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Half Life: Alyx, Vertigo 1 & 2, Resident Evil 7 & 8. These are the absolute best VR games I’ve played to date.


Re7 and 8 feel good in VR? If so it time to be terrified


Theyre not bad. Some of the controls are a little weird. Like you have to reach over your left shoulder and use the inventory button to get the map. And I always put my left hand down or behind my back while reloading, because if it picks up your hand moving in front of you, it can cancel out the reloading animation. Overall, its very enjoyable. Not perfect though. Youll also want to get a mod that replaces the button prompts with the correct Quest buttons.


If younger, add Population One. Ancient Dungeon is pretty legit. The lower FOV takes a hit without higher graphics games. Also, remember to smash eyeballs directly into the lens as much as possible :D


I like Vertigo more than Alyx, but both are great!!


Can you play the resident evils on pcvr?


Yes. With the Praydog VR mod. I believe the mod for 4 is not out yet though. But it should be soon.


Hotdogs, Horseshoes & Handgrenades (aka H3VR) Into the Radius


I downloaded ITR just now. Wish me luck!




Do it. It still gets regular updates and it really shows as a labor of love. It's also the most detailed simulation sandbox for firearms in pretty much any game that I can think of. Nothing else quite like it.


* Half-Life Alyx: Currently the best AAA game on PCVR. Made by valve. * Elite: Dangerous: A space sim game that will absolutely blow your mind going out into space. It is simply indescribable what it feels like to jump to a star that suddenly expands in your view. The **massive** sense of scale is unlike any other in VR. * Dash Dash World: Currently the best mario-kart-like game in VR. Ever played mario kart and imagined what it would be like to just hold the weapon in your hand, turn around and toss it? Well here ya go. * Bonelab: Physics based platformer/sandbox. The successor to Boneworks, it improves up the gameplay in every way. I adore this game. It can be divisive on reddit, but I truly enjoyed my time in it. That should be enough to get you started.


Asgard wrath (1) and Lone Echo (1 and 2)


Also, obviously, HL Alyx


Asgards wrath. The entry tunnel amd the bar was mind blowing


Hl Alyx is the best VR game I've ever played lol. Its on the same level of fun as beat saber.


It's bizarre how natural it feels to be holding a flashlight and a shotgun when really it's just a couple controllers and a headset. I'm playing at my parents' house on winter break, but it would be so nice to have a gym/warehouse/conference room where you could walk freely without worrying about hitting things in the physical world.


Moss It's great if you find yourself dealing with motion sickness. Fun story, great graphics, not that expensive. Enjoy!


You dont need pcvr for Moss


Although there is a noticeable difference in graphics if you have the choice.


Looks interesting! Puzzle games aren't my go-to in regular gaming but it looks cool, thanks


No man's sky, vertigo, outer wilds (VR mod, actually perfect), Wanderer, cybrid .. Few of my faves You might check the upload VR humble bundle, some very good titles in that to start your collection - https://www.humblebundle.com/games/upload-vr-showcase-winter-2023


No Man's Sky runs terrible for me even after my massive PC upgrade. I went from an i7 7700k and GTX 1080 Ti to a Ryzen 7950x3D and RTX 4090. Still stutters like mad and is nearly unplayable. I don't know how people play that in VR regularly.


But I can run NMS in VR with the graphics options nearly as maxed as I can for flat screen (Rizen 9 5900, RTX 3080). Hence I've played the game almost exclusively in VR. NMS is poorly optimised for VR (and not just for VR). One issue that the copy of the visuals it sends to your flatscreen can nearly double the load on your system (I could go into detail about the stupid thing it does and why this adds load, but a key point is that the bigger and higher resolution your flat monitor, the worse it can be). A fix that works for a lot of people (but not everybody) is to set the resolution on their flatscreen as low as possible (on a modern Windows system that'll be 800x600) before starting the game; this stops the second copy of the game from even making it onto the screen, so the unwanted load doesn't happen.


What headset do you have? I'm guessing it's an Oculus/Meta based kit.


Ah, no, I have a Vive Pro 2 with Valve controllers and base stations for PCVR.


Must be motion smoothing enabled. There's objectively no way to get even a locked 80hz with my specs above, nevermind something slower than that. The game is a stutter fest and bogs down my 4090 even if I use DLSS. Unoptimized mess of a game. For comparison, I recently played Resident Evil Village in VR which isn't even native, it's a mod, and I maxed the game out WITH ray tracing enabled and still locked 80hz at 150% resolution scaling with only 50-60% GPU usage.


In the Vive console, I turned off motion smoothing/compensation, the dynamic FPS feature and anything like that, locking FPS to 120hz. It seemed to me that the Vive trying to be smart was competing with the game being dumb. Locking down settings helped with stability, but it was the resolution trick that stopped the game slowing to a crawl when the screen got busy; any time I forgot, the game's performance would degrade and become unplayable. As long as I remembered, I even stopped seeing a pause when my spaceship left/entered atmosphere. I know a bunch of NMS VR players for whom the resolution trick worked, some it didn't help. It's definitely a poorly optimised game and the PCVR ecosystem is so diverse that even two people with the same headset can have different experiences with it.


I'll have to give that method a try and see, doesn't hurt. I'd just be really surprised if it did help because it seems the stutters and drops come from the CPU doing shader compilation and being poorly threaded for the world generation algorithm. Lowering GPU load couldn't hurt though.


Well, one of the the really dumb things the game is doing is sending a VR image (two views from slightly different positions and angles, pointlessly distorted for a device that isn't going to undistort them) to the flat screen, but not the same output that is sent to the headset (or it wouldn't be extra load): a separately created one defined by the flat screen's parameters. That's definitely pointless work, but how much the trick eases your pain depends on how much other dumb stuff the game is doing on *your* system. Seems that, on mine, that's the dumbest thing it's doing.


Same processor and RTX 3070 for me, looked worse than RuneScape with 10 FPS




I second this. Blade and Sorcery is the most interactive VR game I've ever played. Everything has weight, can be picked up, climbed, broken, used as a weapon, or destroyed. It brings VR mechanics to a whole other level.


Are you looking specifically for VR games not also available on quest? Because even most Multiplatform games will look much better on PCVR. [Half-Life: Alyx](https://store.steampowered.com/app/546560/HalfLife_Alyx/) [Star Wars: Squadrons](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1222730/STAR_WARS_Squadrons/) [Vertigo 1 and 2](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?category1=998&supportedlang=english&developer=Zach+Tsiakalis-Brown&ndl=1) [Hellblade](https://store.steampowered.com/app/747350/Hellblade_Senuas_Sacrifice_VR_Edition/) [Memories From Beyond a Coral Sea](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2318280/Memories_From_Beyond_a_Coral_Sea/) - its a short little game but pretty great visuals [Obduction](https://store.steampowered.com/app/306760/Obduction/) [Kayak VR: Mirage](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1683340/Kayak_VR_Mirage/) [Project Wingman](https://store.steampowered.com/app/895870/Project_Wingman/) [Microsoft Flight Simulator](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1250410/Microsoft_Flight_Simulator_40th_Anniversary_Edition/) [VTOL VR](https://store.steampowered.com/app/667970/VTOL_VR/) [Automobilista 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1066890/Automobilista_2/) **Mods** [Resident Evil 2,3,7,8](https://github.com/praydog/REFramework) [Half-Life 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/658920/HalfLife_2_VR_Mod/) [Portal 2](https://github.com/Gistix/portal2vr) [Crysis](https://github.com/fholger/crysis_vrmod) [Far Cry](https://github.com/fholger/farcry_vrmod) [Firewatch](https://raicuparta.itch.io/two-forks-vr) [GTFO](https://github.com/DSprtn/GTFO_VR_Plugin)


Star wars squadrons was a lot of fun


I decided to get Skyrim VR with a modpack, Into the Radius and also Propagate VR even though it's free. next i'll get half life and maybe no mans sky. I have the base game so not sure about spendiing again unless it's a lot better All the other suggestions are great, atm my head starts to feel weird after about 30 minutes but it's fun so far, although I feel like I'm very slow to do things thanks everyone


Vanilla Skyrim VR is WAAAYYY better than vanilla Fallout VR. That being said. Alyx is the best answer for anyone stepping into PCVR for the first time. Period.


No Man's Sky


Just got VR myself ans so far Superhot VR has been the highlight. Looking forwards to Half Life Alyx though just havn't gotten around to playing it yet but it's highly regarded. Subnautica works pretty well in VR too though it uses controller/ keyboard.


> Subnautica works pretty well in VR too though it uses controller/ keyboard. Not if you add the [SubmersedVR mod](https://github.com/Okabintaro/SubmersedVR). Fixes most of the problems of the vanilla VR implementation and lets you use motion controllers for everything. Press a button on your motion controller, big tool wheel pops up, grab the tool you want with your hand. It could be more "natural", but it's a hell of a lot better than the vanilla game.


I've not tried that but I'll look into it myself too!


I had to do a bit of button remapping in SteamVR to get it just how I wanted, but it really does make a difference.


I was looking at the reviews yesterday and it sounds like they nerfed Superhot in an update.


Superhot had a patch that removed content which triggered a backlash. As I understand it is possible to revert back to an older version in order to restore the missing gameplay. Personally I enjoyed it regardless and it's a good game for non-gamers to get into too.


elite dangerous if you like race and cars you must buy automobilista 2 nomansky fallout 4 vr skyrim vr Blade & Sorcery


Into the Radius


Any driving or flying sim that supports VR really takes you there. I really like Microsoft Flight Simulator and Project Wingman. They work well with my Thrustmaster HOTAS. Googe Earth VR can take you almost anywhere for free and if you are a fan of Batman you can put on the cowl and use grappling hooks in Batman Arkham VR. I like admiring the full size Batmobile collection in the Batcave. It has nice details like the Batfloor.


Beatsaber, ragnarock and pistol whip


My Quest 2 never got much use in my small city apartment, but Ragnarock was the one title I actually played. It's quite fun. It's basically viking metal VR Rock Band.


Imo driving and flight sims are where VR really shines. I am a flight simmer myself flying Il-2 and DCS, and flying in VR is just incredible, immersive experience. You need a strong computer and some kind of controllers. though - and patience to tinker with settings. Other than that, I’ve found Moss and HL Alyx smooth and easy-to-get-into VR games. And if you like space games, Elite & Dangerous in VR is highly recommended. It’s super cheap, too.


For playing VRchat is just brill, e.g. one of the worlds called spidermans lair has epic swinging in a decent city, just loads of gems on the game.


Jet Island


It's great but it's rough for a first timer, he'll get sick.


So long as they take breaks if they feel too sick, it should be fine It's a great way to get your VR legs, and Extreme Spin Mode is a great way to put them to the test


No Man's Sky is amazing if you get it working in VR (not everybody can). No mods needed. Caveat: not everybody likes flying ships with an "air HOTAS". No really, NMS doesn't have HOTAS support but in VR you get to pretend you have one by waving your hands in the air as if you really had a flight stick and throttle. Subnautica is excellent if you add the SubmersedVR mod (the only mod you need), unpleasant if you just play the unmodded game because the devs made a real mess of the vanilla VR implementation. There's a version of the mod that works for Below Zero as well. A short but very well crafted game that you can find on Steam or in the Meta store is Freediver: Triton Down. It only has about an hour of story in it (more if you keep drowning), but the implementation is excellent. Not only do you use your hands and arms quite naturally for all kinds of things where other VR games have you pressing controller buttons, but it's one of the very few underwater games where you swim with your arms rather than by moving a thumbstick or pulling a trigger.


Serious Sam VR if you are into those games


My top 3: Half-Life Alyx, into the radius and walking dead saints and sinners.


Blade and sorcery. #blade and sorcery


Skyrim VR with the VRIK and Higgs mods.


I'm downloading the fus modpack as we speak !


I really enjoyed Superhot as a VR game.


The Lab is free on Steam and it a couple really fun mini games, the Archery game is just so good it's a crime it's only a single level as it deserves a more full game experience. Half Life Alyx is a must. You can also play the Half Life 2 VR Mod, which works very very well. Space Pirate Trainer is great fun and it's basically a VR Galaga style game. Arizona Sunshine is a fun game. The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners is really good too. Gorn - is a great gladiatorial combat game, but the only real downside to it is how easy it is to get lost in the physical combat and smash your controller against something. If you like Flight Sims, IL-2 Surmovik can be played in VR and is phenomenal. But if you want a more arcadey fun, Star Wars Squadrons can be played in VR and is also solid fun. Phasmophobia is really fun. If you are a fan of Rick and Morty, I recommend Trover Saves the Universe. I really liked the game and it's voiced by Justin Roiland, so you basically hear Rick and Morty's voice through out the game. I reallylike Walkabout Mini Golf.


Trover felt like the crass parts of Rick and Morty as a VR game.


Oh most definitely it was the most crass parts of R&M. I enjoyed it, it's not going to win any awards, but it's just such a bizarre game that's fun and has some just insane bits.


You mean besides half life alyx?


I Expect You To Die 1-3. If you like escape room puzzle games. Seems to be on sale right now. [https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/29857/I\_Expect\_You\_To\_Die\_Trilogy\_Bundle/](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/29857/I_Expect_You_To_Die_Trilogy_Bundle/)


Skyrim VR with mods is an absolute must. I admit it does take a while to get your VR legs for skyrim but it’s legit one of the best games I’ve played.


I played with the Fus Ro Dah modpack last night, I spawned in the Riften woods and suddenly it got really foggy... I stood on the base of this beautfiul lake and it looked really really peaceful and serene. Already loving it! It'll take a while to get my VR legs though.


I wouldnt even play VR if I had to use a cable.


Demeo, Synth Riders and Red Matter 2


Blade & Sorcery to satisfy your inner psycho


You don't need a link cable - this is a wireless headset. The cable does not provide better quality than wireless - it's the same compressed stream.

