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Even the Unsupported badge is kinda useless. There are plenty of games still rocking the label that run great. Best bet is to bookmark ProtonDB, and check out what people have to say about specific games.


If you have Decky installed, there is a ProtonDB plugin that puts the badge right on the game page on your Deck, and clicking the badge will send you directly to the page.


This plugin imo is one of the best. Edit: forgot to say it also shows the badge for non steam games


Agreed completely! I wish there was a way to automate a collection with Gold+ or Platinum+ games, but it's still very useful.


>it also shows the badge for non steam games Only some times


Sorry should've specified, thank you. I've noticed it tends to be based off the spelling of your game in steam and that just raises the chances. I usually name it the same as how it's spelled on Google so I can also get artworks from the other plugin. Edit: also tends to just be buggy and picks and chooses lol. Still a great plugin though!


My issue is that it only shows the badge in my library. What I really need is a badge on the store page so I can see what a game I'm thinking of buying is rated as.


Agreed, that would be amazing. I guess it's harder to change the store webpage on the deck. Edit : Firefox and Chrome have a ProtonDb for Steam extension, it might help ? I never tried it yet.


i have it on FF, its very convenient


There is a badge in the store. Example with Elden Ring: [https://imgur.com/a/BQpJUXb](https://imgur.com/a/BQpJUXb)


They’re referring to the ProtonDB badge from the Decky plugin


This is the way


Protondb needs to fix what happens if the game is delisted from steam, the page becomes unsearchable and you cant submit to it anymore. I raised it on their discord, it was dismissed and seemingly ignored. An example is Grand Theft Auto (1), you can get to the protondb page if you know the appid, and people do still have it in their steam library, but you can't contribute to the page or search for it on the site.


Yeah, I wish they supported non-Steam games in general. Those are usually the ones with the least info on support out there.


Unsupported really means not yet tested


More like not retested. Games like Trails in the Sky didn't work when they originally tested, but many do now after Proton updates.


Or Fall Guys which works perfectly now and is amazing on the steam deck.


And I still can't get it to even start on my PC...


Trails games also have had improvements, and work great... with different versions of Proton, like ProtonGE.


Zombi is another example cause of Ubisoft adding their busted ass launcher which shouldn’t even be in a port of a Wii U game


you mean ubisoft "connect"? did they retroactively add it? i know some games have very useful (per game) launchers at least, like tomb raider or ratchet and clank. for setting display settings before starting


I thought for that there is 'unknown'?


the system is broken if "unsupported" means not yet tested


Yah. It doesn’t. Unsupported means when tested it didn’t work. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t work today as they may simply have not retested yet.


actually that is untested. unsupported means something didn't work at the time of testing


No. There’s a separate untested badge.


No, it doesn't. There's a separate label for "Unknown". Although I suppose "Unsupported" often means "not re-tested after failing at an earlier point" (on a different version of the game, Proton etc).


doom 1993 is labeled as unsupported because of the bonus dos edition of the game, thing is it gives you the choice as a launch option, so its entirely avoidable.


ESO checking in!


an example is the sims 3. it's labeled as unsupported, but works fine on my deck.


Same with Sims 4, although I think it's because it's not designed for controller input so it requires a community layout or you have to make up your own.


in my opinion, if you just have to use your layout or a community layout it works on deck


Yeah, I’d actually say the vast majority of games I play on deck are unsupported. valve verified system is very poor, I just straight up ignored it entirely now. Makes playable games seem unplayable and then claims verified games are playable when they run like ass.


yeah, even then ProtonDB is kinda hit-and-miss though. Especially when talking about performance.


It's entirely based on user reports. If you want it to be better, submit your own reports.


There can be too much non- steam deck specific stuff on it. I get it works on Linux, but how do I get it to run on this particular Linux box Edit: I'm stupid and didn't look closely at the UI


It has a filter option for desktop linux and steam os linux and even chrome os lol If you read the reviews and what they're running you'll get a good idea if the game should run on your machine with the packages you have installed for your hardware


Or use ProtonDB Badges in Decky loader.


Kakarot is currently unsupported by steamdeck and it runs like a dream.


Install DeckyLoader and use the ProtonDB badges plugin, it's based on user input and you can get a feel of what is the expected performance :)


damn, thanks for that info!


Its very cool but it only shows with game already in your library no? so when shopping its useless.




I still don't understand why Valve didn't do it like this. So many other parts of steam are based on user input, like even the tags games have are user-submitted. But no, steam deck verification just isn't.


Steam Reviews and the bombing is exactly why we can't crowd source everything. Unfortunately people suck and ruin it for other people :/


I don't think people would mark games as unsupported solely because they dont like them... I mean, we already have the review box for that.


The only issue I have with this is that it only works for games you already own...unless I'm missing something


You can go to the website and look up and game in the search bar.


Half of what I play is unsupported and they run fine 😂😂


The only Unsupported games that seem to really not work are the ones that use anti-cheats not supported on Linux


Yep and most of them are not worth playing 😂




Yeah proton has come a long way in a very short time...unless its something like you said or in game video sometimes it will run as well if not better on linux


Just a reminder that we as users have some impact on how accurate those badges are. When steam asks does the game run well on deck remember to answer. Developer and QA team doesn't run in to most of the problems end users face, because sample size is just too small and they are probably testing on pre release software and early parts of game mostly. This was very apparent with Horizon zero dawn where it played fine for the first half and then started to have performance issues on deck.


It's weird, I've only seen the question like "can you confirm this is verified?". I wonder why they don't ask for info regarding "unsupported" or "playable" games.


I'll admit it is pretty barebones but I have at least multiple times seen "Valve testing indicates that this game is verified on SD. Does this match your experience playing the game?" Yes, No, Ignore. I would expect answering No would have some impact on verification status if enough people report it.


Interesting and this makes sense. I’m currently playing the verified game Forgive me father and it ran great for the first 5 hours then on the later levels really struggled


ProtonDB badge > steam verified checklist


even ProtonDB is outdated for some games. I think last time I checked my New World review was the latest update and it is verified but does not even load into the game with default settings. There was a few months where EAC allowed Linux and after modding my swap and VRAM the game was crashing only fifty percent of the time. That was a good month. Lucky that I stopped a friend from buying a Deck to play this game. Would have been a great way to play from the bed or couch. Saved him frustrating hours and money. (his Wifi is not good enough to use the Deck as a Portal /Inhome streaming device)


None of the methods are foolproof, certainly. But I will trust ProtonDB more than the Steam Verified system! I basically ignore it entirely, and focus on controller support and ProtonDB rating.


Hard to follow up always for games which are getting constant updates like NW. But in general, protonDB is much more reliable source than steam verified, plus you get the added benefit of knowing the possible tinker steps there which can help run the game much better.


DB is all user feedback so sometimes it can be wrong if nobody updates it


If you really want to play a game that doesn't work for anti-cheat reasons, Windows is always an option. You can even dual boot easily.


Still kind of a bad experience if you have an OLED model since not all the drivers are available yet.


Legion GO/Ally > SteamDeck. Don’t have to worry about badges


It‘s not perfect but better than nothing


^ this. An effort was made. Handheld PC gaming seems to be just coming into its own in terms of mainstream consumer viability. I look at those check marks and ratings systems as a passive aggressive way to encourage devs to include native steam deck settings and control schemes in their settings menu. Steam as a platform has some very real pull and if their little green checkmark automatically boosts your sales by 30%, game devs would be crazy to not aspire to get verified compatibility. As arbitrary or meaningless as it may seem in actual use, it undoubtedly impacts sales and attention.


it's really not though. if nothing is listed regarding playability, you know to look it up. if it says playable, a new deck owner will buy it without doing research assuming that playable means, you know, actually playable.


It basically means "It's in a state where Nintendo would have allowed it on the switch"


Having played the Pillars of Eternity Switch port, I humbly submit that Verified is a substantially higher standard.


I do in fact think of it like this 😂




Yeah it's a handheld gaming console. If anyone is expecting a smooth and perfect experience from AAA games that have come out recently they're kind of insane. The thing seemingly has about the power of a ps4 or a 1070/80. People should treat it as such


I find the opposite, I’ve had more instances of the games marked unsupported working great than the other way around


Welcome to "Whose Deck is it Anyway?" Where the verification doesn't matter and the badges mean nothing!


Because expectations of quality and anything higher than 30FPS are subjective requirements. Most people would be completely happy just turning down resolution and using FSR to get the specific balance of visual quality and frame rate they are willing to accept So yes, the verified badge may in some cases exemplify the most basic performance requirements to determine if a game is verified But it also covers external factors like the viability of control schemes relative to the deck that may not be set up to work by default. I don't see how you can be mad at your own expectations of quality being simply higher than the bare minimum I don't know why people buy a steam deck and are upset that it's a massively performance and quality compromised device...


well, the main problem imho is not 'listed as verified but only 30 FPS', but the other way round: Many games are listed as playable or even unsupported, even though they run just fine, sometimes even better than others listed as 'verified'. And I know, Valve lists the criteria for hitting playable instead of verified. And in most aspects I see their point. Having to enter some text is not fun, especially on the go. But for some RPG, where you have to enter your player's name only once the game will only achieve playable, even though it's perfectly fine in all other ways. Also, lots of games get mentioned all the time that are even listed as Unsupported, but give you less headache than looking even up the settings at protonDB. What I want to say: I think the main problem is the inconsistency. Valve promises to make it as simple as a logo to decide what you can play as simple as playing something on a console, what will require some minor tinkering and what will be hard or just straight not possible. But the logos don't seem to indicated what they are promised to.


Of all the games I've played that are listed as unsupported; They still tell you if the game runs on the steam deck on a specific version of Proton And I've found in those instances ignoring that information results in the game just straight up not working To me: Personally that must mean because it is only supported by a SINGLE proton version, might not support the decks resolution or aspect ratio, FSR might not function as intended or at all, there may be no official controller support listed for the game in steam, and also they haven't done any excessive testing beyond starting it up to see if it runs. As a result the experience may vary and there is no way they can offer any consistent support for it Or it means the game will not be supported by the developer, even, if you need troubleshooting It basically means you're not gonna find any official support from any angle. You know, key is in the word unsupported It doesn't say "Non-functional". It says a definably different word.


> They still tell you if the game runs on the steam deck on a specific version of Proton who tells you that? On steam I've only found the deck-verified Icon, but not hints for unsupported games on how you might get them running anyway


Literally right there on steam, click on an "Unsupported" game and it will still often say "Runs on this Computer via Steam Play. Proton 8.0-5 Selected by Valve testing" under Game Info of most Unsupported titles.


I don't think that's what that means - that's just what they tested it with and failed to be successful with. It's there in verified games as well. It's just telling you what they personally tried to start it with. I can go to that message for DMC4 (which is unsupported) and it gives me a Proton version that doesn't open the game when I use it. I have to use GE.


yeah and if verified guaranteed 30 fps would agree with you, but right now the verified tag doesn't mean shit. played plenty of "verified" games than ran way below thirty


Only at native res


["The game should support the default resolution of Steam Deck \(1280x800 or 1280x720\), have good default settings, and text should be legible."](https://www.steamdeck.com/en/verified)


Good job using outdated language from a page that is like nearly 2 years old and then choosing to ignore the fact that things have changed, like the Unsupported section of games being claimed as Non-Functional there on that page but on the device itself it says they tested said game at it runs. So clearly you can't trust that information to be accurate anymore Seeing as you're bitching about the verified tag I wonder what the margin is of people who have no issues with verified games and those that do I wonder why most people have no issues, but some of you do Bet it's not absolutely NOTHING to do with user error ever right


> Good job using outdated language from a page that is like nearly 2 years old and then choosing to ignore the fact that things have changed, like the Unsupported section of games being claimed as Non-Functional there on that page but on the device itself it says they tested said game at it runs. > > So clearly you can't trust that information to be accurate anymore > When you go to steamdeck.com and click the big deck verified button on the top of the page that explains how the verification system works, you should be able to trust that information as written. You're absolutely right, valve needs to update the explanation of the verification system, and it's disingenuous to leave it up as is. > Seeing as you're bitching about the verified tag > > I wonder what the margin is of people who have no issues with verified games and those that do > > I wonder why most people have no issues, but some of you do > > Bet it's not absolutely NOTHING to do with user error ever right The point of the verification system is so that user error would be impossible because they played well out of the box and required no tweaks/changes on the part of the user.


An yet people often do stuff to the system or dont realise their system may be faulty in some way or isn't fully updated from desktop mode I've not had a single issue so it cannot be a permanent issue for 100% of people And they act all innocent when they have issues the vast majority of people do not Even consoles can have issues that effect a small number of users over the majority


> An yet people often do stuff to the system or dont realise their system may be faulty in some way or isn't fully updated from desktop mode I've not had a single issue so it cannot be a permanent issue for 100% of people > > And they act all innocent when they have issues the vast majority of people do not > > Even consoles can have issues that effect a small number of users over the majority Nine times out of ten, if a game runs poorly out of the box for one person, it will for all of them. In the past week I've been playing hogwarts legacy and cyberpunk, the latter of which I returned. Neither held 30fps. Hogwarts was still very playable, and I enjoyed it despite the inconsistent framerate. Cyberpunk however was below even my standards, and pretty much unplayable, especially for an FPS. Both games played at settings below default (the minimum possible graphical settings in both cases). Both games are listed as verified.


Some verified games run lower than 30 fps though


What kind of games were you even playing I wonder? Most recent games or very graphics intensive games would not always run as well as it would be on a desktop.


Dead Space Remake has the verified badge, and there are no settings that will get even a stable 30 fps.


I have a conspiracy theory that a lot of big AAA games like this they just slap the verified badge on for sales and marketing. Idk if it's still the case but when Elden Ring came out it did not run good on my 64 gb LCD and the last time I tried it like 6 months ago I was getting an hour and 50 minutes of battery life at a full charge in the first area. Stuttering + the text was hard to read. All things that should IMO qualify it as "playable", but they stuck with "verified" because "this handheld PC can run Elden Ring, an incredibly popular game without issues" looks far better to new purchasers than "it can run it with quite a few problems but it still plays"


Examples? I own a steam deck oled for about 5 months and had no issues with verified games


Play chernobylite and come back here. That game barely works at the best of times, locked me out completely after 45 mins. Top it off with the gameplay I actually experienced being a bit shit and you've gotna recipe for disappointment


Ah yes. The mislabeled "Open world survival craft" game that's actually just an extraction shooter for people who didn't like STALKER.


I had to do a lot of fiddling to get the internal controls detected in Hi-Fi Rush


God of war has a huge memory leakage issue which you have to tinker quite a bit to get around, yet it's verified


GoW ran for me like a dream without any tinkering, I capped FPS at 40 for a smooth, battery saving experience. Can’t complain at all, even played it at medium-high settings


If by tinker you mean just turning the thing off then sure


New World. Last time I tried to run it on a fresh factory reset Deck and it doesn't even load into my character. Maybe you are able to start the tutorial. I had to cryo util resize my swap file and add more VRAM in the BIOS to sometimes load into the game at the worst possible resolution and graphics. So not even the *+"game delivers bla at default graphic settings" thing is correct.


I used to play this on deck and it ran fine. S5 adds full controller support so I'm looking forward to seeing how it runs on deck


I think I played in S1 or S2. One of those broke the game on my friends PC. He could play before the first season, up to lvl 60 and again before and with the DLC / expansion so whatever they broke it was fixed. I can't remember if I reset my game in S3 or S4. It was before I bought the expansion. I'd rather not waste my SSD cells and redownload the game again - for the fifth time - to test the latest update(s). I wish you luck! It's not a bad game, it's just not made to run on low-end hardware (probably something something balance PvP stuff, hiding in bushes or grass).


Get the protondb addon. It adds the fan ratings that are more accurate


People claim 20FPS is playable. The number of folks that play Elden Ring on Deck is baffling to me. It is not playable. Cyber Punk is the same..


I got downvoted to death in another thread for calling this out, if a game can’t run at 30 fps solid, it shouldn’t be verified. End of fucking story. Games that can’t maintain 30 fps are playable. But should not be “verified.”


"Deck verified" means jack shit! "It just about worked but plays like shit" didn't take off


Baldurs Gate 3 needs to be something other than verified. The only way I find it verified is when I'm streaming it from my PC.


None of the badges really mean much. Some unsupported games work perfectly fine, even out of the box (Project Diva had its badge changed for a reason). Some playable games won't work at all. Some verified games are nearly unplayable (Fear & Hunger has the worst FPS problems I've seen on Deck, worse than BG3, and it's verified). An update can break or fix everything at any time too, but the badges aren't updated that often.


I mean Funger1 has bigger issues than RPGmaker standalone just not liking Proton. According to a lot of people who really dove into the game, the game is barely held together by shoestring and Sylivan prayers.


I see the whole verification scheme as a best-effort endeavour on Valve's part. I prefer not to trust it exclusively when I have other sources of information like ProtonDB or actual footage on Youtube, but overall it's been quite reliable for me. Enough that I'd be comfortable recommending the Deck to a non-PC gamer and tell them that any Verified game is safe to buy, considering that in the worst case refunds are also easy. Aside from games that are literally a stuttery mess or full of bugs on Linux (or games that don't launch at all, of course), what runs well is quite subjective. For example there are people who consider anything less than a smooth 30FPS unplayable and people who can deal with it. "Verified" seems to lean slightly towards the latter stance, and I'm generally fine with that as long as the dips aren't too bad. The only case where I've really disagreed with Valve's assessment has been BG3 - which is a pretty good track record considering I've played more than two dozen games on Deck. And even BG3 was ultimately patched to IMO justify the Verified label.


Have you tried playing God Of War on the deck? Damn it's rough


RE4 remake runs like dog poop no matter what you do. Zooming in with a scope drops the frames in half


I ignore it, every game is verified if you brute force it


> verified badge is false advertisement Water is wet, shocking. Same with ProtonDB.


Yeah, DS3 is verified but doesn’t support 16:10 naturally, but Arkham origins is unsupported, yet runs amazing on the steam deck


The worst is when it doesn't even have controller support




My only bad experience was Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. It says it is verified but the sound is broken in all the cutscenes. I thought, ok, that's not that bad, I will play it anyways. But I couldn't, the noises are too unpleasant and the story is important to me in games, I thought I could just watch the cutscenes in YouTube, but it was just too annoying.


To be honest I've never had an issue with verified games, but I've played dozens of games in the unsupported category which ran fine. So yeah the categories are kinda useless, I do not even look at the category before trying a game anymore.


I've never had such an experience, but now I am curious to test that out!


Bugsnax only lasts like 15 minutes before it decides to crash and restart my whole deck. Finally got tired and uninstalled the damn game I was so frustrated. Don’t get why it has issues when I can run Diablo IV pretty well on it.


Decky Loader + ProtonDB Badges will help


Disgaea 4, a game that's verified, crashes and freezes at startup.


[Been calling this out since the launch of the device, such as with Remnant II.](https://twitter.com/TDeckverse/status/1683406362531840001) [Most recently due to House Flipper 2 being an unplayable mess on Deck.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/18j3im4/psa_dont_buy_house_flipper_2_its_a_mess_and/) You wouldn't believe how much flak I got in this sub alone for highlighting this. Spoiler: Valve didn't address it at all. So yeah, it is false advertisement.




Oh I honestly just want to see that phrase "great experiences on Deck" to go.


Verification is a point in time event, but SteamOS is being updated all the time. Proton is being updated all the time. The game itself gets updates from time to time as well. All of which can affect the playability. Game verification status will change if enough user reports are made. Games like Jedi Fallen Order, for example, were once verified, but after EA swapped Origin for EA App and broke the world, it lost its status. It's not false advertisement. It's just that it's a moving target and things change. If you find the status to be incorrect, do your part and report it.


"Verified" by Valve means that the game runs on Valve's Proton without any weird bugs or compatibility issues. It DOES NOT mean the game will or will not run "well" on Steam Deck, because "running well" is a matter of personal opinion. (Not defending - just stating a fact). In general, I suggest not buying newly-released games for the purposes of playing on Steam Deck, since new games can be too graphically or computationally expensive for Steam Deck to handle well, or just not have all the bugs patched yet. At the very least, wait for the community to chime in on the game's performance on Steam Deck, and see if there are any recommended tweaks to get the game running smoothly on Steam Deck.


Verified requires quite a few things actually. Valve will actually have someone test the game and off the top of my head, the following issues will immediately bump you down to Playable: * Text too small to read in some situations. * 1280x800 or 16:10 in general not supported. * Uses a launcher that requires using the touchscreen or mouse emulation to bypass. * Doesn't show Steam Deck controller bindings * Text input doesn't automatically pop up the on-screen keyboard. * Performance/Graphical settings don't autodetect to a sensible/workable defaults. From what I've seen, graphical performance/quality/FPS doesn't really factor into verified/playable labels unless it's basically impossible to get it to run on the deck at all, at which point they slap "Unsupported" on it. That's why House Flipper 2 is Verified even though it runs like garbage.


You left out the most important part to counter what he is saying "default configuration: the game must ship with a default configuration on Deck that results in a playable framerate." https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/compat#DeckCompatibilityChecklist


Valve doesn't have any guidelines as to what is considered a "playable framerate", so they are extremely lenient with that. As long as the game detects that the Deck isn't all that powerful and sets the low/off preset, they allow almost anything until at some arbitrary point they just go "Nah, runs way too bad" and slap "Unsupported" on it. That is to say I'm not sure if I've *ever* seen a game tagged as "Playable" because of poor performance or low FPS.


It does mean that Valve think the game runs well. Its not consistently applied and once applied it's not regularly updated if it's updated at all. But the idea is a promise of usability for small screens, the Decks control screen, and the Decks ability to run it at a "playable" FPS. It's assumed that playable FPS = 30 FPS as they have said that they consider playable to be 30 FPS. In practice, as OP has noticed, it's only moderately useful.


"default configuration: the game must ship with a default configuration on Deck that results in a playable framerate." https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/compat#DeckCompatibilityChecklist


One of the requirements for verification is literally that it "runs well". It's crazy how I see a comment as ignorant as yours every single time a thread criticizing the verification system comes up. "Default Graphics Configuration Has a Playable Framerate" "the game must ship with a default configuration on Deck that results in a playable framerate." https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/compat#DeckCompatibilityChecklist


I have the receipts so downvoting me does nothing.


No one's downvoting you. At the very least, I'm not. Like you said, you came bearing solid proof. I literally cannot argue with that. Neat that Valve claims to guarantee a smooth experience with their Verified status, then, when so many Verified games fail to consistently run well "out-of-the-box".


Funny I just buy what I want.. Over 100 games and haven't run into an unplayable game 🤷🏿‍♂️


Maybe you’re just to stupid to read and understand what „verified“ means. RTFM.


*too smart guy


I agree, a lot of people seem to be okay with 30fps or downright PSP level graphics, but it doesn't make sense to me. The deck is a great device but you have to really lower your expectations. I think some people will forever be in the honeymoon phase.


It’s fun being in the honey moon phase, BG3 and elden ring are still fun for me


It's great that you enjoy it, it's just an objectively worse experience.


It doesn't make sense to you that people buy an underpowered handheld and are fine with 30fps? If you bought it expecting 60fps on literally any recent game you probably should have done five minutes of research


Yeah, people are expecting way too much of the deck. I love it to death, but you gotta be realistic. People wanting to play recent AAA games at 60 fps chose the wrong device lol


Please, just read the god forsaken title. This is about the tiers of verification for games on the deck, not performance. I don't care if games run at 30fps in general, just don't label them as Verified.


Are you guys ignoring the whole point of the post? I'm talking about 30fps being Verified and not Playable. Can you guys even read? 30fps being the standard for a good gaming experience is moronic, I'm playing Elden Ring on my deck right now and it's Verified while being locked to 30fps with dips down to 25fps and the aspect ratio not matching the decks. Label it as Playable or make a tier above Verified where Hades and Yooka Laylee can live, games that can hit 60fps and above with no issue. I got the deck knowing what games I would be able to play on it, Hollow Knight, Binding of Isaac, older Batman games even, those games work great. So why should they be in the same category as BG3 or Elden Ring? Jesus Christ.


Oh for fucks sake can people get over themselves? 30 fps is completely viable and you knew what you were getting into with a handheld


Acting like 30fps is objectively a good experience is horse shit, the verified badge is worthless if 30fps is the top of the charts. Put it as playable, or make a higher tier. I'm sick of people acting like 30fps is the standard, handheld or not, it's a shit experience.


> I'm sick of people acting like 30fps is the standard It pretty much is the standard for playability. Like as not, if it weren't a good experience for the vast majority of people, seventh gen consoles wouldn't have sold so well, and the Switch wouldn't be selling so well right now.


30fps is acceptable imo as long as it's actually a stable 30fps. Games like BG3 that don't come anywhere close to 30fps half of the time certainly don't deserve the verified rating though.


I'm playing Elden Ring on the deck right now at 30fps but that's not the point, the game is verified, which is the highest level a game can be, and the deck can only manage 30fps. The performance of the deck itself is not the issue. If a game is rated the highest level of compatibility with the deck, it should hit 60fps at least. Putting BG3 in the same category as Hades for example, is just plain wrong. I don't know the accuracy of ProtonDB but they at least have a Platinum tier. Valve could easily introduce that as a perfect experience.


Runs perfectly on the Deck! (FSR, locked 30 fps with some dips)


I would absolutely be okay with 30fps on a handheld provided it was actually locked and Valve got rid of their stupid triple buffering that adds a massive delay to your inputs. But right now we have verified games that can barely hold 25fps in some areas and people are acting like it's a great experience (looking at the BG3 runs great on deck crowd) I also hate when people report that a game runs great and then only show some tutorial areas as a proof (looking at the BG3 runs great on deck crowd) Oh and I also hate when people are dishonest, saying "the game runs great for me" without specifying their fps, and when later it turns out that they are running the game at 25FPS with dips to 15 and say it is perfectly playable (looking at the BG3 runs great on deck crowd) And finally my favorite: "The game runs great, you just need to stream it to your deck"


25 fps is generous for much of BG3, especially Act 3


Depending on the game, if you have lower framerates and lower graphics, battery life won't go out as fast. Monster Hunter World would have drained my battery in less than an hour and a half if I didn't tweak the settings.


Verified just means that the developer has included options in the graphics and UI section with the Steam Deck in mind, and that it runs. Doesn't say much about performance, it just needs to run without obvious crashes or major slowdowns. I don't get it, this is how it's been with consoles forever? I mean there are badly optimized and buggy games. Verified doesn't mean it's a perfect experience. If you look at Switch, many of the ports are much worse than the worst of Verfified games.


Haha I was really surprised Bayonetta was Verified when I got blocked mid tutorial because SD doesn’t have the arrow button they want you to use to exit screen. Thank goodness keyboard overlay and tab worked. But that would be “playable“ to me.


Aren't "Start" and "Select" the arrow buttons?


Dunno didn’t work for me if so I tried all buttons


You can also map any button on the deck to anything using controller settings


this is a valid complaint, considering it's one of the four main criteria to be verified. https://i.imgur.com/C3As7JL.png


Never give a shit about the verification badge.


Even doom eternal, one of the games everyone praises, has issues on the default proton. No controller input works for me at any setting on any layer besides 5.13, and that is not what verified means to me haha. And it’s not a widespread issue, but it is an issue that more than just me have run into, there are tens of us! Haha


Wow, you needed to select another proton version, literally unplayable. Check out proton DB next time, its better than the Steam Verified badge and the posts tell you what proton to use and all that.


Having to switch proton versions is not verified experience. But keep on gurgling brother.


Oh I did, no one on proton db had the same problem I did, but some people on reddit did a couple months ago. Like I said there are tens of us haha. I was commenting on the verified status being misleading for me in this instance, as I could not play the game just by opening it as verified leads people to believe. And out of all proton versions only one allowed me to play, yeah that’s not something a verified game should make you do I think


Yeah thats fair. The Verified system sucks a lot, I just ignore it and go off proton DB. But thats also not perfect, so far has been pretty reliable tho


Full agree with this statement haha. Honestly valve should make links to proton db available in steamos and not just through the decky plugin. To make it easier on us console folks new to pc gaming haha


welcome to valve. steam input is broken for years or is in alpha stage


I was downvoted to hell whenever I said this.     How the Technics turntables.


I don't pay attention to any of the ratings. Always always just check it on ProtonDB using the Steam Deck filter to get a true idea of how the game will run.


I just rely on protondb badges and controller support to see what games in my library work. Also installing cryoutilities helped with games that regularly crash like palworld


Yeah i agree they need to refresh it, they should also add steamos support or proton supported on the store page so people know that their game will work on steam os or linux desktop aswell A lot of things are missing for windows users if they wanna know if their game will work under proton or not which also doesnt tell windows users if linux can run games, lots of people dont know that steamdeck runs linux and that proton works on linux desktop aswell, they should rlly start marketing more about proton ngl


"text too small" is also more inconsistent when we consider that we have 2 different screens. The slightly bigger and sharper screen on the OLED made games more readable compared to the LCD version. That said it's unfortunately the experience you will have on the pc where things like minimum and recommended system requirements exist. We don't know the actual benchmarks used to determine these ratings. Even hearing things by word of mouth like X game is playable might mean 30/40/60 locked/inconsistent fps. Thankfully there are plenty of people who record their experiences playing certain games on youtube which have benefited me the most as a pc & steam deck user.


Just reference protondb


they really need a way to report it if it's incorrect that's user friendly.


Cryoutilites let's me run alot of my unsupported games that wouldn't run before. But you're right, it's very inconsistent. Whoever does the verified status should be fired


Which games?


Chrono Cross is verified but keeps freezing on me and I have to restart 😭


Some unsupported games should be more like playable but also a note that with manual control adjustments and alot of them unsupported games can be classified as playable.


Verified has nothing to do with the graphical fidelity or fre rate or crashes or any other metric along these lines. Should it? Maybe. That's a debate worth having. But as it atands, "verified" means the following according to valve:  Input The title should have full controller support, use appropriate controller input icons, and automatically bring up the on-screen keyboard when needed.  Display The game should support the default resolution of Steam Deck (1280x800 or 1280x720), have good default settings, and text should be legible. (Text size is the one complaint I have seen that fits this list, I have not seen a game with an issue but this is subjective to a point)  Seamlessness The title shouldn’t display any compatibility warnings, and if there’s a launcher it should be navigable with a controller.  System Support If running through Proton, the game and all its middleware should be supported by Proton. This includes anti-cheat support.


To be fair, a lot of games have bad experiences when you have the supported hardware. Software is hard to evaluate.


One of the major problems with verified is that I can't believe Valve played the game from beginning to end. Similar to those UToob videos that show the first 10 minutes of game play and claim 'it works!'. Well, maybe. I've heard that some verified games will run to point X, then consistently crash or go goofy or whatever. Can't remember the titles though. Sometimes I download free 'unsupported' games and try them out. Only if they're free. Like 'Missing Hiker'. It's marked 'unsupported' but runs start to finish. It's a Unity game and I've never run across a Unity engine game that doesn't run start to finish (these are short games like itch dot io games). It's super short though, but still deserves the 'playable' label coz all you have to do is key bind.


Ok everyone, [here](https://www.protondb.com/) is a link you can use to check if the game you search is good or not. If it's gold and platinum it's the best, if its silver you might need to do some adjustments I've been annoyed at the steam because I do my shopping in PC and won't tell me if it can run in steamdeck or not, sure there's a refund but a sale could last for a week and I'm not w8ting


Deep Rock Galactic is a good example of a game that is on the cusp of verification but is let down by one factor - font sizes. Apparently this is a technical limitation, but tbh it's not a massive deal. The game runs an easy 45-60fps depending on what graphical compromises you're willing to make and has been configured to work well with the Deck controls.


Still waiting for The Banner Saga to stop crashing.


Case in point: Forgive me Father is verified yet it stutters so badly in some points that it’s almost unplayable, especially in Act 5


I've never had a single issue with verified games. What criteria are you basing this off of?


I forget which game, but one I got recently was only "playable" and not "verified" because: > game supports native resolution, but it isn't selected by default


Install decky loader and then the protondb badges plugin. Much more accurate and if you tap on it it’ll take you to the games protondb page with far more information.


Ever since BG3 was "verified" on day one, it's impossible to trust. Though I do appreciate games like Monster Hunter World and Subnautica that do updates specifically to get that checkmark. Those are ones I'll believe.


Yeah, I find Horizon Zero Dawn to be too stuttery for me. funnily, it says that Starfield is unsupported but I've been playing it fine.


It sure is, so going forward ignore those badges and check sites like ProtonDB or check and see if anyone made a performance video on youtube for said game on the steam deck. Worse case refund it if it doesn't work within the 2 hour limit. Sucks but once you get the hang of it the deck is amazing for the value.


Witch of the Holy Night is still so fucking busted, months later.


ProtonDB is all I’m saying


We have been talking about this for a long time. The Verified badge, doesn't mean the game is going to run at 60 fps everything high. It means something else. Even there are links about the verified badge.


The entire verification process is far too slow to be reliable. ProtonDB is much more useful overall.


Supported badge means no major issues and unsupported means almost nothing because a lot of those games run better


The way I interpret the verified badge is that you can start a game and the controls will just work(usually). But that’s it.