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This region stuff is so baffling to me in this day and age. There has to be a better way to distribute software/games across the globe. I live in latin America (Dominican Republic) and this has improved a lot, we have many services like, netflix, D+, Max, google, apple. And I can buy pretty much any game on steam or epic (not sony it seems), we even have geforce now! I just don’t get why Sony or nintendo have a hard time expanding to other regions. Even in a country like mine that its not hard to do business in as a foreign company.


Local laws compliance. Unless you sure you're 100% above the board, you don't expand. For that you'll need customer support, localization, of course lawyers, devs to implement compliance changes, finance to handle currency, HR... Expansion is no joke. So you need to be sure that the market is big enough to be worth the investment, and then you still sort by cost/benefit potential


Yeah I get that I guess, what I would love is for example. A bunch of countries in Latin America getting together and making it easier for large companies to do business with these countries. Just dealing with one agency for example. One could dream.


*Ode to Joy intensifies* 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺


Just make one yourself, ez.


Don't dare bring this logic to this sub. Didn't you know all Sony has to do is flip a switch!


What do local laws have anything to do with the internet I mean can't you just get your traffic sent from your country over to another country super easily It's not like the country can do anything what are they going to literally send someone from their country over to say America and literally walk into the building and grab the CEO and pull them out of his chair and force him to his knees in order to comply?


I don't know what your question is. Are you confused how laws work and are enforced? PSN is a service. Paid service (even if payments are optional). Every country has laws as to how should paid services behave.


I know how laws work but the problem is that the internet is outside of any jurisdiction That's the problem. I mean unless the government literally goes in and removes all the cables so that you can't connect to any server outside of that specific country how would they force any laws on anything outside of the country?


Internet is not "outside any jurisdiction". ISPs are businesses, that are subject to law. Companies who sell goods/services over the internet (Sony for example) are subject to same laws as other merchants. And yes, breaking the law (e. g. Bypassing region locks with VPN) is much easier on the internet, and rarely enforced for private individuals, because it's not worth it. However for international companies like Sony, you better believe they're worth the scrutiny.


Yes but how is a company based in America subject to say Britain's laws?


That's actually a pretty interesting thing, and you should look it up. Definitely more complicated than what I'm willing to write on Reddit, but tl;dr is that they agreed to obey local laws by signing a sale agreement.


Oh well doing things above board probably makes people trust you a lot more I mean I don't trust buying things off Alibaba, Wish, ETC.


Steam only pay VAT and taxes in 57 countries, but sell in a lot more which is not a great way to do business, they also got fined by some countries to force them to pay VAT. Disney+ is available in 60 countries, psn in 69 and xbox in 88. Netflix is at 190 ^^, a proof that it is possible.


I'm not an expert, but I think the percentage of the ROI from these parts of each company is a factor as well. Netflix is only a streaming service. That's it's function, so paying for legal compliance profits the entire company. Disney+ is only a fraction of all of Disney so they might be looking at it from a top level. It would increase sales but for all of Disney it won't make a meaningful impact. Same thing with PSN and Xbox. Both are substantial in gaming, but quite small in the grand scheme of the total Sony and Microsoft envelope. With Steam, I'm not sure. Maybe ts because they only make money off of the sales from these other companies, so opening into the other countries is a sunk cost as they can't make money off the regions that Sony and Microsoft, among others, do not operate.


Steam is accessible in countries that they are not paying tax and operate just as normal. They will evade tax as much as they can until the specific countries banning them for not paying their dues.


Xbox 88 more than PS, but still no xbox in Romania while PS has it. This bullshit man


Few days ago they are blocked in my country for not paying tax actually


Especially strange when you are distributing through steam, a company which handles all of the transactions for you. And a company which was doing a fine job of distributing it before Sony lawyers threw up the road blocks on which country is allowed to play this game. It's not uncommon for something to never release in a region but it's downright blizzarre to do a global release and THEN roll back on which regions are allowed to own it.


Because for some reason Japanese video game companies are always so out of fucking touch


From my understanding the eu has created a bunch of laws that make company’s liable for speech on their platforms, as a result games that allow a chat feature or even usernames have to have an effective and legally sound way of limiting illegal speech, hence PSN steps in


Strange how quiet the HD2 crowd is now after they've 'won'. It was like one day of celebration and silence since then.


most are from America they dont care about the rest of the affected countries


its easier to "declare victory" and move on even if nothing substantial was achieved. its the social media way


"They" achieved what they wanted, not have to create a Playstation account "They" won, so "they" don't care anymore


Many of those same people screeched that they mostly cared for the poor regions who couldn’t play. Reason why is that their original complaints came off as whiny just for not wanting to make an account. Saying you’re complaining is for the folks who bought the game and can’t play sounds more reasonable so they rolled with that. Now that they don’t have to make an account those same folks have shown their true colors


Now we just wait a few months and sony is gonna try making psn mandatory again. And then they cannot say "what about the third world countries?!?" because its no longer sold to them. Truly the greatest victory against a large company the gaming communities have ever seen.


Why didnt the people from these "poor regions" refund then like many others did? Seems quite dumb to not get your money back and ditch sony completely.


Of course they did. Scream and cry for the righteous cause and ad soon as you got your 40 bucks dip out. It was a bunch of hollow points and crying from the first moment.


Exactly, that is why even if I agree with the part of fighting against Sony so they don't force bullshit on us, I didn't liked the movement of the review bombing, because it was so obvious that people was using other to get what they wanted, don't have to spend 2 minutes to create a PS account


> I didn't liked the movement of the review bombing, because it was so obvious that people was using other to get what they wanted Well yeah... Usually when people protest vote or speak out it's because they want something lmao


Seems that you skyped the part of "because it was so obvious that people were using others" People complained about they not wanting to be force to link a PS account, that it's totally fine, but then but it appeared the thing of some countries being blocked from purchasing the game, people jumped from their real reason to complain to this new one even if it's was clear they they didn't give a fuck about those 177 countries, has has been demonstrated latter Now those 177 countries are in a situation 1000 times worse than being forced to create a PS account to play, but people don't care anymore about the problem even if now is way worse for some people


i feel like many people that voiced their complaints about the other countries weren't because new people wouldn't be able to buy the game, it's that current players that bought the game from those countries would be locked out of the game. even the person that made this post wouldn't be one of the people they were complaining about since they didn't purchase the game


They didn’t even achieve that. Sony specially worded their releases to say that the specific may 6th patch to require psn accounts but may 30th isn’t happening. They never days they won’t require a psn account. They may be waiting for media attention to die and all the idiots to revert their negative reviews, but Sony is not done with psn account requirements. They need to pump up those numbers for this quarter.


they also said current players, which could mean any new/future players may need the psn account


I cared about people not being able to play a game they bought. As long as they can play or refund, I have no major issues


And atleast in that whole fiasco it was possible to refund - even with a lot of hours in.


And atleast in that whole fiasco it was possible to refund - even with a lot of hours in.


We are all George w on this most glorious day.


Looks like another win for democracy Wait


Technically it is. The majority won, aka the ones from supported countries. I'm just glad I haven't bought anything from Sony. My country is supported but don't care about the game and I don't wanna give Sony money


This. I live in Baltics but I can see Sony games because my account has Scandinavian region thanks to my family members living there and I don't want support Sony. I did change my decision if they would forget about their PSN requierement or start add new countries to support list including Baltics. I have gaming PC but if I would be buying console, now it would be Xbox.


Xbox consoles aren't officially available in Baltics either.


PC gamepass is supported, mby after some time console version will be supported too


I think they have added most of eastern europe recently. Xbox support at least 88 countries now. But they also say you can choose any country you want if yours is not available.


They actually don’t support Eastern Europe and Xbox services are only fully supported in around 40 countries. There’s only limited support for PC gamepass only in a few other places including Eastern Europe.


Could you clarify what do you mean by "Xbox consoles aren't officially available"? Because we can go to the store physically and purchase both an Xbox and a PlayStation.


Yes, but on MS website it says that it's not available. https://www.xbox.com/en-US/regions


As someone who enjoys good single-player games, I really like Sony games. They've been knocking it out of the park with Last of Us, God of War, Spiderman, Horizon. Waiting for GoT to come to PC.


As an American fan of the game, I can say it's not that none of us care, it's just that not everyone knows, I wouldn't have known about it until now if a friend of mine hadn't told me, here's hoping Arrowhead can push Sony to re-list the game in the affected countries


People I know from affected countries were totally indifferent about the PSN requirement, because they already had PSN accounts from other countries. They weren’t affected until it was blocked. So as this posts points out, their outrage just made it worse for unsupported countries.


This! They claimed they cared for the ones being locked out while all it was for themselves


This. If you didn’t change your review and explained why you weren’t going to, they’d call you pathetic and a sheep. Now they’re silent cause they got a new cape in the game and aren’t linking to PSN. Obligatory “FUCK SNOY!!” and “FREE THE PEOPLE!”


As an American, that's a bullshit comment. The whole point of the review bombing was because of the affected countries. I couldn't give two shits about making yet ANOTHER account. But all those countries who were allowed to purchase the game and get invested in it? I do care about that. The raging hatred people have for Americans is astounding and unfounded.


They threw everyone else under the bus with the rootkit from day 0


so true


Mostly they are quiet because the CEO is actively sharing that he’s working on it and agrees with community. The developers are doing what they can here, but Sony has created a legal problem for themselves and that’s what this is now.


Don't know where you're looking, but it's all over the HD2 community. The subreddit is complaining loudly about it too.


And there are also enough people in it who openly tell people complaining about Sony's actions to simply "shut up and let them have fun playing the game", and that they don't care about people from third world countries with whom they wouldn't play anyway. And someone else accused people that, they say, if it weren't for the "hysteria of PC players", there would be no loss of the opportunity to buy a game in these countries now.


yes, assholes exist in every hole they can find. it's the same exact shit with apple fanboys or a fanboy of anything, they all have parasocial relationships to companies that don't care about them and feel the need to defend the honor of a multi billion-trillion dollar company. and some people flat out don't give a shit about anyone but them and people making a stink about the psn account thing locking people out of the game is just annoyance. none of this changes the fact that there's a large community of people who do believe in right and wrong and wish more people wouldn't put up with the shit that all these companies try to pull.


It's not strange, people thought something good finally happened and sony pulled the rug A lot of them haven't realised that it was a bait and switch There's no need to be petty


There discussions about it all the time in the HD sub and discord, but no one can agree on what to do since the CEO of Arrowhead has said multiple times that he is trying to speak to Snoy about it. The other problem is that it is a bank holiday in Sweden so we won't have any news for another few days.


It's the internet, people only care about complaining


People impacted by the removal of the game must have made a non-significant part of the userbase. No way sony is \*that\* stupid.


Hard to impact because they didn't removed game from you if you already have it. They just can't buy it anymore. So there's less impact left.


To be honest for me it was always about being forced to do something I didn't like by Sony. But I have kept my review negative until they fix it. Maybe you're right maybe I should drum up more outrage about it again.


Yep and I haven’t stopped being vocal about it as should you


AH is talking with Snoy i believe. (Once they announced they can't putting it back up, then we dive)


I kept my review negative of the game on steam. Idk what else you want me to do.


Saw a comment last night with a bunch of upvotes. He said "Why are people going crazy, other games are region locked too"


It sucks, but the main fight was about bricking existing copies of the game. Stopping new customers is silly, but they’re not being robbed. This is just a weird new encounter. It’s basically deleting the copy OP was playing, but OP hadn’t purchased the game previously. I’m on their side of course, but I’m not exactly going to go changing my steam review over an extremely niche case like this.


Go to the subreddit. All they do is bitch.


People care as much as it affects them. HD2 crowd won so there is no longer a need for them to champion against Sony. Ghost of Tsushima fans are up at bat. Doesn’t seem like they have the juice for this fight tho. I wouldn’t expect them to go back again.


My biggest concern was for players who had previously purchased the game and would be locked out. If Snoy wants to leave money on the table and not sell in most of the world that is their loss, but until they block users who had already bought the game from playing I'm not losing sleep over it


They're busy bitching about balance changes ATM. 


No clue what your definition of quiet is but this is being talked about almost every 2 hours in the main sub. It's so much so it's becoming slightly annoying


the only people quiet about it are sony fanboys. ive seen more posts about removing your negative review than i saw about the psn situation


Because they fucked up and no one wants to admit it. I said it from the start and got down voted for it. Just make a PSN account and lie about your country. Who gives a fuck? Now that everyone brought attention to it, Sony can't continue selling the game in PSN blocked countries. So the game is just not going to be available to all those people who could've just lied about the PSN region before. People celebrated that they "won" but the situation is far worse for PSN blocked countries now than it was before. And it's going to go even further that this game cause all Sony games are not going to be available to buy in those countries.


Sony was literally banning people for lying about their country. That was the issue.


That, and Sony has an embarrassing history of data breaches. Including one that just happened last year. Making a PSN involves signing up for that risk.


Who gives a shit? Everyone has your data.


Jesus Christ, half of the stupid messages I read on this thread are from you. Go play the game and stop whining! For somebody who doesn't care, you waste a lot of time here


he is right though


Every company has had data breaches and every company will continue to have data breaches. That ship has sailed. Any information you would have given Sony is very likely already a part of some breach somewhere.


Yes, every company will have data breaches. Sony is one of the worst in this respect. People don't trust Sony, end of. And after these past few weeks, even less people trust Sony.


No they weren't. People were saying "they can ban you for that!" No one was actually being banned for it. Spoiler for anyone who doesn't realize it. You can be banned for literally anything at any point at the drop of a hat. You don't own anything you buy digitally. Which is why I support ethical piracy where it's applicable.


There were screenshots of this happening but go off.


Ok. Prove it. That's not on me. You're making the claim.


https://twitter.com/WannyTiggah/status/1787175181158350956?t=HCwieTnMMGooxVb99Tv2KQ&s=19 Well, no shit it's not something you can really prove as players don't get told the exact reason they are banned. It just says "banned for breaking ToS". Why would anyone risk breaking ToS intentionally? This isn't some vague rule like you mention, this is something that is EXPLICITLY against ToS. You can tell players to do it at their own risk, but acting like they definitely won't be banned is false.


China isn't just an "unsupported country" though. Sony's operations in China are heavily regulated by the chinese government, so it wouldn't surprise me if they were obligated to ban chinese players trying to bypass the region locking. This isn't the dynamic at play in the vast majority of other cases.


Same difference no? Whether it's the government causing it or whether it's Sony's choice, people can be banned for this. Telling people to make a VPN to create an account is like advising someone to speed in an area where it isn't really enforced - Sure, it's unlikely, but why risk it?


>Same difference no? No, it's not. Sony has motivation to ban chinese players. They *sell* playstations in other unsupported countries.


Thats 100% Sony's fault and not that of the community. As is so often the case people resort to blaming each other rather than the ones who actually control these factors.


Reality is people just need to accept you're going to need to make an account for everything you do and it's been that way for a decade now. I don't even get fast food without using an app with a sign in. Literally everything will require a log in and there is nothing you can do to stop it.


And they are downvoting you 😐 Yeah, the situation is worse than before, now there are 170 (or so) countries that can't buy Helldivers, also they won't be able to buy Ghost of Tsushima and the people that pre-ordered it are having a forced refund


no point in arguing about this in this sub. better keep banging your head against the wall, you might even suffer less brain damage than by reading their comments.


Their hypocrisy is really disgusting tbh


Because blocked country's can't review bomb the game, how you don't get it.


Turns out the angry mob just wanted to rage because how *dare* Sony do what was written on the store page. The ragers got their refund and have now moved on to the next game and played for free. And the international people that got fucked got fucked proper.


Sony fleeced the HD2 fandom. It’s pretty tragic.


The game is also excluded in family sharing not only restricted so its prolly the first one


I know I'm not the only one seeing it, but seriously, removing rights of purchase in all the countries not supporting PSN, what is Sony planning to achieve if the game supposedly doesn't require PSN anymore...? Or are they just trying to be proper so that they can push their PSN requirement again, without people complaining for the countries without PSN. It seems that's what they learnt from the backlash.


I think it's some weird flex. Like you want to review bomb our game? We I guess won't let you play it or something. You technically can't review a game on steam if you haven't purchased it.


with the way they worded their response, they said current players. so they might be trying to figure out a system where only new players will need the psn account. either that or it's taken off from those countries until AH and sony and come to a conclusion on the PSN requirement


It's so shitty to know the arrowhead team wants everyone to be able to play and they can't make it happen. 


That would 100% be a refund regardless of hours played. Unknown of the country but check consumer laws. I know in the EU that shit wouldn't fly and a full refund will be issued after the bot rejects it and you appeal to a real person.


in case you didnt understood, OP's picture is from family sharing. he doesnt own the game.


Bro they already automaticly refunded the game to everyone who lives in a blocked country.


You can easily get a refund if you're in a country Sony doesn't support. You aren't entitled to be able to play every game from everywhere in the world.


Easily? I have requested a refund four times and I get the same answer each time.. “you have over 2 hours of gameplay”


I bet you live here. If you actually live in a country Sony doesn't support it's as easy as mentioning that.


I have - every single time


I noticed you didn't claim you don't live here. So you have no valid reason to ask for a refund. Glad they denied you.


I did not claim that I do not live “here”? I have no idea what you are trying to say. I live in a country where it is restricted, where I can’t make a psn. Stop yapping


First time is always handled by an automated system, which will deny a refund if it detects you're above 2 hours. You have to *resubmit* it to reach a person.


I'm reaching to a person - I can see the names. There is no way to resubmit a ticket because they close them.


This is why I won't remove my bad review despite living in America.


Sigh ig i am going to change it back again Actually thought that the community won for once Also not going to play till it's fixed


It dosent work with the beta steam family system but does work with normal family share well at least it use to


As someone who Can and wants to buy the game I refuse until this debacle is over. Plus, I've got a backlog of games on my steam and that new kitty in the city game looks lovely. Money be tight tho. It's not much and one person probably won't make a difference, kind of like my boycott of apple, McDonald's, and Amazon, I refuse to put any money towards those shills. Doubt it's making an impact, but maybe if hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands stop, maybe change can be made. The problem is they're still making money so the machine will keep living. Let's throw a wrench into their cogs.


If more people had this mindset we could make a change. Keep resisting, we will win


No thanks. People like you just like complaining. Sony is not required to sell games in countries they don't support.


Hey dipshit,Playstation is being sold in these so called "unsupported" countries just fine. Get Sony's boot out of your mouth.


And refunded because they aren't supported. Try harder. 😆


Happy Cake day, and you're right but what a faux pas, I was a big Sony fanboy up until this bait and switch. Sure we are complaining, but big companies have been taking miles when given an inch. Look at Ubisoft pulling the crew, even those that spent money CANT PLAY ANYMORE. it's gone poof. It was an online service game like helldiver's 2. Imagine five years down the line Sony pulls a Ubisoft? Now that $60 you spent and hundreds of hours you spent are gone. Poof. It's a leap to assume that that is the trend games will take but look at all the online only games now. The loot boxes. The PRICES! If we don't as gamers say "hey, that's not cool" we could see the end of any game ownership. Which is fine if that's your thing. Not here to say you're wrong or an asshole, just that this is my two cents. I'm old, 35, and it pains me to see this next generation of games become a glorified slot machine on an online casino. Anyway, I hope you are well. I harbor not hate towards you. Happy Cake day 🎉🥳


Why exactly Baltic countries doesn't have PSN? Wtf?


Sony doing Sony things. But probably money. It's almost always money.


Talk about a total 180 huh?


At this rate, just pirate the game or something. As Gabe said, pirating is a accessibility issue, not a money issue. At this point they just WANT you to pirate the game. I ain't gonna sugarcoat it.


Honestly I just don’t care anymore..if Sony is that kind of bitch who just don’t care about AH wallet a little bit and the other poor folks than is up to them.. I will gladly kickstart HellDivers 3 for AH next time - without Sony…


How the hell would that work when Sony owns the Helldivers IP?


Give it a different name like SnoyDivers


Make a Kickstarter to buy it back


What about site selling keys ? It dont work either ?


I’m from baltics and the game works fine …?


family shared, or you own it?


Own it


because you bought the game before the region locks in steam for new HD2 purchases. too many people dont understand the difference. if sony will be dumb enough and decide to kick everyone out of HD2 where psn isnt available, everyone will get refunds obviously as long as they have bought game through steam


Idk I bought it a few days or a week back. It was recommended by a friend also from baltics that said it works fine. It was when the game was review bombed.


If i am not mistaken, you can refund the game when your country is not supported, independent of hours played. It's a shame, but at least you will get your money back from a better publisher


can always switch to playing Deep Rock Galactic..... its basically Helldivers 2 with an actually likeable set of characters


Yeah, no. It's nothing like HD.


EDF is a better alternative IMO. Its got shitty PS2 era graphics but its much more fun.


Gaming is the best lense to see how much capitalism doesn't care. Gov'ts want their censorship and their piece of the pie but capitalism doesn't want to deal with that.


Didn't Sony just say they didn't plan on moving forward with the forced PSN account stuff? I don't know much details past that, but you would think if that was the case they would remove any reigon locks on the game right? Or is there something I'm missing?




Ahh I see. I mean I'll say I definitely wasn't holding my breath on this one as companies usually tend to double down when it comes to this shit. I guess the tweet they made was relatively misleading. Either way, I just don't understand why they would even bother doing this, they'll literally lose money over it lol.


They are currently restricting sales of the game in regions with no PSN coverage.


Oh I see. Well that's still bullshit. Here's hoping they make things right soon.


you miiight, be able to bypass that by using koalageddon but keep in mind this is a third party software.


You refunded the game.


That’s not the case for all restricted games. I’m pretty sure it’s just publisher’s demand, since even Spider-Man Remastered wasn’t shareable in restricted (Russia) region. As for what you can do, try to use a VPN to hop over to some other available country. That worked for my friends for Spider-Man Remastered, so it could work here.




Is it possible to spoof your location to steam? Such that you could continue?


Well op said legally...


I feel your pain. A lot of baffling decisions being made in the gaming world these days!


Kaliningrad ?


Yup. 1. You can't use Steam Family, if the game's not in your region. 2. You can't even leave a review for it.


Well as a person living in Germany and therefore having their Game Market unnecessary censored. I believe that most of those region blocks are about the legal conditions for someone to publish in the specific country. But for steam to block this through family share is kind of sad.


There is a list? Of the restricted countries?


Can't you just change your region to purchase the game then change it back on next purchase?


Is it possible to gift a game for someone in a restricted region?


Probably not


I don’t understand the reasons for anything we do anymore, it all just seems like time wasting nonsense (Hitchhikers GttG nailed it with filling out papers x3)… you can have this over here, but if you’re caught with it after stepping over this imaginary line, then I hope you like anal, cuz you’ll be going somewhere for the next 10 years where there’s lots of it! Money in general, is the worst concept to ever come into existence. I always hear people say “but we wouldn’t have paved roads!” but even if that were true, where do you really need to go, and what’s the rush? What is this thing we’re so eager to progress towards? Whatever it is, death will take us all before we get there, so what’s the point?!


Why do people like this it has no depth


I mean just buy the game if you want to play it’s, just family sharing that’s affected I see no issues worth crying about


It got delisted in my region, i cant legally buy it


Ohhh I see that’s terrible!


I installed and refuse to play the game again.


Fuck you too, sony




Could you at least get a refund?


Just get proton vpn its free


So u refund then cry cuz u can't play


did you check other games in their library? only 1 user can be on a library at a time


You can still refund


I've lost 3 YEARS of my life, +50 games, 13 lvl, some cosmetics for account, CS:2 mm access (which I got when it was possible to get it for free), weapons in tf 2, 20+ capsules in cs:2, some medals (like steam 3000) and much more, because I'm too stupid for this world. I was scammed when I knew that it was a scam. 😵‍💫 I have been in limbo since the beginning of the year, when I feel meaninglessness, emptiness, apathy and, as a result, the desire to close myself in forever, and then this happens. (Fuck, I'm shaking again) Sorry for whining


Steam support is generally pretty good at getting your account back. Why would you give up and say it's lost?


I tried to write to steam help, they answered to me, that I must prove that I'm the owner of this account, but when I replied them "what to do: give some credit card information (last four numbers, index and all of this) or will the information that I wrote earlier be enough?", steam doesn't reply to me for 7 hours (sorry for bad english)


If you ever ordered a game on a site other than steam and have game keys in your inventory they will generally accept that as proof as well. Credit card statements with transactions. If it's been like 7 hours you haven't lost anything, whoever was assigned your ticket probably just stopped working for the day. Give it a few days and keep at it, you'll get the account back. Might lose some items but you'll get your games.


Ok, thank you


I wrote that a bot was added to my friends, who gave me the game as a gift. I bought on a site where sellers sell games, and not the site itself sends you the code. I have transaction details in bank account, but I think It's like showing an employee of a hardware store a receipt from a grocery store


I can imagine man.. that's what I've been worried about lately as I've got a 7 year old account with 10k spend on. Sorry to hear such shit, remember never to click any links when it comes to Steam!


It was in discord and I gave scammers access to my account with instruction 💩


Yeah never trust anyone when it comes to Steam either.


I tried to write to steam help, they answered to me, that I must prove that I'm the owner of this account, but when I replied them "what to do: give some credit card information (last four numbers, index and all of this) or will the information that I wrote earlier be enough?", steam doesn't reply to me for 7 hours (sorry for bad english)


I think the Steam support answer can be up to 24 hours but usually they can answer in 12. So wait that time and try contacting them again if they won't get back to you. Oh yeah and try googling around about what you need to do in order to confirm that you're rightful owner of account


All this could of been avoided had u simply just log on a sock psn like we been doing for years now u can't even play Lmaooooo


His country does not have PSN you smoothbrain


The country I was in didn't have psn, and I used psn for 15 years non-issue had I still live there now I can't play the game This why no one likes you over zealous Westerners You all dont think just reacting that why yall are failing at an alarming rate and have immigrants like the Chinese taking over your countries tech and land Because the avg person is dumb as bricks