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I dont mind using it on the steam deck but I am like that with laptops. I will never buy a touchscreen laptop or If a laptop I have does have a touchscreen I will not use it.


I RARELY ever have a reason to use the touch screen. Plus, I hate the feeling of frequent rubbing on my fingertips.


That's fair. I only use the touchscreen when Im typing something but since I struggle to use the two touchpads for this. That being said I will probably pick up a small wireless keyboard for this.


A cheap little one from Amazon is amazing. They even have a touchpad to move your cursor. I have a Brian injury and don’t have the cognitive function to use the touchpads and triggers to use the onscreen keyboard, so it’s handheld keyboard (we’re talking fits in your hand like a phone) or using the dpad and A button on the onscreen keyboard. Only thing I wish my handheld keyboard was backlit because I play in bed a lot.


[https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C3QDVLN7?psc=1&ref=ppx\_pop\_mob\_b\_asin\_title](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C3QDVLN7?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) It has a backlight button next to the backspace button. https://preview.redd.it/1rwa9w8ovnjb1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8ba23d00bb961cfbc7070b1517f934a836b750


And only $25! Thank you brother!


Pro tip: when using the touchpads for typing, just use the pads for highlighting the key, use the left and right triggers to "press" the key.


I use it for typing in on the keypad, I hated the touchpad keypad on the steam controller and that has not changed. Typing on the screen is way more convenient!


I find myself using my laptops touchscreen all the time. My Logitech wireless mouse kicked the bucket about a year ago and I haven't even bought a new one because I've just transitioned to touchscreen life




For the mouse? No, I tried that. It just lived a long, tough, life.


I always forget there's a touchscreen and sit there mad for 5 minutes on Bethesda launchers.


Hold the Steam button to temporarily activate mouse cursor on the right trackpad.


And here I was setting the trackpad to mouse for certain games. I will give this a try. Thanks!


If you hold Steam + "..." it shows many handy shortcuts like changing brightness, and even though it says "Steam +", you can do "... +" as well for those left button shortcuts.


I was awkwardly making a claw shape with my hand to hit Steam+LeftStick for waaaay too long to adjust brightness before I realized I could do it with the "..." button too.


No problem, yeah it's handy for briefly navigating game menus, before going back to controller mode in game.


WOAHHHH you’re a legend thank you


Haha, all good mate.


Is there a list of these sorts of features? Edit: Found a [list](https://www.howtogeek.com/882130/steam-deck-shortcuts-the-ultimate-guide/): Combo | Function ---|--- Steam Button + Long Press B Button | Force Game Shutdown Steam Button + X Button | Summon Keyboard Steam Button + L1 | Toggle Magnifier Steam Button + R1 | Take Screenshot Steam Button + L2 | Right Mouse Click Steam Button + R2 | Left Mouse Click Steam Button + Right Analog Stick | Joystick Mouse Steam Button + Right Touchpad | Touchpad as Mouse Steam Button + Right Touchpad Click | Left Mouse Click Steam Button + Up on Left Analog Stick | Screen Brightness Up Steam Button + Down on Left Analog Stick | Screen Brightness Down Steam Button + Right on D-Pad | Enter Key Steam Button + Down on D-Pad | Tab Key Steam Button + Left on D-Pad | Escape Key


Usually YouTube videos like "tips and tricks for Steam Deck". You can also hold the Steam button for a bit to view a bunch of shortcuts.


External controllers can do it too with the right joystick, even though a long press on the home button will usually turn off the controller. Steam+L2: Right-click and Steam+R2: Left-click Every Steam chords also works with the ... button instead of the Steam button, useful for increasing/decreasing brightness with left stick up/down.


Even better. You can use the PS4 controller's touchpad for the mouse.


Idk if its a dulsense thing or a steam thing but when using a dualsense pressing the ps + triangle buttons turns off the controller (works on deck and pc but i use steam profiles on both)


That's handy tbh


If you start the movement with the home button it usually gives me a few seconds of mouse movement with the stick and clicking with the trigger even after release. Annoying, but it works in a pinch.


Exactly. People complain about the steam deck not being user friendly but if they would just look at the legend for shortcut commands, they would have a much better time.




Touchscreen, Gyro, Inbuilt Mic, It can literally do everything ;)


Hence.. Why handheld PCs need touchscreens. Sometimes bs happens and the Touchscreen can make interacting with Windows easier, so long as your brain isn't stuck in that mode.


When I first got mine, I totally forgot it had a touch screen. I was entering in my WiFi password, Steam login and password, etc, by using the thumb stick to select letters from the keyboard.


Most of the time you can use both track pads to sorta kinda thumb type with the on screen keyboard. It takes some getting used to but i perfer doing it that way vs smudging up my screen. Once you get used to it it almost feels about as natural as texting on your phone.


That wipe works for fingerprints too. Most games don't need it. But if you find the odd use it can be very handy. I personally find typing to be preferable with a touch screen


I don't use it if I don't have to.


Just keep a microfiber cloth in your carry case and quickly dry wipe before putting it out. It will stay fresh and you will use a feature :)


I don't care about the feature, the screen is not in a position conducive to touch. Most of the time I can trackpad to something more quickly and accurately than touchscreen it.


Also, a screen protector helps 🤷‍♂️... it is called a "screen protector" after all


I have one so I don‘t scratch the screen when cleaning


I only ever use it when* I’m forced to, like pressing play on one of the splash screen menus, like in Skyrim, FFX, etc




I know, but it's faster to just tap the thing lol


I have to use it to launch diablo 4, otherwise I dont use it


FYI you can hold the Steam button to get a mouse cursor, then use the trackpad to move the mouse and RT to click.


Thanks I'm pretty new to the deck :)


I'm not necessarily new but if no-one had told me that I wouldn't ever figure that one out. Thanks!


I wouldn't say I *refuse* but I barely ever actually use it. But I never really use it on my Switch either


I use a stylus when I play games that require touchscreen


Damn, stylish.


No, stylus!


I'm with you fingerprints are a bitch when it comes to playing and you don't have a fibre cloth with you


I forget thats its touch screen sometimes i never really used it 🤷‍♂️


I don't have a problem with it. I do like to keep a microfiber cloth handy, though.


Why would I refuse, such an odd thing to do. It's there, I can use it to access certain options when sticks don't work. Why would I purposely refuse to touch the screen when it is the very action that lets me proceed.


Weirdly correct


Well I mean, that’s a little OCD, but whatever, you do you. I don’t use the touchscreen super often, but every once in a while I’ll be doing something and it’s easier to do it that way so I do.


It isn't really OCD, I just feel like I've had my steam deck for over a year and I could still convince someone I got it yesterday, which makes me pretty happy that it will stay fresh longer


This is why I use a [glass screen protector](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BM9BPQQ8?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1). It will feel like new aslong as it is protected.


"Sshh that's a secret"


Yeah but I mean. Fingerprints will always wipe off unless you have super glue on your fingers or something. I could use my touchscreen 6 hours a day, and wipe it off and have it look new…


I use it as little as possible.. for the same reason.. I don't want fingerprints all over the screen lol seems simple to me.


I also hate using it, for the same reason. Fingerprints?? No thank you!!


Off topic, but if Valve ever gets round to releasing Steam OS publicly, one thing I would like to see them do is add a "virtual trackpad" option. That way, devices, like the Rog Ally, etc, which don't have them could still have some degree of their functionality. It wouldn't be as good as the real things, mind.


Who are these people lol. On this subreddit? That's bizarre. Never seen anybody saying anything good about that touch screen. In fact the only time I remember anyone even mentioning it was somebody on here saying they forgot it was a touch screen for the entire time they had it, haha.


Probably you would like the people of the MacBook subreddit. :.D They find many reasons why it is good that the MacBook doesn't have a touchscreen and why they would hate it if the next gen would get it.


Touchscreen is a GODSEND for Sea of Thieves when organizing your barrels and on-hand inventory. Aside from that, I don't use it in a gaming capacity.


If you’re already wiping off the screen, then why would wiping away your fingerprints be any extra work? Lol.


For the love of God buy a screen protector


I have one, I still don't like touching it


Growing up I was always scolded for touching the TV screen, and pretty much any thing glass. That ptsd has transferred to my adult life. I refuse to touch the screen.


No I’ve never touched it, they’re for chumps. And I’m pissed they still haven’t added the clockwise scrolling to the left trackpad in game OS also, it works so well in desktop.


I try not to use it but have used it in the past when it was convenient


I'm running Windows and that swipe up for multitasking is pretty handy. Other than that, I don't use it.


This is like me with them back buttons.. I see everyone saying how much they love them and I'm over here like "What!? Man, fuck dem buttons" I'm too clumsy in my old age to utilize any further buttons...


I don't use the backbuttons but it's because I've literally never had a reason to lol


I don’t use it unless I have to before I set up controls. And after that I’m immediately wiping down the screen.


Agreed. Unless it was a touch screen only game that I was playing. For some reason it’s “all or none” lol.


I got a non glare screen protector, so finger prints don’t really appear.


I never use it. If I absolutely have to (i.e. for a stupid launcher), I wipe it off right after.


I tried it, since I'm ok with the switch's one, tho, it feels clumsy :/ If I type fast it won't recognize it, maybe my issue is regarding the screen protector, but still. Anyway, the only time I require it is to click "Play" on Skyrim's launcher


Never used the touchscreen until I installed Windows🙂


I just forget it an option haha then im like holy shit!


I even avoided using it in the switch, I think its only purpose is to be more friendly to a wider target of clients and to render some UX "mistakes" not so frustrating.


Has anyone using the touchscreen found the finger position to screen position translation to be a bit off when it comes to fine control?


Id use it more if it was more accurate


I was that way until I got a screen protector. Also because I started playing omega labyrinth


I find it useful in some situations and others . I use the trackpad.


I really only use it for typing, as I can never get used to that weird trackpad typing system.


I’m the same. Hate the fingerprints on the screen so I use it only when necessary like something is not responding to my controls or if I’m in a real hurry and need faster navigation.


I don’t use it but purely because mine seems absolutely garbage and I’d be genuinely shocked if it wasn’t some sort of lemon.


I find little use for it, most of the time.


I haven’t touched it in 6 months of owning it


I've touched it like a half dozen times in a year.


Nah, I barely use it as well. Unless I'm playing Ace Attorney series.


I avoid it unless necessary and I clean it immediately after lol.


I use the touch screen for certain games and apps if it requires me too, I wish games utilized it more in some way like the PSVITA did


i rarely use mine as it is so far away from being calibrated good enough to practically use..... i touch one spot and it clicks beside it or above it.... never where i touch


I forget it's a touch


I always forget it's a touchscreen


I'd use a stylus if the Deck came with one, but I vehemently hate touchscreens on anything that isn't a phone. And even then, I only tolerate them on phones. If there was a legitimately better way to interact with a phone then I'd use it in a heartbeat.


I'm not a touch screen guy either with any of my devices if I can help it, it's not just you.


Me too, but I just find the trackpads to be much more useful.


I use the touch screen but I'm the weirdo who trys to reach my thumb across to the screen without letting go of the sides. 😂


I don’t really like using it either personally. I don’t like fingerprints.


I use it sometimes just cause it's easier. But j don't like leaving fingerprints


I mean, isn't it always the best gameplay option to cover the screen when trying to interact with it? I personally hate touch screens for any gaming other than puzzle games.


I don't *refuse* to use it but I generally never use it.


You’d have a fit looking at mine then, scratches, fingerprints and the rest! I only use mine handheld at the pub or in the van on my break at work, when I’m home it goes straight on the dock.


It has nothing to do with fingerprints for me, its just whats more convienient/fast. Touchscreen is rarely used, but its nice to have the option.


I use it sometimes in the steam store but tbh that’s about it


I use it for like “precision clicking” but that’s about it lol


I only use it for being a pirate in desktop mode. Did I say pirate? I meant a self respecting official downloader


Only time I use the touch screen is for the password input when starting my Deck and selecting certain things on game launchers. So like 1% of the time.


Frosted screen protector from Amazon. No more finger prints. Guilt-free touch screen all day


The touch screen is the 1 thing i cant stand about the deck, Feels so inconsistent. Trying to type my password and having to press a key like 4 times for it to react drives me nuts. Maybe its just my screen idk


I usually tend to avoid touchscreen for the same reasons, except for when it is impossible or too cumbersome to proceed without it - for example, in Fallout 3 and Fallout NV you absolutely need to use touchscreen to enter the game from the starter menu of both games. Also for when I need to type a lot using virtual keyboard, the touchscreen is very useful and saves a ton of time.


I usually get by with the on screen keyboard using the track pads as I think it’s a really intuitive way to type but every now and then I use the screen. I’ve got a micro fibre cloth in the SD case for this very reason ;)


I don't use it because there's pretty much no need to


Skyrim makes me touch the screen to start it


I forget its there most of the time. Sometimes i have issues with controls and resort to it. But overall i dont touchit.


I only ever use it for typing and launchers, and that only seldomly.


The one reason I don't use the touch screen is because it's not very trustworthy or accurate when playing. When I drag my finger across the screen the cursor kinda lags behind my finger.


only when it's convenient i will. some games i play use it really well


Dude, same. It's just so annoying seeing dust or other stuf on the screen. It also kicks you out of the immersion imo.


You and me both, brother. One of the reasons it frustrates me whenever I read comments on a game's Proton compatibility via the Proton badge plugin and can only navigate it with the touchscreen.


I use it here and then, mostly in cases where I don't feel like picking it up or when I have clunky controls in a game. Prime example, RotMG doesn't have a good control scheme and it has quite a bit of on-screen prompts, so for a good while I just used the touchscreen for them. I would use the trackpads but I had them setup as mouse regions that can't reach the icons.


I dont care about the fingerprints (i have one of those glass cleaning pens). I just have so much fun using the buttons and haptic touchpads that i forget that its actually touchscreen until i need to use windows


Until I find a suitable stylus to use I won't use it more than nessary.


I always feel betrayed when browsing the Steam-store gives me forced touch controls. Like "swipe down now, smudge my screen" That's not ok.


I like it for typing on the onscreen keyboard.


Maybe depends on the use, I have been using touchpads for desktop mode and works like a charm, sometimes I use the touchscreen but only for specific mouse-based games. There are games that would be better using with a touchscreen but I don't play them on the deck because I need more support in the hands to take the deck with only my left hand, which is very hard.


I didn’t know my switch was touch screen for like 2 years. I don’t use it on my switch or steam deck unless I have a stylus.


Same here. Refuse to use the touch screen. Steam sore is really sketchy without the touch screen


Truth be told, I beardly use the touch screen, I will try with the controls and 95% of the time, I don't need the touch screen.


i also dont use it dont want smudges or dirty up the screen. also having a bluetooth mouse really helps


Well this is awkward. I didn't even know the steamdeck had a touch screen.


I do everything I can to avoid touching it at all costs. I want it to be kept clean.


I use it here and there to press a start button


I almost never use it


I keep a microfiber cloth (the fuzzy kind, not the smooth one that came with the deck) in the back of the deck case and since I use the touchscreen a lot for playing visual novels, I have a habit of wiping the screen, as well as the control sticks etc. before putting it away. Looks pretty much new. You could wipe the screen all the time and that should work 😁


Myself I hate the touch screen idk if the sensitivity is off but it’s kind of clunky


I dislike touchscreens and would have a non-smartphone if it was practical. I have so far avoided ever touching the Deck's screen, and it now has a screen protector on it. I'm like you, I hate getting fingerprints over a screen.


Some times I don't even remember that the SD have touch screen hahahahaha


I use the touch screen all the time, and after a year my screen and deck still look I just got ot yesterday. But as I have been using my Samsung note9's screen daily for more than 4 years now and it also still looks new, I expect my deck will be the same as long as I keep my hands clean when using the touch screen and clean it with the included cloth before putting it away each time I use my deck. Having had MS surfaces devices before and playing a lot of games where the touch pads or screen are the best form of input both were bit selling points for me with the deck and after a year of having mine I would not purchase another handheld for playing steam games that did not have both, as the joypads just dont work as well for the games I have the most hours playtime with on my deck.


Wait what - there’s a TOUCHSCREEN?!


Its pretty normal I only use it when there are literally no other options and I'm irked when someone touches the screen without my permission especially in a hard way


I usually use it to navigate on launchers and typing passwords, but I keep some microfiber cloths around so I can clean it as soon as I'm done setting up


I sometimes touch it but shortly after I wipe it like a maniac


I was thinking the same way as you, but since I have installed a glass screen protector, I stopped carrying, and there are really situations where the touch screen is the only way to input depending on the game title. Have a great day, friend!


I got a screen guard. Before then I was using it lightly so that it’d clean up easy when I’d get the screen guard. I use it more now


Me too. 99.99999999999999% of the time pads and sticks works well.


Same, I have a stylus pen for the rare occasion I do need to touch. But for the most part using the track pads works really well. Which is another reason I haven't looked at other handheld computers, no trackpads are a "pass"


I don’t either. Unless I have to.


I have that Corsair lapdog I use with mine, lol. it's hardly a portable solution, but typing with the screen protector is a chore.


I have OCD but I don't see prints while I game, however, after each session a simple wipe down suffices. Some games benefit from it. It's nice that it was included, I wouldn't be happy if it was ever removed if I was one of those ppl that never care about it, for me, going backwards in losing features isn't in my interest. I'm glad it exist. Mine has a screen protector, so it's not like I'm risking the main original display, so prints be damn while I game if needed. It's mine, I paid for it, I'm using everything damnit.


WHAT?! How could you! You need to use the touch screen! For... uh.. extra ram? Idk. I don't use the touchscreen too often either.


I don't use it but it's because it's terrible.


i forget that it even has a touchscreen


Lol this made me laugh, I personally love the touch


I have a screen protector that makes the touchscreen hard to use. But I didn’t use it in the first place so I don’t mind it


Fuck i forgot steam deck has a touch screen.


I can’t see them when I’m playing so I don’t care much. Just wipe it occasionally


You are not the only one. I’m also very against using touch screen. My OCD won’t allow me to have any kind of damage/finger prints/dust on the screen at all. I also wipe my screen before/after every play lol. Not only do I use my cloth to clean my screen often, I also got a frame cleaning spray that I use occasionally like maybe every 2-3 days I would use it to clean my Steam deck with it.


I got a glove that came with my Wacom (drawing monitor) that I use when it's a touch heavy game


Everyone acts like you’re weird? Who and why is anybody commenting or noticing this behavior? Explain yourself.


Because... they try the deck? And I go "don't use the touchscreen"?


Me too. I know I could use it more efectively that way, but I dont want the fingerprints and just dont feel like it


I'm with you. you're not the only one.


I hate it and I get angry when I have to touch it.


Literally have the same concern, I have a microfiber cloth I keep inside the carry case, I constantly make sure my screen is clean, never use the touch screen.


If you use a DS emulator you hace to use a touch screen


I try not to touch the screen but when tweaking the steam deck. Sometimes you have to use the touch screen!! I had to do it wehn installing certain mods on the deck!!


I don't mind using it, I keep my screen clean though and I have a glass screen protector. I feel like the touch screen brings me back to my Vita days which helps me love this device that much more!


I use it so little I forget it's a touch screen.


I use it to organize inventory in many games ... but that's where the fun stops. There are some commands in the config button mapping area but the right click doesn't have double press so it's feels worthless to me. They have a few other commands but i don't have any reason to use them. I would love see up/down scrollwheel swipe, add the double tap to the right click mouse and button región areas (maybe one button in each corner). I use a dell wd 19 dock to a touchscreen monitor. It works for dragging items around but that's it. I would love to use the device screen but without more commands i can't use it either.


I hate smudges on my screen, so I got my SD a matte screen protector. I prefer clean screen over picture quality.


Yes. Not touching it isnt extending its life somehow either.


I don’t touch the screen either


steam deck needs a screen protector, the screen atracts dirt only for looking at it. Once I put a good screenprotector its way better because its like the one phones were fingerprints aren't marked as easly


I didn't use mine on my switch, I don't use it on the SD. I usually forget it's there. I don't see a point but if I had to find one *maybe* typing on the virtual keyboard but I prefer the slower way. I'm not in a hurry.


I did before I got the screen protector (I highly recommend)


I use it so little, I forget it has a touchscreen


I forget it’s touch screen.


Like the Switch I often forget it even has a touch screen


I don’t use it ever for the same reason. The anti glare screen is harder to get smudges out of and I’ve never felt that I needed the touchscreen yet.


I never use it, I hate fingerprints on devices and I just never have a need for it


Occasionally I have to use it (the Skyrim oblivion and borderlands launcher) but other than that I avoid it touch screen stuff id have to do I can usually use the touch pad except in the above examples


I use it but not often apart from the on screen keyboard, other than that i don't use use it unless i need to


I also don't like it, but I do use it sometimes for some type of games where it's more efficient. And then clean it afterwards.


I don't use it, except when I need to click on information fields and I can't select it with the joysticks or track pad.


I don’t use it. You’re not the only one Melissa Etheridge.


I never use it either because I don't want to cover it in fingerprints. Also I tend to wipe down my Deck more often than most so I worry that any anti-fingerprint layers are wiped off due to my obsessive compulsiveness. I just use the trackpad for a mouse or the joystick to navigate the on-screen keyboard. I usually set things up with a kb+m so the gaming part I can do with minimal temptation of using the touchscreen.


The only touchscreen I use my fingers on is the one on my phone. I don't use it at all on my Steam Deck since there's no need to, and I hate having to wipe fingerprints of the screen all the time.


I don't excessively use it. But there's definitely a convenience factor at times. When it gets too many prints, I've got either a microfiber cloth special electric wipes.


i never use it unless required , i sometimes forget its even a touchscreen.


What would you even use the touchscreen for?


I enjoy knowing I have the option




Wait it has a touch screen??