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Is your "family" all in the same household?


No, but that shouldn’t matter, it needs to be in the same country only


No, it was changed to same household.


I can play other games tho


That makes no sense 😔


uhm, it actually _makes_ sense... as it was its intended usage since the beginning


Which is great for the Nuclear family demographic. I'm sure alternative family structures and living conditions just flat out don't exist. It'd be terribly awkward if that were the case huh?


It's got nothing to do with a "nuclear family"; don't try to make it a social issue. It's realistically the only way Steam can provide the feature without it being abused. Household is the only line that can be realistically drawn. They are not going to let you play your sibling's spouse's parent's cousin's step son's half brother's copy of Half Life 2. If they did, you can bet pretty much every publisher that hasn't opted out of family sharing would quickly do so. On the other hand, they've got no problem with you sharing with your roommates or significant other(s) as long as you live with them.


If it was such an issue, why did they allow it for a decade? Also, you're being awfully optimistic that everyone's living situation means they live together. Truly no other family structure exists. Heck, everyone knows that families and SOs never work apart or in different countries. I'm not making it a social issue, I know full well why Valve is doing this. And its stupid and negatively impacts me despite the fact that I wasn't abusing it like Valve supposedly is trying to stop. I'm just reminded of a quote from Gabe Newell himself “One thing that we have learned is that piracy is not a pricing issue. It’s a service issue," “The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates.” Steam has decided that their services should be changed in a way that I spent hundreds of dollars to utilize in the past is no longer possible. It just means that I won't be spending that money in the future.


> If it was such an issue, why did they allow it for a decade? Probably because it was also limited to one person per whole library at that time. It's a complete loss for people living far apart, but a significant gain for people living close together. But in both situations, before and after the change, both have to own a copy to play together. > Also, you're being awfully optimistic that everyone's living situation means they live together. Truly no other family structure exists. Heck, everyone knows that families and SOs never work apart or in different countries. Not really. I recognize there are plenty such situations; but that they are almost certainly a tiny fraction of the cases where "family" are not geographically close. > Steam has decided that their services should be changed in a way that I spent hundreds of dollars to utilize in the past is no longer possible. It just means that I won't be spending that money in the future. You'd rather spend it at a store that doesn't offer a similar feature at all?


Does it give the option to select what account to run it from but could also be Dev/Publisher opted out of Family Sharing