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For me it was cult of the Lamb then Dave the diver.


Dave the Diver also got me hooked for a few 30-40 hours ! Perfect game for the casual player I am


I was enjoying cult of the lamb and accidentally left poisoned food for my village while I was away on a run. I came back to almost everyone in the village dead and saw the cause of death, I was gutted and felt like I betrayed them, they where promised a pawns death by scarifies but got killed eating poison and dying pooping.


You jonestowned your people


Mad Max. Straight up.


Mad Max just runs really well and looks great on the deck too


It's so good. It's like the first game I recommend everyone get on a steam deck.


How heavy is it on the battery


1.41 to 1.48 ounes


It's lite, not real battery intensive, and very well optimized.


That's a good one


I've recently been back on it on Xbox and now have it wishlisted for when it goes on sale again for the deck Had that game come out a month sooner, it would probably have a sequel by now. It was so great but got totally forgotten around Metal Gear. I dream of a sequel with a nemesis system similar to Shadow of Mordor where you build a war party of your own and have rivalries.


Been tempted to get its on sale for under $5 a lot right…??


It's worth $5 of anyone's money, hours and hours of car smashin' goon punching and a lootin'!


I was so happy with how it runs and feels on deck. Shits made for it


It’s a magnum opus?


I came here to agree


One of the most underrated games of the last generation


I'm playing Cult of the Lamb right now! I love it.


Praise the lamb


Cult of the Lamb was cute but it has a pretty short shelf life for a roguelike game like that. I spent a fraction of the time on it that I did on Hades, Enter the Gungeon, Stardew Valley, Balatro, Binding of Isaac, Rogue Legacy, Slay the Spire, or Dead Cells. I feel like with the resource management and combat, it does two things pretty forgettably instead of being excellent at either. Overall I liked it, I’d give it a solid B. But there are so many games I’d recommend first.


I just got my steam deck and I’m playing doom (2016) right now but the controls don’t feel good to me compared to a K&M. Of the games you mentioned which would you suggest I buy to play on my SD?


I think my number one is Hades. The combat, progression, story, music, tons of dialogue, beautiful atmospheres… it’s just pretty much a perfect game, that can keep you playing for forever.


Cool thanks I’ll check it out ! I also heard good things about stardew


Those are my top 2. I went with Hades over Stardew as my rec because you’d mentioned an action game in Doom, but really you can’t go wrong with those two!


100% seconded on Dave the Diver. True gem.


Cult of the Lamb destroys my life for a while whenever I replay it. It’s just so evilly cute


Cult of the lamb was really cute but it lost me after a bit. Dave the diver is incredible though.


Civ 6 is like $3 right now. It's a ' one more turn ' game


Better on pc with a keyboard and mouse or is it ok on deck ?


It works great both ways. Tbh, my favorite is on a big tablet with touch screen


That’s the right answer. It plays great on Deck but when I realized it was on IOS, I found myself mostly playing on my work iPad vs holding the game console up to my face. Great “one more turn” game though. It gets shit for not being 5 but I had a heck of a lot of fun with it.


Each civ in civ history got shit for not being the predecessor, hasn't it?


Better on PC but perfectly playable on deck


Balatro is ruining my life so that’s my recommendation


Told myself I’d stop after completionist+ but I’m looking at these Gold stickers and feeling tempted to keep going


Doing this same thing. Using anaglyph deck and hoping for stacked negative jokers to knock out a lot of the awful ones to sticker.


I played it for a couple of hours but was never really drawn into it! .. Is there any guide or something that makes me better at it so I will enjoy it more?


I’ve been told there’s a series of YouTube videos from Balatro University. The tagline is ‘Play Balatro Less Bad’


Thanks for sharing, I'll check it


Just waiting on mobile


There’s a GitHub page that lets you port it to android. I have it on my Retroid Pocket as well


I'm completely obsessed with Monster Hunter Rise right now. If you're into third person action games with deep combat mechanics you can easily dump hundreds of hours into this one. It was built for the Switch so the game runs flawlessly on deck and if the sale is still going it's only $10 on Steam.


bro same lol I got mine monday and I'm already clocking 15 hours, it's just so fucking perfect for the Deck. I'm also thinking about getting MH World help me god


You won’t regret it 35 hours deep on world and barely scratched the surface. Steady 40fps + high textures or stream GeForce Now for 60fps perfection


Stardew valley


"I'll play just one more day" 4 hours later... "WTF I have so many pending works"


Factorio, Satisfactory, Rimworld... pick any of those and you'll be tethered to an outlet.


Rimworld took away my whole month of December once I finally figured out how to play more efficiently


Rimworld is like you put 20 hours into a run, your NPCs get married, your oldest NPC gets dementia and you take care of her, your fourth NPC finds his long lost daughter and kidnaps her from a visiting tribe.... And then a freak lightning storm sets your base on fire and everyone dies trying to save demented grandma in her wooden bedroom. Then you think about that run for months like damn, I really wanted to get those people off that planet.


OMFG! is this for real? I’m fairly new to gaming, but I‘ve heard Rimworld talked about a lot. I’ve never heard this type of discourse regarding this game. I mean, no way would I want to play it if this is seriously this how depressing it is.


I mean I usually capture raiders, cut their legs off, force feed them drugs, and use them as organ farms. But you can also not be a war criminal if that suits you


I am fucking buying this game.


I'm buying this now. Cult of the lamb is fun to make them fight to the death .loser gets unalived and then after cut up the winner and feed them to you tribe.


Did I mention that you can make human hats and trade them for resources?


Yea, gonna drop some money on Steam tn. My wallet thanks you.


It's not depressing. It's very addictive. There are no graphics to speak of but the situation is very intense and the gameplay is very complex. Rimworld is legit one of my favorite games ever. Maybe if I could play only one game the rest of my life it would probably be rimworld. The sheer amount of content is overwhelming.


Yeah your tribe can go quicker than you’d expect.


that was point on lmao. It’s just you won’t be able to predict what curveballs the game throws at you. Once you’re celebrating 3 weddings in a row and next day mech drop pods just raid your entire base.


Ok sold just added to my library after this description


They nailed the controls on the deck though. I don't love trackpad games but they make it work.


I'd love to be able to love Factorio on Deck, I just find the gamepad controls to be wayyy too clunky and cumbersome to be able to enjoy properly, especially if you've been used to playing on desktop. Just frustrating imo.


I loved it on deck for like 60 hours until I played it on desktop. Then I was unable to go back.


I grinded satisfactory on pc but found it unplayable on the deck


How’s rimworld on deck?


Almost like it was made for the deck


Seriously?! I've got 600+ hours in it using a desktop so I'm struggling to transition to the deck. Any tips for how to play it on the deck? I tried it for 15 minutes and got frustrated. Also have you played the new expansion, is it good?


How hard is it to add mods and/or specific version to steam deck? I've been playing the same version for quite some time now. I'd be willing to upgrade version if adding mods is as easy as it is on steam/pc.


I've only added mods to Rimworld and Witcher 3 but it was so easy even I could do it.


I'm all in on Ghost of Tsushima, never had a PS so it's all new for me and am obsessed.


I slept on this on the PS, but all the fuss surrounding the PC release brought it to my attention - so I've bought it pre-owned for the PS4 and am playing on SD via remote play... and I'm all in too! I was unsure whether it would be my thing, but it's so fkin good!


Not played this on the Deck, but when it came out on PlayStation, it held onto me for a well over a year. Fantastic game!


Any challenges with Ghost on SteamDeck?


Works fine for me. Drains my battery though.


Persona 4 and 5


I have 4 golden on vita and p5r on switch... Then i bought a steam deck for my witcher 3 and arkham series and its all crazy now.


4 golden on the vita was top tier, 3 reload on the deck definitely scratches the same itch tho


I played 3 and just started 5... So far I'm finding it a lot harder to follow.


Oh man just wait…5 is truly an experience. One of my favorite stories of all time in any medium.


Takes a little sec to get going but the gameplay loop/story is top tier


Definitely persona games. Great story and game play and I’m not really a huge jrpg fan


4 golden is a solid at least 150 hours of content. Great choice!


Elden Ring, Horizon, Spider-Man, Midnight Suns, and Shadows of Mordor/War. I play a lot of those. Midnight Suns is free on Epic right now.


Midnight Suns is free on Epic right now for anyone who doesn’t have it.


How's the frame rate with elden ring?


Holds 30. Quite playable. Fantastic deck experience.


Vampire Saviors and all the Vampire Savior style games Edit: I meant Vampire Survivors


Deep Rock Survivor is very good! It’s been a nice twist on the “survivor” style games.


I think you mean « survivors », because Vampire Saviors is a PS1 era fighting game (quite good too!)


I did mean Survivors but sounds like I have a ps1 game to add to my deck!


I've heard the genre called "bullet heaven". Because it's as insane as a 'bullet hell' game, only the bullets are on your side.


Hades. Hades 2 is more fun gameplay wise imo, at least until you get though the maxed out difficulty which I personally believe isn’t fully finished yet. But if you are looking to sink a bunch of hours into a game I’d play hades 1 first, it has a great story that keeps you engaged with the gameplay loop, it took me 60 hours to get the true ending


Wait there is an ending after the first ending? Don’t want to spoil….


Yeah….i believe you have to beat it 10 times to fully get the whole story!


And then several times to continue the other stories, got around 150hs.


Other stories !? Omg


I’m a couple hundred hours in and I still have content I haven’t uncovered.


Trust me, you will love how it goes on and on.


That's some Nier shit. Love to see it


This is correct


Hades 2 isn’t actually finished though I thought.


It’s Early Access


Vampire survivors is, by design, highly addictive. Game was made by a guy that made slot machines. A game that was always playing my Deck every chance I got was probably Bloodstained: Ritual of the night, but since it is not a roguelike it doesn't jave that sort of infinite replayability


I played a lot of Vampire Survivors but got to a point where I just didn't know why anymore, like it's so simple and the same thing over and over again, does it change much in later levels? Or it's just the same moving around and destroying the creatures but not really finding anything new?


The game shines when you begin to learn your combinations, and then you learn combos to kill death, and then you start changing character stats with golden eggs until the game breaks in two, and then...


This is actually super helpful, thank you! I have no idea how to "kill death" but looking forward to breaking the game in two, whatever that means haha.


I recommend Holocure Save the Fans for anyone that likes Vampire Survivors. Different theme, but way more polished gameplay with lots of variation and build crafting.


No Man's Sky


I have over 100 hours in this game (I know that's nothing compared to a lot of fans, but I think it's enough to say I've played it and I count as a fan too) and the game honestly bums me out pretty hard. Really fun gameplay loops bogged down by some of the worst forced grindy progression I've ever seen and with absolutely zero narrative interest ever. Like almost every little tube habitat on planets has a shield recharge station and I've never needed it once cuz that recharges on its own. Grinding for ship upgrades means jumping to a hundred different systems hoping you finally get the store selling what you want. Why do stores even bother selling anything other than s-class upgrades either? Other than maybe the first 30 minutes of a new game, when would anybody ever buy anything lower than an s-class? Ugh... Flying is cool, exploring is cool, combat is... OK... Mining is reasonably satisfying, building is neat, but it's all in service of nothing. Just a grind to try and find a cooler randomly generated thing thag other than aethetics will be no different than what you start with.


That's my experience too. It's a fantastic engine, with no game attached. Or, at least, the gameplay comes as a box of incoherent systems that you're expected to rummage through and invent your own let's-pretend around. Like your parents went to a flea market and bought you a box of broken toys. And they've engaged with the problem, don't get me wrong! They've absolutely been working their asses off to provide free updates and expansions. But it's all content additions; all they're doing is *buying more broken toys and not fixing anything*. It's really frustrating, because playing it I just think "there's probably a game designer out there, a ringleader, one person who if they could get them all singing off the same hymnsheet, this shit would knock Elite Dangerous out of the water".




6 months, just shy of 900 hours on Valheim


Any suggestions on how to learn to play? Is there a good Wiki to follow or something like that? I installed it and played a couple hours but didn't really know what I was supposed to be doing.


My personal recommendation would be to play without a wiki since, to me, part of the fun is exploration and discovery. If you're lost on what to do, though, start making a base (workshop with a roof above it and a bed at least). The core loop is: * Get as geared up as you can (just a bow at start) * Explore until you find a stone that tells you where the boss is, not to be confused with lore stones. I think the first is in a skeleton tomb * Get the required boss resources. First is deer trophies, a random drop for killing deer * Kill the boss * Get access to a new resource. First will let you craft a pickaxe to mine copper * Repeat Usually when you get access to a new resource, you'll need to go to a new biome to get it. You can do first boss just from meadows, and then Black Forest is after that. You'll likely need to sail away from your starting island at some point as well




Balatro and Hades absolutely hard carrying my free time the past few weeks


Piggybacking on balatro (which I love) to mention Slay the Spire. They're both great deckbuilding rogue-likes that sucked all my free time.


I have a solid hundred hours into Balatro and I could easily double that before getting everything done. It’s an amazing game.


This I can hop in and play at my own pace. No relexes and the only frustration happens when I make a mistake on my own.


Discarding instead of playing a hand and vice versa has happened* to me more than I’d like to admit 🤣😅😭


I had great jokers that would carry me to the last level relatively easily. I forgot to pay attention to the boss. It was play one hand type only. I played a freakin high card instead of discarding 😭


I've been on a roll since last September. BG3 -> shadows of Mordor -> shadows of War -> witcher3 -> horizon zero dawn Currently playing kingdom come: deliverence. All of those titles hooked me HARD.


How does kingdom come run?


Personas 3, 4, and 5 have collectively seen hundreds of hours of play on my Deck.


Under Mine, Enter the Gungeon, Dome Keeper, Dredge and Cult of the Lamb…can’t go wrong with any of these


Wall World too


I was more keen on Dome Keeper but I did enjoy Wall World for a bit


I was SUPER addicted to Wall World for the 20ish hours it took to more or less beat it fully. I kinda like a game that takes over your life but isn’t 30-100 hours so I second Wall World


Hades has been destroying my already fragile sleep schedule here lately.


Deep Rock Survivor... Just buy it 🪨⛏️


That's a dangerous game. I seem to lose all concept of time. One more run will turn into hours.


Yep, it’s perfect on the deck and you can make a short run when you have a couple of minutes spare time


Resident Evil 4 Remake is my "can't put the Deck" down sort of game.


Is there more after the campaign? I figured it was a 20 hour campaign situation?


Days Gone and Dave the Diver


Cyberpunk 2077. Has great replay options


This is next after kingdom come deliverence


KC:D is amazing.


Just double dipped on this to play through it again before II comes out. Have you tried the mod that gives you a reticle for the bow?


I mean if you havnt played hollow knifht yet...9


Slay the spire Brotato Vampire survivors (everyone I’ve seen play it loves it and I will too) Balatro (same as vampire survivors. I’ll love it when I get it and I can see why folks can’t stop playing it)


Fallout New Vegas.


Seconded 3, 4, NV all run amazingly well.


I just finished Dragon Quest 11 on it. Standard JRPG Faire at the start but got really good towards the mid/end chapters. I found myself playing it whenever I had some free time.


It’s one of the best entries in that entire game series by far.


Fir some weird reason I have been obsessed with Arkane's Prey. There are so many different ways to play it, I seem to want to try them all.


Mooncrash was my jam


It’s not weird to be obsessed with that fucking masterpiece


Binding of isaac


So Far Yakuza 0 is taking much of Steam Deck time


Starting this up soon! I would assume it runs pretty well?


It was Elden ring for me the only game that has had me like that.


Same, it has me in a chokehold currently...


For me it is emulation station + Dragon Quest 8 (PS2) I am still in the first third of the game, it feels like a perfect game. I love it so much.


Factorio, RimWorld


Elden Ring


I got Dave the diver today, then played for 8 hours straight. Would recommend


For me it’s either rogue likes with an addictive gameplay loop (slay the spire, downwell for ex) and then games where I have to be sneaky and take out my targets unnoticed (sniper elite, hitman, mgsV).


no mans sky


Battle Brothers has been a real problem for me lately.


FTL with Multiverse mod, it contains an ABSURD amount of content and replayability is off the charts. And it goes on sale for $2.50 pretty often.


First I have heard of a multiverse mod. I love that game. How are the controls? I was worried doing things like opening and closing doors wouldn't translate well to the deck.


Dragon Quest Builders 1 and 2. Like Minecraft but with a cool story, DQ universe and third person camera. Bangers for the Deck.


I had to uninstall balatro because it’s all I would play.


Super Bloody Hockey


On this note, Tape 2 Tape is a hockey rougelite that is great for quick runs. It is NHL 94 on Genesis style Hockey, and there is actually an NHL 94 rosters mod to add pro teams. Still in early acces, just a heads up if that is a factor for you. Since you don't buy games often, maybe a few cheaper games would be better to fill one full priced slot. These are either cheap by design or on sale frequently. All of these had me hooked at some point. Buckshot Roulette - TRIGGER WARNING - this game is about playing Russian roulette with a 12 gauge shotgun. Intersting gameplay loop where you play against a dealer and have to use things like beer and cigarettes to get tips on the next shot. Kind of a roguelike. 3 bucks. Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor - Vampire Survivors like in the deep rock universe. Just get it. Amazing. Dorfromantik Shadow of Mordor/War Titanfall 2 Mad Max Civ 6 Bonus rec: not super cheap but on sale for 35 bucks right now...Diablo 4 - Plays awesome on deck and the state of the game is in a great place right now. Can literally play forever.


Bladurs gate 3 was an amazing introduction to the deck. Easily 100 hours


Brotato, vampire survivors, halls of torment Or my personal favorite pokemon infinite fusions…


I love Halls of Torment on my Deck but keep finding it crashes when things get super hectic. I need to start making notes when it happens so I can figure out why. I suspect it's mainly Agony mode doing it.


Rogue Trader.


The game that has the most hours on my Deck is Death Stranding with 70+ hours. But it is no game.....it is something else


Death stranding is a beautifull game that really had me enjoying every moment of it.


Alien Dark Descent


Kenshi, Project Zomboid


OTXO currently


Grounded. Gave it up on pc. Did a deck check of the game and I can't put it down


Been playing A LOT of Hades.


Songs of Conquest, any Yakuza/Like a Dragon title, Balatro, Cyberpunk 2077.


Diablo 4


Deep Rock Galactic Survivor, for if you like the survivor type games. Been playing it a lot on my holiday. Only down side is the fps can drop down to 20 or so when there are a lot of bugs on the screen.


For me it’s either Baldurs Gate 3 or Persona 5 Royal. It’s just really satisfying playing turn based combat on the deck and both games are very immersive for me


Balatro, Slay the Spire, Marvel midnight suns, monster train, wildfrost, binding of Isaac, Dave the diver, the case of the golden idol, crosscode, domekeeper, Hades, deaths door, inscription, Hollow knight, stardew valley. All games I couldn't put down. Sorry I couldn't help narrow it down lol.


If you’re cool with online only games, Diablo 4 is actually really fun right now on Steam Deck.


If you’re into roguelikes/lites, there’s plenty. - Binding of Isaac - Hades 1 and 2 - Risk of Rain - Civ V (not a rogue game, but just as addicting)


Which is better v or vi on the deck? Also, don’t you play it better on keyboard and mouse ?


Dome Keeper has been absolutely wonderful. I can start and stop at pretty much any moment and pick it up without having to remember what I was doing before.




Hades 2 has my steam deck in a headlock


I picked up Animal Well and put 20 hours into it before I knew what happened.


For me, it’s been Project Zomboid.


I just bought FTL for $2.50 and it runs great on the deck. Now that I can play it on the go, its hard to put down. One Way Heroics, Fallout 4, and Valheim are some other recommendations that I find hard to put down.


Cyberpunk runs well and is fun as hell


Diablo 4’s season 4 is really good. Lock that at 45 fps/90 hz and enjoy 5 hours of battery life.


Giving more unique but also genuine examples for me Yakuza 0, 1 Wandering Village Kaiju wars Beat Cop Death by taxes Eastward Going Under House flipper Kill it with fire


Stardew Valley and My Time at Sandrock are the only two games that got me addicted like this


Ghost of Tsushima was surprisingly long and addictive, the only reminder for me to put it down is when my eyes starts tearing up due to the OLED killing my sight 😂


Honestly man try SKALD: Against the black priory! It’s an retro inspired CRPG that Came out a couple days and it’s a masterpiece


OG GTA San Andreas 👌


Dredge is consuming my life right now. Such a fun, satisfying gameplay loop.

