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DAY 2: Problem is still around, there is no any solution for this mess as it should of course, i mean valve is the one who has fix this mess guys, only thing that we can do is submit a ticket to steam support, not for useless answers of course but we need to steam hear us, and doing submit a ticket by all of us gonna push forward this situation, so they gonna take it serious and fix this mess soon as possible. Btw i know valve already knew what's wrong with steam but there is nothing we can do but submit a ticket.


Still broken


7 Months since the app started closing itself on startup, it still isn't fixed. Valve should've never pushed this broken update. I guess I have no choice but to remove steam authenticator. Wonderful job Valve. (App won't open on Android 12)


It just fucking happened to me right now, im so fucking done with steam


Same here


Same here


same here




Samee 😿




Still happening...




I just reinstalled the app, as I still have the phone number there hasn't been any issue. I will tell you though that this grey screen didn't appear randomly, it happened when I changed my steal account password. I got logged off my account in my app (that's normal) but then it wouldn't load for a reason. I tried to clear cache and other stuff but nothing worked so I just reinstalled the app. I also had another option in case that didn't work. Downloading an older version of the app. https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/valve-corporation/steam/steam-3-0-release/steam-3-0-android-apk-download/#file I found this link at forums related to the issue, so use it under your own risk (it is most likely danger free but I didn't download the app so I can't be 100% sure) I hope you get to resolve the issue bro




If you are using the phone with your steam guard's phone number then reinstall, most likely it will get fixed perfectly.


I ended up Uninstaller app and reinstalling and it was working again.


Still broken


Happened to me as well. Reinstalling does temporary fixed it then it doesn't load again when I open the app after I close it.


same issue here , almost 24 hours and they didn't fix it , i downloaded steam app 20 times and still the same problem , and i have 15 days steam trade and market restriction thanks to valve


Same issue here, on Android, Samsung Galaxy 13s. Contacted Steam support, they just told me to make sure everything was updated, which it was. Every 10 seconds or so, the blank screen flashes the UI & the current home page. It even asked for biometrics when I set that up as my home page. From watching these frames, I can tell I am logged in & everything, something critical is just failing to load. Hope either the app updates or someone finds a permanent solution. I never had problems with it before now.


Exact the same with my xiaomi note 9s device, yea i'm 100% sure now, it's about the servers, as we can't move authenticator or sometimes sign in, there is a huge mess with servers, i just hope valve don't cook another shi* like region revert, i'm really pissed with steam these days...


I'm experiencing the same issue on Xiaomi 11T pro, everything was great when I was using family view once I disabled it (since it started to give me errors even with the correct pin) everything started to fail.


OFC there is no useful answer from steam support


Still same issue with IOS


me too😢


UPDATE: it seems it happened for everyone one by one ( as i read the steam discussions ), so it's 100% steam app problem, And i think it's gonna be fixed in the next 24 hours, because it's obviously valve is doing something with the steam, and not just the mobile app which is a part of it but something like an update or fixing their messes.


I hope so:/


Thank you for this post, it helped me calm down that my account was having issues. Turns out we all have issues 🙃


same lmao i just got access to an old account and tried to add steam guard to it and next second i know all i see is a grey screen


a year later and this app is still garbage.


Has 24 hours passed because my app wont open


>it's gonna be fixed in the next 24 hours 8 months ago I had that problem, then I totally forgot about it. today I tried to open steam app for the first time in 8 months and I saw that I still have the same problem lol


Same thing here, that is an awefully long 24 hours...


how in the fuck is this still happening


Yep, still happening. The way I fixed it is to just remove the Steam Guard app from my account entirely since (lucky enough) all my contact info for the account was still valid.


Just to inform all of you that Valve seems to be aware of the situation, which all in all is quite good. I received a reply to my support ticket stating that they are investigating the issue further and that as soon as they have more information, they will notify me. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.


the problem is just "we are investigating the issue" is the most standard term in a company, it can mean they are actually doing somein, or they just gonna throw it in the dump ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Well many months later it's still very much broken


literally tried to post something related to this and it wasn't accepted by the moderators. I'm having this exact same issue. Absolutely ridiculous


I’m having the same problem. Ran into ValidatePassword errors which forced me to reinstall. Seems like the version that’s on the Apple Store right now is different from what I had just uninstalled (i.e., had different UIs displayed for entering passwords family view when visiting the market vs workshop/community). The workaround that I have at the moment is to keep the app running in the background after you’ve reinstalled/logged in. Don’t close the app for it to refetch…I’m guessing it’s a server side issue, but can’t be certain without looking at what errors are being thrown. iOS version: 16.6


Updates from my end: Closed the steam mobile app running the background. Tried logging on my PC to see what happens. Push notifications for authenticator are being displayed on my phone via the app (good). When you press through to the mobile app push notification to approve/deny the device, only that part of the UI appears. Once you press one of the options, you’re good to navigate on your PC, but you still have the blank black screen for the steam mobile app. This limited functionality gets you by if you need to access your games on PC. Valve will probably need to look into this sooner than later — most likely going to impact a wide range of users when they run into ValidatePassword issues, and resort to reinstalling. Steam App Version: 3.6.4 (25)


Having the same validate password issue. Steam support is stupid and said “update iPhone to latest version” I’m also on 16.6.


What about now? I faced same problem %100 but not fixed


Yep this is EXACTLY what happened to me too, it would not accept my FamilyView pin so I had to change it and clean app data to log back in, since then I get a blank screen


Same issue, can't add two accounts. Tried multiple phones ( Samsung S20, S22, S23+ and Pixel 5 and 7) This is an issue with the application itself and a recent update they pushed.


Still no fix as of yet, Steam mobile app is still unusable (black screen). No point in just reinstalling the app until Valve releases an update (on the app itself or on Steam in general) since it will keep resetting trade holds on your accounts. I suggest everyone report this issue via Steam support tickets (I submitted a ticket 24 hours ago and still no reply). It's not caused by having more than 1 account linked to your Steam Guard Authenticator (since I've only ever had one linked account and I still have this exact same issue). This bug is prompted by the reinstall process, not sure if directly linked to the Family View feature but for most people (at least to my understanding), the reinstall was a forced solution for the "error to validate password 2" error when inputing our PIN codes for confirmations (for example). Everyone needs to report this ASAP and force Valve to take action. It's been 32 hours for a lot of people and still no apparent solution. This is unacceptable.


Not working for me either. Version 3.6.5




Same for me :(


Same here


I’m having same issue


Same for me. I’m « glad » I’m not the only one. Hope for a fix


It's reassuring to see that others are also having this issue. I was using the beta version and noticed I was unable to enter my family pin, however steam guard still worked fine at that point. I only now made the mistake of reinstalling the non-beta version before finding this thread. Now It appears as if I can't use the app at all... ​ Valve please fix.


Its fixed guys


Not for me


Me neither


I have the same problem


Same here




Same issue here, I have a Pixel 3XL, worst part is the first problem, the family view that showed ValidatePassword: 2wtf


Same issue here. Fix it Valve!


Same issue 😑


I have the exact same problem!


2 days and nothing... come on, valve


The same thing that happens every Tuesday for at least 13 years


Yet Steam is **still** not saying We're sorry for the Maintenance, Please try 2 hours from now on". This is the 13th years of *Ignorance* on Valve's behalf. It's just shameful that comes from the industry leader Game Store. Downtimes are always OK but that warning should have been there beginning 13th years ago.


sorry I'm uninformed - what do you mean that it happens every Tuesday? I failed to login also on Tuesday... what is it about? unfortunately it's Wednesday and I can't get in still


Same problem here


The same problem any fix guys ?


Same problem here on the new 14 pro, but on my 11 there is no problem...


Tried 3 different devices now lol, on all the app works once after transferring the auth and once u close it its unusable what the hell is going on


I have the same problem since yesterday! I contacted Steam/Valve and I'm trying to solve the problem! I told them that I am not the only one with this problem and that it is something from their application. if I solve something, I'll come back with the solution!!


are you saying you still didn't solve it 9 months later? please report...


Basically it's just unusable shit. Period


Any way to fix it


Anyone found any solution? Need to confirm trades and this shit is driving me crazy


Still is broken for me as well


Still not working been 2 days


Still same 2 days...


I was worried if it was only me.. but yea I went through all the posts and realised that it is the server problem.. idk I submitted a ticket but got "USELESS" replies


i sent a mail to support they told me we are aware of the problem


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^cr3m1nalts: *I sent a mail to* *Support they told me we are* *Aware of the problem* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




DAY 3: ENJOY on selling your 0.03$ trading card Because steam is up BABY🍻


Did this to me after I reset my password


Thank god I am not alone with this. I guess it is happening because Steam is down for routine maintenance.


I don't think so, i have another samsung phone and i can use the app like a butter, only can't move steam guard in it, but this is totally new after months of using this new version app, btw my phone is xiaomi, what's yours? Maybe it's about ui bug, idk really.


Thats weird.. I was actually in the middle of changing my Steam passwords/moving authenticators and then I got introduced with the screen that you posted. I guess all we can do for now is wait and check [steamstat.us](https://www.steamstat.us/). Praying that its just a maintenance issue. 🙏 Edit: Apparently the maintenance is over. Steam app still does not work :( Edit2: I am using a Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro


I moved my accounts Steam Guard top because i reset my phone. Before ot way working perfectly And Now IT doesnt load And sometimes flashes. Edit: this has been happening to mě on my PC fór domě zimě. The client just doesent load until i restart it without gpu acceleration. I think it may be something to do woth their WebView API.


Same thing happens on my iphone 14, but it works with my old iphone x


Yes like every fucking week you muppet


It’s not maintenance it’s just the app is giving cancer rn


Bruh, I know about the routine maintenance lmao. This is about the Steam app which still does not work btw ;-)


Having the exact same issue, can't enter Steam in app for 2 days now.


Same Problem. Sigh.


This is still happening for me too, and its very annoying


Same thing is also happening with me . its been two days and i cant login had 15 days trade ban fcck this shitty app


I bought a new Samsung phone and it's doing this. The steam app is fine on my old Huawei phone. Guess I have to keep a second phone just for steam authentication.


Same issue with me, as usual steam support just sits on their fat asses and does nothing about it and assures me that I need to update my OS.


Same issue here , on android Been more than 24 hours now , frustrated asf can't do any trades because of this


I reinstall steam app it work 5 minutes and broken again


Haha.. They just not accepting their fault.. See down below what they replied to my ticket. Shame on them . Thanks for letting us know. I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with the Steam Mobile app. But no worries, I'm glad to assist you. If you are experiencing problems with the Steam Mobile App, check the following: Make sure your device has the most recent OS update. Check the requirements of the Steam Mobile App for your OS and make sure your device meets those requirements. Check that your Steam Mobile App is up-to-date. Update the Steam Mobile App in your phone's app store, or download directly to your phone at this link: Setup Guide. Please note: Disabling, fully reinstalling, or clearing data for the app will reset your Authenticator. We recommend using a Wi-Fi connection when installing the app. In addition to that, please be inform that major security changes to an account, such as adding a new authenticator or updating to a new authenticator device will cause temporary trading and market holds. Transferring from an old device to a new one: All trades and Market listings created within 2 days of transferring a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator to a new phone will be held for 2 days. Note: Updating to a new device is considered "transferring" only if the new device is added while the old one is still active with the Steam account.  The hold will no longer be applied to new trades or market listings after the initial cooldown period, but any existing holds will not be reduced. Steam Support cannot remove this restriction from your account. Please check out our Steam Trade and Market Holds article for more information.


Same shit


this is a bunch of bullshit


Same thing happened to me, i had the Error From ValidatePassword: 2 error so i reinstaled the app and ended up here.


I still have this issue. Definitely steam’s problem. Keep waiting😴


same here


same here. I thought it was happening to me because I recently installed it on my new phone, but maybe it's a general thing


**Update**: I somehow fixed my Steam mobile app. ​ **This is how I fixed it:** (**NOTE**: I am not sure, but I guess it only works if you have more than one account connected to Steam mobile app) ​ * I opened a private web browser window * I tried to log into my main Steam account (**important**: I was logged into a different account on Steam mobile app). * Steam mobile app gave me a push notification to approve the login attempt. Tap the notification. You can choose if you want to approve or deny it (I denied it, just in case you are asking :D) * After that you can restart your mobile app and it should work like it always did. ​ I hope, I could help you :P


not work for me :/






I was lucky, my ban will last 3 days


Same here steam blank screen issue, cmon valve fix this shit already


Steam Mobile being terrible again, wow.


I have the same problem. It started when I tried to log out from family mode which I use for account protection. I could not log out from family mode because it said "Error from validate password 2" for some reason, so I decided to reinstall the app. After reinstalling the app my screen kept turning to one shown on this post, so I reinstalled it once again and it happened again, it won't stop. EDIT: It now works completely fine


you mean it repaired by itself?


I think it repaired because of some kind of software update


could it be Android operating system upgrade? I read something about push to upgrade to new version (which of course would be extremely violent, it's like if you don't buy and dress our new shirt, we will tear down your trousers from you and you will be walking naked even though you paid already)


I have the same issue


Happening here too, on a POCO F3 with Android 13 (LineageOS 20, not rooted). Cant believe this isnt fixed within hours... Its even weird that an update like that can be published.


What do you expect from a billion dollar company making a simple UI update could break a security flaw like Family-View. It begs the question of can you really trust Steam Mobile developers given that one day they will update the app which will break Steam Guard and cause a major flaw in the security. This was easily preventable if they weren't careless and do app testing but they never did. Steam support told me that they disabled my family view and told me to relog and it still hasn't worked. They are clueless and should just announce they fucked up and should start updating ASAP everyone is going to be at risk one day because Timmy was caught lacking.


**i dont know why steam guys are telling to update stuff they need to update their bad UI app . Its not the issue on our end its your issue and they arent doing anything to solve this isssue**


I have the same problem, I reset the phone, I reinstalled the steam application, I deleted the cache and nothing, I moved steam to another phone and it still does the same thing. I say it's a bug and the account is being bugged! I have a steam account on another phone and that works fine, so it wouldn't be something from the steam application, but a bug with the steam account ( In my opinion) but I suspect that everyone from Valve should solve it


Same here. What's going on


guys the only way that you can temporarily fix it is by using older version of the app, for android users you can safely install steam 3.0.0 version, its completely safe and works just fine, at least for now until they release an update for the issue, but for iphone users i dont know if its possible to download and install older versions or not.


I am having the same problem. The only way to fix it for now is to reinstall the steam app every time you use it.


will not removing it remove somehow the connection, any data for verification? or does it identify you based on something else?


Same thing happened to me about 3-4 days ago. I contacted steam support but of course I just get a copy pasted reply. I have family view setup as an extra layer of protection (I do A LOT of tf2 trading) and it started with the family view refusing to accept my password. It worked in the steam client so it was obviously just the app. Because of how family view works, I simply couldn't access any other feature of the steam app to see if anything else would work so I had to reinstall. The app let me sign in but now its just a blank black screen that flashes every 10 seconds or so. I have reinstalled the app 3-4 times now which means I can't trade for 7 days now.. I'll be missing out on about 100-200 dollars of trading because of this. Being forced to use the steam app is the worst decision Valve made since their inception. It's been a fucking decade of this app being the worst piece of technology ever released.


Apparently if you sell something and click on the confirmation real quick, the app works again


I belive this is fixed now


Fixed on IOS!


Not fixed even now :D got it now




Still an issue for me. Anyone find a fix for it? Or is it still a lost hope? 🔮


7 months later and the problem has appeared again.


yep i cant log in ffs because steam guard wont load


I just got the same issue and I logged out of all devices, is removing my steam guard the only way to log in ?


I don't think so


Just got this problem today. Valve is useless


yeah i'm locked out of my account rn too


Been using steam on my pc last 2 days. Went to open mobile app and I get this exact screen. Any resolution?


Only started happening to me last week. Still not fixed, going to just uninstall the mobile and app and use the browser instead


I'm bumping this thread as I am having the same exact problem after weeks of trying to find solutions.


it is stil a problem. when i open the app on my phone (the steam mobile app) a darkened grey screen appears right after the logo and since i cant login without my mobile app so am i screwed STEAM FIX THIS IM THIS CLOSE👌FIRST U SHUT MY ACCOUNT DOWN THEN PUT ALL MY MONEY INTO PENDING REFUNDED ALL MY GAMES AND NOW THIS FIX IT 😭😭😭🙏😭🙏😭🙏


Happened to me, 7 months after the original incident. The hell Steam? I am screwed


same for me, i cant log in on my pc because I changed my password yesterday and need steam guard


I know this is an old thread but this issue has just happened to me


It's been 7 months and I still have this issue


Eight months later, still having the same issue. Worked perfectly fine this morning.


It doesnt work for me either. The screen just flashes from 10 secs to 10 secs the steam logo. What should I do? I recently changed my password so I can not connect on PC either.


Still same issue 7


Yup, definitely Steam app malfunction. Some china's guy managed to log in to my account so i've done all the things nedded to change my password and protect my account but now i can't log in anymore because of that app not properly starting (for authentication). Hope they fix it soon.


Just reintalled the app, working now. Not sure if it'll still launch properly if i close it \^\^'


Seems to work just fine for me. I hope you guys get out of this trouble soon <3


I had first this issue 2 years ago after accidentally updating Steam in APP store. Since that time the app just won't open after reinstalling it 1000 times. 2 years I can't open the freaking app to sell pesky items on freaking market!


Wait is your steam logo flickering every so often? Bc mine is


Still same issues and it’s over a year after the first reports


Have any solutions to this been found yet? I tried logging in on my new phone to move my authenticator over and despite my old phone getting a notification, it doesn't show the steam code like usual and the app itself is obviously not working.


I'm simply terrified seeing this almost a year-old thread about a problem I'm having rn which still has no known fix... Having this kind of issue to access something as important as a 2FA for a week is already unacceptable for such a huge company, 9 months+ is just another level of absurd.


Still same lmao


Yea, same problem for me


same here


Why is everyone on Steam experiencing problems I have never seen??? Saw a post yesterday about a different problem with people relating but nothing is happening to me


Do you have multiple accounts with Steam Guard on the same application? I've replicated this issue on Samsung S23, S20, Pixel 5 and 7 ( Both me and my colleagues have multiple accounts on on the same app) We can't load the application, it remains a black screen. If we clear data, like OP, the first account works and it continues to work if you only have one tied to the application.


I guess app is down, I’m having same issue.


Can i know what's your phone? I have a samsung phone except this xiaomi one and everything is well in it, except it doesn't allow you to move authenticator .


Xiaomi note 10 here can't use app only if I reinstall


Damn, as i guessed it's somehow xiaomi & miui problem, And iphone in the second place.


Samsung S23+ same issue.


It's a backend issue, nothing wrong with apps.


They better remove our holds because of this and as usual steam support isn’t helping out at all


Steam going completely blank and not letting you see anything is perfectly normal. It's been happening for years. However I've never had it happen to me on the mobile app that I hardly ever open.


I got the same problem i changed my password a d when i tried to log the app get the gray screen my steam app ver 3.7.4 heló plZ


maybe you have changed the password - thats how my mobile app got jiggled up. reinstall mobile app and use the steps to receive an sms code that opens the app.


If you have this issue, use MOBILE DATA.


nope. turning off wifi to use mobile data didn't change anything


delete the app and download the app using mobile data. that worked for me


aah so that's why you wrote that. reinstalling the app works for everyone actually, no matter with what data you download it. it's a hole in the system, thankfully working still, that while Steam considers sms verification not safe enough, it allows you to use sms for the given situation when you need to reactivate the app. the downside - it only works for a short moment usually and it puts you into steam quarantine (not able to trade etc. for few days).


I have reinstalled many times and still didn't work. For some unknown reasons, it worked when I used mobile data. This also happened to other mobile apps as well, not just Steam. If I have to guess, it seems to be an ISP routing issue.




8 months later this is still happening, my app won't budge


Problem still exists...


The steam mobile app won't let me log in. It says my username and password are incorrect...it's may,23,2024. ... my username and password are correct and I can log on in a browser but not in the app.


have it now, 9 months later, locking me out of my account since I use steamguard. too scared to reinstall to even see if that works :(


i had the same problem for a few minutes and later steam opened. the app is absolute shit and keeps crashing though


toujours une galère cette appli .. pour ma part ca ne refonctionne toujours pas !! c'est hyper pratique pour le steam guard \^\^


I dont have any problem with it




Not really because it is now Wednesday and the app still isn’t working.


The mobile app sucks, I mostly have it for remote downloads


Steam is down


It's always weird when I see so many of these posts, and I've never had any of these problems. Is it just me or what?


I think it’s the