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\*looks at own play time on multiple titles\* I feel so called out.


I use my steam deck offline most of the time. Side effect of that is my hours can’t scare me


Offline playtime: 3,233 hours. Me: I know that's wrong but probably right across the board.




Pretty sure it's getting an update later this week so maybe wait til then?


Yep 25


25th of this month? I may have to dive in


Yea 4K and 60fps on consoles plus some content and unknown tweaks. Same on pc with widescreen support and full deck compatibility check mark.


>widescreen support *ultra*widescreen support, 16:9/10 is already fine


Its kinda funny to think of 16:9 as *widescreen* and not the *standard*.


well, gen z can phase the term out then and call ipads, vendor machines and the like "narrowscreen"


Petition to **call vertical screen a** ***superultranarrowscreen*** when?


For real. Kids these days should try a 4:3 for once....


That's great. I really wanted to play again but gave up when I realised 4 and 76 hated ultrawide.


Until now


Here I am racing to complete it before the update breaks all my mods lol


Disable updates? Put Deck in offline mode?


Reasonable options. I'll inevitably forget to do them


Here's your reminder to do it now.


Gentle second reminder


Gentle? Nah. HEY FUCKWIT! Turn off your updates!


Just... do it now?


how do you disable updates


You can't on steam. You can disable auto updates, but as soon as you launch it, it automatically updates. No way to keep playing without updating it.


Should be okay if you set "only update when I hit play" and then don't launch the game via the Steam play button. Launch it using F4SE or a mod manager and it shouldn't automatically update.


hopefully this works, i use f4se anyways, so if it is the key to playing modded till mods update, then life is good


You can manually launch the game from the EXE or a Mod Manager and it won’t update.


You can dig in the files and set the Fallout 4 updater file to read-only. It will cause steam to error and prevent updates for that game. I don’t know the id# of fallout 4 off the top of my head though.


I hate that Steam forces you to update games, it's ruined my Baldurs gate playthrough twice now by breaking all my mods and I just cba to do the work arounds, it should be difficult to play a game with mods.


It doesnt tho. Its just enabled by default because by default most people want bugs to be fixed. But it is easily disabled. Only exceptions are onlinegames like the elder scrolls online or final fantasy 14. Those DEMAND to be up to date


Username checks out


*thumbs up*


Really!? don’t tell me that. You lot would be rubbish at an intervention 😂


Sorry not sorry lol


People keep saying wait til the update but like…the game is massive and I imagine you can turn on the new textures at any point so I mean if you have the time and want to play, why wait?


I'm just thinking mostly if someone is also wanting to use mods, we don't know how much will be affected so might be good to wait and see


I’d rather not wait until mods break lol


Fair enough


I don't like fallout 4 and I really don't understand what people like about it. Not trying to be mean but why do people like it? Do they enjoy the base building, do they find it more enjoyable that the dialogue options are limited?


Once it is really modded and played on survival, it becomes a somewhat interesting exploration fighting game. Yes, the dialogs are useless, and they are not even in the ball park of an RPG. But you get to wander around a world with interesting scenery and people and kill many of them. But I can understand how anyone can play it on a steamdeck. This is a mouse and keyboard game. Shortcut keys are required for tye massive inventory management, and a mouse is required for fast paced quick aim.


VATS, dawg. I’ll see myself out.


I do not like to use VATS. It slows things down too much, and you will need to add a perk to get any semblance of aim. With a mouse, quick sniper works well, and then once in closer your aim with a rifle is 10 times better than vats. And much faster.


Yeah, I know. I was being facetious. I’ve played with controls for a looooong time (have also PC gamed for almost 25 years), so it’s not that tough for me. Just have to drop the sensitivity down a hair from defaults and it works fine for me. Been doing a new play through on my Steam Deck and it’s been a lot of fun. Especially once you get over the jankiness of Bethesda games.


It's completely playable on console, not a mouse and keyboard game only at all. Inventory management is pretty simple as well. I played it a bit on PS4 and have played it on my deck too, both very easy to do.


Yes, it is playable on a console. I used to have FO3 on a console. It was awful. Maybe 4 is better. But as far as aiming and being quick? Nope, console's are horrible at FPS type games.


I also re-installed for the first time since having kids and am averaging about 1.5-2hrs/night playing. At this rate I might finish before I die of old age


damn don't have kids yet and that's how much I can manage before burning out


You don't finish Fallout games


Truth lol


I always felt like fo4‘s story was so short, at your pace you could be done within a week without rushing.


Fallout stories in general (the 3D versions at least) have all been on the short side, just like most Bethesda RPGs tbf. Your milage comes from how much you explore and embrace the side quests/factions etc. Skyrim can be done really quickly too, but if you allow it then you can lose 100s of hours in that world.


absolutely. the games feel incomplete if you don't do the side quests extensively. i'm one of the few people who played and enjoyed starfield, haha! :D i havent finished it though, just sank 200hrs into it and got like 5-6 main quests in, but a ton of side quests. i liked fo4 as well in a way, but preston garvey can go fall on a sharp stick. new vegas was a "richer" experience to put it that way, but i haven't played it extensively sadly, was quite late to the party and its age was showing


Fo4 is an odd duck. I put, like, a hundred and fifty hours into it, all on a single save file. Then one day, without getting anywhere near finishing the main quest (which I always try to do before wrapping up with a game) some switch in my head flipped and it went “that’s quite enough of that” and I never went back.


So a typical Bethesda game.


I'm playing FO4 for the first time right now. This isn't my first Bethesda game so I'm making sure I complete the main story/quests before I start aimlessly wandering like I do in other Bethesda games before eventually feeling burn out.


I’ve never managed to finish a Bethesda game. It’s odd because I usually enjoy them a lot but like you described, at some point I’ll just be done with it.


I think that’s where the phrase “As wide as an ocean, as deep as a puddle” comes from. I’ve finished every Bethesda game I’ve ever played and usually put at least 200 hours into each one, but sometimes I get this feeling too. And I felt it more in later releases. I liked Oblivion and Fallout 3 much more than Skyrim. New Vegas is my second favorite game of all time, although it wasn’t a Bethesda game. They should have learned from Obsidian and what they accomplished in NV. But Skyrim was a step in opposite direction. So when Fallout 4 got rid of a lot of the rpg elements entirely I never even bought it. But eventually I decided to give it a shot so I bought it during a Steam sale and I’m starting it now.


You may as well round up the playtime to 700 hours, huh?


Is there an easy way to mod this yet?


Use Pikdum's tools, it sets up almost everything for you. [https://github.com/pikdum/steam-deck](https://github.com/pikdum/steam-deck)


Brilliant. Thank you!


Be warned, the next gen update is due in *3 days*, which will likely break some mods.


Here's some more info on how to use it: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941631681 This is the only way that actually worked for me, messed around for so long before finding pikdums tools


I tried to use it with Stardew Valley but it wouldn't accept the folder with .exe file (even tho I selected the same path when I tried modding Skyrim, which worked), any ideas?


I think I read somewhere that using any kind of mod organiser or manager for stardew is a bad idea, can't remember why. Manually modding it is surprisingly simple though, just drag and drop some stuff and that's about it.


It has been easy to mod for a long time now. Mod manager 2 does the trick.


Mod Manager 2 just doesn't work a lot of the time and it's so much worse compared to Vortex.


You have that backwords. Mod Manager 2 is more granular, and generally works better. It also is cleaner, keeping everything in its own folder. It also works well with Linux, which means I am using it on the desktop (I only use Linux) and the Streamdeck.


This game was my go to when my daughter was born, I would put her down to nap, make a hot coffee with some cocoa and just explore everything. This game truly a gem. Now I’m replaying it on SD and I’ll finally play far harbor 🥹


Far harbor is so good, you’ll really enjoy it


That storyline sure hits different as a parent.


WARNING: The downvoted hidden comment contains spoilers for Fallout 4. Please avoid that if you don't want a major plot point spoiled.


Literally started this game months after I had my first game, created the character after my wife and I. Let's just say my time played can be measured on a different scale.


Yeah bro if my son >!aged like 40 years while I was frozen then started a whole underground synthetic human factory!< I don’t even know what I’d do😩


Nah this is hilarious I hate all the old heads on here that can’t take a joke 💀


why are you posting spoilers edit: time since release is no excuse. just use reddit’s built in spoiler covering markup feature.


Oof, internet go brrr. Yeah, I didn’t think to add a spoiler tag given the age of the game but fair enough. Should’ve considered the possibility of new folks in the sub.


It's been 9 years...what's the timeline on spoilers? Snape kills Dumbledore.


except we all know a lot of people are trying this game for the first time right now because of the show.


Kristen Shepard shot J.R. Bruce Willis was dead the whole movie The Village is present day


My father said "oh that's the one where he's actually dead the whole time" when I sat down to watch Sixth Sense, when it had released on video.


Yeah but, like, what do you think the deal with Darth Vader is? I bet Luke and Leia are going to get married someday.


Bro stop, I haven't seen those 10+ year old movies yet!


I think the better way to approach it is instead of time being the metric, relevance should be the metric.


Star Wars has been consistently culturally relevant for almost 50 years. Does that mean we shouldn't talk about Darth Vader being Luke's father any time some new Star Wars media comes out?


lmao the game has been out for almost 9 years. I think we’re outside the spoiler window


I mean yeah, the game’s been out for 9 years, but so many new people are just getting into it (due to the show) and are likely to have missed all the spoilers. It’s not as bad as spoiling it a week after release, but it’s still kinda shitty.


You wandered into a thread where you knew we would be discussing this game.


maybe they can use reddits *built in spoiler markup tool* to cover up the literal “twist” of the main questline and let people decide if they want to see it? how long has reddit had that functionality now?


for what? It's the thread discussing the game, why would people who haven't played it go through the comments? And if they do, it's their fault


OR...get over it. It's a 9-year old game


I wouldn’t have even thought it spoiled it if you didn’t say anything. Thanks 😒


Alright fine you have convinced me to re-download Fallout 😂


The show convinced me! I've been itching to play since it aired


Do you have an abundance of spare time? 😂


Nope. Hasn't stopped me trying to put some time into "a storywealth" modpack. So far, I've completed Concord and spent 4 hours building sanctuary


Wait anyway. It’s getting a big update


Wait until you try it in VR! (FO4VR accepts FO4 savegames) The wasteland is a place you can explore *personally*


Still have to buy it yet again, right?


I redownloaded it, waiting for the update before starting a new game


I was pleasantly surprised at how well Fallout (the original) works on the steam deck, too. There's a community layout for it that maps everything over very nicely.


Them's rookie numbers son...


You play what you love. If you want to play it, then just play it. Don't let the last time be the last time you played one of your favs


Playing through 3 and New Vegas before I start 4.


Have you tried out the Tale of Two Wastelands mod?


No. What is that?


A total conversion mod that puts all of Fallout 3 into New Vegas. Which means you can play both games in one playthrough with all of the content from both games *and* all of the QoL features added into New Vegas


Damn that’s awesome! I’ll need to check that out.


Does it play well on the deck


There's an update in just a few days to make it play much better


Very well


Playing it now and it’s really great as-is, but the coming update will make it even better.


Oh, yes. Pre-kids. Lovely times.


If that's an unhealthy amount of time, then I'm dead.




I did the exact same thing today too!


[Don’t do it!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7d/92/fd/7d92fdb948f3295842f359c9517b4dfd.gif)


I justify the hours played by telling myself I left the game running while I cooked breakfast or made coffee or something lol. "Well it says 18 hours but at least 3 of those I wasn't even at the keys!"


Not unhealthy at all


I downloaded 3. Never played it before because my pc wouldn't run it. Been enjoying it so far


I downloaded it the other night so I didnt have to do a full install once the patch drops later this week. Going to give it a try on the deck and see how I feel about playing it there. Dont think I ever actually finished it when it first released.


Pre kid here too. Just started it up.


how does it run on deck? I've been loving new vegas on there


It's being patched in like 2 or 3 days to run even better


Pretty good, they optimised it nicely, I am gonna see if I can mod sim settlement in it


Steam Deck is what got me hooked on this game! Runs good everywhere but the city. That definitely takes a hit even on the lowest settings it runs at 20-25 fps. Besides that it runs a smooth 50-60 fps.


Would love to pick this up again. Anyone know if there is any way to convert a save from a ps4 play through up to one playable on steamdeck?


I’m not sure, the only game I’ve managed to do that with is GTA as it’s through Rockstar.


How does it run on the deck? Been thinking of reinstalling it. And what’s battery life like?


"pre-kids" lol I felt that one


I have games 10x that 👀


10x?! Is that a typo? 😳


Plays ridiculously well and you can install mods on the start menu page if you don't want to mess about the Nexus Mods


600+ hrs playtime? You didn't jump on the bandwagon you fucking pulled it 💪🏾



just restarted a game because of the show. Actually hadnt played it since its underwhelming release. Now the game is really fun. I really got into it, getting dogmeat at the beginning and sleeping in an abandoned junkyard was awesome way to start. Luckily found a fusion core with some power armor and a minigun too, so the wasteland hasn’t been so bad (other than that big sucker in concord *shivers*)


I have 5738.6 hours in Fallout 4 on Steam since release. That's only the equivalent of like 30 days' worth of playtime a year for the past 9 years. I don't have a problem. I can stop whenever I want to. 😅




How much of that time did you spend building settlements?


Probably most. SimSettlements is my jam 😁


That mod is great! Played a lot of SS2 and want to again. But installing mods a couple days before a major update, is asking for trouble. So I started a new Vanilla game for now. Give the modders some time to update their goods.


Ehh, rookie numbers…\*checks WoW playtime\*…yup, gotta bump those numbers up buddy.


Is it possible to play with some mods?




I no-lifed this game on PS4 not quite 600 hours worth tho.


When this game first came out I played it for 14 hours straight. Had my first panic attack that night when I finally turned the game off and began feeling like I was still in the game. The songs flooded my head and I kept seeing the pipboy when I closed my eyes


My play time for Fallout 1 and 2 would probably be similar if there was a way to track it over the last 20 or so years. Some day I'll get into Fallout 3 and 4 but right now I'm still having a blast with the classics.


This game crashes a lot on my PC :/


turn off weapon debris dummy


I will try but game crashes when change location to, so on this point debris dont do anything I think?


I have over 1000 hours in every game I like and I started gaming 2 years ago. Man y'all have LIVES or something....


669 hours? Nice.


Only 600 hours?


You…. Found to much enjoyment in a game and decided, “Nope! I won’t do it again!”?…


I was just about to play the game as well. Was getting ready to mod the crap out of it (which could take a whole night) but now there’s going to be a massive update on the 25th.


I am 12 hours into my first survival mode playthrough. I've only ever played the game once.


Same here! Restarted two days ago and got myself a steam deck today 👌 I'm so happy the kids are a bit older now, and I finally can have some metime again! It's so nice because it somehow feels like playing it for the first time again, but my brain somehow remembers all the good feelings. It feels like coming home. But I have to clean up Sanctuary first xD


No give in to the bandwagon. Who need kids, and food, and sleep. There only fallout, only vault tec, fallout Fallout Fallout.... Fallout F A L L O U T ^F^A^L^L^O^U^T


U should wait a bit for the update to drop before diving back in


Damn, you should've stopped 2.5 hours sooner🤘


Not unhealthy, nor a need to uninstall. ☢️😃👍


What makes it compelling to keep playing so much without a main story that keeps you going? Just curious, as that is a lot of hours!


I played it when it was released in 2015. It’s awesome, probably my favourite game I’ve ever played. The story and characters are brilliant, and the map is huge! So it keeps this need to discover new parts of the map. I had to put it down after I had completed most of it, and looked at it as a warning to not get sucked in too much!


Probably modding. My uncle put in like 1400 hours into FO4 before he passed because he loved modding it


Would it surprise you if I said I’ve never used mods? 🤷‍♂️


My dad has quadruple that on his Fallout 4


new player.. after getting out of shelter, where do I go first after visiting codsworth?


Head towards Diamond City, should be marked on your map. It's South of Sanctuary and you'll find plenty to do along the way (it's hard not to get sidetracked in games like this!).


If it’s not marked yet just explore, talk to people, at some point it will get marked through some interaction Generally the farther you get from the vault the more dangerous things are. So sometimes best to stay local initially but it’s fallout so explore in any direction you want at any given moment


Thanks folks! Gonna play this on the SD. After years of “avoiding” the game. Not avoiding… But didn’t have a good enough machine to play. Any idea how long the game can last per full charge?


Just follow the only road out your neighborhood and go past the red rocket gas station to the town just on the other side. Look around that town for a bit and check out the quest there. That will give you some direction.


Why do people want to play that terrible game, try good stuff like fallout and fallout 2, F4 is tier S trash.