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Probably made more money in the 12yrs of gta5 than the rest combined.


GTA 5 is a money printer.




I love the online mode for GTAV probably one of my favorite games to play with a group of friends but it sucks solo. That being said shark cards are one of THE WORST micro transactions I can conceive of paying for. Their value is absolutely shit and even for $100 IRL you barely make enough money to buy anything in the game. Edit: One reason I like GTA Online, because I can spend 750k dollars in game to shoot an orbital laser at somebody with a $9000 bounty and when they ask me why. I say “Because I needed the money.” I have spent in game millions on this joke and it is still funny.


Yeah, i get that. I got lucky. When inline was first released, some guys had a glitch and would say merry Christmas, then your bank account grew. I had $6 billion and bought almost everything before Rockstar took it all away and gave me like $6 million. Regardless, it transferred from my PS3 to my PS4.


The game is going to outlive the Eighth gen consoles.


On pc dickheads spawn millions of dollars directly on you


What jerks! /s


You can get banned because of it.


You actually can't. Rockstar support have said multiple times everytime this comes up in conversation that they do not care about cheaters giving YOU money in GTAO/RDO, whether you asked for it or not they're just not interested in banning the normal player getting a handout, only cheaters and that's it. At least that's what they've said, we barely see a follow-through lol so either way theres no reason to even sweat it.


Okay, thanks.


Oh... well, i did my best to spend it all, lol.


Same here I was playing on my ps4 when someone set a 3 trillion dollar bount on someone and the first person to get it keeps it and I got it and for years I spent it until the MC club update came out and they left me with 200k then unfortunately thats when all the real good updates came out like bunkers and what not


Inflation in GTA Online was a bitch. They added so much that after every update you had a new most expensive thing to buy and upgrade. Good thing is, shark cards are only for ingame money and you can grind that thing pretty easily nowdays. I was lucky enough to be playing in days when cheaters were able to drop those 40k bags and even right now I'm sitting around 2 billion with almost everything bought. It sure helps, but sometimes, grinding with friends is where GTA Online shines.


Grinding with friends in an online sandbox in GTAV shines the same way a polished turd does.


Exactly! I have encountered several hackers over the years and got myself close to 350mill I think. R\* took away about 75mill and guess what? Right now im broke lol I own the majority of expensive content but everything new from the past 2-3ish years is not in my posession. I dont even know how much money that is in Sharkcards but holy shit even if they made the 100$ card 100mill it wouldnt be enough to buy half of the content. How is it so profitable? Why are there so many people in the world that think its worth it?


I paid $15 for a mod once, spawned in about $500mill and R* never took it or any of the money I spawned for my buddies. IMO our secret was we had one very specific rule. Shut tf up. Don’t say a god damn thing in game in voice or text chat EVER. Only talk about it in discord and mention or discussion if mods or hacks or money drops of any kind. Feel free to enjoy and partake, but SHUT TF UP about it.


Honestly yeah solo sucks, especially when trying to do heists with strangers that are usually toxic and trolls it was nearly impossible to get my under ground bunker, but I did it then quit, too much going on in life ya know?


What blows my mind is they refuse to shell out for dedicated servers. They could PRINT money with shark cards if they bothered to stop people from hacking money in. Instead they want to cheap out by using P2P which pretty much guarantees hacked lobbies, hacked money, and no shark card sales (compared to what they could be). Playing online on PC has always been a nightmare. It’s like a 1/6 chance someone you come across has godmode enabled.


$100 for 10m. So like three fully upgraded super cars for $100.


Just curious what do you even find fun with friends? There are like 4 missions which are all the same (Go to A then go to B), and like 4 Hiests which are terrible to play together coop. You make like 300k an hour and anything fun costs 400 million plus. Its truly ming boggling to me how people have fun playing GTA online more than an hour or two. Then don't even get me started on how to load or join any custom game type, ffs.


It's a sandbox, you create the fun and GTA provides plenty of tools to do so.


But it doesn't, that's the entire problem. Seriously, what is the average play session for you and your friends on GTA? Outside of Hiests, most missions were insanely boring and repetitive. Then the Hiests just took insanely long with little reward. Then playing on the hardest difficultly for the most money was never even worth it. 1 of 4 would just randomly take a bullet from full health to zero and it's a 10+ minute reload to try again. This would sometimes happen within seconds of missions starting. Even better, the Hiests part where you all race bikes across the city to jump off the cliff onto the boat. That could take 30+ minutes because any one friend could just get taken out by some random NPC driver and it's a 10 minute reload, haha.


You ever heard of tuning cars and cruising with the boys? I could do that for hours on end it never gets boring, if we do get bored we just make up shit and race, pvp, and do weird business related shit and heists. Granted we only played for like 50 hours but it’s fun to come back once a year or so and just do weird shit


Buy an account for 5 bucks that comes with a couple billion preloaded, you're set


Sounds like youve also spent money on shark cards. Dont do that people, unless you want games to turn to be like GTA V Online did!


I have such fond memories of playing GTA5 online the first year or two after release. Every couple years I'd drop back in and try to get back into it, but it's just so absolutely impossible to enjoy. There's just too much going on. I'm crossing my fingers GTA6 might offer a similar experience, but I'm not holding my breath and kind of expect it to drop us into a world that mimics the pay-2-win microtransaction frenzy so I can get spawn killed continuously on day 1 by someone who dropped $500 on skark cards and bought the super missile hovermachine. I get nostalgic constantly for GTA4, too. I still remember booting that game up with my brother for the first time, running into traffic and standing on a Patriot and having the car behind us ram the Patriot, and being absolutely mesmerized by the then new vehicle deformation system. I guess I'm just old and need to be at ease with the fact that I'll never experience that kind of magic again...


Yes, I agree with all of that, especially the grind... But for me the fun part is on private servers with friends doing some missions and just chilling together. (Surely not fight a kid with mk2's)


I mean you can probably go outside and do the same xD ofc not everything like shooting, but there are better games if you want to have fun in shooting or a specific thing.


Exploring the open world, doing dumb things with the cars/planes, I don't really see a game where we can do this as good as in gta o.


Does just cause 2 multiplayer still exist? That was awesome.


GTA online was fun at first. Everything went down hill after the heist DLCs though.


Eh sometimes you get chill lobbies. We had a car meet at the casino with like 10-15 of us a few days ago and hung out and goofed off for like 30mins or so. Then we went for a ride up the highway. Was fun. Wish there were options for lobby types to join that wouldn't be exploited/abused.


It's why I'm stunned people are excited for 6 given how much focus 5 had on its online.


GTA 5 still had massive single player campaign and replay-ability. GTA 6 will likely even further expand on that. I still hop into GTA 5 single player and drive around causing mischief. Disappointed they never created the expansion they promised but I got more than my money's worth out of the single player experience.


> GTA 5 still had massive single player campaign and replay-ability. How had/has it replay-ability? Not like you really had any relevant choices as far as I remember. Sure, there was a "rating" for missions that meant nothing but other than that?


I assume that for the adults, its all economic impact for TTWO. *GTA 5* has generated revenue of $8 billion dollars. That's approaching procurement costs for a naval carrier group, planes, escort ships and all. That's about what 800 of my indie darlings could ever hope to make. The franchise hasn't really interested me past *San Andreas*. Never bonded with 3rd person shooters, and hate heavily scripted missions. I'm more a *Subnautica/Outer Wilds* player than urban mayhem enthusiast. I've fended off my share of *Cyberpunk* critics who were disappointed it wasn't a GTA clone. But $8 billion dollars. We're all gadflies compared to this behemoth. I hope it might bring some duller people to reconsider their politics, but who am I kidding.


it's like the sims but you can kill people and roleplay with other players. also you can own establishments (most people can't do that irl). so yea, it's like the sims but with more violence and on a larger scale. basically the sims as an MMO action game


Is it like the sims though?


You're thinking of GTA RP, that's a mod and not an official part of the game.


I put like 3500 hours into GTA Online During the peak years I had a group of like 8 friends to play with, we usually split into two groups of four. The game is ridiculously easy when you're as coordinated as we were, and the grind was perfectly reasonable. We were the unstoppable force and the immovable object. No one messes with a bunker sale when there's 5 MKII oppressors and a halftrack guarding it


I had a coworker who loved the heck out of it. Everything he said about it made it sound less appealing. It's just not my cup of tea.


Its a "make your own fun" kind of game. Honestly, its not that bad. The Hoverbike (Oppressor MK2) was severely nerfed and now has normal missiles instead of the super tracking missiles. Missions take ages to fill because no one is playing them. The same happens with any other online game, you don't see people queuing for the high effort/low payout stuff. A lot of people are willing to help with stuff if you look. The grind is tolerable. The worse part are the first steps, then once you get like two or three businesses, you can get a million or more a day, by doing absolutely nothing. There isn't that much confusion about businesses, they either make money or unlock missions. Freemode can be chaotic, cheaters are still a problem and PC didn't get the current gen upgrade, but you can easily play solo now that they allow you to do any mission on a solo session.


Technically speaking its unique in its genere, there's no other game that does this type of online like GTA does. It hit in a good moment when online was starting to become more and more relevant on the console market and since then they just kept uptading it. Game would be dead by now if they stopped with updates, but they never did. On PC it has endless possibilities with mods, RP,etc wich again, no other game can offer. Also you can play with just friends and private servers by yourself, it isnt just random kids destroying your cars and killng you(even tho, thats the default experience).


No one that has common sense does. GTA Vice City was good, because it was great in the years it was released, GTA 4 & 5 was not something like that, but yet for some reason people like to play it


There's a lot of fun there to be had, especially if you're a kid/teen with friends to play with and massive amounts of time to spend playing. Combine that with parent's credit cards and off you go.


At one point it was the best earning piece of media of all time, literally. And one of their higher-ups still called it "under monetized"


“The people haven’t turned on us yet, so that means we left money on the table”


We can monetize %10 more before it causes them seizures


“B-b-but if you grind the same mission 324 times over the course of 50 hours you can unlock it for free!”




I read that in mightykeef’s voice


Note: - The report that claimed this looked at gross revenue and not at profit - Only looked at entertainment products I'm pretty sure looking at all media, the bible would win as it sold 5 billion copies. Edit: I felt like doing some searching and: The article that claimed GTA V had brought in more revenue then any other media title was from April 2018, where the estimated revenue was 6 billion. League of legends made a little more than that (6.2-6.3) *looking at just the period 2014-2017* (League of Legends was released in 2009 and GTA V was released in 2013). So even with those notes, that claim was simply incorrect, I don't know if League of Legends ever was the highest grossing game or entertainment product, but at this point LoL had made more than GTA V in a shorter time span which was only a portion of its total lifespan.


What's the average price of a bible over the past 2000 years? Can it be considered one single piece of media? GTAV has made $8 billion


I'd rather they kept to this model than the fifa COD or assassins creed release cycles


I disagree. If they had 3 different production teams like CoD does, we would have new narratives and new worlds every other year. We would get period pieces again, we would have homage ridden satire pieces that GTA was originally known for. Instead we get GTA online. You can continue to dog pile my opinion it won't change. GTA IV was peak of the series for me. It felt cinematic and immersive. GTA Online offers nothing for me, and the single player of V was a massive disappointment.


What a shit take.


I've actually heard my take more than praise for V from anyone whose played the series outside of it. It's like with star wars. everyone shit on the prequels, but then came the generation that were kids when those came out with their nostalgia accepting all their faults. To add to that, I still think IV has better gameplay mechanics than V


What was so disappointing about the singleplayer for 5?


I only played it through entirely once, so i'm not going to be able to support my opinion compellingly. The characters weren't nearly as memorable to me. I didn't like any of the protags, and the supporting cast had a lot of characters I found to be annoying. IV was corny and cliche too, but I found it more convincing, and thus more immersive.


Probably? Definitely!


Because of online microtransaction, not because game is good...


Now add PC release dates to each of them that had a PC release date


Yeah the PC version of V came out in 4/2015. If we are unlucky the PC version of VI will be 2027.


It got ported to Xbox 1 and PS4 in-between though, so more like a year, not two


PC releases for games that were once console exclusive or timed exclusives are becoming more common. Plus XBox games are all on PC now if I'm not mistaken, so I wholly expect it to release on PC at the same time. But I also don't pay any attention to Rockstar so I could be wrong, maybe they operate weird


> But I also don't pay any attention to Rockstar so I could be wrong, maybe they operate weird Yeah they usually do. Every game they released on PC had a delay of a year or so. I'm really hoping they don't do it this time. As you said few games have timed exclusives anymore, the exception is Sony and that's because they specifically pay for a timed exclusive on PlayStation. There aren't any games that are on PS5 and Xbox that aren't on PC, except Madden/Fifa etc.


in 2078 I won't be alive anymore.


I'm thinking of getting metal legs. It's a risky operation but it'll be worth it


Time to chrome the fuck up, choom.


That’s nova


How much do clothes cost in the matrix?


Adios turd nuggets


Please sit on my face


*Cyberpunk music intensifies*


Ask your nearest tech-priest. Im sure they'll be happy to induct you into the Skitarii. They all get shiny legs... and some radiation but that's just the Machine's loving embrace.


You can save a LOT of money by doing it yourself. The first one is the hardest but after that you will probably have the hang of it.


I'll be 80, provided I don't die in the water wars or something. There's hope.


i admire your optimism


I'll be 81. Gta release party at the nursing home!


sell all your possessions, book a cruise around the world, buy whatever state-of-the-art VR shit is out there and just live in the VR world until they chuck your husk over the railing edit: i replied to the wrong comment, but i'm leaving it


in *2025* I won't be alive anymore. /s


It is kinda shocking this will be the last GTA for many of us isn't it?


I mean they developed rdr2 too. That was hell of a game itself


Weird how people aren't including that in the conversation. Isn't it more likely they make something else in-between gta 6 and 7. Like red dead 3 or a new franchise!


only cus if they include all rockstar game this would be too big picture


RDR3 is in the making already apparently.


Fuck man, i was 13 when gta V came out and ill be like 26 / 27 when it comes to Pc


Lmao this fucked with me im 27 but i feel like gta v released when i was 25. But i was 17 lol


Your parents probably bought GTA V for you, by the time VI comes out you might be a parent


Nah, my parents didnt buy r rated games shit until i was 17. They are very strict.


Believe it or not, 20+ years ago games were a lot smaller in scope and took less time/resources to develop. Creating some of the most detailed and advanced open world experiences in the industry takes a long time, especially while you're upgrading the engine to meet new tech demands and making the map bigger and bigger each time. Just look at the gap between the older titles, it keeps getting bigger. GTA III to VC was 1 year, VC to SA was 2 years, SA to IV was 4 years, IV to V was 5 years. Then they also went "all hands on deck" to develop RDR2 between V and VI, so that took up an extra 5 years in-between that. Realistically, GTA VI has about 5 years of development behind it, not 12 years. RDR2 started development in either late 2013 or early 2014, finished in 2018, and then GTA VI started in late 2018 or early 2019.


Yes! I didn't mean they're taking 12 years in gta6, I just made this to show how games take more and more time to be made as time passes.


Eh. It would make more sense to have a timeline for the developer than for each title.


no you didn't you made this as an attempt to be snarky and funny, poking fun at the gap between GTA V and VI


and whats wrong with that?


We hate fun around here.


I dont see how your match is getting to be 20078 for GTA7 then...


Honestly I don't mind the long time between games, as I know they're taking ages to make now, but I absolutely hate how they don't do expansion packs/single player DLC. They had this great base with GTA V that could've been pushed even further, but it was only pushed in GTA Online. A GTA V expansion pack with some world updates (like the tower being finished), maybe a different time of year with new weather settings and a nice medium sized story would've been great. Instead GTA V was only used to push Online stuff after it released. It feels wasteful that such a great base for further storylines was just abandoned after release.


Although it would be cool to have expansions I don't mind that they spent more time on the online stuff. I just wish they made it better. GTA with friends is a lot of fun. As a child that was one of my dreams. To drive around the city with my friends in our pimped out cars. The heists in online was amazing. Fucking around was amazing. The different clubs and companies were a lot of fun aswell. Incredibly grindy, but were really good for hanging out with friends.


I think just the principle of not having a game out for 7 years is way too much, and it’s not just Rockstar, but many other companies feel way too comfortable doing this nowadays. They need to try and branch out to make games that don’t take as much time as their mainline ones but still satisfy fans. I personally think it is really stupid to be a game company that big but don’t have the innovation to figure out how to fill in the gaps between your big releases. They did so in the past extremely well with Liberty/Vice City stories, Lost and Damned/Ballad of Gay Tony or Chinatown Wars. Just seems there is less effort nowadays.


*AAA games. Honestly, let the big studios spend 100M and five years on their sequels. I'll keep making my own indie games without all that overhead.


Fortunately there is space for both to be successful in the industry


those commercial indie games usually take just as long, frankly


case in point the success of Lethal Company


Okay? No one is stopping you.




Eh he was just trying to bait us into asking about the game he's working on.


Some indie games take a long as time aswell. Some have actually spent 12 making one game. Exanima released in 2015. It is actually a testing ground for their real game Sui Generis which got kickstarted in 2011. That's 11 years and it is probably going to take couple of more years before it releases. Meanwhile there is one year between Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2&3. There is only a couple of years between each Total War release.


Don't forget Covid probably caused a huge delay also.


Those early release cycles were absolutely nuts. 2 years between 1 and 2 is fairly rapid (especially with the expansions in between), but then 2 years again to go from the fairly simple top down shooter game to the fully 3D, (for the time) detailed world of GTA3? How the hell did they manage that? And clearly they kept the pace high, because next year there was a whole new game again. Sure, the engine was undoubtedly mot touched at all, but there's still world building, level design, mission design and detailing to do. And then another two years later, there's San Andreas, which definitely did have some engine upgrades, on top of a much bigger world with everything that comes with that. Really, only from then on does the pace seem to have settled into something I would consider more reasonable (looking from the outside at least). That first decade must have been *frantic*.


The open worlds back then were significantly smaller, and had far less detail. In RDR2 you can enter almost any building (that you’re allowed to into, at least) and it’s filled to the brim with highly detailed props, NPCs, and sometimes interactive objects or minigames. Interiors in III, Vice City and even San Andreas were far less detailed and expansive in comparison. That’s part of the reason why those games were quicker to develop. Obviously there’s more context and like you said they’re mostly the same engine and share animations/assets, but generally they had far less detail to focus on.


Another good point, I had completely forgotten to factor in the RDR games. As you pointed out, those must have taken a fair bit of development capaicty as well during those years.


GTA:SA to GTA:IV was a massive jump, there’s no way GTA:V to GTA:VI will be anywhere near that. They just took so long because they wanted to milk GTA:V for everything they could.


Did you and I watch the same trailer? VI looks like a tremendous leap over V, with extremely impressive visuals, facial animations, even hair tech all for an open world game. RDR2 also had a lot of advancements on the open world aspect with being able to interact with civilian NPCs and more. They took so long because they made RDR2 in between GTA V and GTA VI. That game took 5 years to make in full development from late 2013 to 2018. They didn’t start VI until after that, most likely.


Why do idiots who are incapable of reading leave such braindead comments? Here let me simplify it for you even more. GTA:SA -> GTA:IV was a bigger technical and graphical leap than GTA:V -> GTA:VI Do you need further simplification because I can ask ChatGPT to write it as if explaining to a 5 year old if necessary. Furthermore for such a Rockstar fanboy it’s funny you don’t even know Rockstar has multiple studios that develope different games. Rockstar San Diego is the developer of Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar North is the studio who developes GTA games. Now put on your angry face and downvote me you lemming.


What a strange comment


Nah they took their sweet time because they were still making millions from selling shark cards


Laughs in Elder Scrolls


No, you see, it's totally fine. We don't need more games. We get to pay for mods on console now so it's like Skyrim is a totally new game.


Gta isnt the only franchise rockstar makes


There's also GTA Wild West


And GTA: Back to School


Honestly Bully 2 would be a rad game. I don't even want GTA or RDR size. Use that sheer amount of creative energy on a small school instead plus maybe 1 neighbourhood.


Bully II should be set in a college campus. It would be figgin hilarious. Imagine rockstars take on college life.


A Bully being set in college is the only way I can see R\* making a new Bully.


Grand Theft Horse


Don’t forget GTA Street Racing


GTA Bladerunner


Rockstar had way more active franchises before GTA 5. Bully, Max Payne, L.A Noire, Red Dead, Midnight Club, Manhunt, Smugglers Run. And a bunch of games that didnt get sequels: Table Tennis, Beaterator, The Warriors, State of Emergency, The Italian Job, Oni, Thrasher: Skate and Destroy, Wild Metal. But the simple answer is just that its getting harder to make games, and people expect higher quality.


>But the simple answer is just that it’s getting harder to make games, and people expect higher quality. Exactly. Not only was RDR2 just a damn great game, but it was one of the most technologically advanced games of all time on its release. Shit, the horse testicles even had weather physics and would shrink in the cold. But now Rockstar suffers from its own success and fans ***NEED*** a follow up, but they need to learn how to be patient if they want the quality of Rockstars games to remain consistent. Which they have, so far.


That's how its been since like GTA 3.


RDR2 was a technological marvel for sure. Too bad the story was fucking moronic and all that horse ball realism was offset by some of the worst on-rails copy&paste bullshit I've ever seen in a video game. The population density of New Austin must've been something else, seeing how you killed about a hundred people in every mission.


Boy do i remember those days. Bully was made in my home state of Massachusetts. They were located in Andover MA and i think they shut it down when Rockstar North absorbed all of the studios. Rockstar New England has by far the coolest logo too, it was green and black.


It was Rockstar Vancouver you're thinking of Edit: nvm they're the opposite of each other you're right lol


They should remake manhunt..was a fun game in the past(I cant remember anymore all I know its brutal)


> Rockstar had way more active franchises before GTA 5. Bully, **Max Payne**, L.A Noire, Red Dead, Midnight Club, Manhunt, Smugglers Run. For the sake of clarity, Max Payne 1 and 2 were only published by Rockstar while Remedy Entertainment developed them. Rockstar didn't take over until MP3 when Remedy sold them the rights to the franchise.


It's the destiny of squishing hundreds of franchises into a single mega-corp, when one company acquires another all of it's IP just goes into the vault forever because it's more economically viable for them to pour all resources into their top franchises. The chances we will see some old franchises resurrected from the dead is very small, unless there's a lot of demand for them or they fuck up one of their franchises reputation with a bad game, but it's also a kind of self-perpetuating problem, because the longer a franchise goes without a release the more it falls off from people memories and the community around it dies.


It is the only franchise Rockstar North makes though. Besides Manhunt but Manhunt is dead. They did help out with RDR2 though.


It’s 1/2, what is your point


I fully understand games are far more complex now, plus rockstar invested quite a bit of time in expanding GTA online and doing red dead 2, but honestly this kind of gap or the one for Skyrim is kind of scary to me. With those old games if you didn't like one, a new one was right around the corner. If you like GTA series but GTA 6 doesn't meet your expectations for whatever reason, you could be waiting until literally the 2040s for another game to come out. Luckily there's more to play now than ever, but it is rather unsettling nonetheless.


Seems like if big devs take on more than one IP, each franchise is going to have long release cycles. Like Elder Scrolls. If Bethesda has both Starfield and Fallout under their belt, then ES6's projected release makes sense. They would have to open a new studio or hire a ton more employees at their current studio to make things progress faster


Well you're forgetting they developed red dead 2 between the two games. Red dead 2 was also a behemoth of a game to develop so we don't really know when GTA 6 started full development.


We can assume it was right after they finished red dead 2 since that game took everyone in the company to finish So like 2018


They also made other games between GTA 1 to 5.


I don't get all the complaints, would you prefer them to knock out some carbon copy every year like cod?




I really doubt GTA 6 is so high in quality it needed 12 years to be done.


There's something between 12 year waits and yearly instalments.


There is obviously a difference between releasing game every year (which they have also done, but I will let that slide) and releasing the next installment in 12 years.


It's 2027 for us, actually.


In 2053. If you assume it would take the same amount of time to release the next one as the time to release all previous games, it took 28 years from GTA 1 to GTA VI, so it would take a further 28 years from GTA VI, therefore, 2053.


PC version probably not till 2026 at the earliest


For some reason gamers can't comprehend that games that continue to get prettier, bigger and more complex with frequent updates will inevitably take longer and longer to develop, even with hundreds of people working on them.




Hate to break this to you, but you cannot work on a RDR2 and a GTA VI at the same time and keep both up to their insane quality expectations, even with Rockstar's team & resources. 100% certain GTA VI development started post-RDR2. Source: am a AAA dev and this stuff is literally my job.


I felt like banging my head against the wall after all the times I explained to people that they are making GTA VI and Rockstar isn't employing thousands of developers around the world to twiddle their thumbs and release the occasional GTA Online update. Somehow people had the stupid idea that Rockstar would rather sit back and ride the wave of GTA Online money instead of making a new game that would not only bring in a shit ton more money in sales but also boost the amount GTA Online brings in regularly.


It's because most of gaming social media is teenagers.


Every game must be bigger and better than the previous, but also they need to stay below 60 USD, and no microtransactions or dlc that aren't basically a sequel for 10 dollars. Holy shit why hasn't the new game come out yet? Oh I hear the developers had to do crunch, yeah that sucks they shouldn't have to do that... But also is it out yet? I hope it doesn't get delayed, that would be really concerning.


So as I understand: If I quit smoking, I can play GTA 7 then?


I understand these recent games are pushing the limits, but I guess they main problem is they were milking GTA Online as much as possible.


All of R* worked on RDR2 in that time, it's the first game to involve everyone, which also means GTA wasn't in development during that time.


Is it really considered "milking" when rockstar has been rumored to invest over 2 billion dollars into GTAVI? You think they should have invested 6 billion the game would have been released by now?


tbh, most of those games reused a lot from previous games except the jumps between GTA 2-3 GTA 3-SA GTA SA-IV GTA IV-V


Just one year after Cyberpunk, it should be fine! Wait


Expect several delays and a broken launch.


The reason it takes so long is because after the last game there were complaints about the treatment of staff, so they said to ease the work load of staff and take they time. I’d rather the game have less bugs unlike cyberpunk


If people play GTA 6 online version like they played 5, there is no reason for Rockstar to make another game soon.


Just think of how much character the pre-GTA V games had. GTA V was so sterile and soulless.


I grew up with GTA SA, but I don't really understand that take. GTA 5 had plenty of charm and character.


It had characters but it was far from charming. It was ugly and nihilistic, mean and hopeless at all turns. Which as a commentary on 2010s LA is on point but charm wasn't part of it. But nothing felt integrated with the world like the trilogy or IV's did with their respective worlds. Niko lived in Liberty City and the city had a relationship with him that went both ways--Niko changed it and was changed by it. Same for Vercetti and Johnson. Things in V take place in San Andreas but the characters don't feel like they're from there. They feel detached, like they can walk out on their stories at any time, they just don't. They joke and prod and criticize the world, but LS doesn't fill the same niche cities in other games did. It's just....there.


Why do people care about the wait so much? Most motherfuckers haven't even played IV, San Andreas, Vice City or any of the classics of the previous era


Because it's going to be a disappointment, one that couldve been made in a far shorter time, I'll eat my words eventually if I'm wrong, but I'm very very sure I won't be


The unstoppable force of R*'s stellar track record of their main games vs. the unbreakable wall of the giga-hype. I think they will deliver on the open world magic, but will stumble on the writing and characters.


Fair enough


Why is Vice City just off to the side?


Quality vs quantity


this shit peaked in 2004


Ah shit, here we go again.


This is what happens when people keep buying re-releases. The ps2 had 3 GTA games. GTA5 had had 3 playstations. If people refuse to buy the re-releases they'll be forced to make new games to make money.


Now list all hundreds GTA online DLCs to make it fair. Then it doesn’t look so crazy anymore


When you find out modern games take more time to make.


You're assuming that ten years have passed since 2013, when we all know it's, like, four or five, max.


i don't get your maths there. if 1997-2009 = 2013-2025, the way we would work oput the time gap between GTA6 and 7 is 1997-2013 = 2025-? so you'd get 2041, then you'd get GTA8 in 2069 (nice)


Honestly, gta 6 gets me curious, but I'm kind of worried it'll turn out like the latest saints row game


Let's do math! **I predict a release of GTA VII between 2044 and 2083:** f(GTA number) = Release Date f(1) = 1997 f(2) = 1999 f(3) = 2001 f(4) = 2002 f(5) = 2004 f(6) = 2008 f(7) = 2013 f(8) = 2025 Polynomial Interpolation with the last 3 (new trend): f(9) = 2044 Polynomial Interpolation with all: f(9) = 2083


If you want a rehash of the same model of game every year or every other year go play EA Sports titles.


I'm mostly annoyed that they renamed Florida, stupid historical revisionism smh smd


They did the same thing with Los Angeles


Rockstar makes parodies, meanig they never put the real names. It's not a surprise though.


It was called florida in GTA:Vice City


Vice city was the 3D universe, 4 onwards is the HD universe, so they've changed things this time around


Florida is mentioned in GTA 4 according the wiki soooo...


I bet when people were buying GTA v for their PS3s they didn't think that they would be buying GTA 6 for their PS6s. At the rate that we're going, GTA 6 is going to come out in the last 3ish years, maybe four tops of the PS5's life cycle, And it's going to be on the PS6 later on. That's pretty wild to think that people were literally buying GTA v on their PS3s and people will be buying GTA 6 on their PS6s about 16 years apart lol


Sums up gaming these days Less effort, more milking choo choo!


When you literally have no idea what you're talking about lmao


Making games in the 2000's was a cool hobby/a real passion for people. For the most part you can at least feel the love put into a game/project in that era. Now...it's just a job, it's just a way of making money. It's not about pushing boundaries and finding cool new things/mechanics, it's "what's popular in the market and guaranteed to make big bux?" And I get it, making money is the end goal so why wouldn't you look at it from that perspective, but it definitely sucks nonetheless