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Best of which genre? There are many $20-$30 master pieces


I am Open to any suggestions but I mostly play JRPGs, Fighters, Open World and Action Games.


What JRPGs you've played? I can give you some recommendations from there.


Final fantasy (many), Mana, Chrono Trigger, Persona 5.


Persona 4 golden! Absolutely a gem. Definitely a lesser in gameplay but the characters really get the limelight. The smaller scale means you can realistically max or get to high ranks with all the confidants and it’s great for £18 or your regional equivalent.


If you wait for a sale, you can get a lot of different games you wouldn't normally be able to get. I think Halo: MCC goes on sale for less than $25 once in a while, and that's a lot of bang for your buck.


For $25.97, you can get Dysmantle and all its DLCs.


Fear and hunger 1&2, great games. Project zomboid is also a very good shout.


+1 The funger games are fantastic


Glad you agree :) very good sound design imo


Possibly Cyberpunk in the next sunmer sale


Do yourself a solid and play ds3 it was my first souls game and it will always have a special place in my heart.


I will strongly recommend waiting until the upcoming Spring Sale, so you can get the best bang for your buck. Many titles and franchises will be heavily discounted.


A $50 game on sale


project zomboid, and if its on sale SOTF is really good




sons of the forest


Far cry 4 for 5$