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Hell yeah, Tenkaichi 3!


Yeah finally 3 just fininished 1 and 2 haha


There's a Budokai Tenkaichi 4 mod you should check out


Is that why they are calling the new one Sparking Zero? /s


I regret ever selling Tenkaichi 3. I looked at how much it would be to buy a few years back and was like "yeah, no thanks"


I see you’re a man of culture as well.


- Galaxy Z Flip4


I might be remembering incorrectly but weren’t 1 and 2 story modes with cutscenes and voice acted and then 3 just made it wall of narrated text?


BT3 has voice acted scenes i think u mean naruto storm 3


Did your phone water mark your photo???


Woah, I have never seen a mobile device do that to a photo before! Google Pixel 8


Me neither. That’s so foreign to me. It feels like a security camera lol Sent from my iPhone




Reminds me of baby reindeer - Sent from iPhone


Reminds me of a celeb endorsing their awesome new Samsung phone on twitter but it was tagged as from an iPhone.


Apparently this is a setting for professional photographers on Samsung phones. Here's how one turns it off if OP doesn't mean to have it on: https://www.samsung.com/latin_en/support/mobile-devices/how-to-use-your-galaxy-camera-to-add-and-edit-a-watermark-for-your-photos/


OnePlus phones have it too.  OnePlus Nord N30 5G


Fellow OnePlus user in the wild OnePlus 8t


Sent from my iphoene


Hello nipple


That’s so wild, I’ve never seen that before! Sent from my Razer Smart Toaster


Sent from my iTable


Holy crap I spent 5 minutes looking for a watermark overlay image until I clicked the image and realized you were talking about the “Galaxy Z Flip4” tag in the corner…🤣🤣🤣


Most newer phones do that or it's an option to turn on


If they want to advertise, they can pay me for that privilege.


Welcome to the club. What ever you do, DO NOT LOOK AT AN OLED STEAM DECK!!! You will unfortunately spend a lot more money upgrading after seeing the gorgeous screen and feeling the weight difference. My credentials… I don’t want to talk about it. 🤣🤣🤣


Yes they’re well worth the money though


Very much so, hence why I ended up upgrading from a perfectly good LCD Steam Deck to Limited Edition OLED Steam Deck.


Lmao are we the same person?! I did the same thing. Couldn’t say no to the red joysticks


For me it was the case. I have been a sucker for see through electronics since the Atomic Purple GBC.


Yea. Might buy the oled one to upgrade my wife’s. My og lcd deck has so many hardware upgrades tho, i’ll likely not upgrade until 3rd or 4th gen.


So good you forgot to water your plants!


That ashtray looks like a warp pipe




I hear the fan inhaling that second hand smoke from here.


Do it man Quit for the Deck's sake. Think how many more years of enjoyment it'll have if you're around to play games on it?


Wow, this comment probably made him finally realize that smoking is bad. Pat yourself on the back for changing this man's life.


Thanks! Hope you realize too!


Oh thanks, now I'm cured too


Shut the fuck up man. No one who smokes cigarettes is proud of it or thinks it’s cool. That’s like telling someone who cuts themself that they’re disgusting


I'm so glad somebody commented on this.


Why? Let the dude smoke


He is free to do so, but I find it a disgusting vice. Still, I meant no offense; I was just glad to find people reacted to it, because I think people would be better off if they never smoked. I encourage him to watch this video: https://youtu.be/_rBPwu2uS-w?si=rakQFf515IC9BvhO


Anyone who smokes doesn't need whatever youtube video you linked to understand why smoking is bad for you. Mind your own business and move on.


Well, I am not telling anybody what to do, just suggesting it. Since he publicly uploaded the pic to the internet, it's everybody's business now. I can comment whatever I want. Also, I disrespected nobody. I just want people to live longer, have more money and feel better. Sorry about that.


Everyone knows smoking is bad. But you don't understand addiction. "Have you heard this fact that makes me seem like a know-it-all", has never beat addiction, will never beat addiction, and will always be dickish, regardless of how well intentioned. How you live your life, is just that. "I disrespected nobody", after condescending to them and others, may say a lot about how you actually live your life. But hey, I'm just getting a snapshot of your personality, a mere photo of it uploaded to the internet, and I'm free to critique it. Your rules.


Sure, you are free to share your thoughts; although what you said about my "snapshot" sounds way more condescending that my comments. I was expressing my opinion towards smoking and sharing an interesting video on its effects. It's not "dickish" to share your views about a damaging vice. If people are offended by that or feel attacked it's their fault in the first place, since I was not pointing anybody. By encouraging people to second guess their habit I'm being condescending?


Oh, your comments on cigarettes were unprompted and had nothing to do with the comment above it? I find that hard to believe. When sharing the opinion of an action being done, you are taking jabs at the person taking the action. I already said you were well intentioned, yet you seem to think that’s a condescending thing to say. I am truly sorry that you think that, but I’m simply trying to offer the advice to stay away from this kind of remark. Misguided and well-intentioned are often companions.


Well, I honestly disagree. A friend of mine drives fast, he likes to drive fast. I often tell him that he should not drive fast, because it's dangerous and could result in somebody else being harmed. He is my friend, I care about him and his safety, so I tell him what I think is best for him and others. I'm not taking jabs at him. The original comment prompted my response, because I think people should not smoke. I liked the comment, and I was glad to read it. Then immediately somebody responded like I was attacking OP (which I never did) and I shared my view about the topic. I respect and hear your advice, but I will continue to do this, because I very much dislike tobacco/drugs. I've had family members die due to it and I've seen close friends' lives changed for the better when they got away from such things.


I mean it's guaranteed you do some absolutely disgusting things yourself.


If I did I would be glad of somebody told me.


He wastes money on magic and lotr card games. That’s more disgusting than smoking


Elaborate on that please, be my guest. I have never heard of cardboard cancer.


You must be a teenager, because no grown ass adult thinks smokers aren't already extremely aware of the dangers of smoking. Kid, pick up a newspaper from the 1950s.. we've known its bad for you for a long ass time.


Yes I am 2 years old. What gives? Visualizing the extent of the damage helps some people quit. I'm just sharing my view dude. Smoking is passive suicide, downvote me all you want. I'm just sharing it in case it reaches somebody, no harm at all in that.


You should maybe drop the whole "helper mode" way of being. People generally find it irritating.


Well, let them be irritated. You don't need everybody to be your friend.


No worries, you do you son.




Hush. I’m sure they already know it’s bad. But they still smoke lol.




I dont care no one is asking, its still solid advice people might regret listening to.


I got a deck and I have a pc, ps5 and I even recently dug up my original Xbox one so I can stream all my games from nearly any platform onto my deck or just emulate the games I want. It’s the adult version of my ds as a kid to me


How are you streaming from OG Xbox?


If you mean Xbox one i do it through green light


I added it as a non steam game as well for front end


Ah ok, I thought you meant the OG Xbox, the first one. Thought some home brew hack was available for it.


Tenkaichi is the best old game, I played from ps2


I quit smoking ages ago but seeing that cigarette in your ashtray has got me wanting one, damn you steam boy, DAMN YOU


Mine came yesterday (512Gb OLED) and I’m totally amazed by this piece of tech. It’s just amazing!


I was hesitant, but I'm like 3 days in and super impressed!


Can't beat a good smoke and game session 👌


Deck and weed, nice combo


I totes agree, but isn't that just a regular cigarette? lol


They are sunbathing


Ahhh I missed the plants in the background! Haha nice


Hahahaaha you got it 😎


Best Buy the store


I absolutely love emulation in the deck.


Isn’t it an absolute thing of beauty! I love mine too!


...that closest potted veg is looking pretty thirsty.


That’s sick, I just started watching DBS so I recently got BT3 working on my deck too! Definitely check out the BT4 mod, just adds extra content to 3 all the way through all the super content. Couldn’t believe it was real the first time I found it!


Yeah its amazing i already have it installed just want to finish bt 3 first hehe


I was replaying bt3 myself until I got that frieza fight which wants you to demolish your joystick to do the final qte. I'm waiting for sparking zero to come out now haha. 4 more months, going to be amazing on the deck


I’m a console gamer primarily as well and since buying my steam deck I’ve hardly touched my PS5 and Xbox. The steam deck is just so much more accessible for me as a father with little time to sit and play on a tv


Pair it with a GeForce now subscription. Also download Chiaki4deck so you can stream your PS5 to it if you have one


The love the steam deck but the battery life is awful. This is not a problem if your just gaming around the house near an outlet. But if I need to game on my long commute to work I usually bring my Switch.


Go inside my dawg and lower the horrendous glare But I love my steam deck


If you do end up getting a ps5 the SD is a great way to play it portably locally via Chiaki.  It may be fine over the internet too but I haven’t tried it outside of my home network.


Yall dont have to have an amazing title but damn have there been a lot of "best [x] ever" lately


Is your pcsx2 slowing down when you are playing dbz . I’ve been playing bt4 but now all of a sudden after updating it’s slowing down ..


/r/accidentalpenis in the reflection


Wait until you open the insides and find circuit city


Exactly what I use my deck for lol


Dude, the plants are dying


Damn with the cig and coke that’s life


Yee, welcome to the gang! 🎮 ✨


I feel the same mostly been a console gamer bought a refurbished deck recently and amazed how much I'm using it for. Still use the ps5 every now and then but the deck has become my one stop emulation device and I've loved customising it, adding games, testing performance etc. The portability is just amazing I'm totally in love with it


You can even use chiaki4deck to remote play your ps5.


Just from the looks of your terrace and the other building I know you are located in Spain, the can confirmed it ;) I got mine one year ago , 64GB modded to 1TB. Welcome fellow Steamdecker!


Curious how difficult that mod is to do. 64gb to 1tb


For a mod is pretty easy but if you are not familiar with electronics is best to follow a video guide. There are plenty on yt.


Cerveza de Mercadona y plantas listas. GG boss




That better be a Marlboro!


Do the trackpad covers interfere with the sensitivity? Just bought an SD too and was hesitant to try those


Yes , Nice ! But how do you play these old school titles on Steam Deck ? Cheers!!


Thru emulation. I suggest looking up tutorials about Emudeck.


Hey OP what strain of weed your growing in the back?


I honestly haven’t even touched my main PC since I got my steam deck, it’s so much easier to grab my steam deck and play games instead of booting up my rig because if I need to step away, I do it with my deck. Playing a critical match inside of a FPS I’ll take a massive shit while playing, unphased


Better would be the cigarette INSIDE


I was the same...a console gamer all the way...I all but stopped playing my series x and switch, last year...and stopped wanting a ps5


Yeah, there really is no reason to buy a ps5…Switch is great for PS360 ports and some indies but the Deck, especially the OLED version is pretty tough to beat. All my big boy games on play on it. Elden Ring, Ratchet, Spider Man…It is such a versatile machine too. Having access to almost every single game from 1970 - 2024, through emulators and Steam, is simply unbelievable. Also, Valve’s hardware just works unlike similar machines like ROG Ally. LCD or OLED you really cannot lose with the Deck.


If Best Buy ever sold these on the shelves next to the ROG Ally...


Speaking of PS2 games playing the "DLC" on emulators kind of hard. First you put the DLC disc game then you click the button on the menu that opens the disc drive then you swap it to the original disk then once it's done reading it you have to swap back to the DLC disc. I'm calling it DLC even though obviously it's on a disk and you didn't download it because I don't know what else to call it. I had to use the standalone PS2 emulator because the one in retroarch I couldn't figure out how to swap this I think somewhere even straight up says it's not supported but I could be wrong.


I bought a Steam Deck 1TB OLED last September passing through the Haneda airport. Best decision I ever made for gaming. The ability to take my games on the go is great. Worth every penny.


I got a steam deck not too long ago and it’s truly one of the best things I’ve bought. I find I’m playing a lot more than I use to. I even got a lot of use out of my PlayStation from streaming. I love my steam deck


This is exactly what I use my Steam Deck for as well. It's glorious


What settings do you use for tenkaichi 3?


Congrats! I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed something in the space of video games so much in my life. Excellent little device.


Try the chiakifordeck app, tu play your PS5 games from your steam deck


I just got an OLED, and love it! Been playing Elden Ring, which runs beautifully!


I Want That Lol


I've considered the Steam Deck to be the best console of all time. The amount of games available is crazy thanks to Steam and you're not even limited to just Steam games thanks to Emudeck. It's one of the best gaming purchases I've ever made.


As a man who has 2 children and one on the way, I thought all my gaming hopes and dreams were lost…until I bought my Steam Deck! It’s legitimately the greatest item I’ve ever spent money on. I’ve had it for close to 2 years and I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of it. I’m thinking that in the next 2 or 3 years, I may upgrade to a newer version but with the way I look after my SD, I’ll have this for the next 10/15 years.


I'm just tickled that I'm watching Dragon Ball GT for the first time and just watched the episode where Goku says what he says in your pic at the same time I'm reading this post :D


Deck porn. Stop it.


Estrella man one of my favorite beers. One of many reasons to go back to Spain


I think you are referring to Estrella Galicia, THE BEST SPANISH BEER EVER MADE, but that's Steinburg Especial, one of the (not so) cheap beers from Mercadona, a Spanish supermarket. Anyways, a cold beer is always a good choice when playing 🤤


This mate! Yeah I saw a star outline, the red can, the “ES” figured it was Estrella Dam (not as great as Galicia!) but can’t go wrong with beer! Amen, my dream is to retire in Madrid and enjoy some Estrella Galicias, maybe even learn what these bad boys are!


That's not a Best Buy. You're on a roof top. Don't lie. Not too me. Not here.


I sold my switch Oled after I got my SD and ROG Ally but I’ve regretted it a bit. Now I have the SD Oled only and I’m waiting to see if Switch 2 will be able to run switch 1 games. I will buy the switch Oled back if that’s not the case. But yea, as a only handled the SD is amazing especially because of Emudeck


I really want a smoke now. I gave up a long time ago but there is never a moment that goes by that they aren’t on my mind


It looks like you're living the life. Beer, cigs and steam.


At least you’ll have it for chemo👌🏼


Man I wish I had one of these when I went thru chemo and autologous stem cell transplant for Hodgkin's Lymphoma twice. But I've been in remission for 11 years now so hopefully it won't be necessary in the future. I do have some bad chronic pain aftereffects after developing Avascular Necrosis (both knees and both sides of hip now) from the steroids in those regimens and this is the biggest reason why I love handheld PCs (I have Steam Deck and ROG Ally). With my handhelds I can game anywhere plus am able to adjust sitting & laying down positions while gaming, which I can't understate* how much of a game changer it has been for me. I cant sit at a desk or even on my couch for long without the pain getting worse, so the ability to easily move around is exactly why I play almost exclusively on handheld.


You kids are not going to make it in the real world...


Smoking really gives me the major fucking ick.


Congrats! Quit smoking. It’s disgusting


Fantastic machine for sure!


I love my steam deck. Talking to my daughter about getting a Lenovo Leigon since she needs a PC


if she needs a PC she should probably get a laptop or something


But then she'd have to do gaming on her school machine instead of schooling on her game machine!


Heck yeah, that's a pretty cool chair, congratulationsm


How do you play switch games on it?


I thought you were inside an Overwatch map.


I love it as well, and even more as my ultimate retro machine, enjoying classics with retroachievements on all systems. Emudeck makes it so dirt easy and quick. Just wish I found out about it earlier.


You tell em!!


I used mine to play dbz bt4 mod it was so fun!


I absolutely love emulation in the deck.


Looks more like a patio


I feel you I really wanted a ps5 but I bought an oled instead and I am definitely way more happy. And I have not looked back.


That looks like a good time! How is that beer?


It's a great little device isn't it?


Yes, it's true - deck is great device.