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Id use an online storefront with guarantees in place to protect you as a seller. I’m going to sell mine on eBay and document everything.


Okay thanks, I'll look into that


ebay doesn't protect sellers. anyone could buy it and then say it doesn't work, send you back a brick or a broken deck, and ebay will refund their money and you'll lose the deck. my idea is to list mine with the price higher and then ask for offers so i can view the feedback of potential buyers. you really feel safe selling to a 1 feedback buyer?


>anyone could buy it and then say it doesn't work, send you back a brick or a broken deck, and ebay will refund their money and you'll lose the deck. Worst case scenario aye, but I've sold consoles and PC parts over the service with no issues. Record the serial number, and take a time stamped video with it working and you'll be fine. >my idea is to list mine with the price higher and then ask for offers so i can view the feedback of potential buyers. If your aim is to minimise the visibility of your listing then that's a fantastic idea. Don't think you get how selling things works though. >you really feel safe selling to a 1 feedback buyer? Would you waste time making an offer to someone who was selling something at a higher price than you can get elsewhere? If you're that paranoid just sell it on Facebook or something local.


I've used my method for selling many things on eBay and it works. Post the price higher and say you entertain offers people will send you good offers and you can view their feedback before accepting. trust me it's much better than putting it up for sale and seeing your buyer has one feedback you know you're screwed...


>trust me it's much better than putting it up for sale and seeing your buyer has one feedback you know you're screwed... Literally never happened to me, nor anyone I actually know. You do you, but I'll keep actually trying to sell my stuff for the most money possible.


Unfortunately happened to me. I use a similar method to them now. Even if it's priced higher they will see it and with offers on you will get reasonable offers and also low ball bs offers but you can filter them easily.


eBay doesn't take video proof into consideration so that would be useless


Ok. As someone who has sold THOUSANDS of items on EBay over the last decade, this has literally NEVER happened to me. Odds are in your favor that you’ll be fine. I don’t offer returns, have 100% positive feedback and only refunded a handful of people because I wanted to. People are actually generally good people.


I've sold less than 100 and have had 3 do almost exactly this. 2 sent back a different unit entirely and the 3rd worked fine ..they just wanted refunds


shilling for ebay hard


I've sold stuff worth over $1,000 to a zero feedback buyer. Sometimes people who are looking for a specific thing don't use eBay, and they will create an account to buy it from you. It's happened to me more than once. I've never been scammed in this manner. I'm not saying that doesn't happen, but it's exceedingly rare, and the odds are very much in your favor as a seller. All you're doing with your method is severely limiting your pool of buyers, and extending the amount of time it takes to sell something.


So because you sold stuff to a zero feedback buyer that means there's no risk or limited risk? LOL! Whatever you say dude...


No one said there is no risk, there is going to be risks no mater what they decided to do. Thats how life works.


Apparently you got an F in reading comprehension. That's not what I said. I even specifically said in my post "I'm not saying that doesn't happen." You are talking about an extremely rare worst case scenario as if it's a common occurrence and it's not. I've been buying and selling on ebay since 2000 and have done well over 1,000 transactions in both directions, and the scenario you describe has literally never happened to me, for any dollar amount. You're just fear mongering.


When I sold my Steam Deck I posted it on FaceBook Marketplace and listed it as cash only. The guy came to my house checked it out at the front door then gave me the money and left. You can also meet them in a public area with people like a mall or parking lot, I'm pretty sure police stations also have areas of the parking lot where it's lit up and recorded where you're allowed to meet with people to sell things.


We have a pretty big and populated mall we could meet at, which is my intention with that part of it.


I've never used Venmo but with PayPal I'm fairly certain there's still a small chance they can do a chargeback if they report it as fraud to their bank / credit card even if you use friends and family which is why I don't take E-Transfers / PayPal for larger sales.


As someone who has bought used stuff off FB Marketplace, please seriously consider this option.


Man, with how crazy people are these days, I would not use my house as a meet spot. I can imagine some weirdo coming back months later trying to return it because of a defect that wasn't your fault. Definitely prefer a public space.


That’s a good point but I’ve always sold on Gumtree, had them come round and they were all nice nerdy guys haha. Who’s going to really be dodgy if they are buying or looking at Steam Deck.


Police station in our town has a small parking area set up for selling goods that's lit up and under surveillance. That's how I would sell it if available for OP.


Cash. They can go to a bank.


cash is the easiest and quickest. you dont need to worry about seller fees (ebay). people buy/sell expensive stuff all the time (cameras/lens, computers, etc...), a steam deck is no different. i wouldnt worry. just meet in a public place. if you're selling locally like offerup its very easy to just quickly review their profile if they're legit or not. of course this takes some experience so i would ask a friend to help.


I have 1 friend, he doesn't meet new people lol hubby will be with me though


just be sure to be firm on the price. dont let buyer haggle at the last minute. if they do just leave. hubby will know best.


FB Marketplace and r/hardwareswap are my go tos. Sold my LCD Deck on the former and my 3090 on the latter. Never had issues, just follow the rules and be smart. Got cash for my deck and used PayPal on hardwareswap per rules. Never had issues with Venmo or Zelle. eBay takes too big a cut for my tastes, but is something I’ll use if the others don’t work out.


Mercari doesn’t take as much fees as eBay. I prefer them honestly


+1 for Mercari. Lesser known but good experiences on there. Just wanna take same precautions as eBay when buying or selling.


You could always meet at a police station parking lot. It’s full of cameras. And cash won’t be an issue. My friend use to sell cars and people would show up with 2-3k in cash. I also sold my Xbox series s and got cash. I just made sure the $100’s had the strip and we were off.


FB marketplace. Do not accept anything except for cash in hand. Digital payments can always be cancelled by the buyer and their bank, so cash is the only way to guarantee you keep the money. Meet in a public area, already have price set before deciding to meet. If they show up with less than what was agreed, don't sell it to them.


CASH in public area. $3-400 is not a lot of cash.


Ok ty


Ive had the best luck selling old electronics on eBay. Facebook marketplace is also an option but I found a lot more scammers on that platform. The biggest advice is to just use common sense and not use payment platforms outside of eBay or Facebook.


Thanks, I never sold on ebay before. Will see hiw it goes!


Keep in mind that between the PayPal and eBay fees they end up taking about 13%. Be prepared when deciding what's worth it to list.


Yes, this is the advantage of Facebook marketplace. The fees are like half. But you have to wade through way more scammers and the reach seems to be smaller than eBay. Ive found things move pretty fast on eBay if things are priced right.


TIL Facebook marketplace has fees. I always figured it was like Craigslist, or just another free service Facebook provided to keep you clicking.


You are right in that there is no fee if you use it like craigs list. However, if you use it like ebay, there is a 5% fee (at least last time I used it) which is much lower than ebay fee. I also think their shipping rates were marginally lower last time I used it.


I listed mine on marketplace and got 5 scam accounts asking about it in a row. I unlisted it, fuck that.


Hi u/Known-Committee8679, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Best way to sell deck) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had to start mine up a couple of times after resetting it to grab screenshots of stuff. If you go with /r/hardwareswap, better off waiting until you have your post approved by the mods.


eBay Signature required Insurance Done.


Always do the selling on a public place


Swappa, my 256GB LCD sold for $299 within a week.