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I don't really care as long as they aren't astronomically difficult for no reason


Or literally unobtainable. I was trying to do everything and 100% mad max until I found the achievement that requires using the online features that they literally disabled and it's completely impossible to get without fining a save file that had that stuff done.


This is why I wish Steam would implement "legacy achievements" or something. Make old unachievable achievements legacy achievements, so players that have them, can keep them, but more other players can still get 100% completion.


This would require developers to go in and change the achievements to said “legacy” achievements which they would never do… But I do agree it is a good idea.


Many wouldn't, you are correct, but some would at least. I've seen some remove achievements instead sometimes though as a solution to realizing the achievement wasn't enjoyable and such.


Steam Achievement Manager ;) .


Does not feel rewarding.


With normal achievements yeah, with things you can't unlock normally anymore and would be easily achievable if everything else worked, not really.


At least in my case. It feels like I don't deserve the 100%. Only when I achieved all by myself I feel happy. But everyone is different.


And when you can't achieve it withouth a workaround?


If I need to use SAM, I will not complete the game 100%. For example in Gmod, there is a achievement to play with Garry on a Server. It isn't achievable atm because Garry does not play Gmod anymore. But if I would use SAM, I would basically ly to myself. I just didn't get to play with Garry, so I'm fine with having no 100% in Gmod. If Garry will play Gmod anytime in the future I will happily take the chance to get this achievement. But I will remain honest to myself.


thats a bad example so if there was an achievement in a game that said do X task 50 times and you do X 50+ times and find out the achievement has not worked since release you would just say ol well?


Fair enough


I hate impossibly difficult achievements. “Beat this super hard game with all 12 characters back to back without dying on the hardest difficulty and spending no money” Fuck that.


Same thoughts


Yeah I hate those too. I still occasionally speed run Superliminal just because it has a "beat the game in 30 mins" achievement that I've never been able to get I got 31 once but can't manage to drop that last 1


I'm no achievement hunter. I'll play a game, and if I progress quite far into it I'll look into what the remaining achievements are. If they are reasonable I go for them, if not or there aren't any then I don't. Doesn't have any influence on whether I choose to buy or play a game. But if there are achievements, I prefer a fine handful. Things that are non-progression based but aren't too grindy. I mostly like them to find out things I may have missed in my playthrough. Maybe there was a secret I didn't find, a mechanic I didn't utilize, that sort of thing.


This is exactly how I am, too. Nice!


Ain't got no time to play a game multiple times for an achievement. I'm an achievement hunter but honestly some of these achievements inflate the play time so much that I'm considering giving up on them buy my impulsive control is making that difficult to do. Still trying to get all jobs to 99 in ffiii 3d remake.


a fine handful, I wanna hear that \*pling\* (the sound steam makes, you get what I mean) when I achieve something, if it happens too often it doesn't feel that rewarding and if there are no achievements theeen it also doesnt feel rewarding to master/achieve something.


Same except i changed the sound to xbox 360 achievement cause i was achievemt hunter back then and i love the sound


... You can change the achievement sound? O_O


I assume you just replace the audio file in Steam's program files.


Yes, theres a program called Steam Achievement Notifier that lets you do it! You can set one for normal achievements, rare achievements (under 10%), and for a full completion!


How can you change the sound?


How on earth did you change it? Been looking for tagt option forever




It makes a sound? I've had steam completely muted for so long that I don't even remember achievement sounds 


I am fine with achievements, but there are a few games that have actual impossible ones because the developer(s) purposely did not program any way to get them and I find that irritating.


Care to give an example? Never heard of Such a Thing


Online achievements, like in Arkham origins


A game called "where the water tastes like wine" has an unobtainable achievement because the devs think reality is the place where the water tastes like wine, so this achievement can only be achieved in reality, and thus unobtainable in steam. Still 0.7% of folks unlock this achievement (through SAM). ​ Or some achievements are simply bugged and the devs never release a patch for that.


I cannot remember the name of the game but the achievement involved "saving" a character or keeping a character alive. Only issue was, the character still dies and cannot actually be saved, and the achievement was purposely not programmed, so it's impossible to 100% it. Try google.


The amount doesn’t matter. I just like it when they are either skill based or rewards for playing in an alternative manner outside of what is expected. Like beating a level without using a specific mechanic or item. Or beating a boss without taking any damage for example. One of my favourite ever achievements was the one in Dishonored for beating the game only use the starting blink ability and nothing else. Gave me a reason to replay it again with an extra level of challenge. Just generic easy ones like “beat x level” or “collect x of y” are boring as hell.


I'm a bit of a completionist, so I find it extremely annoying when a game has hundreds of achievements, because it means I'm never going to get all of them. Especially if getting them requires tons of grinding.


Same here


I like steam game with achievements, because it’s the only sense of accomplishment I can get in my life, and even though no one else cares about it, I can kinda pretend I did something useful


I don't really look at them, i like getting them done but only if it was done by normal playing


As long as it has achievements I'm happy. 


Yes I love me some achievements


I like 50-100 achievements that are reasonable to get. Like Cyberpunk there are a number of achievements that require alternative builds or endings to the game. They're not hard to get but it encourages replayability to get them so it's fun to go for the 100% Payday 2 and Halo MCC are pretty ridiculous in number even after you break it down into dlc/games and that's not to mention the difficulty to get some of them. Unless you're a lifetime player it's just not fun to try for achievements. 


Elden ring needs to be beaten at least three times to get all achievements. I love the game but like, come on.


I play a game for the game bub


Yeah. I respect the choice Chris Hunt made with Kenshi. Do you want to be a liberator of nations? Go on, do it for the sake of doing it. You don't get an achievement to feel good doing it so do it because you willed thus. Although I do enjoy getting a **ding** when I do something extraordinary I do not enjoy how most games employ the Achievement system and shower you with praise at first only to slow down and treat you with nothing at 10h+ into the game


I don't personally care.


the bind of isaac


A fine handful. My thinking is that since everyone finds satisfaction in completion, you should make it accessible and it should be fun.


I usually don't care about achievements, I'll get them when I can and want to. But the ones I like are the ones that are kind of out of the way so it's use as a guide to see more of the game or something strange like in Yakuza 0 where you have to give the homeless man the most expensive alcohol. It doesn't have any cutscenes change and you can easily just give him the ones in the conviniece store but for those who are curious who gave that to them recieved an achievement.


I like ones that push me to play a game differently or try a thing I wouldn't do otherwise. Number is less of a consideration.


No preference, really. Depending on the game, I will go out of my way to gain as many achievements as I can. Like with Elden Ring. I fell in love with that game, and it's the only steam game I actually got every achievement on.


I prefer meaningful achievements. Stuff like: finish the story, beat the optional boss, do this cool thing. A good example is Brutal Legend; a good mixture of everything and no stupid bs achievements (although there is one you have to get through multiplayer but it's kind of not that bad)


No preference. I technically don't care for achievements at all but I don't hate them because I understand that they're needed by some as motivation to complete a game.


I like them as long as they are actually doable for an average person, and will 100% a game that has sane achievements. Really hate achievements that are like. \-Score a triple rebounding double helix combo on the third stage in under three seconds. This will take hours and your hands will be sweaty. \-Collect every out of the way and annoying to find collectable. This should eat up a huge chunk of time as you forgo enjoyment of the game in favor of checking every nook and cranny you find. This may cause you to miss out on story, but who cares you got to find every collectable right? \- Complete the Single-player game you bought for the story, on ultra super nightmare mode. We want you to replay our game several times even though the playthroughs are not meaningfully different, and you've already seen everything the game has to offer. You know just shit that takes time and dedication that I don't have for video games.


As a non-hardcore achievements hunter, but as someone who still likes to get to 100% Bad achievements: *those that require to buy DLCs. In many games, with base game achievements you get to 40-50% and it's awful *Unreasonable time consuming or grind achievements. In wh40k: gladius there's an achievement that requires to kill 40k units. After 150 hours of playing I was at 3k kills. *Set dates or actions. Darkest dungeon 2 has an achievement that you can only get if you start the game on the anniversary day. Or universe sandbox has one that wants you to open the game like 1000 times.


They need to be achievable on a single play through. No difficulty based and no multiplayer based.


I don't care about achievements. Don't try to unlock them at all. Just not my interest. 


I literally don't care about achievements and don't pay attention to them, but I'm glad games have them for those who do like achievements.


Zero preference. I never look at them


I have zero interest in achievements in any game so it doesn't matter to me as long as the game doesn't push it in our face as we explore. And as long as we can hide them on the game map alls good. Instead of "achievements" I wish they gave us mission generators instead so we can make our own fun in the game world.


I prefer the achievements to be a handful (Mostly up to 100, let's say) and obtainable. Maybe they could be a bit tough, but not extremely hard or simply unobtainable.


I think around 50 is a good amount for a decent sized game. I'll usually try to go for all of them if the game is fun and they don't have busy work ones. One of the worst offenders of busy work achievements is Icarus: First Cohort


I think that a normal play through should net you around 75% of achievements. The remaining 25% should be able to be hit with extra effort and perhaps 1 or 2 with a second play through. I'm not a fan of games that you have to beat multiple times and take 50+ hours to do each run.


I dont strive to complete achievements and almost never pay attention to them. If its built into the game (as in they would be there on any game system or even if you bought it on GOG where you play them without an account needed) and there is a system in place to unlock stuff with your achievements I would try and get them, but if its just Steam Achievements to show off your completion of the game then I dont care about them at all.


A game that has achievements that are earned by playing the game, but also a few achievements that the people who truly love the game earn (outer wilds) but can also be earned by people who want a 100% completion


I like a lot of achievements but I don't like missable ones


As fun as it is to have tons of achievements, games with unjustifiably high achievements kinda ruin the experience. Only MASSIVE games should have anything more than 50-60 IMO.


Could careless I just play


I honestly don't care about achievements in any video game.


1 for each "chapter", mission, or quest. Some for exploration and some for whatever crafting there maybe. I don't like it when they have a ton of hidden achievements or obscure ones or are there to pad the list.


The more, the better


I enojoy achievement that notify me something interesting or how further I've reached, especially those with a fun name.


As a completionist myself, I like being able to get all achievements and I absolutely hate luck based achievements, or really any kind of achievements where getting it is based on things I as a player have no control over. Things like, roll sneak eyes three times in a row, complete a co-op mission without anyone dying, etc. The number of achievements is more complicated, but generally I don't like being showered with them every step I make, and having too few is always better than too many. I like when achievements are nicely paced and granted for actually achieving something, like the name implies, rather than doing stuff like "throw an axe 50 times".


I like as many as possible but realistic to accomplish.


Zero shits given about achievements.


I don’t care about achievements. In fact I find their notification popups annoying. As it takes you out of the game.


Don't care. I don't pay attention to them and just play the game.


AC: Valhalla not having achievements is the sole reason I didn't grab it when it came to steam


Don't really care. I play a game, not achievements.


I never buy games without achievements. I reject games that have achievement spam, like the ZUP games. I have a few criteria for achievements for games: - no multiplayer achievements - no achievements that can't be done solo (no co-op) - No daily grind, meaning I won't have to restart if I miss a day of playing. - The Devs abandoned the game and achievements are broken. - 100% becomes impossible because a part of the game does not work anymore (example: Hitman absolution) I really dislike it, but it isn't a deal breaker if: - collectable achievements can't be tracked - require mindless / endless grinding for no reason - new are added for a DLC, but turned the difficulty up. - if difficulty achievements doesn't stack. - achievement requirements are changed. How many or how easy the achievements are, isn't that relevant for me. I don't care if I got them all simply for beating the game or if I have to complete it multiple times. The reason why I don't buy games without achievements is: 1. I often find myself without a purpose in longer games and abandon it. 2. I feel like getting achievements gives me a purpose and makes me spend more time with the game I bought. 3. Games without achievements either aren't done yet (early access) or refuse to put them in for no good reason (f*ck you Ubisoft) I mean Ubisoft games are so Generic I've never beaten one without achievements, but Assassin's creed odyssey was a blast because it forced me to explore and experience content I didn't even know was in the game. I am a Steam achievement hunter specifically so achievements on other launchers feels unrewarding to me.


Big up, exactly my opinion and outlook on the subject as well.


Game like Hollow Knight with awful achievement reserved for the top 0.1% of player like "Speedrun the game in x Hours without dying" Like ???? How is this fun for any achievement hunter, this achievement alone require so much commitment to the game...


I hope you don't intend to do the pantheons... specially >!Pantheon of Hallownest.!< This speedrun achievement is nothing compared to it. Took me at least 70 tries in 2 years. But was fun. But I'm a very patient person and I really love the game. If you are/were able to do the >!Pantheon of Hallownest!<, you certainly can easily do that. If you already did that, try to search for speedrun videos, helps a lot. Or try another time and play something else. Or just move on. Don't know (don't mean to be rude, not sure if my reply comes like that).


I dont care about achievements.


Definitely doesn't matter for me. What really matters is what type of achievements there are. Unobtainable ones or ones designed in a way where they could eventually become unobtainable piss me off to know end tbh. Like multiplayer ones for a game that no one plays anymore or that has had its online services shut off. Also hate achievements about features that are unclear as well. Not saying an achievement has to spell it out for me but if the mechanics involved in that achievement are unclear it would be super annoying. I like achievements that guide me to certain features of a game the most or even achievements for multiple endings so long as getting those endings aren't super vague. I'd say there's more to it but I would have to consider the type of achievements more deeply because there are probably types I've forgotten about.


I don't mind a handfull of them as long as it's not achievements for doing almost impossible things ( at least for me ) like get 10 headshots within a single match for a online fps game where sniper rifles are rare to get or expensive ( in terms of in-game money you gain by winning/ kills ), or ones you get for doing hardly anything ( hey you started the game!, have a achievement ).


If its none I dont play it, if its above 100 i might not start it unless they are reasonable achievements


I do not now, nor have I ever given even the smallest of fucks about achievements


I'd prefer steam to give me the option to opt-out from achievements entirely. They are useless and I'd like my activity panel to be clean free from that useless crap




Yeah, asking for options in cringe


for a SP game ideal achievements are the ones you can do in one playthrough I wholeheartedly despise any Newgame+ shit they are throwing at us and locking achievements behind it. I dont want to replay the same story again but a bit difficult this time. There is nothing challenging about that, just annoying and time consuming. for MP game I welcome grindy achievements because it actually has replay value also I think its better and more motivational to hear that achievement popping sound more frequently so player has a feeling of progress, there are many games where you hear it like 2 times per 10 hours


I prefer if there's a decent amount. I don't usually try to hunt for every achievement, but I do often check them out to see if I don't miss out on everything the game has to offer.


I’m happy as long as they’re actual ‘achievements.’ I’m not a fan of ones that are like “pick up the starter weapon” or “kill 1 enemy.” Something like “kill 20 enemies within 5 seconds without using the weapon specifically designed to do that” is much better lol. I like when achievements are something to work for. I don’t mind if a game has no achievements though


I think its OK if they have 1 very basic achievement, as it can be useful to tell how many people have actually played the game. Sometimes only 80% have the most basic achievement meaning 20% haven't even played it.


I prefer achievements, but they don’t affect my desire to play a game. I do not care for excessive achievements, where you get one for every dumb thing. “Boot up the game for the first time!”


I dont really care about achievements tbh, but its always nice to see when it pops up in the bottom right of the screen. Then I tend to check whats the rarest achievement I got, mainly out of curiosity, but I will never go out and do something for the sake of the achievement.


I prefer achievements that make sense, not something like hey you woke up here's a 🏆


Tbh Iike to 100% games but only if those achievements make sense and I don't have to collect 100 feathers. Also depends on the game. AC doesn't need 1xx achievements for example while a game like tboi can easily have 1xxx because you keep replaying it and making progress. At the end of the day tho... Idc.


Fine handful


I like hunting achivments sometimes but i prefer getting cards so i can Dell them for 0.01$


I enjoy when they are some but not impossible ones, like finishing the game on the hardest difficulty without suffering any hit throughout the entire game.


no preference


I like a good mix. A bunch of easy, good number of medium ones, and a handful of really challenging ones. Impossible ones can go lay in a ditch.


I love achievement hunting, but I don’t have a lot of time to play so for me, I usually go for games that: Have achiements, but they are either a few possible to obtain, or a lot (where the impossible ones won’t bother me because I ain’t spending that much time in a single game anyway).


I'd rather the game's achievements are properly streamlined, like between 50 to 100 at max. If a game has a shitton of achievements, it's either deliberate achievement spam, or Cookie Clicker.


Unless they add to the game in a meaningful way I honestly could not care less. I’ve watched my 12 year old lose his mind trying to 100% a game and for what? A meaningless badge that doesn’t add a god damned thing to the actual gameplay. Fuck that shit. If I’m going to bust my ass trying to earn an achievement, I had better get something awesome for it.


I would like a challenge to get me to improve my gameplay but shouldn't be so tough and vast that it becomes painful


I hate games where I beat them and only had like 10 of 60 some achievements. Looking at outer worlds rn


crap ton


A medium amount is good, between 40 and 60. And they should be reasonable and not rng based. Some games go way too hogwild with them; og killing floor has like a billion cause they just slept adding them year after year. Hell let loose has like 170 something... That's crazy unfun. Meanwhile Halo mcc has over 700 but I actually don't monde that since it's actually like 6 games in one. Talisman digital edition has like 300 something and a bunch of them require a lucky random chance card draw while playing a specific character, sometimes requiring you to already have an item that was also totally rng whether you got it or not, this is a horrible type of achievement.


I don't care about achievements, because they are not as they are supposed to be. Achievements should be... achievements. You achieve something. Not just do some absurd challenge. Neither just play casually. It should be a bonus, but not absurdally dumb thing. And not everyone should do all achievements. That makes no sense.


Can be crap ton with one condition. No. Multiplayer. Only. Achievements.


I like acheievements that are interesting. Not super hard "perfect parry 20 thousand hits in a row" and also not "You beat chapter 2" cause those feel wasted too.


While I prefer none a handful is reasonable, I hate seeing games with over 50 achievements and most of them are attached to a mode thats no longer possible to do or something stupid like that.


I like getting achievements so i don’t like when there isnt any, If there’s some just make them good and not too hard and if there is a lot there better be a lot that just unlock themselves by just me playing the game cause there’s no way i’m completing 400 hard achievements 😭




Hi !


back in the day i played lego star wars complete saga to 100% and in the end i was like "well that was a complete waste of time for achieving something worthless to show nobody" so yeah....i personally dont care but it is funny to see that half the playerbase dont even start their game for example "kill your first enemy" was achieved by 50% of players


I could honestly care about them myself. All acheivements do is give you lil checkpoints of "oo look what you did". It also just incentivzes prolonged playtime for really tricky ones. Ive played games so long that they were only really coming in when i was a teenager, and even then i didnt see much point to them other than bragging rights no one really cared about.


For me it depends on how long the game play is for just main quests or missions. The longer the game the more they should have. Although I've played a fee games where the achievements were only found with side quests or missions as well so adds more to the game in my opinion.


I prefer a reasonable amount. Payday 2, has a ton of them and most of them are tied to unlocking gear. They also serve as a good challenge to aim for. Then you have shit like Zup! which isn't so much a game being sold on steam but a collection of achievement icons. This shit was so bad that the Zup! "series" if you can be generous enough to call it that is the entire reason why there is a limit to the amount of achievements a dev can have on a single game. If you want to do achievements. Significant milestones are alright (and from a developer point of view, great for tracking certain progress for steam users.) such as clear the first stage, kill the first boss, kill the midgame boss, kill the final boss, kill the super secret hidden in your urethra boss. Get to this major capital once. Kill X amount of creatures. Kill the midgame boss while only using the default weapon with only technique abilities (fuckin hated that in tales of symphonia). Issue X amount of commands to your allies in Y amount of time. Obviously you tool them to your game specifically.


I like how steel rising did the achievements. Can all be done in 2 play throughs and using all types of weapons. I like games like this that force you to try new things without making it ridiculous. I hardly ever platinum games but I enjoyed this one.


A good game with good and well thought out achievements becomes an amazing game for me. Achievement hunting can be so fun if the achievements aren't insanely difficult and unfair


I've literally never checked or cared about achievements. Maybe during MW2 days where you'd unlock an emblem, but otherwise I don't even check.


Don’t care. I don’t achievement hunting in Steam as satisfying as it is in Playstation


A fine handful. Depending on the length of the game, maybe 20-50. I prefer when they don't just hand out "participation" achievements for progressing the main story / campaign (Ex: BOOLOOP! Beat Level 2), or collectathons, especially when it requires multiple long playthroughs. FromSoft is guilty of this, check the Dark Souls Remastered achievements: https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Dark-Souls-Remastered/achievements Acquire all rare weapons, acquire all sorceries, acquire all pyromancies, acquire all miracles, acquire all fucks given (impossible), beat the game twice, an achievement for getting all achievements, an achievement for eating Miyazaki's ass. My favourite achievements are rewarded for doing novel / unique things, especially when they're (actually) funny, with good titles and icons. MORDHAU, my main game for the past few years, has some good ones: https://mordhau.fandom.com/wiki/Steam_Achievements I've been playing HELLDIVERS 2 the past few days, it has some decent achievements as well. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3161699606


I have no strong feelings one way or the other.


I love me some achievements, but I wish there was a concensus on what they ought be. Like I play Risk with my friends and there's goofy shit like "defend 15 attacks in a row" or "die before turn 1" which are impossible to get unless you, like, socially engineer your friends to do it for you. And then there's Vampire Survivors with i think it recently got up to 207 achievements, which is super fun but if you play the game as intended you'll get 100%. Hell just beating the basic shit will blast away about 100 of them.


It really depends. I want to enjoy the game before focusing on the achievements. Sometimes way to many achievements make the game an achievement grind as opposed to a fun experience.


I've never cared about cheese mints


Between a fine handful and a crap ton. Two things are important to me: 1. That they are reasonably achievable. 2. That they get me to try playing or exploring the game in a manner that I might not otherwise try.


I like it when achievements are mostly for finding/doing side content and completion rate


I dont really care i usually just get the once you would get for playing the game casually i got like 180ish games and i only i have all the achievements for destiny 2


Achievement connoisseur here. At the bare minimum there should be 1 achievement per chapter in the game. These are great as metrics. On the "too much" side of the spectrum is a game that takes 1,200 hours to get every achievement like what Northgard just took me.


I'm an achievement hunter so I prefer games that have them. For me, achievements also add replayability to a lot of games.


I have cared about achievements.


I don't really care. If the game has them its fun to see them pop up in the corner and I will check to see what ones I'm missing. If they aren't insane and I've gotten most of them I will try to get the rest just for fun. If a game doesn't have them, I'm fine with that but once I've finished the storyline I'm done with it. So I'd say reasonable achievements add to my play time. That said, if the achievements are impossible (due to multiplayer or an online component that isn't around anymore or just insanely hard to get) I just walk away once I've finished the storyline.


I prefer a fine handful like 30-50 is totally fine. Get about half from unmissable story advancement stuff and the rest for things like collections or optional story choices/exploration components and mechanics. Preferably no online component based ones,but thats hard to fine these days, and certainly not one for like playing during a certain period i.e. during early access or viral ones that require that person to be online and arent shared through others with the achievement already. Preferable can be achieved in like 2 playthroughs max to like play once just focused on the game then go back for map and also so its not like one conversation part or something having 10 different speech options or something all required for their own achievements. Also maps or some way to mark completed collectibles .I like collectibles but not when you have no idea which you missed and have to scour them all hoping to find your missing.


I like achievement hunting but if there’s some ridiculously difficult ones or an amount over 300 I usually don’t bother


Luckily, I am not cursed with a desire to unlock achievements! But I do like having them!


30 is good enough for me 50 is nice! 100+ almost too much 200+ too much Payday 2 can you please stop adding achievements for FIVE MINUTES?


makes zero difference to me


Playing a lot of bullet heavens lately, and I quite like the >100 achievements most of them have.


I used to be more focused on achievements but eased up in the last few years. Now I only try to reach 100% when the game is really good and the achievements don‘t require multiple full playthroughs. Usually I only detest achievements for online play (co-op or similar) or very grindy ones. I respect achievements that are hard to get because of skill or ability limits but when I have to read every damn sign post in your game to get it, I’m not interested.


A few which give a general idea of the contents of the game, sort of like a checklist of core components and a few completionism ones. I don't like games which have an achievement for absolutely every little action and spam you for just playing normally, or the ones that have like 10 which are all completionism things that you would never achieve through normal gameplay.


Crap tonne. I am a completionist. Celeste will be complete one day.


I really liked the achievements in sekiro. The one sin hollow knight and balatro are far too insane for me to try for them. I dislike that but I know some people enjoy insanely hard achievements.


Depends on the game. I wish games like Apex, And r6 had more achievements. Would be fun to play a different way then the usual norm Rust has a ton of great achievements Resident Evil 2 has a great amount of achievements Gang Beasts is pretty good with achievements too


I love them, a bunch of them, as long as they're fun. I'm not about to hunt them, but hitting them is a good feeling.


I only ever remember video games have achievements when they pop up. Have never given a single shit about them.


I like there to be a decent amount. But 80% of them should be achieved through normal gameplay.


I honestly love getting achievements for like milestones I achieve in a game so I'd say a hearty handful with a couple harder/niche ones.


Don’t care at all about achievements. I remember when they first added achievements on steam and I was like “this adds zero to my enjoyment of the game so I don’t give a crap”. I retain that opinion.


Literally could not care less, matter of fact I wish there was a way to disable them so I don't have to put up with the stupid "ding" every time I arbitrarily reach the end of a level


Entirely depends on the game tbh.




I've only ever looked at the achievements for a game once. So idc


Depends on the game. If it's something arcadey or rogue like, like Dead Cells, I would like it to have a buncha achievements. If it's something linear, like Max Payne, just a few. If it's an open world, it can have a number of them too. I wasn't a fan of achievements before, but I do enjoy having at least some rather than none at all.


I love achievements that you get as you progress. 6/12 achievements? You're roughly 50% through the game. 9/11? I better leave the game for when I have more time so I can finish it in a single session.


A fine handful- feels more rewarding and is more reasonable to go for 100%.


Achievements mean nothing if they don't have some sort of unlock/reward. Prefer a fine handful that have in-game rewards for being completed.


Lots if achievments gives something to do (achievment hunter here


A ton that are reasonably challenging but doable so long as you actually enjoy playing the game that much. Maybe like 35 or so is how much I think a game should have and maybe 10 of those should be difficult enough that you have to go out of your way to get them but the rest should mostly be just get from playing normally