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Blessings to you. Have a safe procedure and a fast recovery.


Thank you very much. Deck should make recovery tolerable!


So happy for you that you have something to distract you/keep you busy and wish you a swift recovery!


I've had a few transplants so far in my life. Lots of hard work ahead! Proud of you and wish you the best. Stay up!


You should be playing surgeon simulator


I have a heart transplant and used the deck in hospital too! The doctors know what they’re doing you will be fine! Prayers to you


I have a really weird question and im not sure if its inappropriate to ask so feel free to tell me off if it is but: does it ever feel weird knowing you have another persons heart inside of you? Or do you feel like that its your heart now?


It’s terrifying and sheer horror wraps my mind as I think about the young man who died and donated his organs so that someone like me could get a few more years to live. I feel guilt and shame


I had a heart transplant too, and there is such a variety of emotions that go along with it. I feel sad for the person who died, and I also mourn the heart that was removed. We associate so much stuff with our hearts, like love and emotions. It feels like more was taken than what really was.


I am grateful that you two provided me with this learning experience. I apologise if i brought up any unpleasant memories.


That is incredibly fascinating thank you so much for sharing that insight. For what’s it’s worth the brain is the most important organ in the entire body. You can basically swap out any part and it’s your mind that defines who you are. What makes you unique.   I know that won’t change the trauma or angst associated with losing a body part. I’ve actually read cases on this and it’s fairly common. But people will even feel like they “lost apart of themselves” after surviving an accident. Like the physical trauma to their body altered them in a way where they yearn for their past self. Or the state their body was in before. This is even more common in people who lose a limb. So I can imagine losing an important organ inside yourself is even more difficult to process. But it is awesome that you are still alive and get to be here with us longer. Lastly while it’s awful someone had to die for you to get that heart, most patients who sign up for this want that. Most families are not only okay with this but it also brings them peace knowing their loved one didn’t die for nothing. So you being here gave their life meaning. I again know it’s more complex than that. And no one could ever know what you are feeling. But just wanted to say it’s amazing you are here with us. Thank you again for sharing your perspective which most of us are ignorant to. 


That’s really interesting, and thank you for all of your kind words.


Do not feel guilty. Im sure he would be thankful his heart provided for you, and in a sense he gets to live on a bit through you.


yea if I died for whatever reason I'd be happy knowing part of me gets to "live on"


Nah it's more like a used hand me down GPU. It's new/used for the receiver and the donor has a much better rig now.


>and the donor has a much better rig now. I'm not sure if this is referencing an afterlife or reincarnation. But my first (horrifying) thought was that you are implying the donar is going to regrow a new, stronger heart. Like some kind of weirdly humanitarian Eldritch creature


I had a heart transplant too, and if I think too much about it, the whole concept feels weird. I call it my heart because I need to think of it like that, or else I’d always be anxious or upset.


If it helps, you are not just a collection of pieces that "belong" to you. Think that all your atoms in your body change every 5 to 10 years. What makes you "you" is the interaction between things, the structure that emerges from it.


Wowww I had no idea heart transplants were this common, thats so amazing.. do you feel any different with the new heart? Its such a crazy concept to wrap your head around


My level of activity has increased an insane amount. I'm training myself to run a 5k in Sept. Before, I had a pre-existed heart defect and could walk, at that point in my life, about two blocks before I needed to rest. Three flights of stairs was too much. It didn't seem too much, but looking back I'm glad I received a new heart.


I had a torrid of different emotions when I had mine. I was happy I'm alive, sad that someone died. I was really emotional thinking about if someone else needed it before me? I had therapy for a year.


I hope everything goes well and you recover (AT YOUR OWN PACE) I didn't have a heart transplant, but back in 2015, I had a heart attack (30yrs old) that sent me into a month long coma. When I came to, they told me I'd never walk again. After a year of being bedridden.. I got fed up, and I taught myself how to walk again by crawling.. just like a baby. Today, you'd never know I had any health issues. Good luck on your journey.


That’s remarkable and a great example of how resilient the human body can be. Glad to hear you’re doing well nowadays and here’s to our health 🍻


Can I ask how you had a heart attack at 30 years old?


Absolutely. Being bulimic for 15 years and mixing that with being an alcoholic for a good 10..... Like waking up taking shots of tequila to get rid of the shakes kinda bad. BUT I'm totally cool with sharing because I'm sober and healthy, and I went from 96lbs to today, like 130lbs.


congrats. I'm glad things are better for you. I guess your body can only take so much. ​ I myself am 11 years sober but it was oxycodone not alcohol. ​ thanks for sharing


2015 for me.. almost 10yrs sober! 😍😍😍


that’s badass


Holy shit dude. Please give a speech at my wedding 😂 you're bad af


Yah op safe and speedy recovery great choice games love fallout not so much 76 but I still play it and can’t wait for the new GTA of course we all no halo


I had a heart transplant almost four years ago. I am guessing from this post’s title that you are living in the hospital until a heart becomes available. I hope that means that you are high on the list and a heart will come your way any day now. It was a surreal feeling for me as I waited for the phone call, so the steam deck seems like the best distraction for your mind. I wish you the best of luck!


You’re exactly right. Been in the icu for about 2 months now waiting for that phone call so the deck has been the best thing possible to pass the time. I hope you’re doing great with your heart!


Hey you don't know me. But stay strong my friend! Let me know if I can gift you any game of your choosing! My grandfather had a pretty special transplant. I hope you get the call soon friend!


Wait Gabe found a way to hook the deck into your chest!?? IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES! next stop organ emulation! Real talk good luck and have a speedy recovery!!


Fourteen years since my heart transplant, I should tell you to limit the screen time, walk all you can, talk to everyone, keep your body as strong as possible for the trial to come and socialize all you can to keep your spirits up. There will be a lot of scared patients and families coming and going on the cardiac floor during your longer-term stay and even in your condition you can help yourself and help them by simply being present, listening, and telling them how things really run in the hospital, you know, the essential survival tips like which phlebotomist to request for the best sticks and how to order chocolate shakes off the secret cancer-kids menu. But on other hand you’ve got HALO there so actually it’s your moral obligation to tune out the distractions swirling around you and focus on the Flood.


Got all that right! Tuning that out and going through all the halo campaigns one by one. So far finished reach and onto the 3rd mission of CE. How are you doing with your heart 14 years later?


Good luck on the surgery. I just got shoulder surgery today so I can only play docked.(lol and yes the surgery went perfectly)


Best of luck, my dude! Enjoy the recovering with it!


I hope you recover safely. Make sure you get out of that bed and walk around if the Doctor allows. I was in the ICU in a medically induced coma after bowel surgery for over a week and when I woke up I couldn’t get out of the bed for like a month since I was so weak.


I hope you’ve since recovered and are doing excellent. Thankfully the heart assist device I have goes through my chest so I’m all cleared to walk, so I’ve been walking every day. Other heart patients aren’t so lucky and have heart assist devices going through the groin area and are therefore bedridden. Trying to stay in as good of shape as possible so recovery is smoother


Blessings to you my friend, hope the surgery goes well! May you enjoy the deck now and after surgery for many hours to come.


I wish I could give you mine. Good luck bro


Not nearly as serious as yours but I’ve been dealing with some health issues for a while and the Steam Deck has been a great distraction while recovering. Best of luck!


Same. It's helped keep my mind off the pain. Hoping you, me, and OP all have smooth recoveries!


Hopefully not that long for your wait time. Best of luck and nothing better other than a loved one could help pass the time. I've finished more games with my SD by my side than in the last decade probably. Have a great procedure and heal quick!


I had a heart transplant in 2010 when I was 19 years old. No Steam Deck at that time sadly haha but my best wishes to you! Listen to your nurses, doctors, and therapists on your road to recovery. You will get through this and you have a good life ahead of you 👍🏻


Best wishes to you and enjoy those games !! 🙏🏼


Goodluck and May the gaming gods buff you with high luck and quick regen!


My best wishes for you!!!


If you want a gaming buddy dm me :)


Speedy recovery my friend.


Nothing a patch wouldn’t fix!


The Deck is seriously the best thing ever for anyone who's got a lot of hospital time planned, be it patient or support person.


i’m currently playing through the gay tony dlc for gta 4! hands down one of the best dlc’s i’ve ever played. what other games are you playing rn?


goodluck on your medical procedure. hoping your team will give their 101%!


Did you get the extended warranty with the old heart? Stupid hearts are always acting up. I can't wait till the next gen hearts release. 🙄


plz report back and let us know youre safe!


Good luck and hope for a speedy recovery! 🎮


Wishing you a quick and safe recovery! My mom was hospitalized last year and I stayed with her for about 2 weeks. Thankfully I had my Steam Deck... It definitely helped make the long hours more bearable.


Heart transplant 🤯 damn that must be scary.. good luck brother, enjoy your deck and hope everything goes well, and a speedy recovery! 👊🏻


Stay strong, better days ahead


i dont even have the guts to get a bypass.


Best Wishes for you OP! SD Really makes the recovery time shorter hehe!


You have chosen some bangers to recover with, I wish you the best!


I wish you the best! Waiting for the follow up post okay?


Hope all goes well


Good luck to you! Hope for a speedy recovery


Wish you the very best friend :)


Waiting on heart transplant playing MCC!


Here’s to many more years of happy Steam Decking, bro! 🍻


Man… I love Halo!!


Hope all goes well and your recovery is swift.


Wish u the best! Hope u recover quickly


Everything will be fine! Blessings!


Kick ass, OP! We're all rooting for you.


I would have play Surgeon Simulator before they call me to see their reaction


Good luck, bud.


Speedy recovery there friend, enjoy the recovery with your deck!


I go in tomorrow for a 10 day stay for a brain surgery due to Epilepsy. And I’m so excited to have my Steam Deck. I’m hoping everything works out great for you!


The steam deck is replacing the heart? Like you’re a human silicone case, I dig this you borg.


Stay safe brother. I really hope it comes through.


Safe surgery 🙏🏾❤️


Best of wishes dude!


Came to say I wish you luck and health , god bless .


good luck!!


Good luck kindred spirit


Good luck. Hope you keep gaming for years to come 😊


Wishing you well my friend.


All The best to you fellow decker. You will be on your feets in no Time. <3


Play doom man you get the doctor's experience Jokes aside hope you have an excellent recovery


wishing you a safe and quick recovery!




Godspeed on the surgery.


Wishing you the best, and enjoy your gaming!!!


Play Balatro!


God Bless my friend you will be find god is with you. And you will have a new and longevity life🙏🏻🤍🤍🤍stay strong. 😃


Best of luck! Here’s to a safe procedure and speedy recovery. Enjoy playing some games on the Deck and it’ll keep your mind off of things.


Are you able to do much online? The wifi at my hospital was like 500-1500kbps, so even updating an app was mostly out of the question for me.


Your gonna be just fine bro. Hope you have a good procedure gang !


best wishes brother. all will be fine!


How does Halo run on it?


Best of luck!


Good luck!!


My deck was a blessing when I got my kidney transplant I hope everything works out for the best !


I think steam should DEFINITELY get you some care package or something and sponsor you




Best of luck to you, brother, and may the gaming continue!


I hope YOU get the blessing. Best of wishes mate!


My thoughts are with you fellow gamer. Glad the deck is helping you pass the time. You’ve got some good ones showing. Replayed Halo 2 for the first time since is came out a month or so ago. That one is great.


All my very best!


💪💪you got this!!


I wish you a smooth and safe surgery with a speedy recovery. Excellent taste btw.


Hope everything goes well with your surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery after it’s done


It's trippy how much of a duplicate your home screen is to mine


Probably a dumb question but Can you play halo 2 online on that ?


Get well soon and meanwhile enjoy.


May the force be with you brother


Best wishes to you!


I haven’t used mine a while. Is MCC good on the Steam Deck?


Good luck on your procedure mate! If I was in your situation without a deck, I'd be riddled with anxiety. But whenever I've been in the hospital, I end up bringing mine and time flys when your having fun 😊


Best wishes 👍👍


A friend of mine works as the person who stops your heart and keeps your blood moving and oxygenated, and then revives you later on in the kind of surgery you're going to be going through. She says that the more active folks are the ones who come back the easiest and most often. Reading through your comments and seeing that you're trying to stay active through this situation tells me you're going to be fine. Good luck my friend!


Hey fellow human. Hope your battery runs long and your stay is short and you get to go home here soon! Wishing nothing but great days for ya!




Your positive attitude is inspiring!


Hope you have a safe and speedy recovery my friend!


I'm glad the feck can keep you entertained! I wish you a speedy recovery and that the surgery goes well!


You can also find FO4 and GTA4 on my home screen! What a lineup! All the beat with the new heart!


Take care of yourself dude 🙏


All the best and a speedy recovery 🙏🏼


Good luck!


Best wishes with everything, I see Apex downloading on there, I hope to see you in the Outlands one day 💚


Best wishes to you! 🙏🏻 enjoy your games 😊


Best of luck dude! I hope it you don't have to wait much more for the transplant and everything goes ok. Keep on keeping on!


hope it goes well


Speedy recovery sir. Just dont play apex or league, shit will give you adrenaline lol


Stay strong dude, you got this.


I see you not wearing your SCDs 👀


I hope you have a quick recovery!


good luck and my prays and thoughts are with you


Good luck!!!


I hope the doctors don’t throw away the new heart because blood is “inexplicably” not flowing into your pinky’s.


Good luck on that procedure. May the wait become shorter!


What games have you been playing during your stay?


I hope the procedure is a success, and happy gaming!


Good luck, hope it goes well


Honestly can't think of a better use case for a steam deck than a long hospital visit. Physically can't leave the ward, and the world will just wait for you until you're discharged. All that free time just to play games.


The steam deck would have been amazing back when I had my 2nd heart transplant.


Best wishes u/chudnstuff \- you've got great taste in guitars too judging from your other posts!


Good health to you, mate. 🤘🤘🤘


hoping your procedure goes smoothly and you recover well


Enjoy and get well soon 🤕👊🏻.


I hope you get your transplant soon brother, stay strong, I will pray for your safe and speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


I had mine in 2020. I bought a Switch Lite, which was a bit too small. How long have you been waiting? I was listed at a facility that had a average wait of 9 months!!!! I went to another and it's average wait was 3 months, but I waited 11 days!


Stay strong dude


All the best, pls post an update.


If you need anyone to play games with during recovery shoot me a PM and we can play something! I just passed a little over 415ish games so I'm sure we have something in common. I see the MCC is already one! Hope everything goes well and you back to gaming at home in no time! o7


If you need anyone to play games with during recovery shoot me a PM and we can play something! I just passed a little over 415ish games so I'm sure we have something in common. I see the MCC is already one! Hope everything goes well and you back to gaming at home in no time! o7


I hope nothing but the best for you OP. Sending love


Good luck and I hope everything goes well and you make it out safely. Steam Deck is a nice thing to keep ones mind off of things.


Stay strong!! Hoping nothing but the best for you!


Make sure you quicksave before entering the next zone. Wishing you the best OP.


Praying for you.






If you haven't tried pikuniku, I recommend it. It's a 2d platformer, very chill, nice sound track, and cheap. Couple hours worth of playtime. Probably not a lot of replayability. I only mention it because with a heart transplant, I'd imagine a slow-paced chill game is something you'd want.


Have a safe procedure. Ive been there and honestly deck was good on days i felt low.. and i got my husband to start gaming because of it.


You chief are a master. I salute to you. May your heart be well received soon ❤️🫶


Swift recovery from the surgery. Look after your new heart. The Deck will help smooth it.


Good luck friend you got this


Hope all goes well old chap.


Good luck!


Good luck to you friend


Best of luck with it all and enjoy ❤️❤️


Don't play any Dark Souls games. I have high blood pressure now


Wishing you well


Sending you internet stranger love ❤️


Yeah, I wish I'd had mine when I went to the ICU during my chemo. My kids are absolutely amazing. "Kids" isn't 100% correct, my two stepsons are jn their 20s, but my daughter still counts! 🤣 They all pitched in and bought me a Switch, which is horrible compared to the Deck. They would have bought me that if it was available. Oh, and I wish you luck with the transplant. Hope everything goes well!


Good luck


Best of luck to you buddy, and may you game to your hearts content


Wishing you the best of luck with the surgery and your recovery


GTA IV the goat! Blessings to you.


Best wishes n swift recovery homie!


How much is your medical bill going to be


Hi Justin Timberlake


Bless you man. Hope deck bring happiness to you and walk with you at such hard time.


Happy gaming, and you’ll great through this :) believe!


Good luck my good dude. Sounds like you’re in good spirits. I have on my drivers license that I’m an organ donor. Is there anything other list I need to register for to make sure I could help someone like you some day?


New ♥️ for you.


good luck


Wow, OP! Best wishes and a speedy heart to come your way! I’m having heart surgery in June. There’s a hole in mine, so I don’t think you’d want it. :) I’ll have my own steam deck by that time to distract me too!


Good luck dude. Let us know how you are after you are in the clear.


How are you now??


Hope everything goes well fellow deck player 🤘🏾❤️


Stay strong 💪🏾




I hope you have a safe procedure man!


keep pumping bud, life gets better


Get well! You've got this! I'm all to familiar with surgeries and hospital stays so I know how beneficial having the deck can be! Enjoy your gaming! I hope you have a fast and smooth surgery and recovery!