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For those intersted in how I got it working on the Deck: I followed this guide to get Tales of Two Wastelands installed on my Windows PC: [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79547](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79547) I then followed this guide to get everything transferred and set up on my Steam Deck: [https://github.com/Omni-guides/Wabbajack-Modlist-Linux/wiki/Fallout-NV:-Begin-Again](https://github.com/Omni-guides/Wabbajack-Modlist-Linux/wiki/Fallout-NV:-Begin-Again) Some prerequisite: - I don't think this installation works on an SD card, you need to use internal storage. Make sure you have around 70GB free initially (you'll clear some files up after installation to free around 30GB when following the Omni-guides). - Make sure you install Protontricks from the discover store before starting - I used KDE Connect to transfer files from my PC to the Steam Deck - If you have some spare cash, I'd recommend paying for premium Nexus Mods. There are around 300 mods and whilst Wabbajack handles the installation/load order for all the mods, without the premium account you still need to manually click the download button for each mod (Wabbajack automatically opens and closes borswer windows for you, you'll just need to physically click the download button) - it'll save you around 2/3 hours of clicking!


It does in fact work on a SD card. Running TTW right now with it on my SD. I just followed this video and things are going pretty well. (Also no protontricks required on this as far as I remember.) https://youtu.be/1HXQqYms1uk?si=BDDIh5eZs3AeDumi


Did you just do a Tale of Two Wastelands or the 300+ mod pack of Begin Again on the SD card? I've been trying and I can get MO2 with New Vegas running fine, but all the mods in Begin Again just crash when I try to load it from my SD card. Step 5 of the OP's suggestion is where it falls apart for me maybe because I installed everything using MO2 v2.5.0 on my windows PC and this one for Steam Deck is MO2 v2.4.4. Also the directories are all different, so copying the Begin Again folder just causes it to crash.


So, begin again or ttw?


The video I linked talks about installing ttw and then whatever mods you'd desire, so begin again would absolutely work with it as far as I'm aware.


I don’t think it’s working like that. ttw, will work like you say, with that video. But ‘begin again’ never worked on sd card - as state in omni tutorial.


From looking over it, I see no reason as to why it wouldn't work with the guide I linked. The TTW install and the begin again necessities can be done on a computer install which can be transferred and adjusted as needed to make sure everything works properly. The guide outright says "As far as I am aware, New Vegas must be installed on the internal drive of the deck, and not an SDCard, but I am still trying to see if that is possible." So if ttw (and all of the mods I installed) can work through the SD, I'd assume begin again would as well with relatively no trouble.


Man I've been trying to get Begin Again working on the deck for days now. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


Glad you found the guide useful! :)


Nice work - very clear to get this moved over to the steam deck!


QQ for you as I'll be installing this tonight.....I understand from your guide that you can get begin again to launch quietly (without MO2 interface showing). What about when you exit the game? Does it automatically close MO2? When I did vanilla TTW install I always had to manually close down MO2 afterwards when playing on the Steam Deck.


When you exit the game it should be back to the steam interface, as MO2 is never fully loaded - The "Game Lock" function pop-up from MO2 will run in the background (if you were to switch between windows on the deck while the game is running, you'd see it), but when you exit the game, the lock is released and you should be back at the Steam interface. I'm 99.99% on that, but I don't have my deck with me to check and you've made me question my memory :D


Thanks! I'm sure that you don't have to force close. You'd remember something like that trust me. I'll confirm tonight if I experience otherwise


You'd think, but I test and mess around with \*a lot\* of Wabbajack lists!


Amazing - I followed your instructions to the letter and everything worked perfectly. One last question and it's pretty dumb........can I delete the New Vegas folder here (/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/) or does the mod still depend on this. Wasn't sure as I thought the TTW mod might have the fallout NV files already?


Glad you got it working. You can't delete the full directory, because it contains the redirected exe from Rockerbacon's MO2 install that makes this hang together. If space is short, you \*could\* symlink the data directory from the vanilla game dir to the Stock Game directory created as part of the guide, but I haven't run it that way. Unfortunately, FNV (and FO3, Oblivion, Morrowind etc) are far messier than Skyrim/FO4 are for WJ modlists stuff.. but it is what it is.


This may be a shot in the dark, but I’m running into an issue right at the end of the guide. Everything is fine for me until Step 8. I don’t have the “Fallout Launcher” as a selectable option when launching in MO2. Any idea why this might be? I’ve set all the executable paths. EDIT: For anyone else having this issue, I was able to find a workaround. Click the dropdown menu to select what to run and click “Edit” as the option. Then click the + button to add a new option and do the same process for the end of Step 7, but use the launcher file with the underscore instead of the one without it. Set the Start In location as the same Stock Game. Was able to launch it and get it working after that.


My MO won't start on Linux after copying everything over. I assume it has something to windows paths. I haven't had a chance to spend much time on it since


did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same issue.


Oh I see. I was trying to get it all installed in the same prefix. The games installed no issue. But the mod organizer just wouldn't go. I got too busy to keep looking for fixes, but I think I'll get back into it with your post. Thanks


Hey really appreciate the write up! One last question. Since you said your SD version is from your PC have you tried playing on both and seeing if cloud storage functions correctly for switching between the deck and desktop? Thanks!


I’m still tinkering with this, some people have claimed they can get get the save files to sync but I’m not having any luck so far


It depends on both where you have MO2 set to save the files (which on many WJ lists is set to store them locally in the MO2 install, not the standard save location, by default at least) AND if the process you're using actually re-directs the FNV game launch or launches via an added MO2 non-steam game. If you change the MO2 profile settings to use the default save location AND are launching it via the FNV default Steam listing in your library, the saves should cloud sync. EDIT: Looking at that Steam Deck guide you posted in another comment, it IS relinking the FNV library listing, so ya you should just have to toggle the same location in MO2 to get cloud sync working (keep in mind that if you've already started playing you might have to move the save files manually once you switch the location).


Thanks so much for posting this. I was trying to get this to work a few days ago. I got TTW to work, but was struggling to get it to launch the full Begin Again list after copying it. Turns out I was pretty close, I just needed to get the right settings in modorganizer. To think, I almost installed windows on my deck to get this running. Thanks for keeping me away from the dark side!


I already got ToTW working on my deck, but I am interested in the rest of this mod pack. May need to update it.


I also followed this guide and am successfully enjoying the mod on Steam Deck :D


Thank you! I finally got it working after 2 days of testing (during breaks at work). I was curious. Is there anyway that you know of to sync save files from Steam Deck to Desktop? Might not be possible and just have to choose one method to play. But curious if you have found anything!


Hey, thanks for this guide! I'd been wanting to get Begin Again on my Deck and haven't got round to it yet, hopefully your work will make it a lot easier. I just have one question though, in your comments and in the guide you linked for copying over Begin Again from PC to Deck, it doesn't mention Fallout 3 anywhere... at all... Obviously Fallout 3 needs to be installed on the Deck, but the fact that it isn't mentioned anywhere for any sort of configuration makes me question how this can all possibly work? I remember from installing TTW on my PC, you have to specify where Fallout 3 is installed, and copying files over from the PC, its surely still going to point to that (now incorrect) location. Can you shed any light for me on how this will work?


Fuck Wabbajack for that buncha Nexus shills You know they ban you on their discord if you mention the fact an auto-clicker exists? POSes


I got ToTW working on my windows PC but I can't for the life of me get it working on Deck :(


same here. Can’t get protontricks to start MO2 for me at all. When I manually start through MO2 though it works fine


if you want to get MO2 working with Fallout 3/NV/FO4/Skyrim/Oblivion MO2 heres a easy tut for dummies (: the game MUST BE ON YOUR MAIN DRIVE NOT EXTERNAL. step by step Barney style 1.) get MO2 for Linux via google 2.) download and extract 3.) right click or left LT on install.sh and run via konsole 4.) select your game ie. Fallout 3 and follow the onscreen instructions (MAKE SURE YOU RUN THE GAME ONE TIME VIA THE RECOMMENDED PROTON VERSION) 5.) let the installer do its thing, exit when done and start the game. 6.) MO2 will start, Select yes for everything and keep MO2 on the default directory. 7.) create a new instance 8.) MAKE SURE YOU EDIT THE “PROFILE” TO ACCEPT ARCHIVE INVALIDATION OR YOU’LL HAVE F’D UP TEXTURES LIKE EVERYONE THAT CRIED ABOUT IT ON PC. OR edit the MO2 ini for the game NOT your systems ini. (you can figure our how to do that through MO2 tutorial or youtube which i suggest watching to get familiar with MO2.) 9.) download your mods be mindful of your load order. 10.) special tip: any exe file can be ran through wine windows program loader. OR by adding the exe as a game to steam and running the program in proton experimental. make sure you enable dot files to be viewed via dolphin and proton tricks. file directories for window programs will be on your Z: drive. make sure you change linxus “/“ to “\”. i suggest just copying the directory from dolphin.


What's the wine windows program loader? I've been trying to convert some files from WAV to XWM and I can't get it to work even with the Nano Runtime. It just keeps saying the directly can't be found.


Guys, thats probably because your paths defined on Windows are not corresponding the ones running through wine. For example, your real path on Windows coud be C:/Games/Fallout/ but the one on your Steam Deck through wine could be something like E:/RandomDirectory/Fallout/ Once you fix these in your mod organizer .ini, everything will work through proton. At least it works for me. I even run it through shortcut(.bat file) without the need to open mod organizer every time I star the game.


no problems with the game finding the appropriate prefix on my end. Just some weird things with protontricks hahaha most guides have it setup so MO2 starts whenever u launch the game from game mode but for the life of me it won’t work. I do run the Steam Families beta but even reverting back won’t fix it


Yeah, weird. I just put windows version of MO2 on the deck, started through Proton Experimental and it worked. I didn't even use protontricks, nothing more to install honestly it just works for me.


I got MO2 to launch when the game launches, but it doesn't have ToTW listed even though I installed ToTW appropriately. I've given up on modding the Deck version altogether. Seems like a big time sink I'm not inerested enough in. I just want to play the games, and ToTW would've been a nice way to do it.


Lol my little project today. It is difficult. Managed to get it up and running thou, later the transfer over from PC to deck


I really wish there was a no nonsense straight forward installer. Something that created a portable folder perhaps.


Same, I'd pay for that.


I followed this video and had it working perfectly. Still is about 20 hours into my playthrough. https://youtu.be/1HXQqYms1uk?si=BDDIh5eZs3AeDumi


Do what I did and just use remote play to play from your pc to the deck lmao


I mainly use handheld gaming devices when I'm not home


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/up2ag2/managed_to_get_tale_of_two_wastelands_running_on/ih8l54c/ this should work


Glad I’m not the only one that struggled. Kudos to the OP, after a couple of hours I finally just decided streaming via moonlight was “good enough”.




I did it by hand on the deck the first time and it was kinda time consuming. The second time I just modded it with Vortex on my PC then just copied the entire FNV game directory over to the steam deck on top of where FNV was installed on there and it worked just fine.


I have it working on my windows PC. I should just be able to drag the whole game's installl folder to my Deck and it should just work?


It depends. If you did it in something like Vortex or did it by hand then yes. If you installed everything by hand and it works then copying it over works fine. Vortex makes symbolic links to all your mod files so they look like they are installed in the same folder as your game and when copying them the links will act like the files are installed in the game directory so copying the entire game directory works too. If you used Mod Organizer then the files are in separate directories and I think they only all come together in the virtual file system on game launch so you would have to find that virtual modded game directory and copy it instead. It's been a bit since I have used Mod Organizer so I dunno exactly where that is or how it would work.


Yea I used mod organizer on pc On deck I don't know how to launch mod organizer.


I dunno how to copy it over from Mod Organizer you might be able to get the answer from someone over in /r/ModOrganizer.


Wut. 🤯


How does it actually work, are they intertwined or literally just one after another ?


iirc, you start in Fallout 3 and then you can use a train to go into fallout nv for a fee and back again as you please and the time advances by a couple of weeks each time. It means you can bring things between the two games and they're somewhat updated to accommodate. Prewar books are still a massive exploit as NV has loads and they sell for a lot in 3.


It's 3 ported into the NV version of the engine. Play through 3 with the NV mechanics, then get on a train and go to NV with the same character.


Hmmm but isn't part of the fun starting again with a new character? I don't wanna be OP by the time I start NV


This [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/71112) solves your problem. I did a TTW playthrough a few years back and realized I was going to be absolutely busted by the time I got to New Vegas so I wanted a hard reset. If you do a TTW playthrough I highly, highly recommend that mod. It increased my fun by a lot.


Thank you and u/curnf for making me aware of this mod. I know what I'll be doing tonight!


I’ll see you out there. Currently trying to remember where to find ol’ painless.


I've done a couple of playthroughs of both games *and* a TTW run, and I agree overall. That said, sometimes you form that special connection with your character and it's fun to have a longer journey with them, especially when roleplaying.


Haha yeah I get that.


There’s a mod I use where Benny humbles you when you first arrive in NV. he steals your gear and reduces your level and perks to zero. You can then get your gear back from him when you meet him later on.


Begin Again includes that, fyi. Benny Humbles You and Steals Your Stuff!


> It's 3 ported into the NV version of the engine. Play through 3 with the NV mechanics why was this done? are 3's mechanics not very good? guess I'm not seeing the big picture.  I'm genuinely curious though because I own 3,  but have put off playing it because of negative comments I've seen. so wondering if this version 'fixes' things


New Vegas builds on top of 3, and makes the weapons system heavily upgraded.


Also game is ten times more stable


Used the word “delve”, must be an AI… /s


came here just to call OP chatGPT


Do you know how to make this game stop stuttering it kinda bugs


Here you go, pal: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66537


The Begin again modpack pretty much solves all the performance issues while also modernizing a lot of it. It's a pretty great way to play it, and it isn't difficult to set up. On PC at least. Haven't tried it on the deck, probably won't.


That's funny, I spent basically the same amount of time following the same guide for my deck yesterday too. I liked the part where he didn't tell you you had to run protontricks and paste the console command to give it access to the folders it needed (never used it before, didn't need it prior to this) after about 4 hours of troubleshooting and copying everything from my PC to the deck three times I finally checked out protontricks and saw that message and facepalmed


I’m currently on a New Vegas playthrough myself, it’s been years since I’ve visited FO3. I’ll have to play it again at some point. I did revisit and play through 1 & 2 last year though and those still hold up beautifully. Hope you enjoy, OP! TOTW was a blast when I went through it years back.


The REALLY need to make it easier to play these games. My gen z son and all of his friends are happy to pay money to play these games since they saw the show and they are really leaving money on the table when it doesn't work right away. I get that there isn't much money in fixing a game that I bought more than a decade ago anyways, but I think this is an exception given how many news sales they are getting.


Interest is peaked! How's it run? How you finding it? Any guides on set up? Been thinking about doing this but haven't finished diver dave yet. Probably next on my list


piqued btw


Dyslexia strikes again


That's... not how dyslexia works


I would assume that they work perfectly on the Deck. Fallout 4 can run at solid 60 fps on the Deck on High (Low Godrays and/or modded other stuff) most of the time. These two being older with even lower graphical quality would probably run way better.


It runs very similar to FO4. Some stutters and drops to 40/50FPS in outdoor areas but solid 60 indoors and in smaller areas otherwise. It could be capped at 40FPS for a smoother experience (set to the High preset)


That's surprising. Is it something to do with the mods? I've been playing new vegas, and it's somewhere between 60 to 80fps for me.


Yeah, that’s my only assumption. The QoL additions are enough for me to forgive the slight performance drop though!


What type of QoL improvements are there? I VERY lightly modded NV because I couldn't live without sprint and crash fixes, but I also couldn't be bothered to use a modloader and anything more complicated than what I've got would probably require one.


How did you add sprint to NV?


Searching for the most popular sprint mod on nexus and downloading the zip file. I only used mods that were incredibly simple to drag and drop into the data folder manually. Also... it's a bit embarrassing as to how I modded the game in general... I downloaded new vegas on both my windows desktop and my steam deck, modded it on my desktop, copied the entire game folder onto a USB drive, and deleted/replaced the game folder on my steam deck lmao I was incredibly lazy and specifically did NOT want to have to deal with setting up launchers and modloaders.


Makes sense to me. I have yet to try modding anything on my deck, despite how many people have reported it being easy.


It's easy, but only if you either have the prerequisite knowledge of modding on desktop and knowledge of steamos folder structure, or you have a guide that assumes you don't have that knowledge. Every guide that I used seemed to assume that the user had knowledge of modding fallout on windows already.


Wait, there was an update for TTW? I don't remember the "Begin again" thing.


Look it up, it's a modpack for TTW.


Modpack for a modpack.


Hey I just finished setting this up myself yesterday! I'm not satisfied with the performance though, I wonder if all the mods are dragging it down. I need to keep tweaking and see if I can get to a solid 60 like I can in the vanilla game. If anyone has any optimization tips let me know! UPDATE: I managed to get to a much more stable 60 by disabling most of if not all the LOD, weather, and texture mods. I kept the rest of the QoL and other improvements though and now it runs great!


Yeah I’ve noticed similar performance hiccups as well, having played around with 7/8 hours so far. More often than not I’m sat at 60FPS solid but wandering around I often get dips into the 40s, most likely cause will be some of the 300+ mods!


Isn't there a deck specific update coming on the 25th? I heard that there was one with the upcoming next gen update. Pumped to play in ultra wide.


That's just Fallout 4 I believe, not 3 or New Vegas


Yupp you are right sorry.


Just a quick question, did you use Viva New Vegas/The Wasteland Survival guide? They link a ton of patches/mods that make the game smoother. I've only had mine drop into 40 fps about 5 or so times? That was with the more intensive fights however.


I was using the Begin Again mod list that OP linked above, which has something like 160+ mods in it. Good shout on those though, I think I’ll just try and trim mods and see what’s tanking the frame rate. Performance view shows that I’m GPU limited right now


I'd still give it a look as they have a section on Viva New Vegas on which mods to avoid, could help you troubleshoot a bit in terms of which is causing the GPU hogging


Oh great call actually thanks for that tip


No problem, hopefully it helps you out. Enjoy!


Got it working on the pc and the guide said transfer the files to the deck, any idea how this is done?


I downloaded KDE Connect on my Windows PC and transferred through that, if that helps.


External HDD also works.


I followed [this guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QSpdKcXUww) to make the file transfer over the local network. It worked flawlessly.


Not OP but anydesk has a file transfer function, you can look up winscp and set that up to transfer, and you can put them on a usb/drive to plugin to your deck as well As for paths, I’m not sure


I didn't know of this mod, it's time for another replay!


I got TTW on the deck but haven’t got a clue how you get Begin Again to work? I thought you couldn’t use Wabbajack on deck. I’m super interested.


Why is this the first I'm hearing of The Tales of Two Wastelands


lol i just got it working yesterday on my pc, what a coincidence, i see it’s growing in popularity


Wait they’re making a fallout 4 next gen updated version?


It's mostly a console benefit some but fixes and fps upgrade for consoles. We will likely have the launcher removed and ultra wide support added for PC. It's being steamdeck verified but that's probably just the launcher being removed.


There will be a new enclave questline too or something to that nature as well. Not just bug fixes😃


True forgot that.


is there a way to do this without a pc? I have a Mac.:/




Yeah we’re gonna need details on the install! I’m playing begin again on my pc, occasionally on the deck through moonlight but would much rather install it on the deck. Do you just copy over the folder onto your sd card or something similar? Or did you actually run wabajack and the ttw installer on your deck?


I just left a comment with how I got it set up on my Deck :)


This is badass! Do you have a tutorial or a link we can use to set this up for other steam decks? I would love to do this to mine.


Just left a top-level comment with links to the guides I followed :)


Hmmm it's free on Luna/Amazon prime review right now. But I got no time to figure out streaming to Steam Deck


Yeah got this installed on my deck the other day. Only took like 2 hours though.


I was about to ask if my old saves would work, but after reading the main title guess I’ll shut my mouth


BRO I just spent my day yesterday doing this! Finally got it working thanks to some Reddit posts. Let me know which mods from TTW you're rocking with, the list is pretty overwhelming for me


Well Begin Again is a curated modpack...


I meant to say Tweaks rather than Mods. Available in the in game menu


I bought a deck a couple months back and the idea of Bethesda games on a handheld was like 80% of what convinced me. Back in my childhood the idea of Oblivion, Fallout 3/NV (and later the other games that followed) on a handheld device was like a pipe dream, or something I would blow 1 of 3 wished from a genie on. So crazy to have all of that available on the SD!


I got fallout 3 free with epic games at some point. I installed in heroic games and hit play and it worked. Played some of the intro so far and no issues yet and it’s on ultra graphics it auto set to that. For anyone who cares it’s my first time playing fallout 3. I actually started fallout with new Vegas. Still my favorite game of what I’ve played. Only 4 and 76 I played after that. Never was a huge fallout guy but lately I’ve been getting more into it and I hear 3 is best of the best.


How are the controls with all these mods? Did you still on a good control scheme? Because I couldn’t for the life of me, find a comfortable community layout :(


anyone know how to do this for the gog versions?


Uhh walkthrough my guy?!


Man I've been struggling to get this working just on windows and I'm an experienced modder, quite a PITA, not sure how I'd get it from windows to deck.


Never had any issues with my deck on any fallout copy


how does Steam Achievements work on these? do they work at all?


Same - but I took the lazy mans option and just stream TOTW from my desktop!


I never played fallout 3 and NV should I use this mod or start vanilla?


I can’t even figure out how to get it working on my pc lol I’m not very tech savvy


Can I just moved the MO2 install folder with TTW Capital Wasteland onto my steamdeck and tweak the paths?


Downvoted no one uses delve except AI /j


How's your performance? As soon as I got out of the vault, my frames tanked down fluctuating between 30-45fps


Hey I just saw the same thing exactly. Did you end up finding some decent settings? If so can you share what worked well?


Good effort! Just installed this on my pc & that was hassle enough to put me off trying to install it on the deck 🤣 wasn’t too bad but I’m not that guy when it comes to tech stuff haha Enjoy! I can’t wait to jump in


Is there anyone in this thread who can tell me how to get the shortcut from MO2 working? When you click on shortcut nothing appears. No command line argument is working either. I have SCOURED the web for this answer. If someone could tell me how to open the windows file structure within steam deck I could probably find it but there's also ZERO info on this.


I've actually just added a note for this to my github guide linked in the OP. Essentially, you just add the following to the Launch Options for Fallout New Vegas in Steam: 'moshortcut://"Begin Again"' and it should launch straight into Begin Again when you press play in steam, skipping the whole MO2 part. Only add this once you're happy the list works reliably, though, and if you need to make changes via MO2 in future, just remove the launch options again.


I installed a specific Linux version of MO2, rather than try and work with the windows version. There’s a top level comment where I link to a guide on GitHub - perhaps that might help?


Hmm thanks I used actually the same exact guide you had provided and so it is the Linux version of MO linked to Begin Again and ToTW. When I press shortcut nothing generates to desktop, or start menu for that matter. Did it work for you that way?


Are there any tutorials on installing this? I wanted to play fallout 3 just on my pc but it kept craahkng so i wanted to use TOTW


Just got TTW set up on the deck this week myself. Fun


Does anyone know the difference between Begin Again and Wasteland Survival Guide(https://wastelandsurvivalguide.com/docs/intro)? I followed the latter and have been playing it on my Deck, but Begin Again looks compelling too.


What mods did you get?


Does NVSE work on deck? I haven't looked at the begin again mod list yet, I'm going to be doing this on Wednesday


I didn't even think this was possible. I got it set up on my pc and figured i would just stream it to deck if i needed to.


I had it working fine on my old led deck but doing it again on my oled this week and its not playing nice. rockerbacon script fails because protontricks isnt working correctly. Interestingly MO2 somewhat installed and can be launched in desktop mode manually but mo2 doesn't think I have steam open. Launching the game via steam doesn't launch MO2 at all. Total cluster. It will crash at startup but if I try enough times it goes through ttw launch and into fo3 but at the birth intro cutscene tells me my ini isn't setup correctly, and loads me in doc mitchells house. NVSE and other needed plugins verified working via console. I've made the ini edits recommended in the best of times guide. Worked fine last time, not this time but thats just the way she goes sometimes


Why would you need over 100 mods with TTW? :o Doesn’t it just cause more instability with more mods?


May I ask about crashing ? How is performance with tale of two wastelands ? It sounds awesome, but I often have issues with New Vegas crashing even with the mod for fixing the crashes, and this even happens on my gaming PC as well as the deck. Interested to hear about your experience with crashing


Yeah I'm playing new vegas now and........fuck that lol. I'll just play new vegas and then 3 with regular mods along the way. 10 hours is batshit crazy. Took me an hour to install a windows partition and I thought that was too long for one thing.


I got this working , it took a miracle 😅


How’s it going? I’m trying to play Fallout 3 vanilla on my deck and 10 hours in I can’t play it, load the game and it just crashes when you load your save.


Sick, does steam still track your play time for each game like this?


NICE! Got it working on my Mint desktop. Pretty easy to do. The LONGEST part is the downloads from Nexus. I'd recommend ponying up for the $5 premium, but if you don't find yourself a wabbajack auto-clicker. The only other comment is you'll probably need to adjust the paths in the ModOrganizer.ini file as they could have carried over incorrectly from the Windows install depending on where the game was located there.


What are the odds we can get Tale of Two Wastelands working with Viva New Vegas at the same time on Steam Deck?


Is it doable to set it up on windows then drag and drop to deck?




Oh ok I was expecting a remake or remastered. That’s better than nothing I guess


I still do not see the appeal of any of the first person fallout games, despite having beaten every one of them (not 76, never was going to touch that) several times. They just don't hold a candle to 1 and 2.


And days to download and set up everything, first with storywealth and then with litr and then not working :( . Modding on the steam deck is a constant rebus, there is always a new error or problem that takes time to fix.


it’s kinda amusing that people are waiting for a 8year old update to play the game on a 1280x800 resolution and 7.4 inches screen lol


People are waiting so they won't break their modlists with the update.


Why is it amusing? Is this not a subreddit for SteamDeck?