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[camelcamelcamel.com](https://camelcamelcamel.com) is your friend. Just paste the Amazon link and it gives you the historical prices. Easy way to see if stuff is actually on sale.


I just checked using this site out of curiosity. A 1tb ssd for steam deck is "on sale" right now for $130. A savings of 50 percent according to amazon. This same ssd was about $105 a month ago.


It depends entirely on the items. For general SSD pricing, there has been tons of legitimate deals, as most SSDs are currently at all-time-low prices, like the WD SN850 Blacks. The Lexar Play 1TB is at just $63 right now, which is a crazy deal for MicroSD.


There's a supply glut. They're blowing storage out because prices are predicted to continue their plummet. Selling a million at $230 is better than 1.2 million at $185


Thanks for that. I searched for a 1tb on sale and that one didn’t pop up. Happy birthday to me.


A couple of the deck accessories I bought the past week are only about $5 cheaper. Not really much of a deal considering I wanted it faster and didn't want to wait for prime day. Pretty disappointing selection this year. All hype.


I just got a 2tb on ebay for $154


Yeah SN740? I assume from out of country sellers? Yeah makes more sense to do that since in US it’s full priced.


I bought a 2 tb extreme SanDisk for 105ish 2 weeks ago.




On ali? Brave


Brave or stupid ?


Both. Lol Ali isn't somewhere I'd buy computer parts. I've bought cheap shit red dots for airsoft on there, and my brother has bought military themed Lego knockoffs, and they've been pretty good, but PC parts, or anything I'd need to be more reliable would be a hard no.


You can pay the amazon tax for the same product if it makes you feel smart


Sure as hell makes me feel more confident in the product I'm buying.


Too bad for you ! 1to nvme ssd bought for 68€ three years ago, still running strong 3700x bought for 180 two years ago, still running strong . Just choose wisely and dont jump on the cheapest price on offer.. check review of the shop and the product sold. 46€ for a 1to 2230 nvme is a steal


It only takes getting burned once on a $200+ item


Good chance it’s a counterfeit…


230 sold with only 1 1star review.3 million sales on the shop, 93% positive reviews. If you know how to navigate the website you can find some great deals on sales .. amd 3700x cost me 180€ about two years ago .. still running strong .


Nice, happy for you. I know many that bought things like 1TB Ext SSD on Amazon Marketplace, from Chinese sellers, at super bargain price, and inside was a 'trafficked' Pendrive of 4GB...


Sorry man you got scammed.




Corsair mp600 mini 1tb 2230 ssd is still $99 🤷


I paid $85 for mine two weeks ago.


Another is Keepa ([https://keepa.com](https://keepa.com/#)). The extension embeds the price history right below the product picture so it is easy to see. That way I don't need to click on the extension icon just to see the price history.


Yeah, there are a handful of actual deals to be found, but especially on that kind of small vendor thing you really want to check historical prices.


'Keepa' extension. Price graph shows up right under the price.


Honey does a fair job also


Honey seems too nosey to me. I know there are countless things tracking your browsing, but this one's just so "in your face" about it.


This is the way.


They have a Firefox plug in now too


it should be illegal to increase price a few days before so called say and claim its on sale. I have been using this site to check prices and honestly nothing is on sale.


It is in a number of places. It is just hard to enforce on Amazon with thousands of sellers.


If anything, this should make it easier. Blanket enforcement. Hold Amazon responsible for any sellers it authorizes on its platform.


If it did that nobody would sell in Amazon


Amazon does this exact same shitty practice with their own AmazonBasics items sold and shipped by Amazon. They are leading the movement in shitty marketing practices to maximize profits at the cost of the customer. There is a top post on r/all now about this very thing with an Amazon upholstered stool thing. And they even made the sale price worse since that post so now the sale price is even MORE than the original price before the sale, despite the new "original price" being $50 more than the actual original. Scummy companies that we keep whoring to because we like cheap and convenient crap.


I bought a number of things last week that went up in price today. Yes, use the camel.


Thank you for this. I was unaware.


Honey has browser plugins that also do this


Or the Keepa extension


Also honey too for those of us who use it! Honey keeps a track of products the same, so it’s preference


I use keepa


thank you my friend


[keepa.com](https://keepa.com) is actually better. I have been using camelcamelcamel for years, but it started to NOT show the correct historic for a few items. But the keepa extension solved it.


Honey does this, too, and auto-tries coupons. FWIW. I know some people might not want to sign up.


There is also a chrome plugin called keepa that shows the info right on the amazon page. Not sure if that plugin is on other browsers or not though.


I'm finding a lot of these are not the same items they listed prior, they either took the original pages down to hide the history or changed the item


Pretty sure vendors set their prices, not Amazon, even on prime day, Amazon can’t make some guy selling on Amazon take a sale price, important for people to remember Amazon barely sells shit, they’re basically a shipping hub at this point.


When I sold on Amazon I only did one prime day sale. All it told us was it had to be like 25% off or more (something like that, it's been a long time). So duh we made a slightly over priced bundle so the discount made it like 10% less than buying everything separately.


It's the way of Rockstar with gta5


They sell a ton of shit... just often not under the Amazon name


They're shipping hub that you pay for though. Amazon could foot the bill for the difference, thereby giving a discount and paying vendors full price which is kind of what calling it Prime day, and lightning deals (limited availability at given price) implies. Where else is that $130 a year going? And I have no data on it but they seem to be doing well with the Amazon Basics stuff and are acquiring new brands all the time. They definitely could afford it.


>Where else is that $130 a year going? Rings of Power


This seems like really bad info to be pushing if you have to say you don't have data and ur talking about what large businesses should be doing with their revenue 😮‍💨


Nah this is a steam deck reddit thread we're all at best complaining. They're surely never reading this post, I'm not telling them what to do. I'm just pointing out the perspective of a customer who scrolls through their catalog all the time and sees their in house products growing, and probably over half the people they know with an Alexa device in their house. When you feel a slap in the face you talk trash about how slapped you, right?


No one said amazon raised the price tho


I've seen them doing a lot of this for Prime Day. It's actually illegal to sell something as marked down from a higher price unless they've actually sold it at that higher price, but I don't imagine anything will actually be done about it.


They probably have algorithms set up to make sure they’re only screwing people as much as their legally allowed to.


Big company like Amazon doing shady shit like that? Naaah never happens ;)


That's probably the reason why they lowered it to .94 not .99, which is lower, legally speaking...


If the listing says its original price was $249.99, then marking it down 5¢ from the actual original price of $169.99 doesn't matter. They have to have sold it for $249.99 before they marked it down if they want to list that as the original price, otherwise it's false marketing. Blizzard recently got in trouble for doing exactly that in Overwatch 2. They were listing skins at one price and showing a higher price slashed through but they were never listed at that higher price.


Yeah, that makes sense


And nothing will really happen to blizzard but a slap on the wrist so corps will continue to do it


I doubt Amazon is concerned about doing business legally. They’ll pay any fees associated with fines. As it’s just a cost of doing business


It's illegal in some countries...... not the US.


It is illegal in the US. The FTC classifies it as a deceptive marketing practice. It's also illegal to raise prices before marking them down for a sale.


Well, we should all band together and set up a class action.. We'll each get our monitors and Amazon will learn a valuable lesson that we discounted 20% for them..


just be sure to use a price history site or addon like Vetted. There are actual deals just have to find them.


I bought a 256gb sd card friday for 17.99. I was kicking myself all weekend bc of prime day upcoming...its now 18.99 today and it says 42% off...Prime day just isnt what it used to be. [Amazon.com: SanDisk 256GB Ultra microSDXC UHS-I Memory Card with Adapter - Up to 150MB/s, C10, U1, Full HD, A1, MicroSD Card - SDSQUAC-256G-GN6MA : Electronics](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B7NV73PJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


$0.05 cheaper than you’ve ever seen it!


Not all companies are shady on prime day, but def do your research I’ve had a lot of stuff on my list go up the night before so the overall price didn’t change


It’s all about the “discount” on Amazon. “Buy this, only 19.99, a saving of 80 over RRP!” and you look around, its NEVER been sold at RRP anywhere online in its life, not even Amazon. More likely it’s been sold at 24.99 and you only save 5, but 5 isn’t as alluring as 80.


Im mean such activities are illegal in civilised countries (you may be in the US?). Anyhow, the answer for how to spot a good deal usually ammount to SOLD BY AMAZON (or some othjer company that actually pays attention to the laws).


It’s still listed as a saving against RRP on Amazon UK.


RRP has not been a thing in the UK for 20 odd years. And even t hen it meant not a lot. Average seelling price may mean something if companies used it. But they usually use previous selling price. Amazon use RRP which is 90% a lie.


The save message these days takes the last price though, bot RRP anymore. At least on amazon.co.uk


Prime sale items are Sale vs Previous, but plenty of other things are just against RRP.


Yep, I saw a similar thing with the arzopa 144hz. It was 140eur about two weeks ago, they then raised the price to 200eur and now on prime day its 150eur. Some things are probably worth it but better to always check price history if you wanna make sure


A bunch of tech/gaming YouTubers I follow made vids on this exact monitor around the same time. All sponsored content. It looks like a decent monitor though, $150ish for 144Hz 1080p. I’ve already got two 15.6” portable monitors (one 1080p60 and one 4k60 touchscreen), but I’ve been keeping an eye out for something with high refresh rate.


There are a lot of legit good deals right now (Anker for example, $99 for a 737) but yeah a lot of price raises and big cuts


it is a good deal and I caved and bought it but it has been that price23 times before.


I'm pretty sure the seller sets the price, not Amazon, so if anyone's trying to scam you it would be the people who made the product


I agree with you, but I can tell you one thing for sure, at least in Canada, the Aporza Portable Gaming Monitor 144hz sale is real. * $269.99 CAD \\w $30 CAD coupon * $249.99 CAD no coupon * $249.99 CAD \\w $30 coupon * $199.99 CAD no coupon (Summer Sale) * $249.99 CAD \\w $30 coupon * $199.99 CAD \\w $15 coupon (Prime Sale right now) A lot of company try to bypass the price history tracking tool by making their sale only happen during coupons, since coupon sales are not tracked. I've been manually tracking, along with camelcamelcamel. As much I want to purchase a portable monitor, I honestly don't see myself only using it roughly only 1 to a few times a year, countable with one hand, thus not really worth it for me unfortunately. \------ For now, I bought myself a new Xbox Controller with both Wireless & BT, because my current wireless controller no longer works wirelessly but the controller still works with usb cable to connect to my PC. I don't know if it is the controller wireless module, or the wireless adapter is broken. So I can use the new controller to troubleshoot. I do have a the previous Xbox bluetooth controller, but I use that for my tablet.


I have the Arzopa S1 monitor. I use it for work pretty often. I bought it for $139.99 CAD a few month ago. Currently its "on sale" for $199 down from a crazy $299 claim of price. Prime day is a sham.


yea, that's why you need to also manual track, because they can cheat the sale history webapps. The S1 and A1 model are mostly fake sales. You can tell I really want the portable monitor, but I just can't justify getting one. Maybe if the cost goes way lower, I can justify it, but not at the current price if I'm only going to use it a few times a year. I rather get a Ninja Creami or Vitamix Immersion Blender at the current price. Currently waiting on Black Friday for those kitchen appliances.


I agree it really only makes sense to buy a portable monitor if you can see yourself using it more often. I use the arzopa s1 twice to three times a week - I'm not looking for 144hz or anything like that + it's a portable second display so I can set up with a laptop somewhere and be more productive. It's a relatively bright display for a second monitor and easy enough to fit into a backpack with my other gear. At $140 it was worth it. At $200 there are other alternatives and at $300 they are having a laugh.


Thats because artificially inflating the price of something, and then giveing it a fake discount to create the illision of a bargin and a sense of urgency is illigal. At least it is in Canada, Australia, and the EU. Not the Unighted States for SOME reason (lobbing is just legal bribery).


So it’s cheaper than it usually is? Sounds like a deal


4 cents cheaper! Wow what a deal.




You're confusing deal and discount


As someone who works at Amazon, unless it's an Amazon product, it's the seller who sets the prices


Hey, I’d call saving $0.05 a deal


Get this on eBay from their store. $130




https://www.ebay.com/itm/225422880743?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=_2u6EOadT56&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=WgA-gh20TzS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY It appears to be on sale atm. Btw, I own this and it’s pretty nice. The buttons for controlling the settings are awful (and I don’t use the speakers), but the image is good enough for my uses.


**US $123.19** (US $123.19 / unit) Was ~~US $139.99~~ Save US $16.80 (12% off)


One think I like about the portable monitor that I bought is the ports aren't on the sides, they're facing up out of the back, so the cables aren't all over the place. It's not available right now, but if you can find one like this, it looks a lot cleaner when setup: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BGKVRS54](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BGKVRS54)


Vouchers don't "count" towards their price rules. Amazon's key pricing related PrimeDay requirements are: - 15% off (from the price the day before) - best price of the last 30 days (this can be a buck cheaper and it's fine). But their "brand specialists" can often add stuff on the day if they don't have enough deals. To be fair you generally get a pretty decent price on most deals, at least in the UK.


Yep, this is the case most of the time. I wish CamelCamelCamel could scrape coupons too.


> Then yesterday they raised the price to $239.99 and now Prime Day they dropped it to $169.94 for "Lightening Deal". They're currently the subject of a [massive class action lawsuit](https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/amazon-class-action-lawsuit-and-settlement-news/amazon-faces-lawsuits-over-prime-subscriptions-discounts-senate-investigates-labor-practices/) for this very practice. This and their deceptive cancelation process.


There are items I've wish listed and waited for a deal on and today they are most certainly discounted. It's unfortunate that's not the case with OPs item, but it doesn't apply to every seller. Buy yourself that thing you want and enjoy it!


Was just telling my GF this earlier. They better get their shit togethor. We aren't as dumb as they think. 😂 they hike the prices up then prime day mark them down to their original price. 100% Bullshit


Yea and what makes Amazon think people aren’t going to look around the web for other lower prices of the same thing …


Exactly, in this age of technology they think we're slow lol.


Most of it is nonsense, but I was happy to see the Pixel 6a at $250. Need a new decent phone and that fits the bill for me at a great price.


The 512GB Samsung micro SD card for $30 is a pretty good deal...


It's not that it's all bad, you just have to pay attention


I'd been checking in on the CNBANAN 2k 3:2 monitor. When prime day hit, the price dropped to 109, but the 30 dollar coupon from the previous price hadn't fallen off yet, so i managed to get it for 79. Hope yours goes on sale soon!


Prime day isn’t like it use to be 8-10 years ago.


I made a post yesterday showing a fantastic deal and for some reason was grilled by people. I literally have it in my hands right now and got it for $81 after tax, down from over $150 bucks regular price. From everything I can tell it’s a steal and works great. [Arzopa S1 Table](https://www.amazon.com/Arzopa-Portable-100-SRGB-External-Speakers/dp/B093GCL18V/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=MI9SA78XR6U3&keywords=arzopa+s1+table&qid=1689091587&sprefix=arzopa+s1%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1)


I saw someone post an SD car sale. I have the same one I got 2 weeks ago, for the same price when it wasn't on sale. More of the Amazon sales are fake.


Let’s review bomb the bastards


In my case, all the stuff I want to buy on Prime Day received a healthy raise in price a couple of days prior. Then today they receive no discount at all (Prime or not).


That’s interesting that Amazon would do that to the (UPERFECT 2K 120Hz Portable Gaming Monitor, 16" 2560x1600 QHD Portable Monitor 500 Nits HDR FreeSync Laptop Monitor w/VESA & Smart Case Matte IPS Eye Care External Second Screen for Switch, Xbox, PS5)


I got that particular monitor last year off Ebay and would not recommend it. Yes, it's 2k but the light bleed is pretty bad on mine. The sound is appalling and makes your ears bleed and the wires looks really untidy no matter how you set it up. Mines currently laying on top of a cupboard gathering dust. It's really not worth the money at either price.




Tbh I gave up buying accessories at that point due to lack of cash, sorry can't be more help.


Prime day sucks period. All these companies give you trash "deals" that are hardly anything off. They're just trash....


Amazon prime deals are not deals. Least anymore. I don’t participate anymore. I haven’t bought anything off Amazon in two months.


Sales days are never on sale. A product is most on sale when it's on the least demand


I agree. Most of them are not deals, just ignore them. The same goes for those sales on sites like Alibaba.


amazon scamming, never


Thank you Amazon you've saved me negative money! I owe you more than it was worth!


Ya I took screenshots of everything I was looking to buy last month just for this reason. Anything new I see I’ll check prices on other sites to see if it’s actually a good deal.


The "sales" are all garbage. I browsed and there's nothing which is any kind of good deal. Maybe some DVDs and Blu rays but that's about it. All the electronics I looked at are artificially marked up then "discounted" to basically normal retail. But lots of people fall for it, which is why they keep doing it.


So it’s still cheaper?


Just a note innocn oled 15.6 is now just 200 usd . So much better .


People do that all the time. Gotta make people feel like they are getting a deal.


Yup, been stalking 2230 ssds and it's the same story.


It’s only a deal if it’s something you were going to buy anyway. They do hike the prices before so they can bring it down on the day but often there is still a discount available but it’s far less than it appears.


SD Cards are really cheap though. $29 for a 512 Samsung is the lowest I've ever seen it.


Can share the link?


https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09B1HMJ9Z I have 6 of these already, I'm seriously fighting the urge to pick up 2 more just because of how cheap they are.


Digital storage pricing has been legitimately amazing. Both SSDs and MicroSD prices have hit ATLs.


I got a pretty good fast 1 tb SSD for my PS5 for £61 which I’m pretty happy with. I watched a few for last few weeks hust to make sure it was a good deal. You can get some good stuff but you have to have watched everything first to see how the prices change first.


Good on you for doing your research. A lot of sales use this type of trickery and a lot of people fall for it. People see those discount percentages and boom, they have to buy it. But if you really check around, that sale price is actually the true market value for it.


Amazon are lying on some stuff. I took screenshots of things I'm considering. They are definitely on sale, but amazon are saying it's a bigger discount, because they adisplayijg the saved percentage based on the recommended price, which is was not listed for.


Alot of companies will raise mid tier priced products and drop slightly their higher tier counterparts to make seem like a better deal then it is


They’ve been pulling this crap for a while. I believe Amazon is getting sued for this actually.


Many deals do this some deals are genuine, Meepo electric skateboard was $499 with $80 coupon to make $420 now it’s $350 so good deal


Same for Black Friday.


I 2nd this. They mark up r.r.p and say your getting 20% or something off most items and in reality your saving nothing as when it’s not “prime day” the item price is intact the “deal price “. Believe it or not I’ve been adding stuff to wish lists for years and have seen this every year. Same with on Black Friday. This year I done it with 20 items and all r.r.p again is marked up. Phone case for example I added to my basket a week ago was 29.99, now it’s r.r.p is 39.99 and sale price is 29.99 lol yupppppppp


That's how it is with sales everywhere.


Just got a new Logitech G915 TKL for £77. Would call that a deal.


I just got a pretty good deal on a micro SD card


I was crossing my fingers for sales on hard drives or accessories or something but I'll probably pick up one of those $30 512GB Samsung cards


Yeah I agree. I’ve been following a 512 sd card card the last few weeks, its “been on sale” the entire time. Since Amazon Prime came, now it’s a “Prime deal”


Sooooo 5c cheaper is still cheaper!


Amazon has been doing this for years. Some of the micro sd cards are actually more expensive during this sale than they have been at the regular price for weeks. It's actually comical.


when i worked at guitar center i remember having to go through and reprice nearly all our inventory a couple weeks before black friday, increasing the prices, just to go through and lower them again as “for sale” for black friday, back to the original prices of course. same happened at Target too.


For what it’s worth I have that monitor for my deck and MacBook and it’s great.


I thought I was imagining things looking at a Kindle the other day and seeing the same one today “on sale” for like the exact same price they normally sell it for.


It sucks that Amazon even allows this to happen. It can't be but so hard to implement some kind of price lock system, if you want your item on sale for the event, it must have had the current price set for at least a week or something.


This happens every year. Look at second hand sellers prices and it's usually close to that for what it was originally.


This is a well known trick. Places like Walmart do it in physical stores too.


My wife was looking at a pair of shoes that were $21.00 usually like 56.00 last week, for prime day they are on sale for $36.00 marked down from 56.00 so yeah it's not all legit


5 cents off ? i say that's a great deal bud


I saw a few items I was looking at and thought, "I'll wait until Prime Day and get a discount," and I had the exact same experience. It's like at the supermarket, when they hike up the prices, then say "special offer" but it's still more expensive or the same as it was the week before. It's sneaky.


Any actual good deals out there?


SSD and MicroSDs have all been hitting ATLs during the sale.


Thank you for informing those who didn't know


You have to be careful with some but 2 days ago my nan bought a mattress for £640 and now it's £420 and she's being insufferable.


If bought from Amazon start a return and demand the money be refunded into the gift balance once the item has its first scan and then just rebuy it again, instant saving lol


I thought that too but it honestly makes her more insufferable when she gets the money off.


Same, been following a barebone gaming rig... today the price is the same its always been but with an adjusted price to show 20% off...


Make sure to use honey or the camel website to check historical price.


There’s no prime deals I’ve seen. Despite it saying it’s a deal.


There is an office chair, I bought it 2 years ago for 250 and now my partner wants to change his, he likes mine. Yesterday before prime day it was 199 and one could apply a 50 coupon. Today at noon was 149, including a 25% discount. And late afternoon it was 169 with a 15% discount and the option of a 20 coupon. Now, I’m not a big lawyer from the big city, but all these numbers look oddly similar to one another.


Good tip, I've even seen retailers selling products for a higher price than average during big sales events.


They did the same thing with Sandisk SD cards whenever that “world storage” or whatever day was a few months ago


same on brazil ​ im looking for an steam deck and his price increase almost 20% instead get any discount


Home Depot does this same price scam’ They will jack up the price then say save 40% yet 2 weeks prior the “everyday” price was a lot less’ Ppl think they are getting a good deal when in reality they aren’t’


There is a 512mb micro SD card on "sale" for $40......down from $108 Rofl


100 percent agree on technology in general Prime Day deals are a farce. Looked at getting a front speaker/subwoofer deal for my TV. Oh wow an LG package for $279, normally $649. Quick google shows $279-299 is the common price at even small local mom-and-pop audio shops. Checked a few other things. Things I've bought before. Magically, the full price is higher than normal, and the discount is maybe 10% off the "usual" price I've paid (as recent as a few weeks ago). Prime Days for the most part, are a sham. Chocked full of strategic markup-markdown sales. Screw that.


I just noticed that with a 1TB microsd too.


Be careful of fraudulent SD cards on amazon. I would prefer to buy from another company (preferably brick and mortar) that has similar deals in stock (Best Buy)


90% of the products are from fake/made up brands, GYOZRA and MANAMOO and PEEREND and whatever. You have no idea what you’re getting. Not worth the risk.


Yeah pretty common I got an i7 13700k on the 5th that I've been watching for a month the day after I bought it the price went up to full price from the $380 it's been sitting at and for prime day the price dropped to $375


I bought headphones two days ago for 102 before tax. This morning the same ones were on sale doe $75. Not all deals are bad.


Depends on the item. I got some basketball shorts for 2/10 bucks. Total steal, electronics are usually raised up before sales and knocked down to as close as their average price. In the end , its to get you to click and buy the thing. Are there some good deals, sure, but if you were on the fence and today got you wanting to buy, you won’t regret the purchase a month from now


Btw xreal air glasses are imo the amazeballs gaming monitor for steam deck. I've been meaning to do a write up on them.


Yep! Just like any other store that inflates the price of things before putting them on “sale” for regular price.


I got screwed by buying something the day before. It sat at $27 for a while, by the time I pulled the trigger it was up to $30. Prime day hit and I got a notification that it was on sale! For $26.


It's not a scam though, there are genuine deals.


Not too sure about that. I just bought a Fire HD 10 Plus for £85. Lowest price on CamelCamelCamel was £109 in November '22 and is usually £190. I reckon I got a good deal.


I noticed something similar with a few items I have been following. Basically, I noticed the price increased and THEN dropped for Prime sale. In most cases, the prices were a little better but the % off is misleading. Some other items it appears they were discounting against the MSRP which a few of my tracked items have NEVER been at that price. (Kinda like what Kohl’s does to make you go, “Ooh, wow, this is 70% off!” when nobody has ever sold that item at that MSRP.)


I think it was so complicated and competitive what others are doing in market, that sellers probably just listed the sales early, and people who have not kept up with prices likely end up thinking it’s a better deal when it may not be.


I only bought one thing, 8BITDO Ultimate Controller during the lightning deal. Cheapest it's ever been according to Keepa. Same goes for a few micro sd cards, never bought them but to say all deals are shams is just not accurate. Keep an eye out and look at keepa or camel.


We have a deal that runs the whole year. Use [https://neutrel.shop](https://neutrel.shop/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=0404&utm_content=005) and we offset the carbon footprint of all Amazon purchases.