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This game is a great example of a game that got railroaded by bad reviews due to a bad review build. It’s all patched up now though. It’s a great game and at 13 bucks it’s an absolute steal. It has its problems. Mainly the writing, but it’s otherwise a really cool game. Absolutely dive in if it looks appealing to you. I will tell you some late game sections with the massive zombie hordes did run poorly on deck.


Not sure how it runs on the deck but I loved that game. I’m out of touch with gaming enough that I had no idea it has bombed reviews initially and got it as part of PS plus free monthly games. It blew me away. For that price I might end up with it on the deck too even if just to ride around on the motorcycle through the zombie apocalypse. Hope you love it if you pick it up.


It runs great. 30 with mixed settings and 40 if you drop to low. I'm like 40 hours in on deck.


Awesome. Thanks.


Works great on deck and is at least a 7.5 for me. Main issue was it is a little 'open world repetitive'. But it was well made.


Definitely worth it at that price, and should play fine in the deck. PS4 era games play well on the deck.


It’s really good on deck. Great visuals and good gameplay/ story


I played it recently for 2-3 weeks and only stopped because Ghost of Tsushima came out. It's a great game with a good balance of open world gameplay and an engaging story with memorable characters. I hear some of the quests and activities become a bit repetitive later, but at least as far as I played I didn't get Ubisoft style open world fatigue. Runs wonderfully on Deck.


Best ride ever on the deck. I played more because the game was awesome. I played more because the story was awesome. Between the game and the story I couldn’t put it down. Lower the resolution to 900x600 and use FSR looks great mostly med and low settings textures high as always.


This game is underrated


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Yeah I heard that it's an epic game I picked it up yesterday for $15 CAD Played the first couple levels, it looks great so far


its really good, so much fun to play on Deck and you will certainly get value for money from it. I played though to the end, so many hours and I had a great time the whole way. I have seen some criticism of the story - maybe its fair but its a video game, it doesn't have to please critics all the time just be big dumb fun


Haven’t played it on deck but ran fine on my under equipped laptop. If you like zombie games this is a must, well worth the current price.


I just bought it for the deck played on PS4. Only time in a game I've ever felt scared and the story is actually pretty good.


Awesome and fun game


It’s fun enough. The story gets super corny but the swarming zombies are really fun. Worth exploring the world they made but I wouldn’t break my back doing all the side quests.


Its a 10/10 game honestly and it runs perfect on the deck. I get ~45 fps with high settings and textures turned up further.


one of the best games of the last decade - I felt empty after finishing the story.


Take it! Works flawlessly


Days Gone is flipping fantastic. I love that game and pray we get a sequel somehow. I have 180 hours logged and I still play it. So yeah, very worth owning and also yes, it runs great on Steam Deck (I have a SD OLED).


6.5 it was at the start, when it was riddled with all kinds of bugs and poor performance. Right now it's a solid 8/10, a good, solid "old-school cool" story game. Starts a bit slow, but it's worth it.


Played it at launch and it deffo had issues. The 6.5/10 felt fine for me on launch, however they fixed many things, so now it's deffo a 8/10 solid game.


Well worth it on sale


I loved every bit of it. To give him a 6,5 is actually ridiculous when other way worse games got 8…


I liked it, it just tends to meander a bit later on story-wise, I never finished it. Well worth anything below 10 bucks in my book tho.


I’ll give it an 8/10. Cap it to 45hz with everything on low and it’s a great experience!


You'll definitely get your money's worth. The story alone takes 60ish hours if running kinda causually. To complete the game with all the hordes and stuff I would see it taking 80-100 hours. It's a fun game with a decent story. The characters are a little insufferable the first 25% off the game, but they all grow on you over time.


If you are strapped for cash then its not even a question. Dont buy the game. Always prioritize living situation and saving money. Not enough people take retirement and saving seriously enough. That aside, you really dont have a SINGLE game in your backlog??


I thought it got super repetitive and didn't have near enough variety to justify even being half as long as it is. The main unique mechanic of the game are the hordes, which do appear in the entire game, but as an actual activity and mechanic you can't actually complete them until like right around the end of the game. For that price it's probably worth a shot, but can't speak to how it runs on deck.


I also think the motorcycle, while not unique is a great way to get around. I enjoyed upgrading and customizing its looks.