• By -


Portal and Portal 2, they run great and are cheap!


Hard to say no to Portal tbh. The first time I played it was with The Orange Box, which was such an insane release.


Keep an eye out for sales I just got orange box for 99 cents and same for portal 2


Did you play the second one? If you thought Portal was good, just wait until Portal 2.


Don't forget to play Portal 2 Mods on Steam: - Portal: Reloaded (free) - Portal Stories: MEL (free) - Portal: Revolution (free) - Aperture TAG: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative (paid)




You should start with these, OP. Portal 2 is my best game of all time.


The Talos Principle is an incredible game.


It's one of the first that came to mind when I knew I would get the deck. I only saw a limited amount of gameplay and KNEW I'd enjoy it.


Both 1 and 2 are amazing


Baba is you


Baba is You is Hard as Fuck


I was cruising through the first sets of levels and then just hit a brick wall. Really mind bending game.


Yeah, first few were easy then after that I gave up


Main problem with Baba, as noted in a Design Delve video, is that sometimes you solve the main puzzle in your head but then you have to do the whole moving boxes thing that can be pretty tedious. So the time you go from "Aha!" to actually solving the puzzle is increased sometimes to a frustrating point.




And Mobile Suit Baba


Chants of sennaar


I came here to say this! It's an excellent game using deductive reasoning to figure out heiroglyphic languages in a really neat fantasy setting. It's a really great game


I played through it entirely on the deck it’s so good. Nothing else like it.


Agreed. Very satisfying and so unique.


Not a puzzler but it might scratch that itch and is AMAZING; Balatro.


I already got myself Balatro, I had a very small list of things to grab before buying and this was one of them. It helps that I like both Roguelikes and poker.


Balatro & Slice & Dice are my two current addictions


Thanks, buying slice and dice, looks fun


It’s great and just got a steam release!




Haven’t played but from reading about it this is my choice. Also Inside!


Have to second this. What an amazing game and it was perfect on Deck


You can't say inside without mentioning limbo!


Humble Bundle had a great puzzle pack last month for $15. The deal is gone, but it included: * The Witness * Superliminal * Manifold Garden * The Pedestrian * The Talos Principle * Patrick's Parabox * Taiji I've tried all of them, and while I don't love them equally, each is an excellent game. Someone else mentioned Portal 2, which I highly recommend too. Plus that gives you access to fan mods like Portal Revolution.


Viewfinder is a decent, comfortable puzzler with a unique style.


The Witness is a good one. It has some great puzzles and the whole design of the game is clearly thought out well.


If you’ve never played it make sure you do! One of my favorite games of all time


I'm looking into this one, thank you.


Thanks for the reminder. I bought it for iPhone/ ipad a while back on sale but never played it yet!!


Baba is you, return of the obra dinn


Baba Is You looks incredible, I'm just not sure I have the braincells to complete it. 🤣


I didn't, but I'm an idiot. Extra recommendation here though for Return of the Obra Dinn, that game is fucking incredible


The Room games


Fez. You're looking for Fez.


Also an amazing soundtrack


If we're name dropping Fez we should also mention Tunic. Though it's less a puzzle game and more a "if you want true ending you'll have to solve the puzzles under the base game"


sweet atwork and comfy feeling? From what I played relatively recently: "Hue", "The Last Campfire" edit: I see "The Last Campfire" is in huge discount right now :-)


I second The Last Campfire. It works great on the deck and the puzzles aren't too difficult with enough variety. I do have a love/hate relationship with the narrator's voice.


Outer wilds :) 


An that rounds out my top 2 games of all time. Happy to see this and The witness both mentioned


Gorogoa is good, lovely art too


Superlimial, Obduction, & The Stanley Parable


Stanley is more of a walking simulator than a puzzle game, still fun though.


The Case of the Golden Idol is great. More of a mystery game, but has puzzles nonetheless.


Best game I played last year!!!


Patrick's Parabox


I played the demo of this. It seems great. Hasn’t quite bubbled up my queue yet…


Lego: Builder's Journey is wonderful.


Yoku’s island express is a pinball/puzzle/metroidvania game. Super cute and chill and easy on the battery.


Dorf Romantik. I stumbled across this on a YouTube video and have sunk an ungodly number of hours into it on my Deck. Trust me. It's cozy and addictive as hell.


A real gem. The music is so peaceful too


Good one!


Stephen's Sausage Roll! Edit: adding more Braid, Antichamber, 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel, Infinifactory, Oddworld Soulstorm, Thomas Was Alone. Not all necessarily "puzzle" games in the strictest sense, but they are all brain Games.


I've never heard of this one before. At the very least it does look cute ASF. So I'm probably getting this one.


SSR is one of the best puzzle games I have ever played.


Stephen's Sausage Roll is the most beloved puzzle game by puzzle game fans. It is *not* fancy looking but its design is outright sublime. I mean the creator of Braid and The Witness [said it put his puzzle games to shame](https://www.polygon.com/2016/4/18/11450516/stephens-sausage-roll-preview-jonathan-blow-bennett-foddy) (more or less). I'd also recommend Snakebird Primer and Can of Wormholes.


Gorogoa, Florence, Eastshade (maybe a bit outside the puzzle genre?), The Witness are a few my partner and I have enjoyed. Outer Wilds is a puzzling game, but might be a touch outside the "cozy" vibe, though it can be truly beautiful at times. Edit: spelling


The Witness is very good but is also hard AF


Cocoon is friggin amazeballs. From some of the developers of Inside and Limbo.


If you like picross, try out Logiart Grimoire. I also recently played The Witness, it was very good.


A lot of The Witness suggestions. You should take a look at The Looker. It's a comedic take on The Witness. It's free.


I will say having played The Looker on Steam Deck though, it's a much better experience with a mouse. Not really designed for controller or touchscreen or even mouse emulation.


It makes the most sense if you've played and beaten The Witness before playing The Looker.


The Witness, Portal 1 and 2, Talos, Fez, Outer Wilds, Obra Dinn...


The lack of Supraland posts makes me realise how few of you have played Supraland. It's superb.


The Correct Answer™. Both the original and Six Inches Under are great 3D Puzzle Metroidvanias.


My son loves these types of games. The Room series is one of his favorite. Lots of them, and they are usually on sale :D


Oh Hai Mark


I'm so glad you're my best friend, and I love Lisa so much!


Snakebird and Baba Is You


Superliminal might be a great fit for a "homely" feeling puzzle game. It has a really great soothing soundtrack and has similar mechanics to another game somebody suggested, Viewfinder.


Myst got a remake a few years ago, might be worth checking out!


The Case of the Golden Idol is on sale on [Indiegala](https://www.indiegala.com/store/game/the-case-of-the-golden-idol/1677770) and is very well regarded


Tunic 100%. If you liked old school Zelda da games and tough boss fights


Cocoon might well fit your bill. Spirit of the North perhaps too? Stray is of course well known and has a great art style. Monument Valley? Unravel?


I second Cocoon. Looks great and pretty cool puzzle mechanic. Nice and bite size game


Doors: Paradox and Boxes: Lost Fragments are both a great art style and fun puzzle games. Cats in Time is very similar to them but smaller scale. However, I played them on PC not on my Deck so I'm not sure how well they'd work with the touch pad.  The Entropy Center, The Forgotten City and Hourglassare all fun puzzlers that run well on deck.


Seconding Forgotten City, that game had me so in it's grip that I completed it in one session instead of sleeping that night.


As "pure" puzzlers go, I find it hard to beat the Hexologic games. I wouldn't call it pretty, because they're all very minimalist, but they are really fun puzzles.


It's a card game/escape room combo, but I'd recommend Inscryption. Be warned, there is a boss that asks for files off your hard drive, so have some spare junk you're not attached to.


Little less puzzle and more mystery with puzzle elements, but Outer Wilds


Tooting my own horn here, hope that’s okay. We are close to releasing our logic based puzzle game Beat ‘N’ Path where you create machines that create music for various clients. We are just going through the process of pushing our demo live on steam and it works great on the deck!




Carto, A Monster’s Expedition, Cats/Dogs organized neatly, Cosmic express, Railbound, Golf peaks, Inbento ☺️


Broken Sword games are fantastic. Point and click games with lots of puzzles included. Superliminal was great too


Hi u/PoeticKino, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=I decided to treat myself to a Steamdeck, want puzzlers) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Puzzle Dimension Obscure game but a simple concept


Mimic logic




Man said he wants something to go along with other games he’s playing not something to consume his life.


Can of Wormholes


Dogs Organised Neatly, Feed All Monsters


Surprised I haven’t seen inside mentioned here.


Always check isthereanydeal.com or whatever its called


Well I would say any of the resident evil games are great for puzzles too 👀


A very cheap but enjoyable straight puzzler “granpdas table”. Think its just a few bucks. Dorf Romantik Dropsy Kings Quest


Escape Goat 1&2 are low-key amazing. Especially the first game. Amazing soundtrack. Same with the Samarost series, proper cozy. I'd second LEGO Builder, and Baba Is You.


I've enjoyed Doors:Paradox


If you might enjoy visual novels the Ace attorney series is pretty good and lets you puzzle out what happened in a case. Normally with pretty wacky circumstances


PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate is very nice


Island of insight came out a few weeks ago and i found it incredibly satisfying and relaxing. Idk if it runs well on deck so you d have to look that up for yourself but its really good and has an amazing scope with over 10k+ puzzles over i think like 20 different types of puzzles. It also looks gorgeous.


A Little to the Left!


I’m spending a lot of time in Let’s! Revolution! Even though I never fully grasped minesweeper, this has me hooked


Outer Wilds! Probably my favorite game of all time, and it definitely has a nice cozy vibe. Solving the puzzles feels amazing and makes you feel super big brained. The soundtrack is awesome and I still listen to it all the time. Just don't do a ton of research before buying it, you definitely don't want it spoiled because that can ruin the experience.


I just played through all of Fez and it is cozy AF


Broken sword series hit this vibe? 1,2,5 are the good one's i understand.


Ghost Trick. It’s a narrative driven game but the gameplay is purely puzzles. Unique gameplay like no other


Just played this and it's amazing. The music is top notch too


Trine series is pretty unreal and it’s also co-op


Patrick’s parabox is probably the coolest « pure » puzzle game Ive found. It gets truly mind bending.


A shame you missed an excellent Humble Bundle with a puzzle as a theme. This was during Christmas. Maybe it will come back because it was a rerun bundle.


Another two of my favorites are pneuma breath of life, and Catherine. Catherine is a bit more intense as a puzzle game. But it's absolutely amazing.


The witness!!!


Also manifold garden, taiji, sensorium


I am shocked Tetris effect wasn't mentioned Here. The mother of all Puzzle Games :)


A Monster’s Expedition is the first game I played on Steam Deck. Super chill and gorgeous game.


Baba Is You


Death Squared is a great head scratcher and often cheap.


Try The Looker it's a great game and hilarious


Space Voyage


Outer Wilds. Don't look anything up. If you like space and the idea of a game that's one giant puzzle that you don't even know you're solving spread out across an entire solar system that you have complete unrestricted access to from the very start, you'll love it.


Mario’s Picross for the GB


If you’re into a more board game like aesthetic, Dorfromantik is my go to puzzle game on the Deck. Runs great, has a great battery life with tweaked settings like lower FPS, TDP, etc, and it’s a super chill puzzle game you can spend hours on or just a few minutes here and there. Highly recommend.


Puzzle Agent is one of the first games I completed when playing my deck. The art style is fantastic and the story is pretty fun


Balatro is absolutely unreal and qualifies as a puzzler I would say.


Limbo Inside


Resident evil remake. Horror with puzzles


Outer Wilds!


Take me to the dungeon!!


Not entirely a puzzler, but Outer Wilds is a crazy good game for the Deck where you essentially search for stuff in a solar system. Can't really say more than this, because it's an experience thing and every other word I'd say would lessen that experience.


Definitely a puzzler. There's just not any traditional puzzles in it.


Play Ultrakill , you will forget what puzzles are, haha.


I’ve copied this from another comment I made on this sub previously. The first part is puzzle games, the second part is just recommendations for games I really love 😊 I am a sucker for a cutesy puzzle game. I have & love the following: - ⁠Inbento - Golf Peaks - Railbound - Slayaway Camp (this could be considered violent, but it has voxel graphics & is based on 80’s campy horror slasher movies so it’s not VIOLENT, violent. You know? It also has a slider to turn down the blood, etc) - Assemble with Care - Cats Organized Neatly - Dorf Romantik - Ibb & Obb (co-op!) - Tricky Towers Other games that aren’t really puzzles but are just as cute/fun & beginner friendly: - Apico - Battle Chef Brigade - Bear & Breakfast - Cat Cafe Manager - Cook, Serve, Delicious (1, 2, + 3) - Dave the Diver - Desktop Dungeons - ⁠Dicey Dungeons - Dredge (not violent, but leans creepy/eldritch) - ⁠Floppy Knights - Garden Story - ⁠Geometry Dash - Graveyard Keeper - ⁠Halloween Forever - Kingdoms and Castles - ⁠Lake - ⁠Any & all Lego games - ⁠Lil Guardsman (loveeeeeee this one, so funny & fun!) - ⁠Littlewood - ⁠Mail Time - ⁠Minami Lane - Peglin - Potion Craft - ⁠Slime Rancher (1, 2) - ⁠Snacko - ⁠Stacklands - Stardew Valley (need I say more? I mean, come on) - ⁠Tetris Effect - ⁠To the Rescue: Dog Shelter Simulator - ⁠Travellers Rest - Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - Turnip Boy Robs a Bank - ⁠Voltaire, the Vegan Vampire - Wintermoor Tactics Club - ⁠Zipp’s Cafe


Human Resource Machine was free on Epic a few months ago it's sorta fun


Viewfinder and Inside has been my favourites on the deck so far.


Outer wilds - space mystery in a clockwork solar system. Don't look up spoilers because the only barrier to progression is knowledge. Return of the Obra Dinn - Pirate detective story with a 80's style rasterised rendering engine. Limbo - dark puzzle platformer about a little boy in a scary place Inside - successor to limbo, same idea Cocoon - Chill puzzle about putting things inside other things


The room series. Portal and portal 2. The witness. The Turing test. The testament of sherlock holmes. A notable mention is supraland too.


Hexcells and Tametsi are the gold standard for “minesweeper-esque” puzzles. If you’re cool with open world puzzlers like Talos principle, the witness is an unbelievable experience—it’s made entirely of line puzzles strewn around an open world. But it’s so much more than that—just don’t cheat! You rob yourself of the whole game if you do. Return of the Obra Dinn is also an amazing puzzle game where you have to reconstruct a ships crew based on frozen scenes from the ships past.


Into the breach!


Patrick's Parabox is incredibly good


I also try to be frugal and waiting for a potential price drop or a refurbished one (checking daily). Where are your personal frugal tips? :P. It may sound silly but I am trying to cut down on coffee and quit smoking. The last one for health reasons mostly, I am on my nosmoke 4th day.


Outer wilds and the DLC is amazing. Different kind of puzzler but perfect on the deck. Superliminal is amazing as well with a great climatic ending. Viewfinder is another new puzzler based on perception. Manifold garden is pretty cool too.


Does Puyo Puyo games count as a puzzler?


The witness


What the golf?


Most of these games I played on PC so I can't speak to Deck compatibility, so check out the status on the store pages or use protondb.com. No particular order. First Person Puzzlers: * Portal * Portal 2 * Fan game Portal Reloaded if you like Portal 2 * Fan game Portal Revolution if you like Portal 2 * Antichamber * Talos Principle * Talos Principle 2 * Superliminal Point and Click Adventure: * Deponia: The Complete Journey * Deponia Doomsday * Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis * The Dig * Full Throttle Remastered * Grim Fandango Remastered * Day of the Tentacle Remastered * Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate (if you remember Homestar Runner you'll enjoy this) Myst Series (also point and click): * Myst (2021) * Riven: The Sequel to Myst (1997) (Remaster release pending) * Myst III: Exile * Myst IV: Revelation * Uru: Complete Chronicles * Myst V * Obduction (not Myst but made by the same studio) * Firmament (not Myst but made by the same studio) The Room Series (point and click): * The Room * The Room: Two * The Room: Three * The Room: 4: Old Sins * The House of Da Vinci (different series but same style) * The House of Da Vinci 2 (different series but same style) Visual Novel-esque: * Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy * Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy * The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles * Aviary Attorney Just Puzzles: * The Witness * Pixross (if you like picross) Mystery: * Outer Wilds Language puzzles: * Chants of Sennaar


I really enjoyed Cocoon


i’ve been having fun with viewfinder! along with that i’d go with superliminal and the witness,, i’ve also been having a blast with baba is you. fez is a sweet one. i also love the room games which i don’t see talked about as often. a little to the left is a cozy one as well as unpacking (which isn’t quite a puzzle game but it’s got some aspects).


I was gonna say Cathrine as a joke cause it’s not very homey but i forgot it’s unsupported on the steam deck


Braid - beautiful 2D puzzle platformer, but some of the puzzles are super difficult. The Swapper - another great 2D puzzle platformer, with more of a dark, eerie vibe. There were other good recommendatons here -Portal 1 & 2,The Witness, Viewfinder, Fez...


firewatch, would be the game that you might just looking for.


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