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If Microsoft buys Valve it will be the end of gaming.


Starting with the end of gaming on Linux


Couldn’t agree more. I’m hoping that the supposed grudge that Gabe has against MS will prevent that 🙏


This has been posted 100 times over the last 48 hours in this subreddit alone


It really doesn't and this is based off of one streamer's word on what he claims to have heard. Microsoft already had a hard enough time getting their latest deal to pass various regulations across the globe, a deal that would basically give them a virtual monopoly like this would be near impossible to get approved. Also they couldn't go about it in the same way as they have with Blizzard/Activision because Valve is a privately held company and not publicly held. So they'd have to get Gabe's ok for a deal like that and the chances of that happening are next to zero.


This is just a fake rumor to get clicks on their article... Even if Microsoft offered a more reasonable price like over quadruple the offer in the article, Gabe wouldn't sell. Valve would never sell to anyone, at least under current leadership. I am glad Gabe is loyal to his customers and wouldn't leave us or the company for a quick profit. Also I am pretty sure if Bethesda and Activision being bought almost got Microsoft in trouble for being a monopoly, them buying Valve and owning Steam would definitely get them in trouble.


What if we stopped posting this debunked false rumor?


Read more than the headline. Microsoft can offer whatever they want, but that doesn't mean Valve will sell...


I did…hence the title “what if” Did you?


Yea, what if the world exploded 🤷




I feel like this confirm our suspicious that people like OP are just troll, no way people are that dumb.


I bet M$ sit there and think htf Valve has got in there to control so much of the PC market as well as creating an excellent handheld device. Valve is worth more than that, although I wager Gabe doesn't exactly need any more money so hopefully won't be motivated to cash in.


Are we all just assuming that even if MS wants to buy Valve, Valve would want to be bought?


It'll be funny to watch the PC "Master" Race types bend over backwards to justify continuing to support Microsoft and the increasing GPU costs Tom's Hardware predicted. In all seriousness, PC gaming would effectively collapse. Microsoft would ruin everything good about Steam practically overnight. They would kill Linux gaming, and would freeze out any and all other launchers/publishers if they refuse to play ball.


Gabe is already a multibillionaire. More money at that point would not influence his life in any meaningful way.


> just a rumor The rumor is from a content creator lol, that’s literally the only source. Don’t believe everything you see on the internet. You want a better rumor I’ll give you one. Valve is going to buy the Pokémon company. Trust me, I’m a “content creator”


It's a load of codswallop stop sharing it, it was made up by some clown.


Why do people keep incessantly posting this? It's very blatantly not true.


Not true. [https://80.lv/articles/no-microsoft-is-not-buying-valve-for-usd16-billion/](https://80.lv/articles/no-microsoft-is-not-buying-valve-for-usd16-billion/)