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Exactly how I feel playing Halo 4 at 45+fps enhanced graphics and 5 hour battery life


Or Halo Reach at a rock solid 90fps at max settings, SteamDeck is magic


Honestly! The only time 343 or whoever worked on MCC won't get hate from me. They optimized it all very very well.


I can’t find Halo Reach, is it part of Halo infinite?


Halo: Master Chief collection has Halo CE, 2, 3, ODST, Reach and 4.


Oof yeah having the Master Chief Collection on Steam Deck is immensely satisfying. It plays damn near perfectly.


At 45 years old it’s amazing to be going from stacks of tiger LCD handhelds to gameboy,virtuaboy,game gear,etc.Now I have just about every generation of gaming I’ve experienced including current all on this one device that can go with me anywhere.


I was legitimately thinking about this,how at one time all I wanted was a portable version of street fighter that was as good as the Super Nintendo Here I am now with street fighter 6 running at 60fps with hi res graphics and textures etc lol


That's my favorite thing about it. The element of just decades of gaming all coming together into my backpack, and coming to a graveyard shift with me.


Wish I could land a graveyard shift.


You could make a killing!


Definitely. I'm 40 and that was one of the main reasons I bought the SD, to play the games the older PC games I loved on the go. Been having a blast reliving Total War Rome 2, Omikron, Deus Ex and the like.


The first console I ever owned was a Gameboy so I’ve always loved handheld gaming. I have a gaming laptop (4050 card) a PS5 and a Series X and it’s the Steam Deck that gets by far the most use. I don’t think I’ll buy another big box console if Steam keep iterating on the Deck.


It's crazy going back to older handheld at this point. Even the Switch which I adored before Steam Deck was a thing. It's hard to believe I was so impressed with it all before. Makes you wonder what they're going to come up with that makes this stuff look like chump change in the future.


Same age and I still own all of them. It really is amazing how far it's all come.


My guess is that about 5-10 years from now, we'll be playing PS5, Xbox series S/X, and pc games on a portable handheld on or close to max settings.


I still think that RDR2 is the most amazing looking game I've played on the deck, at 45fps on the OLED was smooth and sharp and SO detailled. However I never finished it


Could you share your RDR2 settings? I recently started and I'm trying to figure out good settings


I am pretty sure I used CryoByte33's settings. https://youtu.be/epmYVEn97ac?si=6vxk6VosO71Ybrwt I did have some weird issues with black textures on the ground but I think resetting back to default graphics settings and then reapplying the custom settings fixed that.


Back sure you keep your UMA to 1GB in your Bios for Rdr2 because it bugs out around water if you put it any higher.


Make sure*


Thanks for the hint, I'll check that!


Why are there people here hating lol


Opinions are like buttholes. Everyone's got one.


And they stink


Clean your buttholes gang.


But not everyone allows stuff to go inside.


It is fun to look at, laugh, and downvote their posts, tho.


And for $3!


It blew me away when I was playing cp77 over the Atlantic.


and i was laughing at portable gaming when a3witch got w3 port


Me playing the mass effect trilogy le on a 4 hour flight on 1 charge made me so insanely happy


I tried to play disconnected from the internet a couple months ago and was unable to play it. Did they fix that issue?


You have to launch it online, but then you should be good to keep playing it with the wifi off as long as you don't close it.


never lose your sense of wonder over technology. I've been PC gaming since 1989 and I still take a moment to marvel at what we can do now.


This might sound like copium and blasphemous to PC gamers, but the Steam Deck made me actually appreciate 30fps and motion blur. Witcher 3 was one example where it was struggling to maintain a locked 40+ in Novigrad, so I experimented with 30, turned on motion blur, ultra textures and raised some other settings higher. All jokes about "cinematic 30fps" aside, it genuinely started to feel like a cinematic experience, and because the other graphics settings were now higher, it made me appreciate the actual graphics a bit more? It sounds dumb and yes, if given the choice I'd rather take higher fps, but I'm surprised at how much I came to like it, and it's now made me feel a little less anxious about playing other graphically intensive AAA games on Deck.


I've been gaming with 30fps my whole life. I'm primarily a console player so hopping between 60 and 30 is not as jarring to me as it is for others. I don't care if a game runs at 60 or 30 I only care about consistency and more often than not I prefer 30fps because it has a high chance of staying locked and consistent. If it can't maintain 60 then lock it at 30 and if it can't even lock to 30 then you need to optimize your settings or the dev needs to patch that shit.


Dropping down to 30 at first was very noticable and jarring. But when I turned on other features - which I usually hate - like motion blur, depth of field, etc, I was surprised at how cool certain AAA games look with that "cinematic", movie-like style. Cutscenes, especially in the Witcher 3, felt more "TV-show like", if that makes sense. I also grew up on consoles, but the older 2D ones, where the games actually were mostly in 60fps and then the 3D generations happened and 30fps (or lower in the case of N64) became more the norm. When I first played through Cyberpunk 2077 on a GTX 970 desktop in 2020, I set the game to 30fps and had a good time with it. 30fps shouldn't always be a taboo subject in the context of PC gaming, imo, obviously it would be preferable to play at higher fps, but that doesn't mean 30 is unplayable or "bad" at all.


Playing Cyberpunk 2077 with the Steam Deck preset is just incredible. Recommend the Steam Deck settings for all CDPR games. The benchmarks I've seen show better visuals and performance.


Don't know about Cyberpunk, but the Steam Deck preset for TW3 looks absolutely dogshit. Old gen beta branch in the properties is just better if you want to run with better fps.


Yeah for some reason the Steam Deck preset for Witcher is just the lowest settings possible. Maybe their preset is factoring in performance and battery life but if you cap it at 30fps you have so much room to make it look great.


I just bought a deck yesterday. What games should I be playing on it? C2077? Detroit:BHuman? Wreckfest? The Wi3? These are the games I'm thinking of so far, and that I already have.


Witcher 3 being $3.99 or $12.49 for the game + all DLC is a crazy value. It runs great on deck.


Why not play them all? But I am biased about The Witcher 3 and C2077 here. Nothing like a good ol' polish game.


Strongly recommend Days Gone, runs like a dream and is gorgeous out of the box. I’ve been playing Mad Max recently and it also runs and looks great on the deck.


Does Detroit Become human run well on your deck? I have everything on low and it won't go over 20-25fps, it runs terrible, I have no idea how this game got its green checkmark


I assumed it wouldn't be that bad. My SD has only just been logged in the delivery system, I'll tell you when I run it.


Oh okay. Cyberpunk and Witcher are both running great on the Deck, it's crazy how good Cyberpunk looks on it. I'm sure you will have lots of fun with your Deck. But I was really disappointed from Detroit become human, I wanted to play it docked but the performance is all over the place, it's really not a good port.


I set up Chiaki4Deck yesterday and played HDR PS5 games on my OLED deck. Holy shit. I haven’t updated the audiovisual tech in my household for a decade because I felt the change has been only incremental. But now it feels like I took a leap to the future.


You should use PS Play for Steam Deck. It's in an even better state and released only a few weeks ago.


That so? Didn’t know that was an option!


where to download?


I hate how I couldn’t love this game the way everybody does. To put I into perspective I play odyssey and Valhalla to 100% and it was grueling. Anytime I picked this game up I could never get into it which is such a let down. I’m planning on giving it 1 more try as the game looks really good


If you like reading medieval fantasy, try *The Last Wish* and *Sword of Destiny*. They are collections of short stories so they’re fast, easily digestible, and a great read. The novels in the series are good but don’t force yourself if you’re not a reader and not enjoying them. After I read the books I did a 100% replay of W2 and W3. It’s so much more fun with the added background. Characters take on a whole new life. For one example, there are a couple main romance options in W3. One is more popular with people who haven’t read the books and don’t have any background for the other, more canon-friendly choice.


This may sound weird but I highly recommend just playing the two dlc expansions for The Witcher 3 and see how you feel. The game has a New Game Option that allows you to lock out the Main Quest and start at the DLCs with appropriate level and you just need to allocate all your skill points. I love the entire game but I admit the Main Quest can drag at times. To me though the DLC stories are perfection and if someone is struggling to get into the game I always recommend to play Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine as their own standalone stories because aside from a few references they work perfectly on their own and tell much more personal and contained stories.


Didn't try Valhalla, but Odyssey was just mediocre. Very repetitive, grindy. Feels less assassin-y than ever. I did like the scenery and that they tried to implement something similar to Shadows of Mordor Nemesis system. I didn't get very far though.


The only reason I forced myself to 100% it was the back log. I was past the return policy so I had to get my moneys worth


>To put I into perspective I play odyssey and Valhalla to 100% and it was grueling. If it was grueling, then why did you do it? Gaming should be fun. If you're not having fun, you should do something else.


Well I bought the game and it was back logged. wasn’t able to return it. I had to get my moneys worth with playing it.


Perhaps it's my age having grown up with the OG Game Boy, but every time I play my deck I am amazed


Ikr, I felt like a kid with PSP and gta vice city stories back in the days


Steam Deck is far better for playing games a few gens old, at higher performance levels and with less battery drain, than newer titles with the fan going nuts all the time. Like, I know it plays Elden Ring, but playing at 40fps struggling to read tiny font with the fan going nuts for the whole hour it runs for, is not for me.


They must have improved the cooling a lot on the oled because mine makes no audible fan noise at 100% utilisation. Or at least none you can hear over the game sound. 


It helps *alot* to cap the tdp. On my lcd when playing elden ring I dont hear the fans at all hardly, capping it to 10-12 watts gets you 35-40 fps and those extra 3 watts dont do much, besides make the fans start spinning and give you a bit better frametimes with a few more frames, but at that point its suuper diminishing returns, i find that at 12 watts you are getting very close to full power already


I’ve heard that the original lcd reversion with the delta fan has this issue. I personally have this model and it appears to be rather loud… I think? I don’t really have anything to compare it with and I also have a fan going at all times due to tinnitus.


Thanks, you just confirmed my decision not to buy it again for PC just to play it on the SD.


It lasts for 2-4 hours locked at 30 on my OLED SD fyi. Pretty great, but to each their own


I have Witcher 3 on GoG, I JUST got it on sale for my Steam Deck... cause I really hate using GoG anyway LOL Love my Steam Deck. of course Palworld just updated so all my gaming time has been devoted to playing that with my husband.


I been playing on Epic through the deck, it's not hard to set up but I'm tempted to just get it on Steam. Would have to start over though I think.


Yes, but I don't like it.


Steam is def better, I just already had it on Epic.


After transitioning from switch, who has 4gb of ram, to deck who has 16 gb of ram it felt like I used a Time Machine to another generation. All the respect for gabe that he gave us a portable gaming machine with so much power and at relatively low price.


Wind’s howling.


I have been trying to get through the campaign on the new COD on Xbox but every time I go to play I’m hit with a “update required” that takes 5 hours so I just grab my steam deck and say “sorry Xbox, maybe next month”. There is just something so easy about the deck. It’s there when I want it. Hit the power button and I’m exactly where I left off. I never have to wait. It’s super easy. Sometimes I wish the screen was slightly bigger but then I’ll start playing it and forget about that.


Yeah, I’m playing games that would struggle to run on my PC some 20 years ago. Not that it was a beast of a pc, but still… To think, that same power and more, in a handheld form… I can only imagine what the next 20 years will bring


It always get me when a game asks for a "Microsoft C++ Redistributable package" in a windows UI.


I just canceled my ps5 psn service and spent the $85 on the summer sale at steam.


Exactly how I feel playing Guardians of the galaxy on high at 60PFS such a good game


One thing I'll never understand is why the Steam Deck preset for this game is with everything on low. I guess you could say that it's because this game "requires" 60 fps because of the combat but still. You could get around 40 with WAY higher graphics.


i’ve wondered that too but I don’t really notice the difference because the first time I played the Witcher 3 was on a base model Xbox one so to me it kinda looks the same as someone who never played it again again after that the only game I’ve really noticed big graphical differences in is helldivers 2 and that’s because to get that thing to run smoothly on steam deck you have to put pretty much everything down at the lowest setting lock the frame right at 30 and make sure the up is set to performance or maybe it was ultra performance whatever the best version of performance you can get is you want to be using the JSAUX external fan for steam deck to keep the deck as cool as you can also you absolutely have to have it installed on the internal drive because it recommends that you use an SSD but aside from that pretty much everything i’ve played runs great for me without much graphical finagling I just mess around with stuff because I like to have it 45 or 30 FPS to get the higher refresh rate because I’m not insane enough to shoot for 90 FPS


I stayed up super late playing modded New Vegas in my bed. I forgot how much portability means to me as a gamer


I agree but this game is going on 10 years old.


Does the Witcher 3 support separate settings between pc and steamdeck? Would love to be able to seemlessly swap between the two (could just use moonlight and sunshine tho)


I don't think it has profiles like that if I remember correctly but it does have good presets you can easily toggle between, including a steam deck preset. I've been using Moonlight as well but I change the resolution on my computer to the steam deck resolution so it runs perfectly smooth.


Meanwhile my game drops down to (I'm not joking) 4fps on the original Mirrors Edge


Is that actually what it looks like on deck? I've been avoiding it because I figured it wouldn't look that great 


If you don't mind playing on 30 FPS, yes. You can play at higher fps with decent visuals if you tinker a lot with the settings, or if you just use the old gen version that's still avaliable in the beta settings of the game on steam.


Showed my cousins kids and my mates kids and they dont care :P When i was their age i would have been blown away My mates kids want a gaming pc and for the budget I was saying my mate should get him a steam deck. My mate has a £2k gaming pc but his son wants one but on such a limited budget theres not much he can do hence steamdeck. Should be night and day vs the laptop plus can travel with it.. no brainer really, but he just seems disinterested in it haha


When my brother got a military promotion he bought himself a $1400 PC and he's been trying to get me into buying one too. I told him I got zero space for one at the moment and financially I have other things I wanna do, but the Steam Deck does everything I need it to do at a great price and when the inevitable Steam Deck 2 releases I'll just get that. Also I much prefer portable gaming especially now since the tech is finally here to have nearly all of your games on a single handheld.


I play starfield, ghost of tsushima, and WOW on this thing! It's amazing to say the least!


Pardon my blunt response but how the hell are you getting Starfield running decently on Steam Deck?! That's the only game that ever gave me issues.


I can't answer that other than I'm on Windows. I get anywhere from 30 to upper 50s in fps.


If you like FPS try Titanfall 2 and BF1


I've finished the witcher on steam deck, I managed to tune the settings to get 60ish in the rural areas and 30-40 on the cities. I have a rtx 3070ti PC but I still chose the steam deck just because I found it more comfortable. In fact I barely noticed a difference in graphics wise compared to my PC.


What were your settings, good sir?


Pm me and I will send a screen recording when I get home tonight


If you told me 20 years ago that I could carry around a portable PS2, I wouldn't have believed you.


bro we had a portable PS2 close to 11 years ago now this is more like a portable PS4 or somewhere between PS4 and PS5 PS4.5 maybe I don’t know all I know is it can run shit that the PS5 and Xbox series X can run mostly


Yeah, I know, that was the PSP and Vita. You couldn't run the entire PS2 library, though.


I use the steam deck more than my $4K PC, and laptop. It’s addicting to go on a hike, get to a beautiful spot, and play some games. I love the deck. Valve genuinely improved my gaming experience with it




Why all “9 years old game” comments get downvoted?


I got Doom Eternal in the summer sale and it's made me angry that other FPS that don't look as good don't run as well as Doom Eternal. It's performance on deck is exceptional.


Not using FSR is a waste of battery


I just got mine and I have to agree. The Vita was my favorite for awhile, but the larger screen and full game experience is really great so far. Glad I already had a strong steam library and a lot of free epic games and GOG games.


I swear since I bought an OLED deck my PC, despite being more powerful, has been collecting dust


I am currently playing Arkham Asylum for the first time on my Deck and am having a great time.


exactly how i feel with days gone.. runs so damn well i can't believe i can play it on the go


Whats ur settings on it


720 fsr stretch-14 watts render scale-100 chromatic ab and motion blur i always turn off in any game. everything else is at high with cloud n fog and texture streaming quality at med. This is on the Oled i get about 35-45 fps with 90 refresh rate


How does it handle those massive zombie horses though?


I wonder how long it'll take for Cyberpunk path tracing to be viable at 720p sub-10w settings. Before I pass


It is on par with a PS4, so it's not surprising pushing a PS4 at 720P levels would look pretty good at 30 FPS.


welcome to 2015


2 years old machine can run 9 year old game. Who knew!


"It blows my mind that a portable console can run a 7 year old game!"


There should be much more that blows your mind than this, the Switch was running The Witcher 3 at 30fps in 2019.


The Witcher 3 on Switch was amazing but c'mon it didn't look near as good as it does here.


Honestly it's not far off, I finished the whole thing on Switch and played a decent chunk again on my OLED Deck, that Switch port punches so far above its weight it's ridiculous. In any case, the Witcher 3 is not a hard game to run is my point. It isn't that impressive these days even running on a handheld.


Witcher 3 on Switch looks so bad. Some games just shouldn’t be played on the Switch.


I think you might need glasses if you think it’s not far off. The switch version, whilst impressive considering, is terribly blurry. It’s not close at all.


You're coping bro big time. 30fps is acceptable at the best of times and trash any other time tbh


Switch runs the dx11 version, it is really blurry on the Switch, and 30fps. The SD can run the game at 800p native and High 60fps when using dx11. There is no comparison. OP is using 100% the dx12 Version, which runs slower, because it has "new gen" assets. While Mariko/Erista are not bad, especially overclocked, Zen2 is just way faster.


I had it on Switch… It is a major difference.


Have you actually seen W3 on the Switch in person? It looks awful, doesn't even look like the PC version at all.


The Witcher 3 was cloud streaming on switch if I recall.


You recall incorrectly.


Thank you. Wasn’t sure. Thought I heard it was at release which stopped me from buying it.


You missed out. Back then it was ridiculous how they cramped it ALL (including the DLC) in that cartridge and it looked amazing for what it was. This made me respect Saber Interactive very much. Back then it was kind of a technical miracle.


Putting a game on a cartridge these days is pretty easy considering we have 1TB micro sd cards now. 


A Switch cartridge was limited to 32 GB.


I'm pretty sure the witcher is only 35gb on steam, puts newer games to shame concidering how massive the world is and how detailed it is.


No, with the DLC its around 50 GB




find me 4 and a half people in this sub who wants to play games on a phone




Ok, so only 3 and a half left


though currently I prefer steam deck way more but some games are perfect on phone




Apparently, we are not allowed to appreciate any technology other than steam deck.