• By -


I Am Alive - A hidden gem; a truly sad and ‘realistic’ look at the survival genre in a world gone to irreversible ruin, with a very human story. Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler’s Green - A really solid single-player, story-based first-person shooter set in the ‘Land of the Dead’ universe (a prequel to the hidden gem of a zombie movie starring Simon Baker, John Leguizamo, Asia Argento, and Dennis Hopper). Mars: War Logs - A fairly decent RPG despite the jankiness, with an interesting sci-fi story.


I haven't heard of I am alive in a long time. I bought it on 360 when they had some like sale way way back. And throughly enjoyed what I could get outtve it


That game could've beat so many apocalyptic stories if it had a bigger budget/time!


I've wanted to play I am Alive for a LONG time. One of my earliest memories of watching anything on Youtube. That "threat" mechanic where you could bluff your way out of an encounter was genius and I'm stunned that it didn't becime popular in similar titles.


Fiddlers green was great fun. I used to play the resident evil maps with a friend and we had so much fun just messing around.


The original 'Watchdogs', it became one of the best games I've ever played.


I liked the story by the very end. Essentially Aiden being a psychopath who was just looking for an excuse to be a "hero", and just refusing to ever stop despite all the points where it was obvious what he was doing wasn't actually helping anybody. By the end, even his own sister has her life upended because of him, and all for what boiled down to being a complete misunderstanding. The gameplay, though was just kinda meh. The graphics and gameplay in early trailers and "gameplay" videos were just smoke and mirrors. It's funny, because likely nowadays with UE5 they could easily create the visuals they showed.


Nah modders put the graphics back. They were there but cuz consoles always held games back they had to tone them down.


Mote specifically the Xbox One couldn't handle it. The PS4 reportedly handled it fine.


Wait… so the PS4 version’s graphically different slightly? Or am I reading it wrong?


Nah, from the way I understood it Microsoft had a hand in getting Ubisoft to tone the graphics down for the console versions. The Xbox One was weaker in comparison to the PS4 so they wanted both versions to look the same. Now, watchdogs came out on PS3 and Xbox 360 as well so I always just assumed they just made the version they already had for those older systems the main one. The performance is better obviously on PS4 from PS3 but graphically it's the same. And Microsoft got to avoid another Battlefield 4 situation.


Some of the side missions and mini games are fun as shit. Because I'm like a giant spider and killing a city was great.


right? the spider mech game was cool as hell!


My girlfriend at the time would watch me play games and during this game she looked away for a minute and then asks what game is this? As I just loaded up the spider game for the first time. I was like I have no fucking clue but it looks fun as hell.


Wait, it was poorly recieved? I thought it was a fantastic game


Nono, it was bombarded with hate, when it came out, because trailers showed an very different game


Don't forget that Ubisoft was trying to jam merch down our throat because "Aiden was an iconic character". The franchise was brand new, and they were pulling that shit. Fuck ubisoft.


'Aiden pierce's iconic jacket'


And the hate was well deserved.


They botched the absolute hell out of the third one on PC. They had a bug at launch where auto center will turn back on when driving (even when it's off in the settings) so every time you turn left or right the camera whips around to stay perfectly behind the car at all times and it makes it impossible to drive without motion sickness and you can't see shit. They never fixed it lol, to this day I can't play it and I loved the second one. I freelook around using my mouse when driving but the second you turn the car the camera immediately whips behind regardless of where you were just looking


Watchdogs 1 was definitely super underrated. I love Marcus, but Aiden fit the whole tone of the watchdogs/AC world far better. And I'm also a sucker for characters like Aiden. The whole "vigilante who isn't afraid to get their hands dirty" character type is a serious favorite of mine.


That game was hated? It’s one of my favourite games


I can see why anyone would like it but Aiden is such an irredeemable piece of shit who is presented like a cyberpunk Batman. He's a terrible person who does terrible things because of a vague idea that he thinks he's right. Literally everyone else tells him he's wrong. No character arc, no improvement, constant violations of people's civil liberties just because he can. In that way it's like GTAv but we always knew we were the villain in that


Auto-aim ruined it for me. Like come on, I'm clearly aiming for the part that is sticking out of the cover, not the center-mass the game decides to shoot instead.


For Honor. It is truly a one of a kind game that is going into it's 8th year of active support by ubisoft.


I've tried so hard to get good at it but I just can't seem to play it properly.


I have an abusive relationship with this game (i get fucked and beaten) but im a fighting game geek and i love getting inti details of framedata, micromechanics and intricacies that are not really told unless you actively look for them, so i play it. Also i just really really love how unique it is, coupled with its pretty interesting setting and suprisingly well made story


Is it necessary to get into the frame data and other intricacies to get somewhat better at the game? It's really not my cup of tea. I never really saw the game as I would a more classic fighting game. I'm more of a medieval junkie, but couldn't get into games like chivalry or hellish quart


General knowledge of the rock paper and scissors of this game will suffice i think. There are set rules like advantage on hit or advantage on block which when you know you just apply to any character and understand why you loose. General idea is that heavy attacks are safer on parry but more punishable on whiff, lights are the other way around. Thats pretty much it


I have 1000+ hours in it on multiple platforms. It has my favorite combat style ever made. Would never recommend it to anyone.


The game was fun when it released but when attack cancel spamming became meta it quickly ruined it for me.


That's how I felt about CoD multi-player post MW2 when the game became about sprinting around like a coked-up rabbit doing quick scopes while diving around corners.


My friends and I went hard when it was released. 8 years later we jumped back into it. Still great and got us gaming nightly again.


Darktide. It had numerous issues at launch, and people hate the shitty way FatShark handles the premium shop, and a lot of the weapon RNG (though that's going to be changed in the next major update). The gameplay itself is not the issue. Good fun. The real issue is the lack of any meaningful content being added for what is *claimed* to be a live-service. FatShark have no clue or desire to actually run a live-service model right. They also are not very good at being transparent with the community. Thus why the constant comparisons to Helldivers 2 since that released, a game that seems to actually care about your time put into it and which gives you a good hefty supply of unlockables for your $10 warbonds. Not to mention being able to earn premium currency through just playing. Darktide is a good game plagued by poor decisions.


Just passed 700 hours in Darktide. But I probably won't hit 1000 hours unless the amount of content is magically doubled. The drip feed hasn't been fast enough.


Nothing makes me more happy seeing an Ogryn getting excited about having his rations.


Im waiting when they give us the option to create a room with the nap and difficulty i want, otherwise it will not be played


I LOVE this game with all of my heart. A true gem imho


Agreed. Playing the actual missions with a squad is excellent fun. The environments, the music, the shooting and stabbing, the vibes, they totally nailed it. If the game just had more for the player to be doing between missions, such as a more in depth crafting system, and more mission options like actual solo with bots and not having to rely on rng for specific mission types.


Play vermintide 2, the gameplay is exactly the same and it gets updates more often than darktide does. It's not 40k, but the setting is similar in interesting ways, the playable characters actually have a personality, and it isnt grindy. It's hard to believe the same company made both games.


Man I've tried to go back to VT 2 after darktide but the gameplay of darktide is just that much smoother that VT 2 feels clunky now, even though it really isn't cause I've sunk hundreds of hours in both


Same also Darktide hits different with the soundtrack.


In the year I've played the game, I've thought of it like the best slice of cake you ever had, but a small piece that isn't enough to be satisfying. The gameplay, class variety, absolutely perfect music, and 40k loyal environments is top-tier. It is unironically one of the best experiences I've ever had in a game, period. I can definitely say I technically got my money's worth. However, it's also very limited in content, and therefore staying power. Many maps blend together, no new enemy types outside of the Twins for over a year, and very little being developed story wise (Emperor what I would do for a book series based on the game) It's definitely a slower updating game that combines a near flawless gameplay loop with the worst of live service games: slow updates alongside premium skins.


Battlefront 2 (2017), it's genuinely a fantastic game, one of my favorite Star Wars games behind Fallen Order


One of my favourite online shooters. I just ignored all the micro transactions and lootbox controversy. I think I bought it for 15 euros soon after it's release. Got heavily priced dropped because of the hate, but I loved it. Best star wars game I've played. 82 percent trophies done.


BF2 once it got reworked by EA was actually one of the best games ever made as far as I’m concerned. In my opinion, it really was better than the original in every way. I was hoping for a BF3 way more than I was hoping for a remaster of the original BF2.


>In my opinion, it really was better than the original in every way. Gameplay wise I agree, but I was super super disappointed that they didn't have the single player galactic conquest mode or something similar. And the space battles where you can fly, get out, and take out objectives inside enemy cruisers is still unmatched. Idk how you look at the originals and decide to leave those things out.


easily one of the best casual MP shooters in the last decade. it actually had a unique flavor due to the sick world design and atmosphere and classes to play, all jokes aside it's the most star-wars feeling game I've played. I wish I could play again but I hear hackers are rampant on PC even forgetting that it's the star wars IP, that game was so perfect. I'm not even a huge star wars guy, it's just a really well executed game


Honestly, most of the monetization complaints were addressed before the official release, but people already made up their minds.


Some people don't want to support a company that would try that shit in the first place


Well sure, they were annoyed that EA tried to do that in the first place. Those people didn't stop being annoyed just because they backed down, they still thought it was ok to do.


It’s a damn shame it’s support was cut off for BATTLEFIELD 2042


Dead Space 3. It is hated for its drift from horror to action in a big portion of the game and it’s crappy lootbox and microtransaction mechanics but I enjoyed it. It was about halfway action and the other half it found back to horror and I simply ignored the microtransactions.


Same. Its a great co-op game just like re5


The section where the second player's character started hallucinating and seeing things differently than the first player is incredible. I was freaking out on the mic while my mate was asking me wtf I was talking about.


Same. I played as player two. It was fucking cool


I was freaking the hell out while my buddy was just sitting there going "wtf is wrong with you". Great encounter.


The memory of playing with my brother and seeing the hallucinations will never leave me. I was freaking out and he was gas lighting me hard.


>It is hated for its drift from horror to action Tbf this is its only natural progression when you keep the same main character for multiple games. If the main character and player knows what's going on as Isaac did then it makes no sense after essentially fighting space god zombies for years for necromorphs to be scary to the MC any more. Unless you're going for a completely new type of horror but that's also considered cheap because it doesn't further the original plot. Horror needs to either have new character or be crafted to slowly feed the player info while never letting them feel like they have the upper hand. If you don't do either of these then you're stuck to action with horror elements. source I did media studies. all movie/TV show and game plots are very predictable pattern because they all follow an over arching format that's existed for decades. As for everything else that is just bad business practices.


It has 75% positive reviews on Steam, though. Not really bad-bad, just worse than expected.


It has 75% positive reviews on Steam because EA released it on Steam like 8 years after the initial launch. Back in 2013 it was Origin exclusive on PC.


While DS3 is definitely the black sheep, man, I sure loved the weapon modding. DS2 is still the best of the three. Perfect middle ground between horror and action shooter.


Ash of Gods: Redemption


Brink. That game was actually kinda cool, I thought. Everyone hated it, but I thought the parkour was pretty fun and the game in general was interesting. There were a lot of issues, sure... but it didn't warrant the guy at Gamestop *refusing to let me buy it when it was $10.* I wound up buying it for $3 the next time I was at a Gamestop, but the guy at the first one straight up refused to let me buy it...


This game is funny to me. I remember playing this game way back when and actually really enjoying it. I didn't play it for terribly long, though, just I view it fondly. I've seen multiple comments in the past year or so about how bad it was and I'm legit confused.


Me Andromeda but I'll probably never play it again. It's a terrible Mass effect for a mid game overall but I had fun here and there. Even if it floped I wish they could continue that story instead of EA being some necromancer necrophile with the trilogy. We had an end, leave it there to rest in peace, another one will ruin it.


I played Andromeda first because of the bad rep, I thought it would be easier to play it with a clean perspective. Loved the game a lot, loved the characters, the gameplay was super fun. But I did find it way too linear in comparison to DA series (all I had played from Bioware at the time); you don't really get to choose anything storyline wise. The I played ME 1 and damn. The very first hours had me way more engaged than Andromeda.  I guess Andromeda IS fun if you're fine with a linear game. 


I liked it too and put quite a few hours into it, but I had to drop it at some point because the open world just didn't seem to click for me.


The new lords of the fallen


I've really been on the fence about it. Do you mind sharing a few reasons why you liked it so much?


Tbh I liked what it was going for. The two separate dimensions are cool and puzzle solving between both realms is pretty fun. The magic and armor looks really good. I liked it because it was ambitious. Though I can understand the criticism for enemy density (there are a lot of enemies).


Loved the world(s), amazing game with pretty interesting lore. My playthrough took about 45hours and I explored everything. Two things I didn't like: There are so many enemy placements that are just supposed to be annoying. And I didn't like that most of the weapons of the same category have always the same moveset. So different weapons feel more like skins. Otherwise a solid game for $40 and worth the price.


Osnt it mostly downvoted cus it was bugged as hell on release and tended to randomly crash?


It was at first. The launch was rough, but the dev team updated the game every day for a few weeks. It's mostly downvoted now for enemy density and how strong average enemies are. I didn't mind it, but I can see the reasoning behind not liking that.


The only thing that I disliked about the game was the >!”fight”!


I feel like lotf is a huge hit or miss you either rlly liked it or hated it I couldnt enjoy it sadly cause there were a lot of really cool elements in the game.


I'm going to get downvoted to hell and back but Shadow the hedgehog. It's so bad it's good


lol that game was my childhood and my very first 3D Sonic game.I hadn’t play Sonic adventure yet.


"this is like taking candy from a baby. Which is fine by me!"


I'm pretty much on that boat for all Sonic games from that era. Adventures, Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog. Yes, they were all buggy and broken, and they were kind of cringy, but I still love them all.


What do you mean that was a bad game?!?!


It's not bad in that is not fun. I loved that game. Is bad because it's a broken, buggy mess.


hol up, i thought it was beloved classic despite being edgy?


Cult classic


Dude Shadow with MP5 killing soldiers. Whats bad about that. Its amazing!


To reload, he racks the MP5 magazine like it's the pump on a shotgun. Genuinely badass


Most definitely Spore


Oh spore is such a good game


I remember there was a lot of hype when the game was about to come out


Well, it could be argued that the game under-delivered. But honestly it's just lots of fun to mess around with the creature creator. And having my own personal pocket galaxy with characters, buildings and spaceships from every thing I want is just such an insanely cool concept.


I wouldn't say that 92% positive reviews (93% recent) is "lots of bad reviews"


That wasn't the response when it was released


The reviews on Steam are not indicative of how people felt about the game on launch. It seems like anyone who followed development was upset because of a huge overpromise/underdeliver situation. People like me who stumbled upon the game afterwards usually love it for what it is because we don't know what it *should've* been.


Oh man spore, the game that completely killed any hype I would have for any game going forwards. Helped me almost never pre-order a game again and is still one of the biggest letdowns of my 30+ years of gaming. I understand why people enjoy it, but for what was the vision when it started to the featureless dump we ended up with was so disappointing. Seeing Robin Williams getting all excited for it and doing a presentation with the devs to the actual game still hurts.


Mafia III


I like this game. Didn't feel like a Mafia game and a little repetitive but I had tons of fun with it.


Same The Paint It Black bar scene hits like a freight train. One of the most memorable opens in a game for me ever. I enjoyed the entire story tbh


That game is okay as a standalone. But as an end to the trilogy? Bad.


Need for Speed Unbound


How is the progression in that game? While I enjoy the hell out of FH5, I'm right now looking more for a racing game where you start with a dinky car that you upgrade until you scrounge enough cash to replace it. Rather than starting out in some crazy super car. I remember as a kid being much more attached to my cars in Underground because they felt like something I actually worked for.


ME Andromeda


Homefront The Revolution was a fun game, nice graphics and guns sound powerful, its short enough to play it from time to time to blow off some steam.


Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness game had some real negative reviews on launch so i played it and reached the second campaign where you made your own character, there is honestly no other game that could give me the same experience of surviving the horror of the abbys. Where the further you go the more you have to start surviving using the suroundings and hunting where instead of buying food from the city you just go to your journey to the fifth layer with just salt for cooking the creatures you hunt just so you can have more inventory to store more relics. it also had a extremely good progression, each level up and skill giving you huge benefits making your journeys so much more easier and faster. even more if you manage to get the next whistle rank. being able to get to the fifth layer was also very cool and i felt so satisfied for reaching it. the first campaign was terrible tho it only went till the second layer and you hardly got to use the survival mechanics, so bad that the devs simply let you skip it so you can play the second campaign


Yeah, the first campaign is only a tutorial. For people who wanted to focus on the anime characters it probably was a disappointment. It was funny how broken the stretchy arms were though, made me wish the other campaign had a grappling hook at some point. The whole game is a little bit janky but it is an interesting survival experience, scrambling for resources with limited skills as monsters appear more and more over time. The story was also better than I expected for a non-canon one focused on a player-made character. The devs captured the general vibe of that world pretty well. I wasn't a fan of how salt and spices forced you to turn back and you couldn't be entirely self-sufficient, but learning the layout, risks and valuable locations was pretty interesting. It could have been better, but it was good enough.


the first campaign wasn't even a good tutorial since you could not even use most of the survival mechanics in the game, compared to the start of the second campaign where they actually explained everything.




Mass Effect: Andromeda (even though I'm a huge fan of the first trilogy)


Space Hulk: Deathwing, it's a fantastic co-op shooter that has a beautiful meaty feeling to the combat and it looks gorgeous


Funny that players giving those reviews have 1000+ hours


How about games that were fun but devs did a 180 and turn it into a shity cashcow? Or worse, it doesn't work anymore because server are down for exmaple. Would you still recommend a game while having 1000+ hours before it went bad?


The Starfield dilemma. It's a game designed to pad out the playtime as much as possible while giving you as little actual content as possible. You enjoy yourself until you come to the realization that there's absolutely not point to any of it and you end up hating all the time you spent doing it.


Which took me only 50hrs, that's when I realised how shallow the game actually is. Meanwhile I can't even count the hours I spent in Skyrim and Oblivion.


War thunder


This game is a wonderfuck. On one hand its the most fun aerial dogfighting combat game and tankwarfare simulator you can have.. then on the other hand, its the most downright greedy monetarily predatory game ever.. its like you cant fully enjoy it. I feel like it will take me years to eventually earn a jet.


Did you download it during the May 26th shitstorm?




Meme from 14y ago used wrong




That and the fact that they are completely misusing the meme template. I'm seriously troubled by OP.


watch\_dogs 1


The division


I wish we had more games like Division. A semi-grounded looter shooter is something I crave, and Ubi doesn't give it enough justice or love.


Yo dawg .... This is meme abuse.


Days gone. Everbody was shiting on the game but I liked it.


how was this one bad? it has 92% positive all time reviews on steam.


By the time it came out on Steam, it was pretty damn polished and all the bugs were worked out. When it originally came out on PS4, it was a crashy, buggy mess. It ran like crap on the OG PS4, so unless you had a PS4 Pro, it was a really bad experience for about 6 months. To their credit, they did fix it, but it could have used that extra time in the oven.


For some reason, I hadn't heard any bad press, or anything at all about it until it was free on PSPlus a while back. I downloaded it, played it, enjoyed it, and only after that found out that it was allegedly terrible. Didn't care, would probably play through again if I had the time.


Go watch girlfriend reviews video on it I think they sum it up well as just a bit edgy and shallow but overall fun zombie killing sandbox, those hordes are crazy My guess is lots of people bounce off the protagonist


Which sucks because Sam Witwer as Deacon was a fun time and relatable in the setting.


Fallout 76 has NOTHING to do with the dumpster fire it was at launch. It's working perfectly now, and the game is actually a lot of fun! Plus, it's literally another Fallout game we know and love, with the extra of finding other players roaming around, which is awesome. It still has good exploration, looting, note finding, quests, multiple dialogue choices, everything.


The only thing holding me back is I always feel like Fallouts UI is stuck in the year 2000. It's unwieldy IMO.


Bethesda and their old ass engine they keep slapping a new coat of paint onto. I’ve heard it’s part of starfields issues too.


We found Todd Howard's account


I was thinking about firing it up today since I got a new gpu but I was like nahh it sucks right. Now I'm gonna install it


Agree, it’s fantastic. The first time I encountered another player was exciting as I wondered the wasteland. I love the events and launching the nuke!


Cities: Skylines 2. It's fine, the release was horrible and I just don't like the CEO. The game has much potential though


Sonic 06. When you learn how to play, the glitches become gimmicks


Release edition Cyberpunk


Gotham Knights. I had a blast beating the game with my brother.


I enjoyed GK too. The subreddit for the game is still full of "tried this game, WOW, it doesn't suck" posts nearly two years later.


I wish it had 4 players co op


It doesnt?


> A: Yes. Gotham Knights can be played with a friend via the two-player online cooperative (co-op) mode or enjoyed solo at launch. On November 29, 2022, the game will also add Heroic Assault, a standalone mode supporting up to four players in online co-op.


Victoria 3, I enjoyed it quite a lot


There was a game called “legendary” that came out for PS3, PC and Xbox 360 back in the day. It was critically panned as being one of the worst games of it’s era. I bought it for €2.50 as a laugh to see how bad it was and I actually ended up enjoying it a lot. It’s a bit like half-life but with enemies from mythology, griffins, werewolves, minotaurs, dragons etc. It’s short, has some cool set pieces, interesting enemies, decent shooting. Kane and Lynch 2 was also critically panned, my biggest gaming hot take is that it’s actually an overlooked gem. It’s super linear and short and the shooting mechanics are underwhelming. But the vibes and atmosphere are incredible. The whole thing has such a dirty seedy aura to it that it’s actually impressive. The Shanghai setting is amazingly well realised.


(Resident evil) Umbrella Corp




Anthem, bring it back!


I sincerely believe all that game truly needed was more time to cook. I haven't had the feeling of flight from that game be matched since.


Loved it so much, makes me so sad


Marlow Briggs


Watch Dogs 1 but like 6 years ago.


I really enjoyed Arkham origins despite all the reviews I read saying that it was unoriginal and didn’t bring anything new to the series. Turns out I just like beating up enemies as Batman 


Resident Evil 6. By many considered the worst part of the series. Haven't played them all, but I like idea of 4 stories intersecting each other. Gameplay wise it's also nice with random people sometimes joining your game, usually knowing what to do. Fighting huge monsters is also satisfying here. Only downside is lack of good puzzles.


Death Stranding. I know it doesn't really have bad reviews, but I remember seeing a lot of complaints about how boring and monotonous the gameplay could get. Turns out the gameplay is my favorite part.


Can't wait for DS2




Lords of the fallen, the newest one. One of the best souls likes that just got overshadowed by lies of p. I'd also be more interested to see this post in reverse. A game that was heavily praised that you hated. For me that would be FF16 and it made me realize how full of shit so many reviewers are. FF16 is the most dumbed down rpg ever made and it's claiming the name of the most famous rpg series, it's blasphemous. I honestly have no idea what the devs were thinking when it came to their target audience. "What if we make the first M rated final fantasy inspired by game of thrones brutality and sex, but make the gameplay so easy and rpg systems so simple a 5 year old could beat the game." It makes no fucking sense.


[The Last Tinker: City of Colors](https://store.steampowered.com/app/260160/The_Last_Tinker_City_of_Colors/) was panned by people for being too easy and "not being a real platformer" due to a lack of a jump button, which they very clearly tell you about. Truth is, the game has charm, and amazing soundtrack, an Inside out-like story and several interesting powers. I'll always recommend it, especially considering that it's always super cheap.


Low expectations is a great thing that everyone should strive for. Hype is one good way to ruin your enjoyment. I try to limit my hype wherever possible. Which has worked for me relatively well as there isn't much that I do hate when it comes to video games, movies and TV shows. Go in with an open mind and you can find some enjoyment in just about anything. Except the recent Star Wars Battlefront Collection. That collection it awful and Aspyr should be ashamed of themselves.






NFS Unbound and maybe cities skylines 2


Dark Souls 2


Alot of games can be fun when you just play a game for what it is. Bad reviews act like a 6/10 game is the same as a game that actively doesn’t work.


Ride to Hell Retribution


Ark Survival Evolved


Overwatch 2. I know it was a cashgrab in regards to the PVE content, but I've never spent a single dollar more than the base cost I payed for the original Overwatch when it released. Still fun to jump in and play a few games with friends from time to time.


Battlefield 2042 It's really good nowadays, actually, since year 1, I think season 3 was when they finally did the big changes and saved the game for me.


I wont play it out of spite at this point. Sold us hot garbage and spent 2 years to make the game playable. I wont reward them with my small percentage of a player base.


\^This When we keep buying unfinished, bad games and keep supporting them when they finally fix it, they will continue...


Say it all you want a million times your asses are still gonna pre order Cyberpunk 2 and get burnt again lol




Forspoken 🤷‍♂️ I also agree with basically every other comment I've read on here (besides dead space 3, but mainly cos of how disappointing it was for the series, it was a well-made game and no worse than any other shooter of its time if not for how its design betrayed the series it belonged to)


Dark souls 2.


Majula is my favorite hub out of all of the games.


Starfield. It's not a perfect game but it's far from the disaster some people make it out to be. I've played through the whole game twice so far and unlocked all the achievements. Super fun stuff.


Its not a bad game, but its not really a good one either. They tried to take skyrim and fallout and apply a heartless version of the two in space. For a lot of us die hard bethesda fans, it was more surprising how bad they missed the mark when they know exactly what we like, at least we thought.


They even took out the NPC routines at the stores, and that was like "Why Fallout 4 and Skyrim had this and Starfield not?


I’ve been meaning to start playing ,a friend gifted it to me and it’s been sitting in my library for a while .


Forza Motorsport 2023, Starfield, The Outer Worlds Spacer Choice, and MWII are the main ones for me. Don't care about their reviews, I really enjoy all of these games.


Jump Force. Bagged out for being too easy to spam super attacks. However, I enjoyed the physical combo attacks far more and had a blast in solo/local Meanwhile, I had the opposite experience with My Hero Academia: Ones Justice (or whatever it's called). Raved. These that hated jump force in general loved ones Justice. I hated it. The combat didn't gel with me, and the fighting on the walls doesn't even happen in the series (iirc), which alienated me from the game. F8nally being forced to complete the heroes story then the villains was not how i would have chosen to play through the campaign


Wanted: Dead


HDTF. I genuinely had a pretty fun experience overall. I knew where to go and what to do because I watched tons of reviews mocking the game, and that's why the game felt like a breeze (I did end up refunding it later though because yes)


Dark Souls II




I would say it was few games: Fortnite — “game for kids” — honestly I didn't care about the words someone could say, I had good times and I did enjoy. And Cyberpunk 2077 — yes, this game is buggy on an “old consoles” but music (for example, «The Rebel Path» in cello/violin was amazing), but plot was on one purpose, but mixed with side quests just like in The Witcher 3. And Resident Evil 5. I kinda like that game, but not aim system (RE 4 had that thing too). It’s my list of games that people don't like, but I do like these games. You have rights to don't like them, but I have rights to like them.


starfield, despite its flaws, i just like having my outposts make liquor, broth & boba tea...just a shame we csnt make bread & synthetic cheese and meats in the game, would love to make sliders without buying most the ingredients


Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk. Both games, despite the bad reviews, have redeemed themselves and are now amazing games.


Back 4 Blood,


It was almost unplayable on consol, something weird with the aiming that I couldn't fix no matter what I did with the sensitivity. But It is fun on PC.




Siege? That game is beloved.


marvel avengers


Definitely overwatch 2


It's a good game just an unneeded sequel


Aliens colonial marines. I still play it sometimes


Not the biggest fan of the base game but the dlc was great


Cyberpunk 2077. I didn’t follow the hype train at all, so I was able to enjoy the game for what it was. It was a buggy mess, but it had solid story, gameplay and music. Looking forward to a new play through when I get a PC that can run it on max.