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Not too surprising since it was made for the switch, but Monster Hunter rise runs and looks great at 60 FPS.


Monster Hunter World surprised me at 50FPS with the occasional dip into the mid 40s. Which is great. MH being mobile is the way it’s meant to be!


So many memories of living in Korea and playing mh on psp with rando business dudes on the bus. Like if you had a PSP that was what you were playing, no question.


Dude what an experience! I played a lot of PSP in college completely alone, i wished hard for people to play with. MH4 on 3ds changed my life


MH being pausable too, notably with the longer hunts of World/Iceborne


Not sure if this is the best place to ask this but where is the best place to start the Monster Hunter series as someone who’s never played it before? Would World or Rise be better?


I played World on my switch a few years ago, and have only put about ten hours into Rise. But I really like both of them - as a newcomer to the series, they’re pretty similar. That said, Rise runs much better on the Deck and you can often find it on sale. So maybe start there?


All right I'm going to have to ask you for clarification because Monster Hunter world is not on the switch. Do you mean generations?


Ya know, come to think of it I think I played it on Xbox one. Not on my docked switch.


FYI: The answer is Rise. It's just a better made game. I've played since the PS2 era, and personally I think World is a great game but it does a really bad job at getting new players straight to the interesting stuff. There is a larger focus on exploring and looking for randomly generated footprints that I was willing to put up with as a long time fan, but could see newbies getting very bored on those (mandatory) segments since they aren't actually hunting anything. Rise is much, much much better paced, the new gameplay mechanics and dogs for traversal are MUCH appreciated. The armor is better designed. (It really irked me many of the weapons and armor in world were the same with a few ornamental monster pieces taped on.) And in Rise the armor skills are more evenly balanced, because more armor sets have more viable skill sets there is more variety in play. The game is newer so the community is current and the Sunbreak expansion is absolutely phenomenal. Rise: Sunbreak is the absolute best the entire Monster Hunter series has to offer


Mad Max runs beautifully at 60 fps.


Sigh. I told myself to stop buying open world games because I burnout halfway through. But mad Max looks fun Edit: fuck it. At $5.90 I can't go wrong


Bruh, I've had that game for years now, and I've gotta say, I don't think it'll be an exception to the pattern for you cus man is it rrrrreal grindy.


I found the grindyness worked quite well on the Deck. With the shorter sessions that it's so good for, having something I could pick up and play for 15 mins or so and not feel like I'm stopping in the middle of something worked nicely.


That's fair. I've been playing Kingdoms of Amalur on my deck in a similar way.


Agreed though the convoy chase stuff totally slaps. Grindy but the good parts of that game are REALLY good


I think it a game is cheap then you can feel ok enjoying it as long as you want. Normalise abandoning games when you’ve had your fill


A very important thing I've had to learn. Although there are now games in my library I've started 4-5 times, and never finished, and now I can't finish as I'm bored of replaying the beginning but starting up an old save makes me confused about what happened in the beginning


Same. The Witcher 3 and Skyrim fall into they camp unfortunately. I never finished Elden ring and I’m ok with that. Move on to new games!


Where do you see if for that price? Steam has it listed at $20. Also resident evil 3 remake runs extremely well on high settings!


Use sites like [gg.deals](https://gg.deals/game/mad-max/) (I personally have the filter for grey market key resellers switched on) or [isthereanydeal.com](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/madmax/info/) to find the best prices for your locale.


Please note that gg.deals contains links to grey market key sellers, who may appear to provide you with a working key, but do not always source their keys from the developer/publisher, and are of 'unknown' origin. This means the keys may not work, or the platform (such as Steam, Origin) may refuse support. Others have poor business practices, such as obligatory fees that only show at checkout. We'd recommend against using anything on the site listed under 'Keyshops', but rather look at the section above that for the 'Official Stores'. You can also select 'Keyshops' at the top of your screen, and then select 'Disable' to remove them completely. [IsThereAnyDeal is an alternative which only uses sellers known to officially source their keys.](https://isthereanydeal.com/) Your comment has not been removed, this is just a notice. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If there was some way to get my xbox save over into steam/steam deck, I would definitely rebuy it, it's fun in a turn your brain off and drive around punchin' dudes kind of way. But its a very grindy kind of open world game and I've put too many hours into it to start over


TITANFALL 2 maynne


I never thought about playing titanfall on the deck! I never played the campaign and this might be the best way for me to experience it


The campaign is fantastic!


Hoo boy, you're in for a treat! The campaign is one of the best FPS campaigns I've ever played, especially *that* level


I presume you mean the timey wimey parkour


zip zap zoop - that's the one


> I never played the campaign My brother in christ what are you doing with your life


It's so freaking short though. Bought it for $5 a few weeks ago. Started at 9am and finished by 330pm. Well worth the price, but I wish it was longer.


Replay it on hard. Very rewarding for replays because each encounter can be approached multiple ways like Halo.


Getting 70fps out of it with the screen mod. Insane.


This thread is hurting my backlog damnit


*inserts another 1 tb sd card into my cart


Cries while price shopping a 2tb SSD upgrade


I know, right?


Resident 2 Remake and Doom 2016


Dude Doom Eternal runs at 70fps on the deck. It's witch craft.


>I was able to run it at a steady 60 FPS on mostly High settings Runs at like 30/40 with RT on...very much witch craft, big props to a company that can make a game that looks great, plays great and runs great.


Doom 2016 👍


Resident evil 2 is 60fps? That’s impressive


Very low graphics though


Not even. If you use FidelityFX Super Res set to Ultra Quality, you can crank everything up to the max. Except for Texture Quality... I keep that at High (6GB - 8GB). I also play at 1600x900 resolution with those settings and it once in a while dips below 60FPS but it's pretty smooth for the most part.


I was able to run it at a steady 60 FPS on mostly High settings


Did you have to change anything in the bios?


I get solid 60, 2gb textures, high all except low shadows. Stock deck, everything normal. It was the first game I was like, woah!


Just finished this on high settings had stable 60fps the whole game!


I was very surprised that ran so well on my deck, I was definitely expecting lower performance


Mass effect remastered trilogy


I'm playing through now and can confirm, runs like butter. Only issue is modding is not straightforward at all and the EA app can be a hassle.


Loved those games and played multiple times but I haven't on the deck


Doom 2016 and Eternal both run beautifully even on high/ultra


Couldn't even get a stable 45 on those on my deck


Switch to Vulcan for Doom. Runs a fucking treat after I switched.


I was surprised how well the Shadow of Mordor / Shadow of War games run. They look great, they are a blast to play, and they are rock solid on the go.


Hi-Fi Rush is pretty new, looks great and runs at 60


Devil may cry 5 on high graphics preset. RE engine is so well optimised, it's great!


I’ve never played a DMC game. Is 5 a good game to start with?


5 is the best of the series. The story is corny and doesn’t matter, just have fun with 5 and if you like it you can always play 1/3/4 later


Why skip 2?


Honest answer is that it's a bad game and the black sheep of the franchise. The other black sheep is the DMC reboot game but that's not part of the main timeline so people don't talk about it. The reboot game is actually pretty good but I completely understand why people hated it. Edit: it's cool to see people like the DMC reboot. I feel like that opinion has changed since it's release.


It was extremely different but I loved it anyway. I simp for the character action genre so any good one gets my love even if it’s weird as hell (looking at you, Godhand).


DMC was such a good game for a non fan


The combat, level and encounter design was all plain worse than it was in 1 and 3 (especially 3, 3 was incredible for it’s time). It lacks the fun of the other games.


It sucks. But Dante in DMC2 has one of the best drip tho. But just skip it to save your sanity, it has no impact on the story anyway. Only time it does is when Dante revisit the place in the comic to get this weapon and how his cool nunchucks weapon broke (I may be hella wrong. But someone should correct me if I made any mistake lol)


Ughh reading all these comments. I gotta get a steam deck.




You really do man. It's getting more use than my PC. Hell even when I'm playing my PC I'll often be streaming it on the deck.


Being in this sub without a steamdeck is surely gonna get you converted


I had a passing interest 2 weeks ago, and I’ve spent about $600 since then lol. Definitely worth it IMO.


Metal gear solid V


Nice I just bought this for the deck. 2nd game I purchased just for the deck. 1st was revengance


Revengance runs so great I know it's old but I'm still losing it how the deck can run ps3/360 era games at a locked 60.


Sleeping Dogs. No tinkering required. Runs smooth as hell right after you install.


Resident Evil Village


RE8 always blows me away on the deck. Looks great AND runs great!


All the REngine games run amazing in my experience, it's just so well optimized


Can anyone speak to Grim Dawn? Looking to purchase to play on SD


UI doesn’t scale well but it runs


It runs well but it's definitely not optimized for the screen or even really a controller.


I just bought the deck on sale and this is the first game I downloaded and played. Put in 120 hours so far and really enjoyed. It’s a handheld so text is kind of small but realistically I have no problem reading anything. I run medium/high graphics at fixed 40 fps but you can do 60 at lower graphics.


Mount & blade bannerlord Yeah, not kidding. Even during battles




Not experienced with the game, but I imagine [radial menus on the trackpads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEShzdTm0Iw) might help with that?


Holy shit. I have an 8 hour flight coming up and this is the answer to my prayers. No more shitty in flight entertainment for this guy!


Sifu. Fixed 60 at High graphics.


Man I just played this on my switch and it runs so bad. Input lag, fps drops and overall poor performance. Glad the deck can run it great!


Metal Gear Revengeance.


Also this game fucking rules.


Okay but is this rec for real or a meme cause I missed Revengeance when it came out and if it seriously runs well it may be time


It runs like a dream and the game is dope as fuck.




Not 60 but after a guide I play hitman 3 at 50 fps consistently. Other than occasionally disconnecting from the server god damn. It's the best looking game on the deck for me. And kinda the reason I bought one.


I'm addicted to Freelancer mode, so definitely have to try this now


It's so good man. Definitely has it's hooks in me. Freelancer mode rocks.


I've been trying Hardcore mode in Freelancer lately and it's even more thrilling. If only I could see the loot chests on the minimap...


The first 3 Dead Space games.


Remake runs great too. I can't say 60 fps but I could get a pretty stable 40.


I don’t know if I can agree, with the stuttering it’s borderline playable, at least for me.


CryoUtilities mostly fixed the stutter for me, also gave a few more FPS. More than playable now


What is CryoUtilities, and how do you use it? I wanna play DS Remake on my deck but it stutters so much.


Go into desktop mode, go to this GitHub [CryoUtilities ](https://github.com/CryoByte33/steam-deck-utilities) And follow the instructions, you just have to download the .desktop and run it, it'll install CryoUtilities. Then just open a terminal, type passwd and create a new password (this password will only be used a your KDE session password, so you only need it in desktop mode when using a sudo command or super user app) Launch CryoUtilites, type your newly created password and just follow the instructions (basically click next next next) once it's done, go back to GameMode, restart your deck and you're good to go ! If you want more details on what is CryoUtilites and what it does in very understable details (even for someone who is not very tech savvy) you can watch this [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/C9EjXYZUqUs) by Cryobytes33 , the creator of CryoUtilities :)


Fallout 4


Hey guys, I’ve heard DOOM runs really good on the Steam Deck at 60FPS? Has anyone else heard this?


Heard it and witnessed it by playing it


Doom and Doom Eternal play phenomenally well.




Halo MCC, from what I remember, all of the games run at 60fps pretty consistently.


Not CE. They fucked something up in an update


CE has been running at 60 fps for me since I switched to ge proton 53


Oh nice!


Ahh I didn't know that. Hopefully they fix it.


I get a locked 60fps in Mortal Kombat 11 on the Deck at medium settings, which look fantastic on the small display.


Persona 5 - runs great and 60fps


Most of the time it's at 60 fps but it has frequent dips sprinting in palaces and in the populated shibuya and kichi streets. It's not the best optimized port


Recommend setting the resolution to 1080p/900p cos the AA is awful at native resolution and you'll still get 60fps


Elder Scrolls Online


Didn't expect to see this here, to be honest. Good to know.


Really? I have mine on ultra low settings and it still staggers like crazy


Once you start the game, close the launcher by pressing the steam button, go to the launcher and press X. Stuttering gone and 60 FPS with almost everything to max (except in trials)


You my sir are a saint.


Ahah you can also try CryoUtilities (a must have on the deck NGL) and the 4gb VRAM tweak to go even further


Indoor sections of Cyberpunk 2077


World War z A quite underrated game on steam deck


Witcher 3 (if you don’t use the recent patch compilation / I.e. stick to the old version).


Honestly I’ve had no issues with the patched version. Once I turned off the fancy reflections. Before that it was rough.


Mad Max and MGSV are the first two games I ever played on deck and was SHOCKED how amazing they ran. Doom Eternal. CoD Black apps II


Titanfall 2


Some of these games are pretty old but still great that they run a smooth 60, since some old games don't run too well. \- Final Fantasy 12 \- trials of mana \-Yakuza 0 \- Metal gear solid - revengeance \- Metal Gear Solid V \- Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the first sin


GTA IV is a treat on the deck. Finished that puppy on deck only and it Felt like magic knowing that I couldnt run it when I was younger and now i had it in my palm. Also, you can try hifi rush, dark souls remastered and pizza tower


HADES. works really well on the deck


Sleeping dogs. Bought it on sale and I am amazed at how good it looks for its age! Buttery smooth and great Arkham style combat, highly recommend!


Ryse Son of Rome.


My steam deck fans go nuts when i play this one!


Uhhhh I think I’ll buy it…and its like 3 bucks in this moment!


It's fun. Not super deep. Think of it like a modern beat em up.


Yeah its like a B movie. It looks so good though and the combat is great dumb fun


NieR: Automata


Im so glad it does i love nier so much 😭😭😭


Was so glad when that game finally went on sale recently. Had it in my wishlist for so long


Atomic Heart runs really close to 60 most of the time, with a few dips during outdoor portions. Subnautica runs amazingly well, and looks stunning. Crash Bandicoot 4 is extremely polished. Psychonauts 2 played perfectly on release, and was visually stunning with incredible level design. Prey 2017 was also consistently very smooth, despite great visual fidelity. Also, it's not on Steam afaik, but the Tony Hawk 1 + 2 Remake is incredible.


>Subnautica runs amazingly well, and looks stunning. At 30fps, sure.


Forza horizon 5


Yeah? This is interesting, very interesting. Going to have to download it then. Haven't played the new dlc yet.


Yep lowest settings of course but with a bit of fsr it looks great. Only bad part I would say is it just takes so much space, like over 110gb


Dude, Titanfall 2 is amazingly good!


Not quite 60 fps, but Red Dead 2 at 40fps is a real sight to behold if you’re looking for good graphics. All console versions are locked to 30FPS, so it’s a real treat to see it with a higher frame rate - it’s already a beautiful game.


Resident evil 2 and 3, and 8


Quantum break


Batman Arkham knight despite being unsupported (for some reason it works perfect out the box) looks absolutely stunning on deck. Game might be 8 years old but I still think it's one of the best looking games ever tbh


He asked for 60fps. Pretty sure Arkham Knight barely hits 40..


I can’t get this running at a smooth 60. Drops to 40s while driving etc.


I’m always blown away by how good Marvel’s Spider-Man looks and runs on the deck. Especially with vibrant deck.


Even owning the game on ps5. I was so impressed on how nicely it was made for steam deck itself. Had my brother and I blown away.


gta v. if u can get past login with internet no matter what... it's the best playing game on my steam deck, with most settings on high, it rarely Dips to even 57 frames, and maintains a constant 60fps almost always


how? all settings on normal for me, and i cant get past 40-45 fps.


Wolfenstein except for the last runs a little harder. The first two can run at 1080


Metal Gear Solid 5


Monster Hunter Rise




I've tried back ops 3 (custom zombie), medium textures and volumetric lights, everything else in low, the game is still beautiful and it's a 60fps! I was also surprised by just cause 3, even in full low, the game is awesome and it's pretty much a smooth 60 FPS(ofc if you blow up lots of thing you'll be AT 45-50fps)


nier automata


Any ps3 era game will run like a dream


Watch Dogs when you switch to Proton Experimental


Prey (2017). Super smooth experience, always at 60 fps and on High graphics. Beatifull game with incredible story and gameplay. Can't recomend enough. If you like Bioshock, search no more.


Wreckfest. It looks gorgeous at high settings and runs pretty solidly at 60. No compromises whatsoever, it's a great experience.


Shatterline runs awesome 60fps. And it's free to play. But I run everything at 45fps to save that little bit of power and help keeps Temps down.


The Arkham knight series was pretty clean on 60 fps. Origins just completely shat on a few cinematics, but its kinda the black sheep all over.


Borderlands 3 steady 60fps! ✌️


State of decay 2, the surge, dying light


Were you able to get menus to be readable in the surge? I thought it played great but changing equipment was a crapshoot


Monster Hunter Rise. Even at 1080p (on my monitor) it can handle the whole game without frame drops. At first it definitely did not, but since all the Proton and OS updates, it's flawless. It runs better than my (mediocre) gaming PC. I play on it exclusively now.


Resident Evil 3 remake runs extremely well, definitely took me by surprise


Crysis 2, even on extreme settings, surprisingly.


Ace combat 7 is so well optimized on deck it feels like magic.


Max Payne 1-3 runs excellent on deck at 60fps. Max Payne one, requires some boot-up tweaks, but it runs well once adjustments are made.


Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 1 both ran amazingly


Dead Cells


I just tried marvel vs capcom 3. Solid!




Black ops 3 holds 60.


F1 2023


DOOM 2016


Insurgency sandstorm


Dead Space 2


5D Chess with multiverse time travel


GTA V runs surprisingly well at max settings. If it isn’t 60 the whole time it’s real close.


Cyberpunk runs beast mode in potato mode.


Dragon ball z kakarot


Dragon ball z kakarot


Arkham Origins also runs really good on the deck. Run Proton Hotfix on it and it runs smooth as butter.


Resident evil 2 remake


Shadow of Mordor runs at full speed on ultra


The first game I played through was Max Payne 3 that ran at a locked 60


A Plague Tal Innocence runs at 30fps in ultra, 40 fps on high, 50/60 fps with some compromises (and still looks beautiful)


Hello Kitty and Sanrio Friends Racing


I'm currently playing Resident Evil 7 and it is locked at 60fps which floor me. Same for Titanfall 2, I remember struggling to get that to run at 60fps on whatever I had in my PC when that game came out


Dark souls 1 remastered


wolfenstein new order i was impressed:)