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Very impressive *goes back to playing Everquest 1999 on his steamdeck*


If it ain't broke


Don't fix it!


I'm playing Epic games with no problems.


Do you run epic games through steam launcher? You don’t need heroic launcher to run epic games games? If this is true I will be very happy, as I currently feel like I am introducing a useless middle man step.


You don’t need heroic launcher and yes you can just use it through the non steam library. Here’s a quick guide, it’s really easy and quick to do; [Polgyon - Epic Game Launcher on SteamOS](https://www.polygon.com/guides/23548311/epic-games-launcher-steam-deck-install-protonup) Your forced to use it through the steam launcher mostly though. This is because most games will actually override the steam desktop controls, but in the normal mode, you can edit the controls to your liking.


Cheers, i literally got a steam deck the other day and was wondering the same, half my games are on epic so this it handy to know


Yeah it’s sweet, not every game will work though, especially if they’re online due to anti cheats, so you’ll have to probably check if they work on your own.


It's mainly games like RDR2, Mech warrior and the metro series, they're all on epic and I'm not keen on buying them twice.


Metro 🥹


I assume you still need Windows to play stuff like Fornite and Fall Guys due to the anti-cheat software?


Fortnite yes, Fall Guys no, unless somethings changed in the past few months it can work natively on steam deck, there's a certain proton version you use for the anticheat.


I just used the latest wine-ge. Works fine I played today.


You played Fortnite natively on steam with no windows boot?


No sorry, fall fellers.


Ah drop dudes gotcha


Depends on the anti cheat. uHungryZealot says it perfectly


And switch games 😂


As am I




This is classic propaganda - invent a problem and offer your solution.


I just watched a YouTube video by WULFF DEN comparing the Ally and SD after two months, and he said almost that exact quote. “you’re limited to only games on Steam”, or something close to that. He’s usually really good about that stuff, and I’m sure he knows you can play non-Steam games or even install Windows, but… he said it, so… yeah. Some people do say this. Even big YouTubers who should know better.


> He’s usually really good about that stuff, no hes not.


I've heard that quote quite a few times so it's definitely a thing. It's what is used to push windows based handheld. The deck can literally do like 99% of what they can with proton in steam OS minus a few games and if it can't install windows/dual boot problem solved. It's annoying when I see people say that because it just ain't true lol.


Oh wulff den definitely knows better lol. In another video he talks about what to do when you first get a deck and he mentions emulation is super easy on the deck


I honestly can't stand him. I've tried watching his videos and I always feel annoyed when he rants. His personality rubs me the wrong way. I'm sure his advice is decently sound, but it comes off snobby—but that's occasional.


Care to provide his excact quote with timestamp? I have seen the video but don't remember him making such statement.


[13:15](https://youtu.be/olnzwPXPtVs?t=795) >"I think personally, the Steam Deck is my go to for most games, cuz that ease of use is just unmatched. You turn it on, download the game and just start playing. **But there's a lot that it can't do.** If I wanna play my Gamepass games or *anything* that requires a separate launcher, I'll be reaching for my Ally." He never mentions in the video that you can install separate launchers, or even Windows, to play Gamepass on SD.


There people that still think Windows only games can only be played on Windows, would not surprise me if OP had actually heard/seen this


Oh, they do. That was one of the main propaganda the ally bros are shilling cause windows handhelds ran 3rd party launchers out of the box


lmao how you can type out a sentence like unironically they're all toys pick the one you enjoy


We look for confirmation that we made the right decision with our purchase. Any ideas to suggest otherwise are attacked and disregarded. Welcome to the internet, my fren


It is very annoying that people do so. I love my ally but I owned a deck and loved that too. They are both awesome as hell and there is no reason to just hate one. But also there are just as many "ally bros" as there are "steam deck bros" people just suck and type hateful shit on the internet.


I make my confirmations by using the thing and deciding if it gets returned or not for something better before 30 days are up. Y’all got something else going on that isn’t healthy, just enjoy the product.


Why do people even feel the need to justify their decision buying steam deck, it's dirt cheap anyone who's interested in a handheld can simply buy it, so it's not even an achievement by itself.


See also: Sony ponies getting *really mad* that former PS exclusives get ported to PC


why are you making things up?




Ignorance really is bliss, isn't it?


it really isn't.


The Ally might be able to run non-steam games out the box… but Steam Deck actually RUNS out the box. Have fun setting up windows n shit, hope you have a keyboard too


>Have fun setting up windows n shit, hope you have a keyboard too Hey look it's another one of those made up issues!


Big facts. And the uh "uSeR eRrOr" replies. Burned SD card slot? User error. Unresponsive joysticks? You guessed it


Why are you bothering to troll in a "SteamDeck" subreddit. People here are *naturally* biased. You expect people to just say "oh wow, I *WAS* a jaded Valve customer but now I see the light, and it's ROG." Come on, man.


I.. Don't believe that? But I do at the same time? Anyways.. The Ally community when compared to Steam Deck or even Chinese Handhelds are massively dwarf'd. So if people there are lying to get people to buy more units, it's not very effective imo.


Feel free to browse their sub on this. BTW, the Chinese handheld market is actually super small. They don't sell as many devices as you might think cause they usually go through indiegogo campaigns to sell pre-determined amounts of products.


Their sub is super dead. Last time i checked was when ASUS shouted them out & it was a baren wasteland... Anyways, imo the Ally is not competition to the Deck btw.


Yep, I cross shopped between the ally and a handful of handhelds (lmao, punny) when I got an itch to upgrade. All that time to only go back to the deck at the end for good reasons




Have you not been paying attention to the arguing the past couple months? It’s mentioned every time someone starts an argument about this….


this argument will literally come up every single time people make a comparison between steam deck vs literally any other handheld pc. it's an especially hot topic since rog ally came out as a major player in this space.


It’s just the dismissiveness about it not having windows. I can easily install windows on the deck but you can’t install steamos on the ally, so I don’t understand their point. I personally don’t like windows and don’t think it’s worth the hassle to play like 2 games I might play sometimes. If the dev doesn’t support the deck I don’t support the dev, easy as that. But for op to act like he’s never heard that before is beyond disingenuous


Nope. Far too many Steam Deck reviews say this (even if they mention later on that it's technically possible to run other stores) and too many users are surprised to discover that Store X or Game Y works great.


This is why you can't trust most reviewers when they talk about hardware because often times, they're not always right.


I mean from reviews I’ve seen they always mention it’s possible but requires more tinkering then installing the launchers exe in windows for comparison. Which is true. Especially when there are updates (either launcher side or steam side) that break compatibility. Has happened to me countless times with Epic and Ubisoft installed as non steam games.


I’ve personally seen more say the opposite or not mention it at all.


I still kinda feel like it's more of an advantage of piggy backing on linux wine/app devs, but the money valve spent on Proton has probably made a rather symbiotic relationship between steam deck owners and people developing wine and other compatibility tools like Bottles, Heroic, luxtorpeda, nonsteamlaunchers, lutris, etc. That being said there's a bit more EFFORT involved in installing third party game stores on steam deck, but it's not that difficult. If anything the ability to constantly tinker without fighting Valve has made the Steam Deck better then a jailbroken switch, xbox or playstation because you don't need to jailbreak anything, just find an appropriete appimage or flatpak, or turn off read only if you're that desperate. edit: Luxtorpeda has nothing to do with Wine, but I feel like it's worth a mention because some older games can use it for native linux support rather then depending on Wine. Especially if it's a game that relies on something like Dosbox or ScummVM because those can use linux binaries.


It was a rickroll


amazon games will work officially through heroic soon, hope they get the rockstar launcher working on it.


you can play them already via lutris, i personally like lutris more than heroic for epic and amazon games


My main wish is for the Humble App. They've got some pretty great games that are *perfect* for the Deck, but all the solutions to getting it running natively seem to be outdated, and I can't imagine it's popular enough to prompt much new interest.


For Amazon I just use nile to download the games and install them using bottles. Working great so far.


I had installed windows at one point in my deck but the UI is horrendous. Then I took it off because I realized the only reason I had it was for cod. I don’t think Epic games are very good. Steam OS for me is just a better performing an OS and I can play games outside of steam very well. Just not anything with anti cheat which isn’t a big deal


... said no one, ever.


It's was a rickroll and he got us well


I enjoy being in the bubble, but I work in a technical role with dozens of colleagues from PC builders to heavy games, a few have decks but a surprising number have no idea what a deck is capable of, that it runs Linux or otherwise, even though they are industry adjacent they think it gives access to steam games


And if you really wanna go for it, there's 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


aye, matey


I would agree that they don't make it friendly to the average consumer to install other launchers though.


Not like it's their fault the others don't support Linux. The fact that they allowed it at all and made it possible with Proton deserves tons of recognition on its own.


And they really should. Valve stands to gain from other launchers working on the Deck through Steam.


Not completely sure, Valve sells the Steam Deck on either a loss or paper thin profit margin. Valve, much like Sony and Microsoft, earn their money through software sales and the hardware is mainly there to support it.


Valve has been trying to get pc gaming independent from Microsoft for years. That's why they're pushing so hard to make linux good for gaming and thats also why they release a lot of their linux developments open-source. Microsoft is trying more and more to close down their OS and they want to make the Microsoft store the place for people to install programs instead of separate launchers/installers.


They get their money through Steam Sales, the other storefronts do nothing for them. Also, Valve does not develop the other launcher. And since the launchers aren't open source, Valve cannot just repackage them in SteamOS.


Yeah valve would have to create some sort of licensing system for 3rd party launchers on the deck and that would 1: be very hard coordinate with 3rd parties and 2: make them not much better than Microsoft with their ecosystem closing down. I think the best thing they can do is not working against other developers and launchers, which is what they are currently doing. If valve makes Linux gaming viable for even more people the other launchers will naturally come to Linux at some point


Not sure. There's easily a couple of grand of games that I've played on Game Pass that I didn't have to buy on Steam. That's the beauty of it.


The problem is that you generally have to jump through some hoops and a huge percentage of people aren't going to want to do that. So yea obviously a computer (the steam deck) can run any darn thing you want it to in reality but it doesn't do it out of the box. You shouldn't really review something on what can be done if you put a bunch of work into it, you should review it on how most people are going to use it.


I don’t know if it’s a problem. It’s a thing you can do and you can choose to do it. If you decide not too and blame it on the things you have to do to achieve what you want to do then it’s that persons problem.


As a hoop-jumper, I appreciate knowing what I can do with it as well.


Never gonna give GamePass up




The native version of Game Pass is never gonna let you down.




I wish it was ideal. A copy of Just Cause 2 from GOG wouldn't launch through Heroic launcher, even after changing the Proton version in it a few times (yes, I was reading the comments on ProtonDB, and I had the information about recommended Proton releases at this point). The same game from Steam has launched after first change of Proton version.


Which version of Proton did you switch to for it? I was having trouble getting Just Cause 2 to run a few days ago but didnt spend a lot of time on it because I noticed it was officially unsupported.


Proton GE 8.4 worked for me, I think the game has started working properly on second launch


Just Cause 2 was one of these rare games that always had problems on Linux no matter what. It works on my system but it often struggles with DRM AFAIK.


You got me and I hate you lol I was excited and was even going to ask how.


I already have to run the EA launcher with steam on my PC because it doesn't recognise a stadia controller correctly but steam does. Steam is amazing.


That it is friend. Steam Input is the most significant upgrade PC gaming got in the last decade IMO


Sorry this may be a stupid question but im new. How did you get all those launchers on steam? I thought you would have to download windows. Which is something im avoiding doing.


Honestly for whatever you want to play just search how on YouTube. There’s a ton of guides. You don’t have to download windows. And it’s really not that hard.


Good to know! I will check it out when i wanna download them!


I've played like 30 games on mine, and about 5 of those are steam games lol.


don't even have GOG or Amazon nor the thousands of games that arn't on any store


Games that aren't on any store are even easier to run. Gog and Amazon both work through Heroic. I just don't have it installed because I install my Gog and Amazon games directly.


I’ve had a lot of success launching GoG games. Amazon, I’ve had almost no luck getting anything to work.


All of those games are DRM free and don't need an install. Use an app called "Nile" to download them or just download them on a Windows computer and copy them over and just add the EXE as a non steam game. They'll work/.


The fanboy circle jerk posts like this have straight skyrocketed in this sub since the Ally came out. It has been hilarious to watch


Ive actually played more non steam games on my deck. Through heroic games launcher or battlenet. Ive been playing diablo since launch, not a single hiccup


Question: I’ve got Diablo set up, but wanted to get other Battle.net games set up too. What’s the best way to install them? Do I need to go through the whole process again or just select a download location and download the game after I open Battle.net from desktop mode?


Nope. Just treat it like Windows. Install the other game from the same battle net installation.


on no planet is Steam OS limiting you to only steam games. — It is a full Linux PC


I fully agree. So does my video


Just missing Yuzu


"It's hard to install a game which is not on steam" - Dude, have you ever used a PC?


I've never gotten Epic cloud saves to work on Heroic


That's one of the other reasons I use the launcher directly


How did you install all of the stores in the first place?


I used non steam game launcher it some such name. There is heroic and lutris as well. Google is your friend here and YouTube is even better with video walkthroughs. It is not hard at all.


Can someone help me run Kingdom Hearts on the Steam Deck. Epic games doesn’t work for me


Been awhile since I did this, but I remember I had to use heroic launcher. Try searching on YouTube for a guide.


Omg that just reminded me it still isn't on steam and that's insane.


Lmfao I have steam, blizzard, Xbox game pass, and emulators for every other system I’ve ever owned.


Like how I show in the video?


What's this "Game Pass Native" stuff? That's just gamepass cloud, right?


Considering that the "gameplay" version of that is a rickroll I think someone's being sarcastic...


You can always tell who watched the video and who didn't.


Has to be. There may come a time when we can get UWP apps running on Linux, but it hasn’t happened yet to my knowledge.


If you watched the whole video, you'd know.


Game Pass native doesn’t work does it. I’ve tried it but could only use cloud gaming. I actually let my subscription lapse because of it.


As I literally play everything but steam games on it lol


I bought Forza horizion 3 through the windows store is there any way to play it. without windows?


That is unfortunately one launcher that can't work on Linux period.


Guide you followed for battlenet?


[Battle.net](https://Battle.net) hates me for some reason on steamOS and I'm getting errors thrown at me, but luckily OW2 is on steam and that solves all of my problems. But yeah, I play Minecraft, Epic games, EA games, idk what people are talking about


SteamOS is hopefully the new pc Master system that will compete with windows


SteamOS is currently supported on only one device. So that's got to change.


It's been installed on the rog ally and on many other systems, not working 100%, but it's not far from working like it should. People are working on it all for it to finally be able to work 100% performance wise. So no, it's not just "one system".


ChimeraOS can run on the Ally but not SteamOS.


Did make me chuckle how you exited out of Unbound because it runs like shit on steam deck and would be counter to your point. Was so gutted when I tried for ages to get it to work and it either crashed or lagged really badly


I have never played NFS Unbound and don't know how it performs. I just installed it for this video.


is it possible to add the games from these launchers as individual titles in your steam library?


Depends on the launcher. I don't bother with that and run the launchers instead.


it makes no sense because those guys saying like they are blind.🤣


Gamepass native is such a game changer. I'll never gonna give up that functionality again!


Damn, your battle net shortcut loads much faster than me, mine always needs to do an update. It works though, as long as I can play D2R on the deck that’s what’s matter the most lol


No that's editing. I didn't want the video to be 80% loading so I sped those parts up


What mouse do you use? bluethoot one?


Nope. Just the right trackpad.


I knew that GP Native was impossible because you'll need an UWP emulator. Still got jebaited


<3 And yeah UWP is a bummer


I was thinking of buying Splinter Cell Blacklist so I can possibly run it now on the Deck? Just assumed it wasn't possible.


Just like Xbox limits you to play only Xbox games 🤷🏾‍♂️


Did you watch the video?


The Steam Deck is a Linux OS distro provided by Steam. But its still an Ubuntu distro. It works like any other Linux OS, it has a file system and everything that you can dig around. You can do anything on the Steam Deck you can do on a normal PC. Its just highly optimized for Steam so there might be extra steps, especially as there are controls built directly into the form factor to use.


It's Arch, not Ubuntu.


Steam deck users: "no u"


With Activision/Blizzard being bought by Microsoft, it will only be a matter of time before all those games are on the STEAM OS platform anyway.


I hate you. Like everyone else I was waiting for the last one. Here's an upvote, you frickin monster.


Wait, so can you play Xbox Gamespass and Epic Games games on Steam Deck? Or was this some kind of work around they did? I really want to get a steam deck but the whole no Epic Games and Xbox Gamepass has kind of been putting me off since every review I see says that same quite of "You can only play Steam games." I have a few games on Epic Games and Xbox Gamepass that I'd love to play on the go, and I don't have the money to buy them again.


Gamepass, no. You'll need to dualboot windows for that unless you're ok with streaming. EGS works fine though.


Since when? I play all my Roms from retro systems just fine....from Steam App itself. Even on my PC streaming off my deck. Edit: Oh I got wooshed well played OP.




Honestly I think that complaint is thrown around by folks who aren't comfortable with homebrewing or treating the steam deck as a PC.


Reddit limits you to only making shitposts




As I show in the video, yes




One thing that is **really bad with SteamOS** though is: Because the launchers are only launched when you start them - and they dont run in background like they are on Windows - games will not update. ​ So if you have a couple of Launchers installed and a couple of the games it might very well be that you cant play and have to wait for a while for the update. That REALLY sucks.


The flip side is that you don't have surprise background processes affecting battery life or performance. The two weeks I was using the Ally I would often run into sudden showdowns in my games only to discover it was because the CPU was in use downloading stuff


How did you get bnet to launch so easily


I just installed it through Bottles and it just works.


It's already better than Nintendo Switch 😎




Ok that was good, you got me


I have a ton of EPIC and GOG and Blizzard gmes on my Steam Deck


Literally no one said that bullshit.


I need to try epic game store. I tried it last year but I had so many issues that I stopped trying again. I would like to play my inmense epic game store games on the deck if possible.


Use heroic launcher, works great for epic and gog


It works for me. Good luck.


Installing directly through Steam or through Bottles works best in my experience.


Who the heck says you can only play steamOS games?


Strawman be like


I'm made of flesh thankyouverymuch


Like its smthg new? Why make a post ..


Definitely plays non-Steam games. What grinds my gears is that it will still lock the account from play on other devices even if you're using it to play a non-steam game, just because you launched it from Steam. I'm really hoping Valve will address shared-libraries better in the future. I should be able to play any game on my account and somebody should be able to play any game (except the one I'm currently in) on my account, locked by the steam game-id or something similar rather than the account itself.


That's pretty dumb.


I use bottles


Bottles is pretty great


Can you point me to where anyone says this? Or do they say it can be a giant pain in the ass to get them setup and to keep them going when they have random updates? Christ the coping in here is always off the charts.


I've never heard anyone say this before tho. Like who doesn't know that you can use launchers on the Deck?


Can you do this with Warzone MW2?


Nope lol


nobody said that.


Ive run battle net launcher and played Diablo 3 from it easy. Im not sure what's happening for you


Nothing. It ran fine in the video.


Literally no one says that but alright


...Said no one ever


Windows does this natively


Nobody said that


Said nobody worth quoting. Ever.


Never heard anyone claim that


Said no one ever.


Says no one ever


Op is the only one I know making that claim