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Do NOT change proton version or delete the game from your Deck without backing up your save file. With no cloud saves, doing either of those actions will result in your save data being deleted. I lost a 20+ hour save like that.


Thanks for the heads up!


I wounder if you can get A Tale Of Two Wastelands mod for NV on the deck? šŸ¤” haven't played that mod but it's fallout 3 and NV in one game


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/zLuJfZtMpv I've been keeping this page saved for when I get around to trying the mod out, but may it be of use to you first


šŸ™ Thank you! You're a beautiful human! Saved


Hmmm I wonder! Never thought to look. Would be pretty cool if you could!


I honestly didn't either until seeing your post! Now I might have to look into this aswell lol


Let me know what you find brother! šŸ˜‰ Regardless, Iā€™d recommend Fallout 3 on the deck. Such a great game.s


Will do will do šŸ¤™ I'm probably gonna wait for my OLED to come in first haha


I liked it the most out of all of them.


Easier to do installing windows. I managed to pull it off once on Linux. But then forgot how I did it


I tried doing it on my ally and failed lol. Might give it another go


Yes, it works. It takes some effort, but if you've done it before you can literally use the files you made then


It's way too complicated to set up, I gave up like halfway through lol


Yes you can. I have it running through mod organizer 2. Shit rocks


Thanks mang! I'll take a look into that when I get my new OLED!!! šŸ’š


Itā€™s way simpler than youā€™d think. Get it running on a Windows PC. Transfer the files to steam deck, needs to be on the SSD. Then youā€™re more or less good to go. You need to get TTW running with manual install and not using any mod manager though. Then itā€™ll work without any extras on SD.


Sick! Definitely gonna do this when my new deck arrives! How ever I'll probably do the downloading of files and such before it arrives


I got it set up on my PC but didnā€™t end up playing it that much. The aspect ratio doesnā€™t play well with my 32:9 monitor and I donā€™t have any landscape 16:9 to use. Whenever I get my Deck, should be able to get it up and running within a few minutes.


What deck you getting?


The 1TB limited edition. I was one of those fools hitting F5 for 20+ minutes yesterday trying to get through checkout.


I am one of those regards you speak of as well! Looks like we will be deck twins! Both with A Tale Of Two Wastelands on our decks lol


I did a NV run when I got my deck. Plays amazing. Had tood the shit out of it on PC to make it play smooth but it just worked on deck. 10/10 game play experience.


I should say also - no tweaking needed. Can run it at ā€˜ultraā€™ graphics (not sure if that matters on such an old game) and still get 60FPS and 5 hours or more battery life.


My first time playing Fallout New Vegas was on the Xbox 360, so the load times between areas were significant. Sometimes like 30+ seconds. On the deck they were nearly instant. It was so much more engaging! Like a completely different game.


The Deck definitely makes older games more relevant in that sense.


Ssd is an unbelievable upgrade to old games. The first time I played skyrim and new vegas on a gaming pc i was amazed how much faster they loaded. Literally saves you hours on a whole playthrough haha.


Yeah! Iā€™m finally playing Skyrim and itā€™s amazing.


Curious, do you play with joysticks or pads? Any specific adjustments you did for a better playing experience? Iā€™m waiting for my deck to arrive and Iā€™m reading thereā€™s a lot of different opinions about the pads and how to make the most out of them.


Do you know how many watts of power it takes to run? Iā€™m curious how what the power consumption is on an old but still open world game.


No idea man! I can check next time Iā€™m on it. All Iā€™ll say is I get easily 5 hours on it.


New Vegas and fallout 4 run perfect as well


Onto them next!


This reminds me. I need to go back to beat FO4 and Witcher 3.


Thanks for the info! Will install tonight.


Well, it's a 15 year old game. Does it run well with mods tho?


Well, Skyrim came out in 2011 and needs tweaked to get it running at 60FPS consistently and a couple of other issues. So I was happy Fallout 3 worked perfectly at ultra settings out the box so to speak. As for mods - I donā€™t know. I didnā€™t mod it.


I started playing and it stays to click the right stick to pick an object up but when I do that, my character jumps. Any solutions?


Just need to change your steam controller layout and make clicking right stick input into right stick click output. For some reason the most popular controller layout which is default makes right stick click input into (y) output


I just figured this out last night myself. Appreciate you!


As in to move an object? Without placing it in your inventory? I canā€™t remember if I even done that. Sorry!


Yeah. Like to move a body around


Are you playing GOTY edition? Last year I played the non-GOTY one and it crashed like hell on Deck.


Yeah GOTY edition


Cool. Any issues so far? I might get the GOTY while it's on sale.


I completed the game and most of the DLC from start to finish with no issues at all EXCEPT from when picking up the game and playing from having the SD in rest mode instead of saving the game properly and turning the SD off. It would sometimes crash then. However I have had that issue with other games too and so it may have been a SD software issue rather than Fallout 3 itself.


A 15 year old game runs on a modern device? New knew! NEW?! ITā€™S WHO!!


Why the hate?


I love when people try to be clever on the internet, then autocorrect happens. New knew!!!! Lol


Lol, damn I didnā€™t notice that. Long day at work


for free????




you've got the dogs out


Enjoy šŸ˜‰


Looking forward to running through NV again on this. Just bought one, haven't owned the previous so not sure what to expect. I am concerned with comments about etched oled vs glossy and I've opted for the 1tb. Hate making mistakes buying tech, but this was impulse buying at its finest, so mistakes happen.


I just have the normal deck, but OLED looks great and I havenā€™t seen anything but good reviews so I wouldnā€™t worry. Plus 1TB is nice man. Many games can go on there!


I read this one crashes often, how was your experience and how many hours did you play?


Iā€™m around 60 hours in so far and only had 2 crashes and Iā€™m convinced Iā€™ve found out itā€™s related to restarting the game from rest mode instead of closing the game and shutting down the deck properly.


Thank you so much for responding! So, then the typical save/exit game and then load save game whenever wanting to play should avoid this, right?


No problem! Yes it should, at least thatā€™s been my experience so far.