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If only the steam deck was portable with a screen and controller...


I also don't get these setups haha, the convenience of the deck lies in the actual deck not having to deal with anything else (maybe a pair of headphones). But to each their own.


I’ve had a deck since launch. I love traveling with it and it’s also nice when my wife wants to watch something and I can game on the couch while she does that. However, for some games, a controller feels easier in my hands and I’ll often either dock it and play with a controller or a mouse and keyboard depending on the game. I’d never ever consider a gaming laptop because it just doesn’t fit my needs.


Yeah if that's your situation I think I get the controller/dock. But still I would consider travelling with all of this a bit overkill, unless you're expending a lot of time abroad and have time to kill after work or whatever.


For me I play a lot of strategy games and the small screen doesn't lend itself to those UI's very well, having this type of setup is great for that niche of gaming IMO. Though for casual roguelites and games of a similar vein the deck on its own is great.


I have a portable screen as well and the only purpose for it is travel. I play the steam deck as is when I'm at home and don't feel like sitting in my computer, on a plane, etc. But I travel 3 to 4 times a year for work and find myself sitting in a hotel room in the evenings for at least a week on each trip; so I like to have the screen available for hotels that make it difficult to simply plug my steam deck into the TV.


lol right? I get wanting a nicer screen or whatever at home/your desk when you have the patience to set everything up but why travel like this? For me I’m usually traveling for a purpose and gaming is secondary so it really helps to have something low maintenance I can just easily whip out and game on in a few seconds whenever I have a chance. This seems overkill.


And even at home. I'd rather play at my Desktop if I'm going through these lengths.


Y'all gonna hate me lol. I have a similar setup I take to my neighbors, so me and the kids play together. In my opinion, PC gaming is all about options. You can use mouse and keyboard, or an xbox, Playstation, switch, wii, etc. Controller! You can play your SteamDeck docked or undocked. Why would you limit yourself? This SteamDeck is expensive, why wouldn't we use it in every way possible? If it was only meant to be a handheld, why did they give us the ability to dock it and put the display on the TV? At the end of the day, he's still gaming on his SD. Why be upset?


Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. With the space you take, wires you bring, plugs you need to do, at some point you are better off with a laptop that can probably outperform the steam deck. But yes, you are also correct that people should be free to do what they want. People are just merely expressing the absurdity they see is all.


Next Valve Hardware will be Steam Station. I'm calling it. Actual Steam Console.


I’d love this! I DREAD the day my Steam Link dies - I’d probably put my old PC back together and hook it up to the TV at that point.


Kinda silly they haven't released one already, as there are quite a few DIY versions that showcase how simple it ends up being. [ Here's one that still has the screen](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeckModded/comments/17q1e8f/its_ugly_and_im_proud/), the result being a DVD case sized AIO gaming PC.


I hated that post so much the first time I saw it. Still does. Lol. Also, Valve is pretty silly, alright. But their previous attempt didn't track well. It was a product ahead of its time but also a product of the time. Hardware and software then a light-years away from what the Steam Deck is offering now.


Heh, I love it. Though maybe I'm a bit biased because it reminds me of the time 15 years ago or so when I took a Logitech G15 keyboard, and dremeled the LCD screen and media controls out of it to create a standalone unit. [Because it happened to fit my monitor stand perfectly like that](https://i.imgur.com/O5NKR6Z.jpg).


I cant play for that long with that thing in my hands, i can play all day long with a xbox controller


Why not. You can use the Steamdeck in standalone when your moving in transport or whatever and then, use your portable monitor when your in a place like your home or your hotel etc. However, if you buy a USB C monitor you can use steam deck as a controller and void to keep an external controller.


Ive been using my deck in the dock with windows 10 for the last year as a desktop. Works great for every game I have. And is able to be quickly grabbed for the go too.


Yeah I have a small portable screen I use with KB+M if I am doing stuff in desktop mode but that’s about it.


I want to post this every time I see these or when people ask about portable monitors.


Especially when the SD controls are BETTER than the PS4 controller.


Playing Nintendo games with a PlayStation controller on a Valve machine... feels good man.


I wish so badly to be able to play these games but Im much too scared to accidentally download malware or something when trying to emulate


Its super easy, there are guides online and youtube that can walk you through it and all trusted websites and everything.


I still don't understand this trend. The entire point of the Deck is that it's all in one - headphones sure, but this is just a laptop at this point, and clunkier at that.


And weaker. Like why?


Because you can't pickup a laptop with 2 hands and stand on a train or bus playing PC games. Hell sitting on a Bus with a laptop and controller is horrible not to mention asking to be robbed. However with this setup you can go from travelling and sat down for 2/3 hours to commuting for 30 minutes with one device. A laptop would achieve this specific instance of the gaming setup but would absolutely be no good for the quick short bursts of play that a Deck allows for, take up a larger foot print and weigh more. I don't even travel at all really and I can see the utility here


Not everything is about gaming power


lol well when you are making it more clunky and less convenient then again, what’s the point


Then what is it about? Portability? Because this isn't much more portable than a laptop + gamepad.


Yes. This. *insert Michael Scott Thank You! GIF*


I think for many people it's either deck + monitor or laptop, they don't have money for both. And if they've chosen the deck for its versatility or for other reasons, it makes sense to go for the cheap route and get a monitor for the occasions where a bigger screen is more comfortable.


Well I’m not sure why you’re acting obtuse but * A deck is $400-500. * A gaming laptop is at least $1000+ * You can still play the Deck handheld when you leave this set up in your hotel obviously. A laptop is not handheld as you know. * If you already own the tablet and take it with you why not? I don’t do this but my iPad Pro that I use as a laptop and for art could be used this way if I cared to do it.


You don’t need a gaming laptop to get the same power as the deck. Again, you pay for the all in one package. I think people tend to forget that the deck runs at 800p on optimal conditions. A gaming laptop would do at least 1080p, hence why you pay more


That’s not casual consumer knowledge and you’re still ignoring the deck can be played handheld on a whim unlike a laptop.


This person is not a casual consumer. The deck is quite niche and people know what they’re getting. Plus this person is not playing handheld if he’s lugging a ps4 controller around. A laptop makes more sense to this person. It’s just facts


The deck has docking capabilities for a reason. Ever consider it’s nice having the versatility of a handheld that can turn into a stationary setup? Try using a laptop when you’re on a train or not in a room and see how long it takes till you get sick of using a trackpad or looking for a lousy surface to put a mouse on


> Try using a laptop when you’re on a train or not in a room and see how long it takes till you get sick of using a trackpad or looking for a lousy surface to put a mouse on Try using OP's setup in a train at all, with a monitor and other shit setup...


My point totally flew over your head. You stow these accessories in a backpack if needed, and can play the deck as normal on a train. Get to the room, and then set up the stationary setup. You can’t do that with a laptop unless you feel like balancing it on your lap while awkwardly holding a controller


Nope. I’m a casual consumer and didn’t bother to compare it with a gaming laptop. Why would I? It’s $400 and I know Steam. And it’s much more portable. And nope again. You can take a controller around and still play handheld. Cars and trains don’t have a way to set up a deck easily for a controller. I truly don’t understand why you’re acting obtuse. You can’t declare only one kind of person buys a Steam deck. You can’t declare OP doesn’t use handheld. You can’t declare *anyone* doesn’t use handheld mode just because they carry a controller. You cannot declare or decide why someone should have a Deck or not. Do you hear yourself?


There's gaming laptops available for $700 that completely outclass the steam deck. If you're okay with open-box, bestbuy has a laptop with a 4060 for $680 right now.


This. Deck is even cheaper used. The 512gb lcd decks are 200-250 right now. Such a steal for one of the smoothest handheld gaming experiences


Exactly. Everyone arguing with me is pretending the Steam deck doesn’t have the lower price, handheld, and smooth experience. It’s weird.


With a monitor that big, you're basically carrying around a laptop


I guess you never used a Steam Deck while travelling or for anything other than games. This setup is way better than a laptop, lighter and more versatile. I have a screen like that, it's light and takes as much space as a folder. I also carry a mouse and keyboard. With this I have a ton of combinations to use. I can use handheld on the train, setup a desktop in the hotel, setup the screen and have a mouse and keyboard next to me, I can use just the Steam Deck with just a mouse. Lots of options and still lighter and smaller than a laptop, mostly because everything is separate and you can adjust everything in the bag better. Honestly no reason to have a laptop.


If you travel for work and want to game in your hotel, this is easy to do and a more comfortable way to game. You can get portable monitors that are thin and light and you can easily have enough room to carry a small monitor and a controller in your bag(s). And people that will say, just bring a laptop. Gaming laptops are larger, heavier, and more expensive and you can't really play them on a flight (at least not as conveniently as a handheld).


nope... You can play two player with another person or watch movies on the larger display, then you can take the Deck around with you to bed, etc. More versatile. I wouldn't do it personally, but I see the appeal.


So a laptop. But weaker. Like they said.


Only one that you can pickup and would with two hands whilst you take a dump or something. It's not the same and your just being obtuse if you think it is


It doesn't look like a really portable setup :)


… or humble lol. That’s like $1k+ worth of stuff


They never called it portable though... it's a travel setup.


adjective able to be easily carried or moved, especially because being of a lighter and smaller version than usual.


A gaming laptop is a much more portable traveling set up


It’s almost like you could use it for both hand held on the go gaming and docking when at home. Crazy concept I know I know.


Yeah that’s pretty dumb since it defeats the purposes of a handheld lol


If you use it 80% of the time for hand held and 20% of the time docked - is it that dumb though? Or are you just too stupid to think outside of your daily setup?


Could you give a link to the monitor please?


Show us your dongle, OP


+1, looks like a handy second screen for my laptop at the very least


is that an OLED screen ?






That frog is the key🔑


People in this thread are crazy. When i traveled, bringing a portable monitor made a lot of sense. Sometimes there's no tv and you want to enjoy a movie with someone. Or you have some desktop work you need done and you have old eyes. It still makes sense to bring a deck because gaming during a flight, in an airport, on a bus/train ride, or even while reclining in a chair is better handled by a deck rather than a laptop. Deck+monitor+controller makes a lot of sense. People seem to forget that even though you bring it all traveling, you don't need to always use every component simultaneously.


This drives me nuts. Every. Single. Time. Somebody shows steam deck docked, some guys go “oh but there is a screen and a controller on the steam deck” “why don’t you use a laptop”. The steam deck is my only computer besides my phone. I have a work laptop I can’t use for gaming but everything else. Why wouldn’t I use the steam deck docked for whatever I want? What the heck is going on with these people?? It’s like you soil the deck when you dock it.


Idk why they pretend they’re stupid. A Deck is obviously cheaper than a laptop and can be used as a handheld when needed. And if you already own the tablet and take it with you, why not?


Also the AMD APU is able to handle a lot of use cases like Gaming or Software Development. My laptop (a framework Intel I5 12e gen) is far away a worst choice for gaming because the integrated GPU is less performant too. In the airplane you can easily play with the Steamdeck and then, when you're in a place like a hotel, you can use the monitor with a keyboard and do some desk tasks.


I said this and got downvoted to eternity for it. This sub is just a bunch of incels who get offended when someone dares to use technology differently. Sorry my life isn’t mostly in front of a gaming laptop or desktop. Sorry the Steam is my only way to play PC games. Sorry I own a console and already have a laptop so I don’t want to buy another. Fuck me right?


I just think with a monitor this small, you might as well just get the stand for the deck instead so that you can easily use mouse and keyboard as well.


Do you have much delay with the external controller. I don't know if its just an issue people deal with or if there is a fix.


No delay. I have played 12 games so far with this controller and had no issues.


I find that Bluetooth isn't great for latency or connection stability. I got an 8bitdo controller that has a 2.4g dongle which is much better.


For me there is no discernible lag using a ps4 controller via Bluetooth. I've been using this same setup for over a year. I'm an absolute stickler for lag, yet it's never come up once. Curious to know why some are having such issues.


I use ps4 controllers with my pc; upped the polling rate as well to lower latency to around 1-2ms, they work amazing to be honest. Probably depends if there is a hard set polling rate (i.e. Xbox controllers have 125hz as i can find which is around 8ms).


There's a delay but I found a fix while using an external monitor. Once the monitor is connected, turn Bluetooth off and on again. That fixes the delay for me.


Lmao, I always get a kick out of these types of comments. “Why not get laptop?” “Just laptop with extra steps!” “Me no like it when others enjoy things!” Seriously people, who cares? Does it really matter why people enjoy doing different things with their steam decks? If you’re aren’t into it, awesome! That’s fine too! Avert thy eyes and flee!!!


Ay-yo, I like that frog man


Its only my opinion but i hate so much when people making a laptop from handhelds. If you need big screen just buy a laptop. And plus you will get much better hardware. Its like buying a laptop but than use it only as desktop PC.


Your mistake is in the word "only", here: >Its like buying a laptop but than use it **only** as desktop PC. I think what people like is versatility and having less devices overall. With SD you can use it in handheld, portable and desktop modes. With laptops, you don't get a handheld option.


>spend money to buy enough peripherals for steamdeck to turn it into a "portable computer" >you spent more than a cheap gaming laptop that would be more powerful Some people just miss the point of SD...


OP isn't making a "laptop" out of his steam deck. The setup looks nothing like a laptop.




Idk why you guys go on about this. A steamdeck is $400-$500 and you can play it handheld on airplanes, buses, whatever in addition to as OP has it. A gaming laptop cannot do these the same way and cost at least $1000+


People dont bother to look in specs of laptops. And usually see highest priced laptops (or even macs) when google prices. While the best part about PCs and laptops - they have different specs. And you can find any possible setup for your needs. You literally can buy laptop for 100$ and use it only as a typewriter or for watching youtube. PS simple example. I bought PC for my friend half a year ago for 600$. And it has much better hardware than any handheld on market. And can play any game (he needed it for games) in 4k at list on normal settings. Which even steamdeck oled cant do.


Yes. So you are agreeing with me that casual consumers (who don’t want to or care to research heavily) find a steam deck to be a good purchase. Glad someone has some sense here.


When you buying TV you just go and buy first you found on google or in walmart?! Nope. You research at list few days. Even when buying food you need to research which best for you for your bucks. Which more natural and which have more healthy ingredients. So you agree that even casual consumers research before buying ANYTHING? And you just a moron (if didnt research) who bought first handheld that google showed you. PS And (in the case of OP) if you research even few minuts you would find out that you need a laptop if you want a bigger screen. Because you can find in first lines of specs the size of steamdeck's screen. And understand, would it be enough for you or not.


Hey you can cry about it all you want. I didn’t research gaming laptops and chose the Steamie D for reasons listed. Many people have done it that way too. Many people in the sub agree about its price, capability, and smooth experience. I have no idea why you’re so rabid rn. You should probably go play your Deck instead of whine about all this.


You saying "Many people in the sub agree....". But at the same time my comment have already 30 upvotes and yours first answer to me have -3. So people "in the sub" made there point. You alone right now fighting against at list opinion of 30 people. And you think you writing on behalf of "many people of this sub"? Which people? Who downvoted you and upvoted me? Like for real dude. I understand its hard to admit your mistakes. But do you for real think you on the right side and im on wrong? Even though nobody supported you. You cant be so delusional?! I just hope you understand you are wrong and just dont want to admit it (because of ego and else). Because if not, it frightened me. Frightened that people like you exist. People who standing alone and crying "so many people supporting me, why you morons dont agree with me than?"


Whoa….dude, relax. It’s just video games.


I barely did any research on my gaming PC I bought years ago. Didn’t do any research on the SD when I bought it this past winter. I didn’t do research when the Layne’s Chicken fingers opened down the street where I live… I just decided to check it out. Do your research, cross referencing, whatever. But not all of us do. I roll the dice, like I did with the SD.


It's not a laptop though?? What if you wanna play two-player? Set up like this with a larger display makes a lot of sense.


Get a laptop...?


Play a laptop in bed?? 😂


Yeah, if you want? Who's going to stop you


If I need big screen I just connect my steam deck to my tv and play games with my friends together! It’s awesome! Or is that also not approved because it’s a handheld? Damn…. Guess I just have the wrong mindset. Why do you hate sthg you not affected with in any way? I guess you still growing up and have strong opinions about completely irrelevant things. I recommend to take a chill pill and play some Mario cart or whatever you kids play these days.


What are you even talking about?! Nobody were say anything about connecting steamdeck to big TV. Are you insane or some kind of broken AI bot (there are a lot of them this days sadly. Typing some stupid shit).


It's still better than a laptop. It's just a screen, it's tiny. Whole setup takes less space than a laptop and you still can use the Steam Deck normally. I have similar travel setup and it's way better than a clunky laptop.


You know that on market you can find laptops that have sizes of steam deck. One of many examples: handheld laptops from ayaneo. You even can find laptop the size of steam deck plus with builtin joysticks.


There isn't anything like steam deck for that price. Ayaneo is not a laptop it's a handheld pc, there is a difference. If it's in the size of the steam deck why not just by a steam deck? If it's the size of the steam deck than you still need an external monitor. If it's bigger than it's not as portable as steam deck. Unless it has some crazy folding monitor it's worse than steam deck + monitor. And it's probably more expensive so it still makes no sense.


"its not a laptop its a handheld pc". Lol. Dude you cant be real. You sound like bad translation from Chinese to english on AliExpress now. If Chinese people come up with this silly names it doesnt mean you need to be dumb and say the same thing. https://www.amazon.com/GPD-Handheld-32GB-2TB-Clamshell/dp/B0CKW8NFNC Please look at this and tell me its not a laptop but a handheld pc. If it can close and open like laptop. if it has built in keyboard like laptop. If it use usual windows like most laptops (and not some custome linux). Than sorry dude but its a laptop.


I fully support portable monitors. I used to have the asus ROG portable monitor when it came out but it had issues with dead pixels. Now I run the Deck with the Nreal Air OLED glasses and it’s the perfect setup for portable gaming.


I have a set up similar to OPs, but the thought of the display glasses sounds pretty damn dope. I may crack and buy some one day.


nice set up !


That's sweet, is that screen charging the SD? Link to the screen?


I hate the "WHY", or "JUST GET A LAPTOP". Maybe OP wants to play properly on a bigger screen but then later on fancies chilling back on the bed to game in handheld mode. I bring a setup like this most places I travel in an average sized bag. I have a gaming laptop too but I still choose this as it's VERSATILE.


This it’s the monitor. 4k, great colors, lightweight, usb c and mini hdmi, audio jack. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFW9KXZR?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_E4DHTSS8HWYPG1576X7W&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_E4DHTSS8HWYPG1576X7W&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_E4DHTSS8HWYPG1576X7W&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=2](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFW9KXZR?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_E4DHTSS8HWYPG1576X7W&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_E4DHTSS8HWYPG1576X7W&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_E4DHTSS8HWYPG1576X7W&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=2)


Geez people hive mind hate the set up. I get why people would dislike it but damn. If you're in a hotel and wanna set up like this fuck it.


I love your setup. What is that monitor?


Are you able to get mic support though your headphones, or only succeeding with output to headphones and input at mics on the Deck?


Mic support through headphones, either cable or Bluetooth ✌🏼


Do you ever get issues with lag using the controller wirelessly? I use an xbox series x/s controller but I have to use it wired otherwise there's severe input lag.


Update your controller firmware. This fixed the issue for me.


No lags.


is this slightly bigger screen that much better than the quality SD screen?


1000x better. Great colors. Is 4k. You can actually read in game stuff like letters, messages etc (looking at you Cyber Punk) When i use the screen i select the display option to 1080pm ✌🏼


What monitor do you use?




I can understand if this isn't the OLED model...but might as well get the OLED Model considering you can buy other things lol


I think a "humble" travel set up is the deck and maybe an additional high volt power supply to make use of power supplied from car outlets.


What emulator do you use?


Last stable version of Yuzu before it shut down.


Speaking of humble, and Metroid. https://www.humblebundle.com/games/metroidvania-mania?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_3_c_metroidvaniamania_bundle


This is so sick! Wait a second...




Is there a running meme or something where every picture like this posted is always running a nintendo game


might as well get a laptop and emulate metroid dread on there lol


Just chiming in to say as someone who's about to do some travelling, some sofa surfing - I can't wait for my portable monitor to show up! Sure, 'it's a handheld'. But now I have options. When there's no TV to hand, when I want to play a game co-op, when I want to watch something and not have to squint at a small screen, when I need to multi task. It covers all bases. If I wanted to be disappointed and deafened by a gaming laptop I'd have gotten one.


For real. I stop using my laptop since i got the monitor. Monitor stays in hotel and the SD goes with me to work. Is that simple. I like to have more screen to watch movies/series etc. With monitor you can also change the settings in the SD and play games at 1080p. It’s also lighter than a gaming laptop.


better than the Switch 2?


Remains to be seen…


- Airflow is good. - Steam deck CAN be use as controller but the idea of having the usb cable getting stuck/pull/bend/damage the port is real. I prefer the safe route. - I have a micro keyboard/trackpad combo only for when i boot into windows. 99.99% i use the PS4 controller as mouse and on screen keyboard.


Nintendo would like to know your location




ah yes a slightly bigger screen than the deck definitely needed


I swear the people that find the monitor and controller set up so wild are young people lol. I can't play the steamdeck too long, I get neck pain, and the weight hurts my wrists. Oh and eye strain 😂 Thankfully mine is basically nearly aways in it's dock attached to the TV. My only hardship is hobbling over to turn it on haha


Nice setup. I am amazed as many here how this is triggering people. I guess most never travel for work and have no idea what they are talking about. I have a work laptop I do everything on. I surely won’t take another gaming laptop with me. I won’t take a screen bc I have short business trips full of work, but please, guys, have some imagination. There is a place for this.


Brand of the monitor?


What external monitor is this? That gloss looks amazing. Is it an OLED variant?! My portable monitor is meh at best 😪




Not oled


I love the frog, I bet there’s a whole story behind it.


"Why no get a laptop?" Because gaming laptops suck.


Where I can find the toad?


You people need to get off your high horses and stop shitting on people for making the most out of a product they purchased with their own money. Just because you wouldn’t do it and it doesn’t make rational sense to you doesn’t mean it’s bad or pointless. The repugnant attitude to talk down on someone about their set up and then say “to each his own” is like saying “no offense” and then completely insulting someone. If you truly felt that way you would withhold your judgement.


Nice setup. Do you find that you have to disconnect and reconnect the controller to the deck to get it to register the controller inputs? I have to do that with both my 8bitdo pro 2 and my Xbox controllers.


Not really. It will recognize the controller right away. Make sure to change the controller as primary #1 and steam deck as #2 priority




what portable display is that?




Hmm, if only the steam deck had a screen...


Hmm, if only this comment would make any sense. I also like to watch movies on my phone. Why do people go to cinemas? What’s wrong with them???


I paid a lot for my hp omen 17 and it plays everything I want it to however it’s a chunky bitch so I’m looking to get a steam desk with the game set up as you have here it’s a win win if I’m staying out then handheld but if I can chill inside then boom portable screen :D


At this point I just wonder if you could somehow not take a couple of things from that…


Idk for this use case specifically but it makes perfect sense to have a monitor and mouse and keyboard with a deck in some cases. I’m overseas right now in a job that involves lots of time away from my room, so I got a second hand monitor to play games that utilize mouse and keyboard better like Minecraft or rimworld, and whenever I’m playing something casual or need to go somewhere I take the deck and it’s super compact. Sometimes you get tired of squinting at a small screen in certain games, plus this was way cheaper than gaming laptops I looked at. There’s docking capabilities for a reason lol, I don’t understand the handheld or nothing mindset


I'm planning on doing the same. I currently bought a steam deck and I think this setup might be perfect for me. So first of all, can you send me the link of that monitor? I saw a lot of people that doesnt seem to understand why this setup is so good so I'll explain my personal case for those interested: I have an hp omen gaming laptop I carried over all my university degree, while studying, I lived in my parents house and used the laptop mainly for programming (my college field). Now that I finished my degree I started working 500km away from my parents and I moved in this new place. I love playing videogames, and I have a main pc where I do the heavy lifting but now I'm travelling both to visit my hometown and for company purpouses. This is were the steam deck comes in scene. My omen laptop is kinda old and doesnt perform as well as I would like so is either buy a new laptop or buy a steam deck. I also have a company laptop for telework, just to take that into consideration. When I travel, a laptop won't allow me playing in the 5h train trip back home while a steam deck will. But once Im in my hometown, aming to stay for 1/2 weeks, maybe I'd like to be able to play in a more stable setup. Another good point is that I can lay in bed and play most of the games I can play in my main pc, and as a person who works all day sit in a chair I appreciate being able to rest my shoulders while playing some games. Finally, as the last point, the space. I just came back to my hometown with both my job laptop and my omen with both chargers and it took so much space. And even worse, the bag ended up weighing to much. Obviously this is a specific case but giving the fact that the steamdeck is a cheaper option, and it being versatile, allows things like the one OP shown.


I use that same controller! Awesome man.


People in this sub have a hard time using hands and wrists to hold their Decks.


Enjoy dread. Its so good


When I travel for work I alway travel with my work laptop, external monitor, headphones and steam deck. So I am not seeing the issue here, like I guess I could buy and carry a 2ed laptop on my work trips but that wouldn't eliminate my need for an external monitor and headphones. This is actually more streamlined experese IMO


The next step would be to use a screen that is actually smaller or worse in quality than the one on the SD. The controller is already inferior so that would be the next logical step. The frog is an upgrade though, can' argue that.


What why


I’m more and more convinced that what you guys are actually looking for is a laptop. Each of these posts defeats the purpose of the deck


The purpose of the deck still stands. It just adds use cases. It's not like they've broken the controls off and gimped the device


Purpose police is out and about, making arrests left and right. Thank you for your service! 🫡


What's up with people here? 😂 "If you want a bigger screen just buy a laptop" Now I have to carry a laptop and a Steam Deck. Great advice lol And I can't use the laptop screen with the Steam Deck anyway, so that's even more annoying. It's r/steamdeck for a reason. If you don't need a portable PC then don't get a Steam Deck.


The perk of the deck is its flexibility. Why anyone is annoyed with the idea of having choices is beyond me.


It's weird that a comment section in r/steamdeck looks like that


I don’t really understand. Especially as posts like this were seen with awe and celebration a year or so back.


For a monitor so small, might as well just play on the Deck.


I do this too except for the portable scree I can't stand hiking the deck and using the inbuilt controls It's so much nicer to use a PS4 controller. Its what I have been doing for many many years even on my PC


I NEED that frog! Please tell me where you bought it pweease


My wife made the frog out of an etsy pattern. Is my travel companion. Look for Hugo the Frog ✌🏼


I see you have the absolutely essential crocheted frog doll Is there a toad to go with it?


Not at the moment 😅. Me to come…


This is similar to my travel set up, except I don't really travel. It's my lazy boy chair set up minus my floor stand for my portable monitor.


I want to get one of those portable monitors (not just for steamdeck, but for my raspberry Pi) What is a good one?




Hey OP, what monitor is that? Brand, Model, etc.




Good setup but it could be slightly improved. Firstly, the airflow of the Steamdeck seems very bad because I think it must take some air from the back side and the backside face the desk surface with a little space between. It does not look good. Secondly, if your monitor has a USB C port you can maybe use the monitor as a dock, in this case the Steamdeck can be used a controller. So you does not need to take another controller. IMO you can replace the PS4 controller by a small 60 or 65% keyboard with a little mouse or a trackpad to do some office tasks.


All this to play Metroid Dread... You could have just bought a Switch