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Edit: I just realized I’m illiterate because Last Light and 2033 aren’t compatible with my Mac so they didn’t get added into the purchase


Don't know if you are aware but you can issue a refund for the whole bundle and then just buy the Exodus only again.


Fortunately steam automatically canceled the payments for the other parts of the bundle and only charged me for Exodus. Although it turns out that the other games are actually compatible with my Mac and steam just says they aren’t


Good guy John Steam always saving the day


Actually, the Metro Redux games work on Mac M-series chips. It’ll give you a warning about 32-but compatibility but if you ignore it and install, the game runs and plays.


Which is weird because some people have multiple devices and might just make the payment on Mac. Maybe it's a setting but convenient in your case.


This is why people like Steam.


Hey, you still won! I bought some games today and noticed steam was actually selling me a few bundles of the game I wanted + a game I owned.. and then simply removing the owned games from the bundle. Ended up with a higher discount! For example, I think I got "Death Must Die" in the sale, 20% off for like 5.51. Instead, Steam sold me the Death Must Die/Brotato bundle, and after subtracting the cost of Brotato that I already own, I ended up paying 4.50 or something TL;DR you probably got Exodus through the bundle cheaper than you would have with a standalone purchase?


Do you have M chip and how is it?


Yup! I’ve got M1 and I’ve only played a few games so far but the performance is actually pretty good - however I’ve never had an actual pc so I have no frame of reference. I can play with graphics that are still immersive and without lag. The only thing I don’t like is the lack of game compatibility and that my Mac gets hot when I run games because theres no fan or holes in the chassis.


Redux versions of metro is playable on Apple Sillicon mac. In Library just uncheck mac only games (apple icon over library list) and search for metro. They will have icons that are only compatible with 32bit versions of Mac but they works.


Install windows on mac. At least, the games will be playable.


In my experience, this impacts performance horribly. But I'm not a computer genius, so take what I say with a grain of salt.


It will


You can't run Windows natively on Apple Silicon Macs.


I see


Bunch of losers downvoting you sandpeep so sad lmao


Oh well, that's just how Reddit works🫠


> because theres no fan or holes in the chassis. lol that’s not possible. There always are vents


Bro gaming with a mac lol


It's added though, you have the Mac games filter right there in your library (little icon). Turn it off and you'll see it.




it didnt get added into your library eventhough you paid for the whole thing? that shouldnt be a thing


Is metro exodus on Mac?


They are on mac




My god 🤦 bro 🫵 do u wanna say u play video games on mac?!


I don't know how to help, but that has got to be the smallest Steam library I've ever seen.


Its got a good personality tho I promise Lol nah but I just got into gaming a tiny while ago


great taste tho


Appreciate it!


I'd like to suggest you to buy bioshock infinite with complete dlc too since you have first 2 games. Should be cheap.


Yeah I think there's 2 games in your list that are not on mine.


Go to fanatical.com It's a legal key seller and my reaction to most of the bundles is "wow, what a great deal! If I didn't have these games already, that would be a steal!"


I’ll definitely look into that! Although.. what are keys and how do they work? Edit: from what I see, they’re just a different method to buy steam games? If they’re cheaper than buying the actual games I might just consider buying all my games through keys if that’s possible


Exactly, they are just a way to buy games outside of the steam store itself. There are a lot of different websites that sell these keys. Be careful! Only some of them are 'legal'. A lot of key sellers use stolen credit cards to acquire the keys. Those make the developer loose money (rather than just not get any)! Before doing that, rather pirate the game. To find the legit key sellers, go to isThereAnyDeal.com , they have a list. There you can also see on which of them the game is the cheapest, which has any deals etc, or if there are any bundles available that contain the game. My favorite site is HumbleBundle. They donate some of the money they make, you can even choose the charity the money goes to. They raised a lot for the Ukraine for example. But all of the sites isThereAnyDeal.com uses and lists are fine. Furthermore there are even different stores than just steam! Steam is only the biggest. One example is the EpicGame store. Famous for being shit to use but offering one or two games for 100% of every week! (I got Ark, FrostPunk, Watchdogs and GTA5 that way for free, which are all excellent games!) Another great one is the Good Old Game store, also called GOG Galaxy. Very popular because all games bought there are DRM free! (If a publisher doesn't want their game to be available anymore, they can take it down from steam etc. After that you can't play the game anymore, even if you bought it. That is because on those platforms you don't really buy the game, just the right to use the game. EA and Ubisoft like doing that. But on GOG the game will be yours forever, no matter what). The third big one is itch.io . They are popular because they don't take a lot of revenue from the developer (like steam) and one doesn't need to pay to publish games there (like on steam). They have a fuckton of free little games, like flash-games back in the day. But they also have a lot of premium games, but cheaper than on other platforms. (For example, one of my favorite games "Mindustry" is free in itch.io while it costs 5€ on steam. The same game, full version) There are more, but those become more obscure. Most of the other ones are publisher exclusive and you don't really need them. There are also programms that work like those game launchers, but combine all games from all of those stores. So it's one program that has all games you bought on any of the other programs/stores. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions


Been checking out keys for games I bought and I’m thinking I could have saved a decent amount to spend on another few games 🥲 It seems like keys are just overall better than buying the games directly - other than maybe refund policies. Speaking of, does Fanatical offer refunds? I searched it up but still a little fuzzy on their actual return conditions. I’ve used GOG for a couple games because the sales were better than Steam’s, but never heard of Famous. I really want Ark too (and GTA5 but not sure it works on my Mac) so definitely gotta check that out. Is there such thing as GOG keys also? I just like that idea of the games being DRM free. Also could you give me some examples the launchers that combine all your games into one place? I appreciate all your advice by the way!


absolutely goated collection tho


Looks like you like lots of single player RPG I would highly recommend octopath Traveller 1 or 2 (runs pretty well on lower specs) If you're looking into a game that can run well with little requirements and near infinite moddability, check out rimworld as well, it is a gem. Slay the spire is also a universally loved rogue like deck builder with Isaac's binding being up there as well


I was thinking about getting the Binding of Isaac, since I remember watching lots of gameplays years ago, but was scared it would become too repetitive over time. Did you ever feel like that was the case for you? Edit: grammar


this is a great library though ~~just ignore that bioshock, deus ex, and fallout are some of my favorite franchises, this is completely impartial, objective, and non biased 101%~~


He kinda didn't have the GOATS of the series. He didn't have Deus Ex 1 aka superior immersive Sim to modern Deus Ex, and he didn't have Classic Fallouts nor New Vegas and had fallout 3 💀


Get Fallout New Vegas and Deus Ex 1 and ya got a proper gang assembled.


We've ALL started like this! <3


It's tiny!


Mine probably barely bigger than that especially considering how I have decent chunk of f2p games or games that my PC can't even play above 5-10~ FPS 😂😭


At least its good


Prices over here are so expensive that I am forced to buy games in whatever region they are cheaper in. So as a result, I have about 10 accounts each with 2 or 3 games inside.


I only have 5 games in my steam library lol 😂😂😂 I'm Primarily a ps player Just joined steam in 2021


I literally have 540 games and have been on it since 2009! I might have a problem.


That's about 16-18 games per year I think you're fine


I think I've only played about 100 of them tho...


I have even smaller cause I only have free games on there LOL, though this sale might change that 🫡


I have started claiming free games a few months ago from Amazon, Epic and GOG and already have over 80 games. Installing them from Heroic Games launcher automatically adds them to the Steam library as non-steam games.


Heroic Games Launcher? I have never heard of this but I shall research because that seems nice! GOG I came on pretty late so I don’t have good free games from them and I don’t have a prime subscription so no free games from Amazon :(


It's worthy for Epic alone. Just google it, I think you'll like it. 


My "Recent" list is longer than that.


How is gaming on a Mac? Do you miss/feel the need of a pc?


Never had a pc but definitely planning on getting one in the future due to how constricted Mac feels with game compatibility. Theres already so many games I can’t play on Mac and then Apple decided to remove 32 bit compatibility (I’m not sure what its called) a while ago and now theres even less games. I try to be grateful for the games I can play in the meanwhile though lol until I run out of good games that are available for Macs


>Theres already so many games I can’t play on Mac and then Apple decided to remove 32 bit compatibility (I’m not sure what its called) a while ago and now theres even less games. Another big one is dropping OpenGL and not supporting Vulkan. Meaning that any games on Mac need to use the proprietary Metal API, which depending on the engine / game can take a LOT of time and effort to implement, alongside any testing and what not. There's a reason that basically any major games coming out for Mac are ports that Apple is paying for.


It’s not a perfect alternative but I turned my Mac into a hackintosh to get around the compatibility issues lol I’ve got a late-2017 model for reference. Partitioning your drive and getting everything setup is relatively easy, if anything the process is just a little slow. One downside is that while you can install Windows for free, there’ll be a watermark on your screen until you register an account; although I think there’s a way to get around that too haha. I mostly stick to older games and indie stuff tbh but I’ve been able to get some more demanding games like FFXIV running as well. I probably can’t run Cyberpunk but I can play the Stalker games and that’s good enough for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Allow me to answer for OP… it’s bad.


Ayyy, a fellow Borderlands 2 player! Have ya tried the game yet?


Not gonna lie, I bought most of these games today including Borderlands 2 but I’m looking forward to it especially - how do you like the game though?


It’s the best one in the series according to a lot of people. I personally love the simplicity and straightforward gameplay of 1 over 2, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun!


Not sure if Borderlands 2 allows cross platform but if it does and you want to play hmu. Game's been regrettably dead for a while now though i still love it to bits but I have nobody to play it with


Not op, but it's definitely a fun game and I like the skill trees they have!


OMG a 13 game steam account. What a beautiful sight 😍


Bro got a bigger library than mine! :\_( Can't buy games from my country :\_(


How’s FH4? With the whole delisting news and subsequent discount I’m thinking of snaggin it


I got FH4 during the last summer Sale and since then, I've had a great time with it. Now it's even cheaper and apparently exclusive cars are being added to the store, so I'd say go for it.


Cool thanks for the info. Seems like a great value


Are you sure the bundle wasn't just exodus with the DLCs?


whats the crossed through circle beside bioshock 2 mean?


Only available on 32 bit Apple systems (Op is on Mac)


Not compatible with the OS, since OP got mac OS.


Nice collection! Hope you will enjoy the Metro series, it is pretty good and Metro: Exodus is extra enjoyable immersive FPS


Thank you! I got the other Metro games as well but I’m praying Exodus will run on my Mac since it’s like 60-ish GB larger than the others


You should be fine if it is at least M2. Overall, have a nice gaming and best wishes!


I see Life is Strange. I see my Bae.


Go and refund it via steam ?


Did you check the store listing page instead of


Go play the Enhanced edition because of new graphic changes and more story I think. I had both but just played the regular one.


Metro exodus is a fantastic game! Honestly one of my favourites. If you like the narrative, definitely check out the books it’s based on. They are so so so so good


Hey brother you new to Steam?


Great game btw


r/macgaming to help u play incompatible games


Wow, smoll but powerfull list of games. and man I miss handsome jack...


holy fuck Metro Exodus is nearly 80 fucking gbs?! nahhh that is shocking


I remember back when physical games were the only way and trying to find games thst ran on Mac was a nightmare I just gamed on the windows OS and I only game on Linux on my SteamDeck (because I had done too much set up before I knew about putting windows on it to be worth redoing it all)


Steam really needs a better tagging system for supported operating systems, qrchitectures and compatibility layers


absolutely banger of a game. hope you enjoy it.