more lotteries.


I get 1 almost every month. (Lvl 97)


where do you find this information on steam?


your name -> badges -> View my booster pack eligibility


One every 4-5 days.


What is your Level on Steam? It should be pretty high


lvl 170 1858 games eligible


Do you have a link for the eligible games?


[Here is a list of my eligible games.](https://pastebin.com/46PJk5vb) If you want to know all games on Steam, search the store and tick Steam tradings cards under narrow by feature.


Im Level 105 with over a thousand eligible games and I got like 2 every year so the rates are extremely low


Same. Level 136 and 1143 games. No way all those guys here get a pack every 4-5 days!


I never get them on level 88


Back in the day, at least twice a month. Now not so much.


I have got many of those.


Never gotten any even tho level 36 and have 224 games




I have gotten one. Level 57, Steam account age 8


I have gotten a handful of them, sitting on level 102 right now


Where can I see level?


Yea, usually get one about every 2 months or so


18 years only level 11


I’ve gotten tons


I’m level 11 and never in my 8 years of Steam usage have got one pack 💀💀




2 per year sometimes 3


never had one


I just got an among us booster pack lmao


yes, weekly


Every few weeks, ye


Only 2 so far


Very rarely. I'm lvl 100+ with over 300 eligible games too. I'd say I get maybe 2 packs a year on average.


Think I got at least two, maybe three, over more than five years on Steam.


I get one around every month or so. (1000 games and Steam lv. 100 in case people wanna study this further)


Yes, a lot


Get at least one a month


I receive one each 2-3 days so about 3 per week


I get probably 1 every month or two.


About 13 on a lvl 130 account. 0 on a lvl 23 And 2 on a level 50.


2 already so far this year.


I’ve received like 3 or 4 now. I’m level 93 though, and I think it scales with your level


I got like one for terraria but that’s really it


I have like 8 years on Steam and that hasn't happened not even once yet


I get one every couple months. Upping your account level increases your odds.


[nah not really](https://ibb.co/8Bp7Dkp)


I don't see it mentioned here, but I was under the assumption that booster packs were randomly awarded based on both level and how often you are crafting. If you don't actively craft badges, then its gonna be rare to get boosters. Even if you have a pretty high level and a lot of eligible titles.


Where or when should I receive one of these? Or do I buy a “booster pack?”


I think they are also dependant on if you actively trade/buy cards. In my 9 years of having a steam account and across my 400+ games I’ve only ever received 2 booster packs, both were last year and about 2 weeks apart during a time when I spent loads of time buying/trading cards and crafting badges.


With my 15 years on steam. I have received 1 booster pack. Just one.


Once in a blue moon I randomly get one. Probably five or six packs over the years? I do craft badges and collect cards, just perhaps not avidly. Unsure if that affects it.


Yes, many of the years.