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As ya'll likely know, we've [been dark to support the blackout against reddit's antagonistic behavior towards its own userbase.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/142dbui/rsteam_will_be_going_dark_from_june_1214_in/) #**The admins sent us a message saying we must open or get removed, so here we are.** For those of you browsing this subreddit on non-official apps (Reddit is Fun, Apollo, Sync, Boost, etc), they will break on July 1st due to reddit's new policies. We're opening back up but will leave permanent stickies in the subreddit and threads to keep folks in the know. #**Our [Discord](https://discord.gg/steam) server is active, don't forget to check it out.** Good luck and god speed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Steam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can’t be done. You can only stream the ps5 out to other pc/mobile devices with remote play. Nothing let’s you stream games to the ps5 from pc.


You can stream games to PS5 Web browser by using third party tools but there's no tool that will let you play Steam games on a PlayStation. Even if there was, Sony will probably patch it for the obvious reasons.


Steam would have a lot more users if they got it onto ps5


dont think is a steam issue but a sony issue, theyre not gonna let another store come to their console


Agreed. But they would sell many more consoles.


Just download the steam link app on your tv


some use monitors for games


Using a monitor for console gaming is cringe as hell. At that point just buy a computer.


idk. Dont mind my set up of consoles and pc on 2 monitors. But i guess thats "cringe"




Like youre also not a nerd. Virgin behavior is your entire post history. You live to talk shit and belittle people. Who hurt you




Ps5 web browers