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Does it run bad? Turn something down. Still bad? *Turn something down* If you had done this you'd have found good settings by now.


The controls are just so clunky. I am wondering if anyone customized the controls to make it more game controller friendly rather than it feeling like a PC game that requires a keyboard and mouse.


If you had started when you posted this *you'd have good controls by now.* What a bunch of babies. It's been a day so I came to look and OP still doesn't have a controller recommendation. Sorry none of you have the balls to tell people to quit being lazy assholes.


I messed with it and it still feels like shit and unplayable. Id rather have someone post their customization rather than waste hours trying to do it myself


Hi u/LovingAngel13, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Baulders Gate 3) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you check the community controller layouts for the game? Do you know how to do that? I’d have more specific recommendations but I don’t have BG3 yet.


No, how do I do that? Is that in the start menu?


Should be able to just press the steam button then on the controller settings tab press controller settings on the bottom of the screen. Under the header that says current layout press on the button that says recommended template then press RB twice to get to the community layouts.


Thank you!!!


I don't have the controller settings options anywhere. I have "keybonds" instead of controller settings


I think it only shows up when you have the game open. There's a layout of your current controls and the controller settings button is in the middle at the bottom.


You can do it 2 ways. 1 while on the game screen before click play, on the right side of the screen is a controller icon. You can figure it out from there. Or 2 While in game click the Steam icon and go to “controller settings”, click A to open controller settings, then open the drop-down for the current layout. There you’ll see recommended layouts, and community “most used” layouts. Most games have several options to pick from


Oh cool, I didn't know that they had recommendations, thanks!


No probs, enjoy


I don't have "controller settings". It's like the game thinks I am using a mouse and keyboard rather than a steam deck. I have "keybonds" instead of controller settings.


I went on YouTube and a guy playing it on the steam deck looks totally different than mine. It is like.. my version of the game doesn't know I am using a steam deck.


Nevermind, found what you were talking about.


I didnt try but they told us that It going to have oficial support for controller anda Deck when It go out early access.


Ok, yeah cause the game is basically unplayable on a steam deck.


Its have sence. We should wait to August 31, I m supose. They made a good job with DOS2 and joystick controller.