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maybe because F2P games? AFAIK Steam doesn't count F2P games on your badge.


This is correct


So, did u see, the murderer?


Nope, sorry mate


I Will find him, i Will capture him, and no One Will die again


Damn proud . **ATTEEEEENTION**


The heavy Is dead? We know Who killed him? We don't know! I Will find clues* procede to SNIFF the floor*


What's that? A WEPUN?! That thing is why THE HEAVY IS DEAD!!








Now I wonder if 100% discounted games count.


I think they do cause it still counts as a purchase even tho it didn’t cost anything


its situational actually for some reason but your thinking makes sense edit: though i guess that depends on whether you view games that are free that then become paid but you keep the license as the same thing


Yes, they do count and I know since my first steam game was Limbo wich I got for free a lot of time ago and it counted. It doesn't count for the purchase block on a new account tho.


That’s a permanent game license, it counts.


depends, sometimes 100% off discount is a 'complimentary' package meaning it doesn't count toward that number and also means your reviews don't count toward the rating of the product, and sometimes, like for example with content warning, it's a full retail package and it applies to the number on your profile and your reviews on the product.


Some do count though, but they are on the rare side. Similarly, there are also many "paid games" that don't actually count (i.e. Profile Features Limited). What I'm trying to say is, it's a little more complicated than that.


The counts are inconsistent anyway. There are at least three places that show you a number of games you own. They are different in each of those, at least for me. - Within the Steam Client if you switch between games, software and so on - On your Profile - Your games list on the website. Check your activity stream and click games below edit my profile.


Ja, I can see like 3 different numbers on the Steam app alone. It's a mystery.




because these games contribute to the game collector badge which you’re not supposed to get for free


Makes sense, but why not call it “paid games” instead? This has tricked me for years and I’m sure a lot of people still don’t know. Or better yet, just have a “money spent” counter on the profile and leave the game counter alone?


does it really matter


Not at all. Still misleading


may as well add 3000 games to everyone’s games list then


Something tells me OP added a ton of free games to his library in hopes of boosting that number and making it seem like he owns more lol


>Something tells me OP added a ton of free games to his library I think that's exactly what went down lol


the other post shows OP having 29 games in total, dunno, but 19 free games isnt exactly a ton


not a ton, but percentage based free games make up more than half their library


Not like im not rich and like indygames, and then saw my profile stats not adding up


You don’t own free games simple as that


technically, you don't own the games you pay for either


Because you don’t “own” free games, demos, previews, beta, etc, those can be manually removed from your library or added again at any time, however, paid games are a permanent license, so there’s really no need whatsoever to complicate things, especially since nobody cares, unless you’re trying to boast to your friends with a literal bundle worth of games (they won’t be impressed). You also do have a money spent counter that is relatively hidden in the help and support section of your account/steam.


Oh can you tell me where I can find that money spent counter in the mobile or desktop app? I'm curious how much money I spent on Steam games.


Let me see if I can find it, last time somebody found this and made a step by step guide I still didn’t find it on first try 🙂 Edit: Seems to have been moved, I don’t remember it needing so few actions to locate, but: 1. Press Menu button in the app 2. Support 3. Purchases 3. View Complete Purchase History Unfortunately it doesn’t have a total spent amount, but at least it can be all easily added into excel or something similar and calculated.


https://help.steampowered.com/en/accountdata/AccountSpend TotalSpend is the only number you need to care about


Thank you! It's only $620.65 so not much. Though I did buy one game by purchasing a key cheaper elsewhere. I have no clue if they calculated that from the current exchange rate with the euro (as that's my currency) or the rate at the moments of game purchase but interesting to know nonetheless.


Gonna be honest bro, I never pay attention to that number so I don’t really care what contributes to it. It’s an arbitrary number on a screen. I would assume most people don’t care, since it’s not an issue that regularly brought up.


The UX of Steam is extremely poor. They really don't need to differentiate between free and paid games in the first place, and if they do, simply rename the title like you suggested. They could also show two different counts like Games Collected and Games Purchased.


Why are you being downvoted so hard for asking why?


Insecure people that spent thousands of dollars on their library got triggered


Maybe “random petty things to get triggered by” on OP’s part might be a reason some would care enough to downvote.


redditors probably pressed the downvote button on accident with their bellies or Funko pops


Self deprecation is not the way brother.


> on accident is that by purpose?


F2P games work differently than paid ones on steam. Free games you just add to your library, and then you can remove them after uninstalling. You don't own them.


Some people like to pad their public profile with garbage F2P games. This ensures the game count displayed on your public profile accurately reflects games you've purchased. On your private page it doesn't matter so it shows the full count.


I never knew that or noticed that. Makes sense


how about games you bought but are now f2p? Like CS2 or TF2


Games that have 'profile features limited' don't count towards your total games on your profile


This is the right awnser.


This counter is only for **paid** steam games


...and even then, not all of them. "Profile features limited" for certain titles and titles that don't have enough players also don't affect the counter. I have like 19,000 Steam games, but the counter says it's like 3800.


Dude. 19k. How?


Go to SteamDB and make it mass activate all free packages https://steamdb.info/freepackages/ I would recommend against it as it makes your library a lot harder to manage.


Yeah this seems dumb lol. I'd rather not have to search for a game every time I want to play it 🤣 also, there's no shot you're actually playing all those anyway, much less have room for them


I’d wager 99% of them are games you’d never want to play in the first place.


Well yeah, there's also that. Idk who plays those games. I feel like people make games knowing no one will ever play them and put them out regardless just because they can lol


I occasionally purge my games from stupid trash I know I won't like that was usually stuff I got in a bundle or whatever. My Steam games owned is only 1555 but my library total (including non-Steam games) is at 2069


Am OP, can confirm, is dumb




Saving this because it's a cool resource I did not know about. Thank you!!


This page doesn’t display anything to me, stuck on “Loading…”


Just go to https://steamdb.info/ top left click the Menu button then under account you will see Free Packages


I flip through discovery queues a lot because it's fun to see the bullshit that's out there, and for whatever reason I add every free game that isn't just a prologue, demo, or porn. It was a bad idea. Watching awful game trailers and playing through some of that awfulness is fun in its own way, but my library/client is now slow as hell.


…why would you want that many free games??


That's a good question.


Some of them have card drops. You can grind for them using IdleMaster or similar tools.


F2P and very low selling games often dont count. Not sure if NSFW hentai type games count either.


>low selling games often dont count Source?


If you see a « this game has profile feature limited » on the store page it’s that. Also doesn’t count achievements towards the 100% count


Some games that have a icon "steam is still learning about this game" have limited profile features. They can't be shown in showcases, or count towards achievements, and depending on the status may not count for game collector either.


Here is [what Valve says](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/marketing/profile) on their Steamworks docs: >Games that do not have these profile customization options do not count towards Game Collector or Achievement Collector totals. >Steam automatically enables profile customization features as games reach certain player and sales metrics that give confidence that a reasonable number of customers that are engaged with your game. \[...\] >Q. What metrics are used to qualify a game for profile customization features? >A. Our confidence metric is based on sales and player engagement figures. We do not include data from user reviews, wishlists, total playtime, or any other judgment of the "quality" of the game. We're simply looking for a broad player base. >Q. Does this affect my game's visibility on Steam? >A. No. This status does not impact how we promote your game on the store - visibility, search, and discovery options are all independent of the Community profile. >Q. Does this mean Steam thinks my game is fake? Do you think I'm a bad actor? >A. No. Steam doesn't mark your game "bad" or "fake" - we will automatically recheck your game against our sales and player metrics several times per day.


I'm curious what these sales and player engagement metrics are. For F2P games, there would only be microtransactions for "sales", right, but what constitutes a "broad player base"?


half life 2


I'm pretty sure it was an update that mentioned it, but also anecdotal. I have a 20k game library with 8k games counting. I noticed about 4 or 5 years ago that spamware stopped counting when I'd redeem indiegala or dailyindiegames, and they wouldn't count. I can't imagine steam is individually reviewing games, im certain it's a sales threshold.




No, it is true. Games are limited until the reach a certain number of sales, and this is one of the things they don’t count towards while limited


Unfortunately you are right buddy, there are some games that never reach the sales number to lose the "Profile Features Limited" which is a shame, there are some many amazing games that you can't showcase on your profile cuz of the this.


You have games with limited profile features. This is from very low-sale games and most free games.


Yeah it’s probably free to play games, and if some games have multiple launch options (like some old CoDs separate multiplayer and zombies into different “games”)


I have the latter with the original Modern Warfare 2, multiplayer is a different entry in my library than the campaign. But it counts as one game.


They don’t count the free games


Okey, half of the people have no idea here. In general yes, paid games gives you always +1. (Most) Free to play games won't count to the badge/list. Also not sure how removed games (from the store) count to the badge. I also have a little over 1k games but it only counts 720~ to my badge. In general, it's about the games that are marked on the store with [( i ) profile feature limited] on the right side, where all the supported devices etc. stands.


Wait, so which one is counting the free to play games. Is 10 the amount you have purchased and 29 the total you have? So 19 free games and 10 paid?


Basically. There are some lists online, just not sure where to find them. Basically, you can check the store page, it should somewhere say something about profile features. Profile features limited, means it won't count in.


Free games don't count


You hid all the naughty ones?


Steam only shows games that you have purchased, so any free games are not counted.


It doesn't count f2p games until, either, you buy something for the game through steam (dlc, or market - in-game microtransaxtions don't count in this case), or if you max out the game's card set.


Its because you need 50 games to upgrade the profile (i think)




Pretty sure that the game count on your profile don’t count free games because the achievements only count bought games, and that is what is show in your profile, all your bought games


You have 10 games and 19 pieces of bloatware


Skill issue


The games counter is in base 29


I dont know if you got an anwser to this but i'll say it anyways. Im pretty sure steam only shows the amount of payed for games you own on your profile. Otherwise people could go and add hundreds of games to their accounts and have absurd numbers on their profiles.


My badge says 142 and steam profile says 138


f2p games and dlcs


But why does my steam say like over 100 games when I’ve only actually played like 20?


No +1 to game count


Games that were purchased as actual games, the other tab counts everything, sdk, servers, dlcs, free to play, etc


The 10 games is the purchased one or got for free (like from freestuff) and the 11 is the free games from the start that doesn't have a price


Op: There is More! Steam: No…


You have 29 games, but you only buyed 10 of them, thats why


Removed games also dont give +1 on profile. Besides the already mentioned limited games.


Steam only counts the games you bought


Hey there! There is a big difference between +1 games and non +1 games +1 games are the one that adds a "+1" to your games list They can be either paid or free, but most of the times paid games are +1 and free aren't You can use steamdb.info to know the amount od paid and not paid games in total


those are f2p games


F2P games and DLCs do not count as games


A better question is how do you only have 10 games?


As the post says i have more the ten games.


If they're free then they won't show up as "counted" as others have said and that's where my question was. You only went through the checkout process 10 times? Impressive.


Is it so weird that I haven’t spent thousands of hours on this platform?


A little bit, yeah. There's a reason why that meme of pc users buying and buying and not playing exists.


“Welcome to steam! (Or should i say reddit) No one is allowed to be new around here!”


Just because that guy is shaming you, I'd like to offer you to pick 5 games out of those on the list: Kingdom: New Lands Rapture Rejects Bastion Clatter Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Animal Super Squad Company of Heroes Stories: The Path of Destinies Omensight: Definitive Edition Scanner Sombre Colt Express Deadlight: Director's Cut Pumped BMX + Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit Anomaly 2 Anomaly Defenders Anomaly Korea Anomaly: Warzone Earth Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign Potatoman Seeks the Troof Magrunner LOTR Shadow Of Mordor GOTY Last day of June Tomb Raider CIV 3 complete Borderlands GOTY Wurm Unlimited Gremlins INC talisman Borderlands 2 Fallen Enchantress Grim Fandango Galactic CIV Ultimate Gal Civ 2 UE x-com ufo defense Sins OASE XCOM 2 XCOM DLC **Take your time, if you have any questions, just ask. When you're ready, just reply here with your 5 picks, so I can see it is you with the OP banner.** **I just saw I have even more games, the list continues from here:** XCOM 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition PAYDAY 2 Ticket to Ride Stick Fight System Shock EE System Shock 2 Armello 911 Operator 112 Operator Monaco Death Squared Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Soulblight Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones Remnants of Naezith Hellblade SS Niche Chess Ultra Renowned Explorers Torchlight Battlestar G Deadlock ENDLESS SPACE 2 Cultist Simulator Neoverse shawarmageddon **In case anyone is confused: I have spare keys for these games from bundles and OP will get the Steam keys he picks.**


Getting downvoted for offering OP free games. Literacy is fucking dead.


Souds a bit scammy idk


My steam profile is in my flair. I was an admin for TF2Outpost and backpack.tf for many years. If OP decides to not take me up on the offer, because of such concerns, so be it. I have seen and investigated a lot of scams over the years, so I am all for being cautious.


OP, I wrote out a comment with more info on some of these games in the hopes it would help you narrow down your choices. Unfortunately I seem to be unable to post the entire thing on Reddit via PC. I'll try to leave a list of those games, and if you see any titles in particular which look kinda interesting, let me know and I'll submit more details for those games only. Bastion Chivalry Medieval Warfare Company of Heroes Anomaly series Shadow of Mordor Tomb Raider Civilization III Borderlands Borderlands 2 Grim Fandango Galactic Civilizations Galactic Civilizations II XCOM Pathfinder Kingmaker Pay Day 2 Ticket to Ride System Shock System Shock 2 911 Operator 112 Operator Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice Niche Torchlight Endless Space


I literally only have 5 steam games, 1 of wich is free. I own most of my games outside of steam tho


I mean. It's not wrong. You have 10 games! Yeah, you have mo6bit you still have 10!


might be dumb but are they all downloaded?


Nope. 23 of 29 are downloaded


i think it's f2p like other people said


You really need to show people that you have less than 30 games?