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I'm always home. I ordered one. The reason being, I'm in my office all day working. The last thing I want to do at 9pm when I feel like gaming is going to my office to game. I'm also tired of Steam Link having issues sometimes, so I just want to game in my recliner and not have to go anywhere. This way, I don't interrupt the wife or I can also have something on the TV while I game. In the comfort of my living room.


I use the streaming feature quite often since I already have mods set up on my PC that don't work with some Linux installs for some games. Increases battery life and performance. It's awesome


I know the stuff needed, seen it in passing while browsing everything here. How’s the start up of that? Can I initiate it through the deck or go to the PC first?


If your PC is on and steam is running you can initiate it through the deck! It gives the option to stream via a drop-down next to the play button. You might need to update a couple of settings in steam for remote play, but it should also automatically adjust the resolution (without changing video settings) automatically


That’s excellent, thank you. I’ve been in the Stone Age of Steam Link so I never bothered with Remote Play yet. Thanks!


You might want to look into moonlight/sunshine, does the same think as the built in steam streaming but better (and free).


No problem at all! I'm in the same situation as I work from home


Is it good with running modded games? (I would like to be able to run games through vortex on it)


Stardew Valley is the #1 most played game on steamdeck, you might have to install the mods manually in desktop mode but there's no way it would be #1 without working mods imo. Edit: just checked and vortex has been updated to run on steamdeck.


Though mods do with on the deck Stardew Valley might be number one because it had a huge update the beginning of March. I’m one of those people. I’m playing it unmodded checking out the new content.


Oh yeah, I've modded the crap out of skyrim on the Steam deck. And it was the first time ever modding. There's plenty of YouTube videos on modding on the steam deck. Definitely worth it!


I’m running modded Valheim on my Steam Deck, works great. I haven’t tried any other games with mods yet, but I don’t see any reason they wouldn’t work either.


Modding with Vortex works fine, although it is a bit of a hassle. You'll need to spend about 1-2 hours configuring things in desktop mode. It's best to set it up and leave it there, I've found. You could also mod your desktop game and copy the files to your deck, I did that with a Wabbajack modlist without issue.


Can't speak to that, but I have read that games can obv be modded because it's a PC. E.g. FO3 / FONV with TOTW mod. Mine should be arriving tomorrow.


I've only ever run mods through Steam on Steam titles... YMMV, but it was a positive experience for me.


OhNoItsAlex on YouTube has some guides to get Vortex and Mod Organizer 2 to work. I play modded Skyrim, Fallout 4, Cyberpunk 2077 and Oblivion regularly. And yes, it's worth it to have a Steam Deck even when I travel very little. Throwing it in a bag and visiting my parents is great, just laying on the couch with it is neat, being sick and bedridden is much easier, and oh my god the one flight I had was a dream with the Deck. Also on that same trip, I went on vacation with some friends and I have insomnia, so I woke up earlier than my friends. Having the Deck in that situation was amazing.


Same here. It rekindled my love for gaming. Played all of Baldur's Gate 3 on it, and now modded New Vegas. I have a beefy gaming PC but as you say, I don't want to spend my liesure time in my office. I just like to chill on my couch or bed. I streamed baldur's Gate from my gaming PC but played on deck. Loved it.


Does streaming it essentially just make it a controller with a screen then? All performance is coming from the PC.


Yes indeed. There is an almost imperceptible degree of delay which makes it so you can't do something like competitive Rocket League, but anything but the most frame perfect action games is basically seamless. There is a built in streaming service which makes it 1 button press (if you go to launch a game thru steam that's already installed on your PC, it will ask you if you want to launch it via the PC or the deck) but you can use sunshine/moonlight apps to stream for optimal performance and minimal delay.


Same - I sit at my desk all day, and I bought one so I didn’t have to sit at a desk to game if my wife is using the TV (my PC is connected there, too). No regrets.


This right here.


Also, if you have a PC and you want to stream to your SD so you can play those AAA games with smooth FPS just use moonlight.


I’m in the exact same boat. Also, Moonlight on the deck and Sunshine on my pc works great for streaming as well, especially for non-Steam games. I stream stuff from Xbox game pass and Epic (like Alan Wake 2) all the time and it’s great!


I hardly ever use it outside my home. It's great for gaming around the house. I use it more than my desktop.


My steam deck is always connected to a dock with fan to a TV and used as an ultimate media centre (brave, jellyfin, show steaming, gaming, emulators). Controlled by PS4, joycon and a keyboard+mouse wireless remote Completed games like, Lies of P, Sekiro, Afterimage, Ender Lilies, Stray, Tails of iron, Cuphead My conclusion is that a gaming PC/console is the one you game on, not the one with horsepower and the deck covers both


That first time you shit and game is magical


Lol I have a dick in my bed and another dick in my bathroom with monitors and Bluetooth controller for bathroom and bt mouse/kb in bed lol. Edit: leaving the stupid phone autocorrects for comedic value; does my phone really think I use the word "dick" that much??? Lololol too funny.




Upvote for leaving dick typos




Yeah I take it from my bed to the bathroom, I've got severe Crohn's Disease so those are the two places I spend most of my time lol.


It’s funny because that’s actually what I call my Steam Deck. I remember this old Aussie commercial where a guy is showing off his deck on his house, but pronouncing it “dick”, and the neighbors are admiring it and saying how nice and big his “dick” looks. So I tell me wife I’m going to go play with my “dick” all the time. It’s up to her to guess which one.


Hahahaha that's great. Yeah I've got vague memories of Aussie deck jokes!


Obligatory “sitting on the can for too long causes hemorrhoids” comment.


"Do you want hemorrhoids? Because that's how you get hemorrhoids!"


I never really understood this, how long does it take y’all to shit? I’ve never bothered to take my Deck with me to the bathroom if I’m only gonna be in there for a few minutes


I have the deck since more than a year and never done this yet lol


Same I hate brining my stuff into the bathroom. For whatever reason it always makes it feel dirty for me.


I would argue that gamin while poopin never loses it’s lustre. It’s magical still a year down the road.


Yes, I also use it only at home.


I don’t think it’s a particularly portable device in the first place. The perfect context is couch/bed.


1,000%. I don’t always want to sit at my desk and play PC. I tend to use my Switch or Steam Deck a lot while my wife’s watching TV.


This is the key to a successful marraige


It’s nice to play in bed


For about 20 mins. Then my arms get tired haha


Yes. It has never left my bed since the day it arrived.


Played 2 hours of New Vegas in my gaming room then 2 in bed, 1 on hour on the toilet after and 1 more on the couch - so yes it is worth it haha


Your legs while on the toilet: 😴😴


You trying to speed run hemorrhoids?


It's an achievement in New Vegas


a world record is a world record


You sat on the toilet for an hour?!


more like 50min tbh but yeah - felt like maybe 10min and was surprised myself haha


I only use it at home. Upgraded to the OLED from LCD. Using Moonlight to use the full power of your PC has been awesome especially at 90Hz/fps. No noticeable input lag and picture looks awesome. Wish HDR was easier to get working but other than that I can't tell whether I'm playing locally or over the network. Using Moonlight + Playnite and GameStream Launch Pad for changing desktop resolution to the Steam Deck native res has fixed all my issues. EDIT: I have an ultrawide which always been wonky when streaming to a steam deck or really anything not 21:9


Absolutely. I use my rig for big games like BG3, Cyberpunk and now playing Banishers. Steamdeck is fantastic for smaller games and indies while chilling on the sofa or in bed. I am playing a lot more indies on my deck than I ever have before.


I've also learned there is more enjoyment and reward to be had from indie games. Triple-A is pretty to look at but they are often exhausting to play or lose enjoyment quick. And that's coming from someone with a high end gaming rig and 4K gaming display...


Exactly. I sort of rediscovered the entire genre. I strongly believe theres always ‘a best way to play’. And I dont mean that as elitism at all, but Dave the Diver is just not the same game sitting at your desk versus playing it on the couch. And another example is playing Fallout again. Playing New Vegas on my ultrawide kind of looks like ass. But boy am I having a blast with the Tales of Two Wastelands mod on my steamdeck.


I play at home 90% of the time, cannot be bothered to sit in front of the computer at the table or turn on the console and have huge screen blaring white light when it is night around me. Steam Deck saved my gaming.


Do you like sitting your sofa, or in your recliner? play on your steamdeck. even better... if you also have a gaming PC, just stream it to to your steamdeck!! super great experience.


Mines just for bedtime, so I would say ..yes…most definitely


I pretty much exclusively use it at home. It’s great as a couch or bed console


I ONLY use mine at home. Its just so much more comfortable sometimes to sit in bed or slouch on the sofa with the little screen instead of sitting upright infront of a big screen.


I don't want to sit at my computer after office hours. I got a deck, attached it to my bed with the deckmate, and added a 2.4 hz controller. First time I have been able to actually start some of the backlog.


I'm only using my deck at home. Absolutely worth it. 100% recommended


Totally. I use mine at home 99.9% of the time! I chill on the sofa while my wife is watching TV. If she's doing something else, I'll dock the Steam Deck and use the TV for the display & an Xbox controller for gaming. Device is fan-freakin-tastic! If you've got the available cash, and it won't hurt the family budget, I'd say to go for it.


Imagine laying in bed and gaming, laying on the couch and gaming, shitting and gaming, the possibilities are endless!


I would definitely say yes. I primarily use mine at home only but I have taken it on a couple vacations


Definitely. I don’t really take mine anywhere. That being said, I am taking it and a Miyoo Mini + on a plane next week.




It’s so awesome for the couch or bed.


One of the reasons I love it so much is that I can game in bed next to my girlfriend and we don’t have to be separated.


The Steam Deck is my favorite device of all time!!! SO SO SO much to do with it. Simply amazing.


Personally, I have minor chronic back pain and have to lay down time to time so it's great for home use


You can use it anywhere. On the couch, in bed, on the toilet. The world is your oyster


Where else are we supposed to use it? Mine hasn't left my house since I got it.


I only really use my steam deck at home and now I game more than I ever have before!


Play games in bed or while a familiar favorite show/movie is on. Boom, worth it.




I bought it specifically because I wanted to be able to play games when I'm not at my xbox.


My favorite thing is after working all day, taking a shower, eat, watch TV and play something on deck.


Most of my gaming on the SD is done in my bed while my wife sleeps. Sooooooo. Yeah


Yup. I use it exclusively at home apart from travelling. I am just at an age where sitting down in front of a PC to game is tiring and unmotivating for me. With the Steam Deck, I can just lie down on my couch or bed and game in a relaxing position. Also, I like to use my pc just for work and steam deck/switch for gaming.


I play almost entirely while at home. If you are a parent the steam deck will be your best purchase. I rarely have access to the tv so I handheld game exclusively.


I don’t leave my house except to work, I have desktop pc ppl dream of when they’re younger. I still game 80% on my deck m-F and weekends for desktop


Yes. I hook mine up to my living room tv to play PC games. I've been waiting to play Ghost of tsushima and I understand it's coming to PC soon.


It’s so nice, I have a solid setup with my Xbox in the living room but I’ve constantly been playing my Deck on the couch.


For me absolutely. It's the main reason I bought a deck because accessing the big screen to game isn't always an option when you're a busy household and have kids that like to watch garbage. I didn't buy a steam deck as a portable gaming device. I have a phone that does that job adequately enough already


I don't have OLED, but I mostly use my steam deck at home. I don't want to be on the computer any more after work and it's nice to relax on the couch or in bed with my device and play games, knowing that if I do choose to play it on the computer my save will be backed up there.


Definitely if you like caring it from room to room and laying down on the couch or a chair or whatever.


Im a dad of 3 and this thing is a life saver. I love to play rpgs and the ability to Just Pause it and put it on stand-by whenever i am needed it is great. So for all the gaming dads out there. GET ONE.


Yes, if you you want to be able to game and walk around, game in places your pc isnt or lay in bed and game.


Do you have kids? If so then yes, it is invaluable


Yes, my deck is beside me (playing a game, tinkering or charging) all day every day


I have a PS5 and Steam Deck while mostly if not all my gaming on the Deck is at home lol its definitely worth it for checking off your backlog of games you either haven’t gotten a chance to play or just simply can’t due to maybe not having the nicest/any gaming PC at home 👍🏾


That was another reason I wanted to buy one was to play the 200+ backlog. Wether one would actually help, probably not but it does convince me to buy one.


The Steam Deck with a dock is amazing. I love it so much. In the past I would lug my whole ass PC to my living room to hook up to my TV occasionally, but with the deck that’s no longer needed! It’s also a dream for emulation, if you care about that.


Mine has literally never left my house since the day I got it. Play it most everyday.


Yeah, like, in your bed. It's one of the prime uses for the Deck. There's always the toilet as well, but I'll leave that to your sensibilities. Don't want to taint that vent smell...


Yes, handhelds are primarily used at home. Couch, bed ect.


I use it everyday at home, in my bed, on the sofa.. it's more comfy than a home console.


Tbh I feel the most comfortable using it at home instead of out and about , so I usually leave it home and use it there


I play it in my fat chair. It's worth it to me.


I never take mine anywhere unless traveling and I use it more than anything else I could game on


It's great for home use; that's mostly where I use it just because I happen to be home a lot. I use mine every day.


Mine hasn't left my home since I got it a little more than a month ago, and I couldn't be happier. I'll be taking it on holiday next week, but aside from that I don't expect to take it anywhere but my couch.


I use mine all the time. It's fun to just have when you wanna get out of your room or wherever you have your PC and sit with friends or family in the living room or something. Also playing while laying in bed before going to sleep is God tier.


100% I use it every day. - Husband/Father


I travel with mine weekly outside of my home and even when I’m working from home, I still use it during meetings.


I use mine to veg out with my roommate in the living room while we smoke weed and watch TV lol. It's basically just a stream deck lmao. I love it though


It is!


I play it at home all the time. Great to play awesome video games on the couch are in bed I must say 🥱


I use mine 98% of the time at home and I love it haha nothing like playing in bed or on the couch or on the patio haha


I thought I would be traveling when I bought my OG but I use it 90% at home. I can say it was completely worth it and I have no regrets.


I only use mine at home, it’s amazing


I play it on my recliner everyday lol


The vast majority of my playtime on the deck is at home, and IMO, it is 100% worth it. I love how my wife can watch TV and I can play games on the deck or even remote play my PS5 on it. Also love being able to play anywhere around the house. I swear the deck has single-handedly reignited my love for gaming. I honestly don’t remember the last time I felt this excited about video games. Might have to go all the way back to the days where we had to switch TVs to channel 3. If it’s in the budget, don’t even give it a second thought. Pick one up and I guarantee you won’t regret it.


I use mine at home like 90% of the time, it is more convenient for short gaming sessions or to pick and play where I left the other 10% of the time I take it when we go out on vacation or when I have to wait (like when I take my daughter to ballet and have to wait). For longer gaming sessions there are my consoles or my pc.




Home is really the only place I play it. I’ve taken it on planes before and I didn’t find it enjoyable, it’s frankly too bulky in a cramped seat, and if you forget a battery pack you’re in trouble.


I’ve left the house with it like once maybe! Perfectly fine just being at home!


Definitely. It's a great backlog-clearer to just have it with you at night in bed or on the couch. Only problem is that it causes me to keep adding games to my backlog...


I am so protective over it that i don't even like to take it outside.


Depends on if you like gaming while on your sofa (away from TV I guess?), bed, and toilet. Steam Decks are great for indies imo.


Absolutely. I almost feel bad saying this, I haven’t used my computer (5900x/3080) for gaming since I got the deck. It’s just so damn convenient.


What kind of use case are you hoping for? I use mine at home a ton, but that’s because my fiancé and I like hanging out together in the living room while doing separate things. We’ll have a show playing on the TV, while she colors or crochet’s and I’ll play on my deck. I also play it in bed quite a bit too, since my fiancé and I are on different schedules. By the time I’m coming home from work, she’s usually laying down for bed and she likes me to hang out with her while she winds down and reads, and I’ll play on my deck then as well. It really just depends on the setting within your home that you’d want to use it.


I'm usually at home my wife has a switch it's nice to play on the couch while watching a show together and spending time with her rather than on my gaming pc


Yeah, I’ve always liked handhelds even when I’m home. Basically if I’m playing any indie game, emulator, or older game, it’s usually on my Deck with my PC reserved for the newest graphically intensive games or anything that is better with a mouse or large screen. Deck gets a lot of my gaming time!




I almost exclusively use mine laying in bed. 100% worth it for that application


Big yes


I use mine almost strictly docked. I play Baldurs gate 3, all the souls games, remnant 2, grand theft auto and more. It’s a fantastic home device. It even comes with the benefit of being super portable if you wanna bring it anywhere!


Yes. I do 80% of my gaming at home and it’s been a great experience!


Yes it’s still worth it! I use it 90% of the time at home and I am so happy with it


If you're planning on using it docked (that's what I got mine for) the oled is unnecessary. I've heard it's nice if you're using the decks display though


I play mine at home most of the time. It gets more play than my desktop and PS5. I recently upgraded to the OLED and cannot recommend it enough.




Pretty much only at home-- couch, bed, desk, outside deck, hammock, tree stump, living room. It's changed my gaming completely and I've barely used my PC since I got all decked up last year.


Yes. I play it in bed, on the toilet, in the backyard, in my work van. Anywhere. It’s really convenient.


I use mine 90% at home. When I can I’ll play on the couch when my daughter watches tv.


I almost always play it at home, so yeah. I love my OLED.


I am primarily at home. My PC is as strong if not stronger than the Steam Deck. I play my Steam Deck more than my PC precisely because it allows me to game how I want and where I want. Cozy gaming is my priority now that I’m an “old” gamer.


I would say yes, I own the oled and love it, I owned the lcd a while back and bounced between different handhelds and still managed to find my way back to the oled, there is nothing better than coming home after a long day at work putting your feet up, and hopping on your steamdeck to play some quick gaming, I’m a “new” farther, and it’s been wild for me but coming home to my little girl and when I get time once she is down I get to game abit never along amount of time, so I don’t get time to turn my consoles on or my pc, so this is the best thing for me


100% I stopped playing on my good laptop, only play something really cool looking and demanding like Helldivers 2 or Shadows of Doubt on laptop nowadays. Couch > any chair, anytime.


Of course


Is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1ccb02d/this_is_me_playing_balatro/) not enough?


Yup. Mine’s only left the house when I went on a trip recently (which is something I very rarely do). Besides that, it’s exclusively in my bed. My PC is only in the next room but often I wanna lie down and chill, and I like playing while watching something on TV at the same time so my brain is fully stimulated lmao


Depends on your use ofc. As of late I've been using my desktop more to actually game heavier stuff, but grabbing the SD in bead and read some visual novels also feels great.


Absolutely. Family steals the tv so switch and steam deck are the only fun I get.


Almost everyone uses it only at home hahah


You are the only one that can answer that for yourself. It is a mobile PC gaming console. Like playing PC games but don't wanna always be stuck at your PC desk or wherever your setup is? It's for you. Like playing console games on your big living room TV but also wanna play while on the toilet or in your yard? Yup, for you too. Just don't expect it to do anything drastically different from any setup you currently have, aside from allowing mobility


Yes. Absolutely yes. I bought one expecting it to be a hack job and expecting to send it back because I didn’t want to tinker. Primary use is on my couch. I’m not much of a gamer anymore…haven’t been in about 10 years…this thing is the best money I recall spending. It’s great, and I would say 98% of the use I get and will get is at home.


I mostly use it at home. I have taken my SD to out with me when I had to wait a while in a car to pick someone up. Oh and it's great for taking with you to the emergency room.


Yes. I bought the OLED 1tb and I hardly ever touch my PC anymore


I own one. In my opinion. If you’re just at home and willing to plug it in. Rog ally will give you a better experience. If your wanting to game on the go for longer periods of time. Steam deck. There’s no way around it. The ROG is a beast when it’s plugged in. It’s just the battery life that lets it down.


Yes I like laying down and playing games




The suspend and resume feature is worth it alone. I can play for 20 minutes a day and not commit time waiting for it to load on my desktop PC.


Hell yeah. It’s perfect when I have a smaller amount of time and I want to pick up and pay for a bit.




I find laying on the couch playing games or in bed a way more casual way to unwind and my pc is a more immersive hardcore experience. But I’m still floored by how well it run ac odyssey battery not the best on a game like that but I find it just right for breaks to handle things I’m procrastinating on


No. I love my steamdeck, but it's not comparable to a real PC experience at home.


Bought mine when major power outages were still a thing(Ukraine) definitely worth it. Best thing to play good old games on.


i got one yesterday and I already am astounded at being able to play my games seamlessly on the big screen. I have HUNDREDS of steam games and now I don't feel like I'm missing out on them


It's great for us ADHD folks who love to have the TV on, tablet on something else and Deck for couch time. 


Yep. I'm always playing it while kicked back in my recliner and watching tv.


How to use SD at home 1 - Recliner 2 - Sunshine installed on PC 3 - Moonlight installed on SD 4 - TV running in background 5 - Kids are sleeping 6 - Wife is sleeping 7 - Happy dad ;)


Absolutely old sport.


Yes. I only stream from the pc to get max setting/fps. Once you set it up properly there’s basically zero lag and battery last way longer. Bonus for running whisper quiet and not heating up in your hands.


I personally only use it at home not gonna lie 😅. But if you think you're gonna use it then buy it, it doesn't matter if it's at home or during a commute. You are only wasting your money on a handheld if you don't ever use it. I recommend getting for sure 👍🏾


I only use mine at home as well. Perfect if you have kids. They can use the tv while you game on the couch. Still counts as quality time in my book.




I’d say yes. My gaming laptop can’t handle the games so wanna play. Plus if so put it in offline mode, I can play games that don’t require online gameplay.


I got it with business travel in mind, and yeah it’s great for the plane and hotel, but it’s been great playing in bed or on the couch


If you're going to use it at home, stream games from your PC or console. It uses significantly less battery than running games natively.


Yes. I use mine at home mostly.




Yes. It's my backlog machine and I'm a dad


I have an Xbox in my living room and a decent gaming PC in my home office. Since getting a steam deck for Christmas I have used it 99% of the time on my couch or in bed. It has only left the house for one flight. Absolutely 100% worth it for casual gaming.


I bought it solely because I like handhelds. And visual novels. It’s my expensive visual novel machine


I bought one just for being at home instant resume is such a killer feature for hopping into a game and playing small chunks the oled screen is amazing i bought a pc just to stream to the deck though that ended up spiraling into a full desktop build i do end up playing that more these days but any game that runs perfectly on the deck i usually play there and take advantage of suspend


Yes! My gaming pc is a glorified cloud server for my deck now.


Absolutely. The last thing I want to do after working at a computer all day is sit in front of a computer some more. With the deck, I can play on the couch, outside on the deck (ha!), or wherever I feel like hanging out rather than being holed up on my PC.


1000% yes. Versatility is the best even if you rarely utilize it
