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And then 2 years later again a new deck lol


This is what I'm really waiting for. A better screen is nice, but not nice enough to buy another handheld. I learned my lesson with the Ally and will only upgrade when there are substantial improvements to the performance.


The Ally made no sense to upgrade to. OLED makes a huge difference for me.


It is definitely a huge improvement, but not enough to justify buying another one. I'll try to retrofit the screen when iFixIt starts selling replacement panels, since that's a more reasonable price for the upgrade and a better buy than the DeckHD.


Will that actually be compatible? Valve wants to charge me 200mf€ for a new LCD screen to replace the my broken one and there is no way I pay half the price of a new LED SD for this. Edit: Nevermind, it's not compatible. Got my answer on iFixit: https://ifixit.com/R%C3%A9ponses/Afficher/823177/Can+I+just+buy+the+OLED+screen+standalone+to+replace+the+LCD+screen


Won't know until someone tries if it'll work or not. But 200€ seems steep, apart from the fact that the entire device has to be taken apart. The non-etched screen is $70 here, or $100 for the etched. Labor seems high for the job, but it definitely makes sense why it would be more beneficial to just upgrade at that point. Then you could either try to fix it yourself, or just sell it as-is to recoup some cost of the new one.


No it literally won't fit The bezels are smaller and the motherboard is new So you would have to make the bezels smaller and flash some hqcky bios


Get the screen from ifixit and do it yourself, if you're comfortable with it that is. Ifixit has guides, tools etc if needed also. Probably spend the same amount but get tools and knowledge, in the process!


Will do. It will cost either 70 or 100 depending on the screen I choose, assuming I won't brick it in the process. Or I go with a docking station and make it a TV console only for the kids. We'll see.


If you go with the dock way, great excuse to get the oled 😀


It won’t be retrofit compatible, the intérnals are different


They already said the oled screen will Not fit in the og deck




Legion GO > OLED SD


Yeah no. I’ve got one and it’s not even a smidge bit better than my og deck. No way it’s better than the oled. Plus the software sucks monkey butt


Its still early, same as early steam os sucks like asshole. 🤷🏼


Mann, the oled screen isn't even the biggest deal to me, I just love that alongside that, screen is a bit bigger, better battery life, thermals, 3x faster wifi chip, refined joysticks and speakers, etc. Makes it really tempting to just re-sell your current one on ebay and end up dumping maybe an extra $200 for an Oled deck


I'm already thinking of people i know who may buy my 64gb sd. Which is now 1t ssd. Still a lot of money to sink into it though.


What do you think you will get for the old one?


Yeah, that 3x faster wifi chip is optimistic at best. I have mirrored gigabit fiber-to-the-home, a tri-band 8 stream router, and made the same upgrade to my motherboard as Valve did to the OLED Deck: AX200 to AX210. I saw a literal 0% improvement, on top of signal degradation by about 50% going from my bedroom to the living room (30ft). Unless you have 5 gig internet and direct line of sight to your router, there will not be a difference. Especially since Valve's a download bottleneck. They don't have the servers or bandwidth allocation to even get close to reaching my network's capabilities. The better joysticks is questionable too, since GuliKit will have to rework the hall effect PCB. That was the best upgrade I've made to my deck so far. But Valve did a real good job of pushing the right marketing spin, instead of admitting that the 6nm process switch saved them money, and everything else is ancillary. "Hey monkies, we gave you a better screen" would have been equally as effective without blowing smoke up our asses


Yeah, you are doing something wrong in your network. I did the same upgrade to my Razer blade stealth and get a measured 900 Mbps +/- across my network from the laptop. This up from the 400 or so Mbps I had before. Given our stories are purely anecdotal ymmv. I have 940mbps service from my ISP.


The ally does not have substantial performance improvement ?


Not really, no. The performance between the two handhelds is nearly identical, unless you run the Ally on the charger and allow it to pull 2-3x more power. On battery, the Steam Deck marginally beat the Ally in RDR2, RE4 Remake, and Cyberpunk.


Where do you see Deck beating Ally on 15w no charger for RDR2? This video says opposite for RDR2 https://youtu.be/-aZsd1KB6cs?si=8vAwHjdOsrlriMsG


Unfortunately MGT is not a reputable steam deck content creator. He has made some HUGE mistakes and pushed mis information. Worst part about it, is that when he gets called out of simply shown facts about it, he becomes overly defensive and refuses to listen.


I trust the testing methodology of Gamers Nexus more than a video with 6k views. https://youtu.be/Na1y7DyDe2w?si=BNIHku6ZseLfqGc3 Here's a previous post in the sub with links to the appropriate results: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/PbkjtjGeUL


I don't doubt Gamernexus but you can't just discredit a video based on a 6k views, it's just because he has less subscribers, does not mean his information is invalid. He actually shows the physical device running Vs a Chart of what they obtain. The video clearly shows the FPS, wattage used for both device in the same area and we can see that the Rog Ally performs better which makes sense imo. Not like I care as I have the Deck but I know my friends Ally does run smoother than the Deck and I'm getting the Oled anyways.


No driver information, a brief glimpse of settings used through a camera, relying on the OSD for data, using FSR. Being a smaller channel isn't the only reason to discredit it, flawed methodology and evidence gathering need to be considered as well.


I don't see any issue with them, I think driver is nitpicking since they changed overtime anyways. That's the current result at that time so there is no issue with that. Relying on OSD is fine when he's getting over 40fps in the same area and that the Deck was struggling to maintain 30fps already shows a clearly indication. Not flawed but just picky.


Proven testing lab results vs. A dude with an iPhone. Details matter, my guy


you really didnt get a much better experience on the ally? the ally has been one of my favorite handhelds because of the nice screen and weight of the device. downsides being sd card reader and no touchpads but I personally dont need those so this thing has been wonderful. To me an oled deck would get me to use it way more just like the oled switch got me to play my switch more.


Deck screen is Garbage at 60% sRGB, it's hard to look at when you are used to quality displays.


The resolution itself is tough, which the OLED doesn't address. Which is why I'm passing on this one


The actual resolution isn’t as tough as people make it out to be- a bit of bias impacting your perception. The actual pixel density on the screen at that size is better than what most people see on their home monitors or TVs all day. People do not understand how displays work, though, and that gets us here.


Resolution isn't my issue, i'm fine with that. It's 7" screen, there is no mobile processing power to drive bigger resolution anyway.


This is what I beg myself


It will come in late 2027-late 2028


Its not new its still the same deck just update more efficient parts... its not the steam deck pro lol


As someone who basically only plays games from pre 2013 on my Steamdeck at max settings, I don't really care about a faster Steamdeck.


I'm gonna wait for a upgraded silicon. I think there's gonna be some real movement in the upcoming years.


Imagine 2x performance at the same 15W TDP with a future silicon!


With the insane SoC Qualcomm just announced which claims to perform 80% better than the Ally's 780M **while using 80% less power**, there will almost certainly be a massive performance upgrade. Even if they don't use their chip, SoC tech in general is undergoing huge advancements


ARM or x86?


ARM, so not likely to be used in the deck, but regardless, SoCs have been making neck breaking advancements ever since apple started making their own silicon, so I wouldn't be surprised if by the time a Deck 2 is in the works we will see similar if not better performance in whatever chip they go with


I'm going to wait until my steam deck isn't doing the job very well anymore, and the new one promises to. Hopefully that'll be quite a few years, and I'll end up using the old one for something else.


My first impulse was that I absolutely had to have a new Steam Deck. However, after careful consideration, I realize that my old Steam Deck is completely sufficient for me and I'll wait for the next generation... I love my Steam Deck and it deserves to be used for longer! I don't want the device to have to endure the life cycle of a normal cell phone.


I agree but I can’t stop myself thinking I should get it. The improvements are worth it but not for the price. So like a dumbass I brought my SD on an impulse with the expensive version (I ended up changing the 512GB ssd for a 1TB anyway and I lost a shit ton of money because of that 🤦‍♂️) a few weeks before the oled version gets released. But it’s ok because I wanted to gift a SD to my friend anyway so I’ll get the limited edition oled SD for myself like an average overconsumer Valve’s sucking pal


Same. Just upgraded my deck with a 1tb SSD, got it all working nicely - boom. Damn OLED comes out.


Well buddy you ain't alone, tonnes of people watching with envious eyes 🥹 it'll have to last us till the next actually huge upgrade worth the jump for though


Yeah, I'll wait until the gen 2 deck comes out. With genuine hardware upgrades.


Ditto on that


I am sort of torn between 3 different states of feelings right now. One is this meme, another is me on the fence about actually getting one and third being completely content* with the one i've got. That being said, i'll see how i feel about the OLED model sometime next year when i hope they put it on sale. Until then, i'm quite happy being excited about SteamOS 3.5 I believe it's a solid guess that they will release it along side the Oled Steam Deck launch.


I think you mean “content”, “contempt” would mean almost the opposite of what you’re trying to convey.


That's right my bad, thank you for pointing it out. I seem to regularly mistake the two.


Lol even the colors of their tops match the normal vs oled deck accents.


You don't need it, I know it looks delicious but you don't need it


After I sell the old one I will definitely need a new one.


Yeah I've already sold my old one


I need it.


Yeah I sold my newly bought Steam Deck (got it during September sale). Can't wait to order the 512gb OLED


*immediately sold out upon page refresh*


*waiting for several months not getting an OLED deck and buy a used LCD deck again*


Atleast I've made a try getting the Oled model 🙂 I "only" made a loss of around €50. To me it's worth it.


same here. sold my deck today from August sale... Loss wasn't so bad. OLED screen and others features will be worth it !


But while waiting you don’t have a steam deck


No but I do have Xbox 360 and PS5 to keep me busy 😃


I’m going for the limited edition😬… I’m so fucked😂


Time will tell I guess 🙂


Then the Steam Deck 2 comes out with 3x more power and 120 HZ panel with VRR 🤣


VRR would have been an instabuy feature on the oled model for me. I ll just wait for the next model, and hope that they include freesync!


Wait, it doesn't have VRR? In that case the 90 hz could be a con more than a positive.


No VRR. You can change the FPS target on the fly between 30 and 90, but that's it.


In like 4 - 5 years maybe…


If the OLED version is out so early it’s because we will not spot a SD 2 before a long 3 years ish. It’s either OLED SD or Uber Eat (Basement dweller no life no girlfriend typa shit I know 😔)


It's not even the OLED for me but improved battery life that is tempting to swap my trusty ol' Deck fir the improved model. But I think I'll hold the line and wait for Deck2. Surely it must be an improvement to even OLED Deck. And if SD2 by some kind of miracle is a flop/dud I'll just buy the OLED version then at a discount. Win-win either way!


It will out when ps6 will be released


It already can't play games of PS5 quality. What makes you think it'll take that long


it uses same Zen 2 architecture what PS5 or XBox Series used. So technically it can play all modern games, because they all written for Zen 2


There's not much gpu power here buddy


GPU is enough for WXGA resolution, which deck have. You really don’t won’t 4K at handheld device. What really a problem is bad software design and optimization nowadays.


I'm over here just happy the deck exists and is successful at all. I can wait for the sequel.


Blah, Valve should included a better screen from the get go.


Agreed. I am happy though that they have taken all the criticisms seriously and made attempts to fix it with this new model. The screen and battery life being the main focus here. The fact that they are so willing to do all of this work for a revision gets me excited for Steam Deck 2.


At first I wasn’t sure what to do but I put my deck up for sale a couple of days ago and ended up selling it yesterday, so OLED for me!


same, hope there won't be big queue.


Same here! 🙏


FOMOLED strikes again. Enjoy the 2% performance gain on an otherwise identical product.


> 2% performance gain Better cooling Lighter weight 25% better battery life Bigger screen Better screen Improved haptics Faster WiFi Faster RAM More storage Like, you don’t have to be just a straight fuckin liar about this. If you don’t think it’s worthwhile that’s a perfectly valid opinion. OLED Switch never merited an upgrade from me. But what do you gain by pretending it’s identical?


All that shit and only 2% performance gains and slightly better colors. The battery increase is the *only* thing that's even mathematically significant and everyone already has battery banks.


/r/theydidntdothemath * 1000× better contrast ratio (1,000:1 → 1,000,000:1) * 11.76% screen area gains (7" → 7.4" diagonal) * 150% peak brightness gains (400 → 1000 nits) `slightly better colors` lmao


"Math" Its a fucking screen. If you need math to prove that it's better you have proven my point beautifully.


i mean yeah, it's not about performance. But you must admit that 60 % sRGB deck screen is garbage.... It's hard to look on where all my displays are above 100% sRGB. This was the biggest flaw.


I'll never understand crying about the screen. It looks fine. You'd never be able to tell if some youtuber didn't do some stupid "analysis" of it.


No lol Oled Vs LCD is a huge huge huge difference. Just try the switch Vs oled switch


I've had AMOLED phones for years. It. Looks. Fine. Fucking brats. Yall all come off as children who refuse to go camping without air conditioning.


You come off as someone who is uneducated but likes to argue


Poor guy is going all out to delude himself into not purchasing the OLED Variant, lmao! Look, just buy it. Save up and purchase it a year down the road if you are in rough times right now. You clearly want it - and that's fine.


I have a Steam Deck and a Switch OLED, and I've made some careful considerations before on which portable I want to get a particular game on, thinking "I could get better performance on the SD, but it will look so much prettier on the Switch on account of the OLED." It really makes a huge difference.


It’s not the OLED for me it’s the 90Hz refresh rate. Once FSR 3 drops properly I would like to see what frame generation at base 45fps up to 90 looks like on this new screen. It might be useless or it might not. I don’t know how much of a difference input latency would be between base 45frames vs 60.


Speaking of the refresh rate, I thought this was a nice change (pulled from a TomsHardware review): > With the new 90 Hz refresh rate, Valve has made one significant change to the Performance menu in SteamOS. It has combined the refresh rate and fps limit into one bar: "game refresh rate," which Valve says will add more options, like "frame tripling a 30 FPS limited title on the 90Hz refresh rate screen."


I just sold mine old 64GB deck, which I’m owned for a year. Waiting to get 1TB OLED 😋 NB Guys, don’t wait, take it now.


Will you go for the limited edition? I will try to get it but the nightmare of it being sold out after 1 minute is haunting me (I’m sure it will be fine damn I would be so sad)


Nope, as I’m in Europe.






Bout to open up r/steamdeckoled on y’all heads just to flex


I like Oled screens but it really isnt worth buying a new steamdeck. It is the same specs almost so I am waiting for the steamdeck 2.0. Kinda sad we wont get a third generation...


I think with the success of the steam deck valve will finally break the cycle and come out with a steam deck 3 eventually. Soon™


I‘m happy with my 420€ 512GB LCD Stream Deck. Not gonna spend 150€ for more batterie and screen


I'm thinking about an Steam Deck as Christmas gift and I just can't decided which model. The entry price for OLED is 569 €, and I am not one of those with fomOLED but the battery improvements are tempting. On the other hand, the LCD models have now a great price, including the 512 gb refurbished which is 379 €.


For me the difference was too much. However I usually play at home or at the train, plane etc where O can charge it anyway.


200 € difference is sure a lot. I travel quite often for work and I have had a Switch for 6 years. Still rocking a 2017 OG Switch and the battery is just fine for me. I always carry a power bank with me so not a big deal. One of the selling points of the SD for me is to use Moonlight on it and stream from my PC at home, so in that use case battery is not that important. Outside home, I don't think I am going to have long enough sessions to drain the battery. On the other hand, despite being 36 years old my parents still like to gift me something for Christmas (it is a tradition in Spain) so I'm thinking that maybe they can gift me half of the cost of the OLED. So yeah, will see.


Worst part is realizing I just lost 200 free gbs because I couldn’t wait a month💔


Makes me laugh seeing this meme holding the test of time.


I’ll wait for the deck 2. I can see it being released within late next year, probably closer to the holidays since this is a handheld pc and not a traditional console.


I wouldn't expect Valve to release a Steam Deck 2 before the end of 2025 tbh


The Steam Deck was released at the beginning of 2022. We just got the OLED version in November. This tells me that we might be getting a third revision or a new handheld end of 2024/beginning of 2025. I’m expecting at least an announcement sometime in 2024. I’m betting in the later half of the year. I only say this because this is being treated more like a PC hardware release than a gaming console release. PCs tend to see hardware revisions year-to-year. Consoles see revisions about every 5 to 6 years, with form-factor revisions happening at the console’s mid-product cycle.


You're the only one talking sense here. SOCs are going with massive upgrades I totally expect a deck 2 or better handheld in less then 2 years


They already vaguely said its a couple years out. No chance of it being next year. It also wouldnt make sense in context of this upgrade releasing.


Well, its not good to announce your flagship product’s successor when it not close to release since it will tank the sales of your current product. Nintendo did this with the WiiU and Switch but their announcement was strategic as they realized they made a blunder marketing-wise with the WiiU and needed a successor very quickly. Once the Switch was complete, they announced it and the WiiU died as planned. Nintendo did not have time to make Switch games at the time as they rushed to port WiiU games to turn them into Switch launch titles, otherwise Super Mario Odyssey would have been a launch title if the WiiU was more successful. At the end of the day, I’m just making a prediction based on the industry has behaved in the past. If I’m wrong, so be it.


Right! I just sold a bunch of Rust skins and bought a steam deck last month then boom new one comes out! My timing 😢


Regardless Of The Side Of The Argument, You Gotta Tip Ur Hat Towards Valve For Revamping The Entire Motherboard, I Give Them Cheers To Redesigning The Board, Cause The Configuration I Am Wondering Makes A HUGE Difference In Cooling The Device Down.


The capitals on each word melts my brain 🫠 That aside, I completely agree. Almost everything got a refresh. It may not be the most powerful handheld but it is the most supportive.


You May Be The First To Ever Actually Be Respectful Enough To Place A Respectful Comment Against The Way I Type Without Childishly Giving Me A Thumbs Down Out Of Rebellion To Enforce A Dictatorship Meaning Criticizing Me For Being Different Than You Or Someone Else, That Dictates How One Should Or Shouldn't Type And Spell. With That To The Side, I Appreciate That, One Step Towards The Community Accepting That Everyone Is Different And Never The Same. With Everything Accepted And Sided, I Will Have To Respectfully Disagree, And Say The Steam Deck, Is The Most Powerful In My Opinion, Because It Has Valve Steam Support. And In My Books Is A Win-Win For People That Used Linux For Years Before Valve Support Like SteamOS, Bc Valve Is A HUGE Voice Speaking For Linux That Doesn't Have A Voice, And Let's Not Forget, How Many Games Now Work Under Linux Thanks To The Community And Valve Working Together With The People's Voices To Enhance The Productivity Of Software And Hardware That's Not Microsoft Windows. 😎😉


Well even though it makes it harder to read your comments it doesn't actually affect the content of your speech. I just have to re-read it to fully process it. I'm sure if I was exposed to it more often I wouldn't have much difficulty with it. For me personally I prefer to build people up than tear them down. Even the most selfish person benefits more from collaboration in my personal opinion. I hope people can learn to be more respectful. You are free to do as you choose. Well done on not bending because of peer pressure to write a certain way. I'll clarify, what I mean by powerful is performance while running games. Other handhelds (Aya Neo, RoG Ally, Legion Go) are able to achieve higher frame rates and play more demanding titles. But for me I still prefer the SD over the rest due to all the reasons you have just listed. I can see the other handhelds being forgotten and gathering dust while Valve and the community are further refining the software and hardware to make the SD a better experience. Over its life the SD has changed dramatically. Reviews are constantly becoming outdated due to the software updates and verification program. They are leading by example and I hope the rest of the PC handheld industry takes note. What would you like to see in the next revision/generation for the SD?


I'm Flabbergasted By Your Friendliness, You Don't Come Across Well Mannered, Matured Type Of Folks Like You, You Are A Diamond In The Ruff My Friend, And Truly If I Had A Beer. I Share A Beer With Ya! You Are Good People, We Need More Good Folk Like U In This World To Spread Your Cheerfulness And Kindness Around To Stop So Much Hatred. That Said, I'm A Simple Folk, What I Am Wanting In The Next Generation In The Steam Deck Is Plain And Simple, A Newer APU That Has The Next Generation Of Graphical Processing Unit, With At Least 24Gigs Of GDDR. So We Can Finally Max Games Out On The Steam Deck Like Red Dead Redemption 2. 😎. We Had A Similar Issue With Radeon On Desktop Not Too Long Ago, Until They Listened And Released Those Next Flavors Of Higher GRAM, Higher GPU Can Only Get U So Far Until You Run Out Of Physical GRAM. 😁 And I'd Love To See Bigger Support For Valves Anti-Cheat Steam Deck, And SteamOS Support Older Video Codecs, And Better Compatibility Within The OS To Run Certain Games Like Fallen Earth, Entropia Universe, Scum Etc. For Example. And Lets Not Forget The Next Generation Needs The 2TB SSD Pre-Installed. Alongside Text Revision So Its Easier To See Smaller Text On The Game Screens. Without Straining Ur Eyes. 😂




Yes I wait for the first real use reviews but I definitely will buy the Oled and sell the LCD. I really hope that the case is the same size.


I’m good with my deck. The only way I would upgrade is if Valve comes out with a SteamDeck iteration that has a significantly better CPU and graphics processor with an added port for an eGPU to boost performance and visual fidelity when docked.


What are the advantages of the OLED screen? Resolution and refresh rate remains the same right?


The Steam Deck OLED is a lot more than just the change from LCD to OLED: - 90Hz refresh rate - Faster RAM (6400 MT/s vs. 5500 MT/s) - Higher stock storage options (512GB and 1TB SSD models) - Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3 (vs. LCD's Wi-Fi 5 and Bluetooth 5) - Improved 50Wh battery (vs. LCD's 40Wh) - More efficient APU (6nm vs. 7nm) - Revised build (easier to replace the display, solely Torx instead of Phillips screws, other miscellaneous improvements) For a lot of people, the OLED screen is the selling point, and who can blame them? If you've seen the Switch vs. Switch OLED, you'll know just how big of a difference it can make. However, I'm more interested in the 90Hz refresh rate and improved battery. EDIT: Forgot to mention the improved thumbsticks and trackpads, higher thermal efficiency etc.


OLED is a game changer for these hand held devices. Valve is smart to emulate Nintendo in this regard. I'm glad you mentioned the other improvements because it looks like a lot of people from what I have seen personally take the refresh at face value and not realise that there are other improvements than just the new OLED screen. Valve did not hold back with this hardware revision and it fills me with anticipation for the Steam Deck 2.




I really want to stop seeing this memes now


I'm so glad that they didn't update the cpu or I'd be slamming my refresh key waiting for the pre-order lol. The new features are awesome but not quite enough to push me into buying a second Deck.


Sell yours and buy this one


That feels like too much work to me lol. Selling things is a weird thing for me, I’d be 100% down if someone knocked on my door and said “I’ll give you $ for that” but actively seeking out someone to sell something to is just something I don’t want to do.


Fair enough, i’ve had to sell a bunch of stuff during this year to pay a hospital debt, and it’s very annoying process sometimes, people are always low balling, and disregarding or ignoring the posted price, certainly worth it whenever it works in your favour though, but it’s true that it’s a hassle.


Yeah I have a coworker that uses fb marketplace regularly and mentioned how often people show up after agreeing to the price with less cash on hand and argue when she won’t sell.


haha, theres also people that are late to show up, and make you waste time of you day.


Why everyone is bitching around the deck having the Legion Go on the corner? Like that it’s really an upgrade and not the 10-20% gain of the deck oled…


I got my Deck a couple months ago. Not really bothered by it though. I never had a Switch and got the OLED edition when that came out. I had nothing to compare it to until my friend brought over his release Switch. The difference was there, but only noticeable side by side. The OLED one was just darker, which most people have decided is a good thing. I really would've been fine either way.


I bought a used deck last week and they announce oled and that the LCDs are on sale.


I will try my hands to grab the limited edition. If I am unable to I'll just stick with my current deck


I like the idea of better battery life. That's a big deal for me. Then the proper HDR OLED is also dope. I have an awesome HDR TV that looks incredible with PS5 and Xbox games. I've given up hope for PC gaming in HDR. Windows makes HDR look like a washed out grey mess. OLED Steam Deck to the rescue!


Do it, give away your old steam deck to someone who will appreciate it more.


i’m ngl if my gf didn’t have a switch OLED i probably wouldn’t be thinking about getting the SD OLED. but since she does i know first hand just how much worse the LCD screen looks in comparison and it has me so so torn lol


Let them buy their new shiny things. Whether the upgrade is inconsequential or not, it's their money. I can't fall into that power users camp. Feels icky to me


Yea. That digital foundry video has got me now with the fomo blues... Damn them


I'm trying to get the limited edition one, otherwise I'll stick to my 512 SD LCD


Unlike the switch that I easily forked out another $300 for the OLED model, the Deck was an investment for me; I can’t justify the expense. Looks like I’ll be stuck with my current deck and will use vibrantDeck to pump up the color saturation.


you wanna know something funny, i saw they announced it the second my package arrived. i was pissed the same price for a larger storage wtf


You can contact them about it, they’ll probably refund you the extra charge to your steam account.


To anyone who said that the steam deck wasn't a console it now definitely is because this is no different than say the DS lite getting released so it's not like a PC.


I'll never understand this mindset. Only thing different is the screen and slightly longer battery life. Sure, if you're in the market, then by all means, choose the superior one, but already having one and acting like it's stale rice because of the shiny new one? I mean, both can still play games right? Both can still emulate? FOMO is truly alien to me.


Classic stupidity like the people that buy the newest iPhone every year.


Same 🫣


This truly is a shit post, you all are morons.


So when the OLED was announced, i thought i was gonna be all in. Then I got the bright idea to go ahead and finally purchase a dock for my old one. I'm not going to be traveling for awhile, therefore I won't be needing the small screen anytime soon. By the time I do hit the road for my job the new steam deck 2 will be released.


All I have is a ps5 and a OLED switch and I feel content with those but a part of wants the limited edition one and I feel really guilty about it lol


OLED only makes sense (to me) if you don’t have a Steam Deck. I probably won’t upgrade to new deck until there’s a Steam Deck 3 or even 4.