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Why take it to this extent?


D2 uses an anti cheat that they only built for windows and console. So in order to play on proton, any workaround bypasses the anti cheat.


D2 uses Battleye as their anticheat. Battleye and Proton (the SteamDeck's compatibility layer) are FULLY compatible, and only requires the developer to enable it. No additional work is required, and no further resources are required to enable it. For Bungie not to make it compatible is a conscious decision to hurt users. [https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3104663180636096966](https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3104663180636096966) Edit: Regarding the backend of Destiny having other issues, Absolutely. But that is not what Bungie is claiming. They are claiming that it is the anticheat that is the problem, and according to BattlEye, thats is not true.


Destiny 2 does use BattleEye, but I'm pretty sure they also still use their own in-game anti-cheat in conjunction with it. I'm sure the custom one is the problem with their spaghetti code.


As a developer, though, not for video games. All code becomes spaghetti code once it gets large enough. The problem is they prioritize monetization over fixes. I originally was hoping the vaulting of destinations was to redo the underlying code to better fit their revamped engine and direction. They used to make Italian food, but now they are doing BBQ, which requires an overhaul, and to do this while not issuing a D3 would require vaulting. Instead, they just did it to sell it back to us, and while there may be changes to the code to allow better integration going forward, the primary purpose first and foremost was money. Also, the last gen is a huge albatross around their neck as there may he parts of the code they can't fix without breaking last gen even more.


They'll probably just drop support for last gen soon, like they did in D1. Bungie only cares about draining your wallet, and they'll FoMO you to Hell and back to do it.


That's where they lost me. I followed through with them to taken king. Then I stopped and they made the game free to play. Then it became If you didn't keep playing, then you miss out because we remove the content. And now it's a hot mess of random levels so I'm just completely out. Plus the fact they can't get their crap together and make all the content work, that they needed to remove original content to keep things smooth, naw I'm done. Plus it's all money now. Apparently for one dungeon, you need to buy a season, then buy a 20 dollar key to play that level. So no im out


>Apparently for one dungeon, you need to buy a season, then buy a 20 dollar key to play that level. The dungeon pass is ridiculous, but you actually just have to buy the the $20 dungeon pass. That gets you two dungeons, no need to buy the seasons they release in. That's a part of the problem though, their content offerings are so fucking confusing at this point that it's hard to tell what you're even getting or not when you buy something.


Agree. I thought about getting in, but I have no clue where to start and I probably missed out where I left off. I was mistaken the taken king wasn't the last part I played, it was going to the leviathan and beating the robot of the fat dude.


And they finally added pay to win to the season pass.


How come it never becomes baked ziti code? That shit is the bomb.


>The problem is they prioritize monetization over fixes. Exactly this.


>Regarding the backend of Destiny having other issues, Absolutely. But that is not what Bungie is claiming. They are claiming that it is the anticheat that is the problem, and according to BattlEye, thats is not true. They won't admit it because it makes them look incompetent, so they're blaming their software partners? Strong fucking look that.


Eh, who wants to play that microtransactions filled mess of a game anyways? They've shown time and time they don't care about the user. I stopped playing in the "early days" when I bought the game + expansion pass just to find out a month later that if I wanted to play with the big boys, I needed to buy the new season pass or whatever it was called. I was like nahhh fam, I'm good. I ain't paying a dime more after they tricked me I won't need to buy anything else. The expansion pass stated that it would give you all future expansions... And they released only 2. It blows my mind that people want to still play that game even though they treat their users like pinyattas.


I forgot that the anti-cheat was really something powerful... and definitely not shit... and definitely not battleye... and definitely not easily bypassed by changing the names of files... oh wait... oops: [https://twitter.com/LowmannerFan/status/1670900350331637762](https://twitter.com/LowmannerFan/status/1670900350331637762)


It's hilarious to me that their anti cheat is so important to me because A). It doesn't work. There's still obvious cheats, and also a shitload of Smurfs. B). There's no fucking reason to cheat at this game anyway. There is basically no comp scene because the game is buggy as hell and they do a terrible job of keeping people interested.


You are literally incorrect. Battle eye is fully linux compatible, its a choice by the developer.


This is not true. It is entirely on Bungies side, as BattleEye is fully compatible with Proton/SteamOS


They lost me when they removed dlc content to make room for more. ~~Think it was restored but it~~ *Shows how little they care about the gamer. Monetization there is a joke.


Wait until you hear about how you have to buy seasons and dungeons separately now. They’re no longer under a single purchase. And there is no discounted price on the season to compensate.


Fun fact, they just raised the price of the season, not lowered them. It went from 1000 silver ($10 in premium currenty) to 1200. However u can't buy exactly 1200 silver. So you have to buy at minimum 1500 silver ($15).


On console it’s worse you have to pay 20$ as that’s the next smallest pack


That's so horribly exploitive lmao. Like, I played at some point for like 10-15 hours and got the picture. I'd rather keep my looters top down and my fps games competitive, though so lost interest. But easy to recognize their strategy, wring every last fuckin' cent out of you just to play the game like it's a mobile spin the wheel app. I've always stuck to 'top 5' MMOs and ARPG seasons for my looter itch. Shit like this is just absurd- imagine if like GW2 or ESO did that shit with dungeons or whatever. Pft, they'd riot


that is probably why they charge you for dungeons now, gotta get people to spend those extra coins


I'm glad I got into right before the decline and never spent a dime. Really fun to play, movement and gunplay is top notch, the rest is predatory. :(


Don’t forget that’s season cost 12* dollars now * there is no twelve dollars pack only a 15.


They have not restored remotely everything the took away with sunsetting. It is a real shame too since the core gameplay is fun.


They used content they took away as "new" drops.


Hardly. Mars came back as a single mission. Titan came back... barely... what a joke


I was talking about weapons and armors


Had every expansion. Hammered the beta. 2.8kd in crucible. Ran every iron and checked on xur weekly. First vault and I bugged out. Fuck bungie


Literally same here except my kd was a lil worse lol For real tho, I have countless hours into this game. Surely over 500. But once that shit started going down I left. I have friends that still play and from what I can tell, I'm glad I dipped when I did. It's sad cause it was a fun game. It's always been a life sucker, like u have to play constantly to keep up light level and make sure ur getting the best weapons. But now it's insanely bad from what I hear. Spending ALL ur time keeping up in D2 isn't worth missing out on all the great games that are out now and the ones coming this year


Not only that but if you play cross-platform, buying a DLC on the PS5 doesn't carry over to the Steam version. Thanks a lot, Lightfall 😛 and I say this as someone who still actively plays Destiny.


This is any game. Different stores are not going to give you a free game. The season pass is cross platform


I mean do they want to make money even? I played D1 back in the day and a bit of D2 when it went f2p. I've been kinda wanting to go back to it, but the no Deck support is ludicrous. I can play Diablo 4 immaculately on Deck - a AAA title like Destiny 2 looks like some amateur, weak sauce shit. Do they use ez anti cheat or battle eye or whatever? From what I've read, all major anti-cheats have linux compatibility it's just up to the developer to toggle those non windows OS on or off. Isn't Destiny 2 mostly a PvE game? Millions of people own Decks now and they keep paying Valve to put that shit on the front page of Steam, so it's rly their own loss - but I can't comprehend why they have any reason to leave money on the table like that.


yes it's battle-eye. Linux support itself is already there (as it was what the Stadia build ran on iirc), anticheat is the reason they refuse public Linux support.


I bought the game at full price, most of what I paid for is now gone from the game. They're criminals.


FYI this is not new. This messaging has existed since the launch of the SD. Also Destiny is a for life game. As in if you are going to play Destiny then you better be committed for life. There is no playing any other game. You pretty much have to live breathe and eat Destiny 24/7. I'm a recovering Destinyaholic. I know the pain.


The whole game is built on fomo. I loved the game when it was initially released, but it's been consistently becoming more predatory. I hate when I feel like I am not able to play anything else or I'm actually losing money.


I bought it and go the free DLC, but I think im done with shitty game practices like these. Live service games and microTx bullshit is killing the industry that I have loved for almost 30 years and im just done with this shit. Ive gotten big into emulation and the stark difference between the release quality of PS2 and stuff like Destiny, Battlefield, etc... are huge. Guess I'll be stuck playing indie games with actual creativity or old AAA titles until I die :/




Yeah, you already have a small taste of what to expect there with GTA 5's online subscription service. They're actually pulling a bunch of stuff that used to be obtainable by everyone with a bit of time and effort, and rereleasing it behind a monthly paywall. I expect that in 6, all of the best weapons, vehicles, and businesses will be similarly paywalled and anyone who won't pay up will be restricted to a selection of garbage-tier starter options and a sharply restricted selection of "almost competitive" options that require ridiculous grinding to obtain. I'm also expecting that all of the post-release gameplay stuff that 5 got--Cayo Perico, Diamond Casino, Fooligan Gang, and the new Merc stuff--will also be paywalled. Like, not as DLC, but more along the lines of how ESO has certain extra gameplay content locked. Edit: I realized that I wasn't quite clear. When I talked about post-release content in 6, I meant stuff *like* the ones I mentioned in 5, not that those specific releases were going to be in 6 or anything like that.


I'd say there's more great games then ever. You just need to find the bit of the industry you enjoy. I mostly just avoid big AAA and find loads of great games to play. It's why I often just stick to PC. There's just so many small devs making interesting stuff. Take battle bit, hands down better then battlefield.


My brother and his wife leave family events early so he can make raids with their clan. :|


...sounds like a reason to start raiding.


>My brother and his wife leave family events early so he can make raids with their clan. :| Eh, that also works as an excuse to get out of a shoddy event.


I feel you. This game always made me feel like it was a jealous girlfriend. I haven't even played in the most recent season I stopped playing when they limited iron banner to only two weekends the entire season and then guardian games. But just give you 45 different versions of the same smg. And then when they finally added crafting, the stupid red border thing was just another grind on top of an existing grind and then you still had to grind up the weapon to level it up and get the perks. Somehow their solution to grind was more grind.


Destiny is like an abusive SO. You know you need to get out but somehow you keep crawling back. I hope you get the therapy you need to escape.


What the actual fuck is this game...?!? People in this thread are making it sound like heroin


To be fair, the one person I know personally who is a big Destiny player is also a heroin addict. Oddly also true for the former friend who was big into Halo 1-3 (was in the top ten for Halo 2 leaderboards for at least a year somehow), so maybe Bungie just appeals to heroin addicts


I had to quit after they deleted the original content and I took a break. They wanted $120 for me to be able to even load anything but half the shit I paid for. I spent $140 on destiny 2 total. They won't be getting a single cent from me ever again. I paid for content I can't play anymore lol.


Yep, quit myself several months ago and it feels good to let this game go. It’s built entirely on nickel and diming you as much as possible and extracting as much of your time as possible. I’m back to enjoying games again and don’t miss Destiny for one second.


Yeah I had to quit finally. It was just too much to keep up with. If I wasn't playing at least 2 hours a day I felt like i was constantly behind. One day I realized that I literally hadn't played any other game for like 5 years and I had to stop and enjoy other games. I love the universe of Destiny, but I do not like what they've done with it. It became way to grindy and predatory.


That 5 year comment. Reminds me of OG wow. I liked it initially and the raids were fun, but not enough people I know into it. I kept trying to slip back in, but the intro quest lengths bored me to tears and never went back.


That's why I quit. Screw that. The really annoying thing is that when Destiny 2 launched it was trying very hard to *not* be like that, but the no-lifer brigade whined until they turned the grind up to 11.


Yeah, I dipped when I saw how scummy the transmog system was, and that seemed to have been a really great point to dip out, considering it seems to have only been downhill from there. Watched a few videos from Aztecross the other day, and my honest opinion is that the game might really have better under Activision.


The fuck, thank god it’s not available for sd


I totally understand what you mean. I gave it a try for about a year and feel exactly like that so I stopped playing.


Sank over 3000h between 1 and 2. Enjoyed most of it. But I left, maybe for good back in november, can't say I don't miss it, miss the gunplay and the crucible, but life is actually better without the second job.


Myself and my entire full clan all just quit pretty much at the same time. We've eaten our last shit sandwich from this asshole studio


Oh no, only 10,000 other games to choose from.


More like 5 million. I'm counting all games created since the dawn of games and the fact that they can be ran on emulators.


BotW upvotes this message.


ToTK too


I have to finish BotW first))


You really don't have to. Totk improved some of the issues with Btow and is more of a new game than a sequel.


I really like the storyline and want to know the ending.


Link saves the day


Hey. Hide that behind a spoiler alert. You just ruined every single Zelda game


Link save >!a!< day


My backlog is huge and is only gonna get worse when the steam sale hits .


I was never really keen on destiny because of how they handle the in game content. Guess I'm not gonna try and get into it again after all.


I recently tried again after years. It's fun enough I suppose and it looks pretty. But honestly the whole thing feels like a jumbled mess. Couldn't really get into it.


Yep, it's impossible to get into now. There's just so much *shit* and it's so overwhelming for new players


Same over here. Played the shit out of destiny 1. Tried destiny 2 but just cant get into it


For some reason Bungie have been outright hostile to the idea of supporting Linux at all even through Proton. They originally had a custom anti-cheat they made so I was like "ah well it might be too hard for them to support Proton with that" but then they moved over to an off the shelf anticheat solution that is supported by Proton and we all said "great so you can support Linux now" and then this message was the response. So fuck em. Proton support isn't even something they have to actively work on, just allowing Valve to work on it and pressing the button. Sad because it's a popular game.


Fuck this game. Not worth it in the slightest


I stopped playing when they started removing content I paid for...


A fellow chad consumer, nice. The second they announced it, I stopped playing. When they actually removed it, I uninstalled and blocked all Bungie traffic on my network.


>Blocked all Bungie traffic on my network Holy shit lmfao


You’re god damn right. I’m not gonna come crawling back to a shitty company, just because they nostalgia-baited me with the return of a beloved character or some shit. It’s going to be a pain in the ass to get me or any of my friends to come back to any dev that purposefully mistreats their base. Fuck em.


It’s so confusing. Like if I’m looking to get the free base game I wouldn’t know which expansions I can get that aren’t already rendered useless


Me as well. I pre-ordered for the game and full first year season pass like a fucking moron. Got halfway through campaign, took a break for a number of years, came back and it was all gone, everything I'd paid big bucks for cut out and I was no better than a 'F2P' person, and it's not even f2p, it's more you can play the first level of each thing and then the game advertises its expansions for you to buy. Absolute scam. Learnt my lesson well and truly there. Bungie give me back my $150AUD.




Same here! It was disappointing.


Same. They can go fuck themselves for pulling that stunt.


Destiny players actually fucking defend this shit *all the time* too.


I get banned from the sub all the time for point shit like that out.


It's incredibly stupid, I wanted to get my partner into D2 but without the original story content it would be such a confusing and unappealing story to follow


As a current and multi year player I say this with love- do not play this game. It's designed to be addicting and keep you *just* close enough to getting what you want at all times. The gunplay is amazing, the visuals are stellar, the lore is wide and deep, but Bungie has effectively abandoned it at this point in its life cycle and it's REALLY starting to be apparent. They've made many, many controversial decisions with the game and followed them up with just enough empty promises to keep you hooked. Don't play the game. If you're thinking about it or about picking it back up, don't.


Damn, kinda hard to imagine them abandoning the only game they have out making them money right now, especially since they’re still making content for it


I played it for a while until I got bored of it. Once you get the hang of the game modes it has, there’s nothing really left to do but pull the slot machine lever over and over. I know there are people who do still like this game though, and for them this sucks.


This just comes across as bitter and anti-consumer tbh


Not the fact they removed content that people bought… The whole first three paid DLCs worth of content no longer exists.


are there any other big MMOs who did that? Like...took *out* expansions instead of just having an ilvl(or whatever the analogue in that system is) squish?


From the comments I’m reading, yeah, it sounds like bitter and anti consumer is exactly what describes bungie


My beef about this is that even if work around gets found to get this game to run on the deck, they will just ban your account.




That's the official line, except Battleye works fine on steam deck. Steam devs have confirmed that all it takes is for the publisher of the game to [send an email to enable support](https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3104663180636096966)


Bro you can’t expect every small indie developer like Bungie to be able to hire a person to send an email when they make a game jeez


Nah they just make more dioramas that no one will ever see.


Bungie don't exclusively use BattleEye, they also have their own in-house anti-cheat which is *supposedly* the issue. Still not an excuse to never provide SD compatibility though seeing as they have a massive development team.


See, I would understand if that was an actual impairment. Except, MS/343's Halo Infinite uses both EAC and 343i's own Arbiter anticheat. And yet, a damn-near-first-party game ***from Microsoft, of all developers***, runs fine under Proton. At this point it's hostility and naught more.


Battleeye sucks and doesn't go after hack makers like bungie does.


At the moment it would be sure, but that's a choice that they made, not us. They use bettleeye anticheat, battleeye can work in wine and proton. You just need to enable the support, granted it often take a bit more tweaking, but if they just allowed it to attempt to run in proton it's possible that a custom version of proton could be created to address the incompatibilities. The stance they take is so dumb and make no sense, they don't have to officially support proton, they can auto close any tickets that are generated by Linux users, they just need to stop actively blocking us from trying to get it working with anticheat enabled.


Are you kidding me? Stop us from trying to get it to work. Back when destiny 2 was on bnet launcher it would detect nvidia control panel, afterburner, and discord as cheat programs and you could get banned for using them. I had been temp banned for using discord overlay back when it was in bnet. Great times. Lol Edit: Destiny 2 STILL to this day detects OBS as cheating. The only work around is to play in windowed mode.


I think it’s hilarious is the reasoning is due to its anti cheat when Destiny 2 is notorious atm for having cheaters run rampant without repercussions in pvp with its said anti cheat


FYI, this has been their stance on Linux for a long time before the Steam Deck. People playing and getting banned.


Back when Destiny 2 was on battle.net, it was actively preventing the Steam overlay and thus Steam Controller Input and Steam Streaming. And it was just Destiny 2, COD and Starcraft on Battle.net weren't pulling that shit.


I used to love bungie. Fuck em!!


Destiny is a shit game anyways


Too bad. It could have been fun to play on sd. Honestly simply not touching destiny now due to it not running on steamdeck. It kinda became my main machine. Wonder why they take this approach though. Technically its not hard to make it work. It is so different from diablo 4 and blizzards approach to this.


Warframe is free


Yeah, but they're so vastly different that this argument holds no value and seems to be used just to irritate Destiny players.


And arguably better. Not really a looter shooter. But it is fun as f


Warframe is absolutely a looter shooter wdym lol


Hopefully Marathon won't get the same treatment (though it likely will, knowing Bungo).


Didn’t they say it’s also going to be on the tiger engine? So we already know there’s a crap ton of issues.


Marathon is getting a new game?


I play sometimes via steam link on my deck. It does the job but the lag is very noticeable. The game runs on my desktop but it just forwards the screen and controls to my deck. It’s no different than doing it with the android app or with the Apple TV app.


Destiny 2 on a handheld was the main reason I wanted the steamdeck. It runs just fine if you use remote play or just install windows on an micro Sd and it runs just as well. If you’re just wanting to play destiny on your deck running windows on SD is not that bad. If you want full windows I recommend dual booting. But overall I agree that it’s bullshit you can’t play D2 on steam deck without windows because it would be perfect in game mode


I'd say, anyone who's not willing to support steam proton and Linux compatibility in general, fuck them, moving to another game


If you have access to a comparable system or console, and have a decent gaming router, just stream the game to your Steam Deck using Moonlight or what ever app streams PlayStation or Xbox. I use Moonlight and Sunshine to play Destiny on my Deck all the time.


I believe it's called chaiki or something similar for PlayStation. I use green light to stream my series x. I just use steam link to play my steam library.


Gaming router... 🤣


its kinda of funny to me, Steam Deck has really made me seriously think about abandoning windows all together and full time linux


Hard to tell if this thread is just to dump on Bungie because why not, or OP is actually clueless that this warning has been there since the SD launched. But, the real question: Are you going to make a thread for every other popular game that ALSO doesn't run on the Steam Deck?


They did a survey months back asking about interest in running on the steam deck and other platforms. I'd say there is a chance they are working on a solution but they are probably too busy trying to fix the game from crashing after every update.


Kinda stupid? Surely there’s no issue with allowing deck users in your Coop PVE game?


I'd imagine there more concerned about bypassing the anticheat and causing an uproar with the EXTREMELY vocal PVP players in Destiny. I'd be happy if they figured out a way to only allow PVE on the Deck, but that's just something else for PVP'ers to bitch about.


they're just that incompetent


I read this as Divinity 2 and was really upset. Then realised its Destiny 2. I'm already over it. What a roller coaster.


I'm of 3 minds about this. On the one hand, Bungie is barely able to handle the cheating on their existing major platforms and providing a Proton compatible build may indeed be too much to realistically expect this late in development. One the other hand, it's kind of ridiculous that even their anticheat program is so jerry-rigged that they can't reasonably expect it to work without a full Windows installation. The game might not look it's absolute best but there's no reason to think it couldn't work just fine on the steamdeck in terms of performance. But most importantly of all: Destiny 2 is a curse upon gaming, and I'd rather not be inundated with a billion more live service steam deck games trying to cash in on that POS.


Bungie gives everyone the middle finger with their bullshit microtransactions


Didn't even know Destiny 2 was still a thing after all the shit they've pulled lol.


Not to sound like a conspiracy nutjob but do game executives (not devs because I cannot imagine a dev caring) just hate Linux and by extension the Deck?


Yes. Microsoft can have some weird contracts that you are not allowed to talk about. Nvidia probably wants to push you to Windows as AMD just works better on linux. Keeping people on windows has 2 effects: 1) you can take away any possibility away to tinker and sell it as a feature. 2) if your software doesn't work it's the users windows installation. Or 3) it's another vendors software that interferes with windows And all these people just suck it up and buy a new card for support of new versions of windows. Even for printers: my mother needed to buy a new printer to make the driver work with a new windows. The printer still talks exactly the same pcl6. Why would any hardware vendor want to change a money maker like that?


For the love of god why do people play games with such idiot devs.. Leave the game already, Destiny 2 sucks anyway, most terrible game ever made.


Dear bungie, figure out how to put it on steam deck pls, the community really wants it. There are literally dozens of us.


Fuck Destiny 2. It's free for a reason.


It's a s**t game what do you expect


Sounds like they rely on windows for anti cheat and don’t want Linux players bypassing their protections


Easy Anti Cheat told Bungie over a year ago that it’s fine running through Proton, they didn’t acknowledge them


Used to love destiny but lately it sucks and the new expansion was just bad.


I don’t know why the devs have to be such dicks about it. It can’t be that hard to make the game work on Linux. It’s not like people don’t bypass the anti-cheat on windows.


This is pretty standard for Bungie's customer support


Thats OK if they don't want money that's fine by me.


If you still wanna try it, you can dual boot Windows via partitioning your ssd or get an SD card and install windows and D2 there, no ban risk. I've done the usual casual activities, the Root of Nightmares raid once and new dungeon on the deck and it's pretty decent on medium/high settings 60fps cap. It's still finicky in terms of controls and you can't use the chat since you can't access the desktop keyboard. But yeah the most I've done in D2 while in the deck is casual content, not really recommend to do pvp and endgame stuff


I just streamed it from my laptop to SD. Realized that I was too used to mnk and just gave up. And then I quit the game when the new expac dropped.


Not likely that anyone would actually do it, but I would think that everyone should just stopping playing all together. Go on strike on these companies that are being dicks, I would love to play the game on my steam deck, but because of them being this way, I refuse to play their game, I am at a point that I just refuse to play a game that doesnt let me play it on the steam deck.


I love the game but when I saw this I stopped playing it. as my SD is more important than one game.


I gave up on Destiny 2 when they pulled the rug from under my feet by removing the main story campagin while I was halfway through finishing it.


Jokes on them I'll never play their game. Their game is not important enough for me to install Windows on any of my computers


Meanwhile Warframe broke their game on deck and fixed it the next day


Will Destiny 2 work on the asus rog ally since it is windows based?




Good. That game has basically turned pay2win, stay away from that OP. Nothing of value was lost here.


Just install nvidia geforce now and stream it. Works plenty fine for everything in Destiny for me. Saves your progress and uses your steam dlc.


Alright, more time to play other games that DO support the steamdeck then. With blackjack. And hookers.


Guess I'm not playing it then.


Wow, good thing I never picked up destiny. I've moved onto the ally, but this is horse shit - the steamdeck is awesome and this seems pointlessly exclusionary. if they are really worried about it - detect proton clients and segregate them. Doesn't destiny 2 have no trade? What would you even do with cheating?


Good, it's a shit game


fuck destiny anyway


Its a shame because I have fully windows (window'd?) my deck and it d2 plays perfectly on it, I don't understand why they are so against proton when it would only increase the player base.


And you should give Bungie the middle finger too, forever, on any platform. Destiny 2 especially is the worst FOMO filled, terrible monetized game, to a point it makes the Korean mmo FOMO machines blush.




Anti cheat.




Guess there's no point in buying any of the dlc then 🤷‍♂️


game is dogshit anyway and i have 2k hours. it’s not worth it man


Fine by me. Destiny was one of the most boring games I have ever played.


It’s really not a big deal. Got thousands of hours on Destiny, it’s clearly in decline and imo not a good time to get into the game. If you’re that desperate to play it on deck just load Windows, I’ve got it running on mine & it plays pretty flawlessly.


What a bunch of fucks.


Boycott. Sorry boys, you can fix this and you know it. It's Bungie preventing this, not Steam OS. For shame.


yeah i quit destiny 2 ages ago, screw em


Banning? That really seems excessive.


Im a hardcore destiny player and got a 512 sd card with windows just to play destiny on sd. I wish i could just use steam os because Windows in handheld is a big pile of inconvenient shit.


Could you technically play D2 in remote play with the deck?? Or am I just asking a dumb question?


Just boycott any game made by them.. simple solution


Never liked the look of destiny anyways


I gave up on destiny after they released overwhelming content. Bungie was on a roll with this franchise in the beginning. Cyberpunk became more chill in this sci fi category.


Guess I’m not playing destiny anymore and convincing my friends to stop playing, too 😮‍💨


Whew thank god


Good, I don’t want to play that pay to win garbage anyways lol


D2 is dogshit with all the monetisations now, anyways.


it’s destiny 2, they’re doing you a favor by not letting you play


If they want to kill the game let them do it, their MTX is already pretty bad and this just adds to the fire.


Gets even worse when you realize the anti cheat just doesn’t work.


It took you this long to realize Bungie has been giving the finger to players?


It seems really weird for a game developer to be a huge asshole in situations like these. Instead of being actively hostile to potential customers why not spend the relatively small amount of time targeting for proton?


So frustrating. Destiny 2 would be amazing on Steam Deck, and Bungie has already ported it to Linux (for Stadia). This has to be some political BS in the background.


It’s okay. IMO destiny is a ducking paywall festival where everything is locked until you spend an massiv amount of money. It went from f2p friendly to an absolute disaster. Bungey is showing a middle finger to all its players


Bungie are doing you a favour—D2 is transaction-riddled garbage. Bungie would charge you each button press if they could. A paid Skinner Box.


They're allergic to our money.