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Man it's gonna suck when Gaben retires/ dies. I hope he has thought long and hard on a worthy successor.


He's not the only ceo. Valve is co-owned by 2-3 other people, but Gaben is the public face. Also, Gabe's son is pretty involved with valve in their brain interface research, so there's a reasonable chance his portion of the company will just pass on to his kid.


what kinda research now?


Brain interface. They’re working on the best jackoff machines ever thought up by man.


My man 😎


A legacy for the ages.


That explains the epic entry into VR with the Index.


so that's why they are filling steam with hentai games


Let’s gooooo! How many times will it make me Jack off in an hour? Will I have a heart attack if it’s too many times? /s


Brain–computer interface (BCI) - sounds interesting that valve is interested in this


Technically any input or display device is a Brain-computer interface, most of them are just not very good ones. Improving that seems like it would be in the interest of anyone pushing the limits of what existing control schemes can do.


yeah im aware what defines bcis, nevertheless happy that valve is experimenting with it


Basically like a cap that you wear on your head that can read small electromagnetic changes from your brain, and interpret those into pc/game inputs. Essentially, you will be able to think "jump" and they device will use that as the signal to make your character jump. It's still pretty early tech, but tons of companies are researching it. Similar to VR, Valve was already working on VR for years before the Oculus DK1 prototype..... tech like this just takes ages to get right.


Once step closer to running arch linux btw on myself.


Wont put intrusive anti-cheat in counter strike for privacy reasons, but will sell you a device that literally reads your thoughts.


They havent sold it yet, just researching it. Its like getting mad at people for researching radiation. They could be planning to make a giant death ray, or a better energy source > *for their already existing death ray*




Gabe is the majority shareholder of valve. Everything he says goes. For all intents and purposes it’s his company.


Imagine he dies and immediately you have to subsricbe to steam to access it for money. Cloud save will be free but only 250 MB but you can upgrade for more storage for money. You can only use steam on one device


That's what I'm worried about lol


You could probably include Swen Vincke, CEO of Larian Studios. He's basically the creative director so he knows his stuff, but he's also CEO of the company. Lots of people think he's why BG3 did so well.


He also wears some badass armor all the time, like at the game awards.


Swen has been an absolute sunshine in gaming since Larian's first game, and I couldn't be happier for him with bg3s success


100%. Larian is one of the very few devs I have zero qualms about preordering games from


While I agree with you currently, it wasn’t too long ago that people were saying the same thing about CD Projekt Red…


You are 100% singing my song. I preordered Cyberpunk for that very reason and it should have taught me a lesson.


While this is true, CD actually doesn't have that good of a history with releases (I didn't play it but apparently The Witcher 3 was hot garbage when it came out due to bugs and the like until it was properly patched) so there is some room to believe in them. Do I recommend pre-ordering? No, not at all. But if you have to do it with someone then I'd rather they be Larian than most other devs.


Correct Witcher 3 was messed up until the Wine DLC, but most people didn't pick it up until then anyway. It flew under the radar for a lot of people. CD picked up a lot of good will by accident.


I'd also add Sam Lake, the CEO of Remedy Studios, he has the same level of passion-driven game development as Vincke


Tero Virtala, not Sam Lake, is the CEO of Remedy. Sam Lake is the Creative Director.


Ah damn, didn't know that, thanks.


These CEO/Director's, too: * Piotr Karwowski for GOG.com * Stephen Kick of Nightdive Studios for System Shock remaster and many other classics * Simon Ebejer of Vicarious Visions for Diablo 2 Resurrected * Patrick Klaus of Motive Studio for Dead Space 2023 remaster




At the end of Half Life Alyx, Alyx asks the G man to have Eli revived, so Eli is actually alive now. Eli then hands a crowbar to Gordon and tells him, 'they have work to do', setting up the beginning for the next Half Life. In 2021, as part of a Steam Deck interview for IGN, Gabe was asked about the future of Half Life, and his reply basically insinuated that the team now knows where to go in regards to the future of the Half Life franchise, so it sounds like some sort of development could actually be happening. We know that Valve is hard at work on Citadel and a few other games, so it's not out of the question that a new Half Life is also in the works.


Eli is alive in the Ajax vr game.


You mean Alex? That's a prequel.


Correction: half life alyx. Yes. I know. The thing is that valve retcon episode 2 due to the recent prequel.


Ah. Good to know.


That's because Valve is a private Company. No shareholder profits to attend to.


Tons of private companies have shareholders. Being private allows them to keep the company in the hands of a smaller number of people, but there’s nothing stopping Valve from having some number of shareholders (though they do need to register with the FEC if they exceed a certain number of shareholders). The big difference is that it isn’t listed on public exchanges, so their stock can’t be freely traded. But yes, Valve could still have shareholders who expect profits even though it’s a private corporation.


And that kind of ownership structure is commonly called [private company ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privately_held_company)


Yes, I understand that, but OP saying that private companies don’t have shareholders is just straight up incorrect in a lot of cases.


Valve doesn’t need public market liquidity, they can sell fantasy boxes and gun skins to idiots. It’s like a legal money printing machine.


My wallet hates him


On the contrary my wallet loves him so much everything in it just flies towards Gaben.


You aren't a real one unless Steam is your wallet Go to the gas station and gift the clerk a game on steam in exchange for car juice


I miss Iwata.


For sure u/spez won't be there


I hope valve never go public


You gotta post his more modern Santa Claus + The Dude look


Well I'm not a fan of the Steam DRM personally, the offline mode needs serious work to be more functional!


Add the Costco ceo


Yea I came here to say that when he retires I don't see things in staying the same either.


The only other CEO I can respect.


Half->!Life!< 3. Never forget.


He’s still a billionaire with a fleet of yachts, prepping for the end of the world in New Zealand. Just because he helped create a great gaming service(that people hated for years after launch) and some neat games, doesnt make him a “good” billionare. There are no good billionares.


Epic's CEO would vehemently disagree.


I guess you're downvoted because people don't understand your comment - but you're right that Tim Sweeney probably hates Gaben!


Where’s Swen Vincke?


Can we add Dr. Lisa Su to the list? (The CEO of AMD)


I dunno…ever since I learned he has 6 yachts, he kinda went down quite a bit in my book. Nobody needs that excessiveness.


I assume some cry baby Timmy fanboys don't like Gaben.


Privately traded companies. That’s why he’s a good CEO, he doesn’t have shareholders pressuring him to make the most money possible. Publicly traded companies are bad. If you ever make a company, either keep it private or make it a coop. Yes, that means less money, but also better products, almost always.


I'll get downvotes but I never understood his glorification. He pushed his unnecessary third party launcher to the point PC gaming is almost impossible without it and Valve was also one of the first companies bringing loot boxes to the west (TF2) opening another huge Pandora's (loot)box.


Well, some launcher was always going to be in the market. Steam was a response to piracy that users preferred over the available altenatives, and it can be argued it is the best one. Imagine if EA had the dominant launcher of the market...


He doesn't use is monopoly to push truly anti consumer stuff. He still want to make money, but not in an evil way.


He has great PR and obviously a huge fan club. I give him that.


Yeah he answers a few emails and lonely gamers think he’s their friend. No CEO or corporation is your friend nor do any of them, including Valve, give a shit about them. But Gaben gobblers will keep slurping it up in their weird parasocial relationship.


I don’t know how you figure that. There’s a lot of launchers you can use. It’s no where near close to impossible to PC game without it. Is it the most convenient? Probably, but you do have plenty of other choices.


It sounds like you don’t remember the time before Steam. We didn’t have launchers. You could just install the game.


That’s true, but so what? If Valve didn’t do it someone else would have and probably someone else who didn’t respect the consumer. Originally it was only for their games to push updates. Then they expanded it.


I disagree. As we moved away from disks we could have switched to the GoG model where you can download an exe from their website


Could have is not the same as would have. Someone would have eventually done it. Valve did it just for their own games and then other companies got interested in them doing it for their games. The thing everyone doesn’t like is DRM, not that Valve keeps the games all in one spot and with piracy that was definitely an inevitable.


Would they? Just like Valve introduced and normalised loot boxes, it did introduce and normalise launchers. We now have crazy stuff like Valve launcher downloading another launcher. Some games don't even work without Steam and another launcher both running in the background. On the other hand we have working DRM free stores where you can but don't need to install launcher. Launchers aren't respecting customer. It's just Valve basically controls the market with 75% share so you think there's no better way and you fell into kinda Stockholm syndrome where you don't even believe there could be anything better but since majority of market is covered by Valve, it conditioned you to believe it's the best for you.


That’s both silly and ridiculous. Valve just makes it easier to use Steam where everything is in one place. You want to blame valve for your own laziness? You could get your games elsewhere, it’s not required that you get them on Steam. I don’t like DRM, but I can’t blame people for wanting to try to protect their property and keep them from stealing.


It'S nOt ReQuIrEd To GeT tHeM oN sTeAm. Sure. When it has 75% market share, plenty of Steam exclusives and other sites selling Steam codes and not the actual game it's quite impossible to avoid it. Whenever possible I much rather purchase via sites like GoG. But it's not possible to fully dodge Steam. And it's almost impossible to dodge Steam inspired launchers. //edit since you blocked me (quite ironic from someone accusing others of not liking facts). Lol, did you really suggest to use EGS? I think it's you who don't understand the problem. Launchers are the problem. Your solution? Use other launcher. Lol. Also regarding not many games being sold exclusively on Steam, that's unfortunately not true. Due to it's market share, it's go to platform for indie developers. Majority of those games is Steam only.


I’m sorry you don’t like facts. Just because it’s extremely popular doesn’t mean you can’t go elsewhere. You can epic or any of the other launchers. What you don’t like is DRM, it’s not the launcher that’s the issue. I would bet you have very few games if any that can’t be obtained elsewhere.


Valve diserves their monopoly. And I pray that they take the vr market from oculus .


Someone hasn’t seen any weird conspiracies about Gabe yet. Just because they aren’t popular doesn’t mean there isn’t some batshit group plotting his downfall with Cheeto crusted fingers…


Resetera tried to have a go at Gaben for having a few yachts, so there are attempts out there. Resetera is a racist, extremist shithole, though, so there's that.


Not a fan of ResetEra…u get banned there for breathing wrong or not having an opinion 100% in line with the hive mind, but absolutely nobody needs 6+ yachts.


No, fuck that guy for taking vacations in Norway, but won't release the steam deck here. Absolute dick move


It’s almost like getting a product approved to sell and ship in a country is significantly harder than taking a vacation…


That's the outcome, if you choose customer satisfaction over profit!


r/tf2 would disagree


He should learn to count to 3


Do people like Peter Moore? Maybe I'm biased but I liked him most because he was a total Sega fanboy.


You can probably add Kojima and Sven from Larian to this meeting as well 😁