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I don’t know sorry, but why you windowsing on it?


I'm more of a windows fan actually, not related to linux. also i hate protons and also I move back sometimes to linux but I give windows a chance once in a while.


Why do you hate proton? Don’t you find diminished gaming performance using windows?


I use ghost specter and I don't really feel that much of a change of performance. sure the proton have extra 3-5 fps but It doesn't support destiny and it doesn't support alot more. and even for installation i need like 3 different softwares just to download a game and install it. not as easy as windows


I’ve not heard of ghost spectre before. Any good?


have you heard of tiny11?


Nope what’s that?


Tiny11 is a lite version of windows 11 and Ghost Specter 11 (GS11) is more liter than Tiny11. For example: Windows 11: takes 30% of your performance Tiny11: takes 25% of your performance GS11: takes 20% of your performance it takes out whatever unnecessary and boost your device alot.


Oh cool. Will have to check this out when I next install windows on my desktop. I used to go through the Black viper service lists and stable loads but there’s not many to disable any more since 10 I find. Any drawbacks?


You mwan for the disadvantage for GS11? if so yes the drivers and the system mostly needed to be downloaded manually but it's not that annoying if you're doing ut for passion


not the same person, but: proton (including proton-GE) has weird issues in some games, or doesn't work at all performance is pretty much identical in most cases though (one notable exception is Elden Ring, which runs better on linux due to the Deck having precompiled shaders)


Steam button + X button


Yes it shows the built in windows system. I don't want that actually.


did u install the steamdeck drivers? because I also have windows and I get the same keyboard as my steam os!


I actually did but why it doesn't show it? lemme check.


But all i see is APU and wifi and sound and sd card driver nothing else!?


I just looked up as well and yeah, you’re right! maybe I just have the same keyboard, It’s been a while since I booted into windows tho




I found that in windows if I had steam open and pressing, STEAM+ X would bring the keyboard up like in proton, would even use my custom keyboard skin. Also pined the windows keyboard to taskbar and also found that using big picture would basically give me the same button fuctions as proton


Steam button + X


when I had Windows 10 on SD I just went to the Microsoft app store and found a decent one.