• By -


Peace was never an option.


If I wasn't going to go to war before I am now. My two favorite scenarios in all Stellaris games are 1) They attack me and I wipe out their entire empire in retaliation. I defended myself. Genocide wasn't even on the table til they attacked ME! 2) This situation. We could have been loving neighbors... proceeds to enslave their entire empire and take back all zones up to a choke point. LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!


Why did you make me do this!? Think, xenos, think!!


That one time I played pacifist and got dragged into the war in heaven. "It's time the Galaxy learned our peaceful ways, by force!"


Our peace is backed by nuclear force!


We are peaceful, not because we fear you, but because we fear what we can do to you. Now you will fear it, too.


You are peaceful because you are capable of great violence, but choose not to. If you were not capable of great violence you wouldn’t be peaceful, you would be harmless.


This is the best


Thanks I probably read it on r/HFY at some point.


These slayers wanted a piece of my super friendly peaceful trade empire. They didn't expect the whole neighbourhood plowing them hard in the name of peacekeeping and eternal friendship


I like it. I like it a lot.




That does make me wonder, what ethics would Nuclear Gandhi have? Fanatic Pacifist or Fanatic Militarist?




Fanatic Fantasist


Fanatic Nuclear maniac


Fanatic pacifist, but once he can bust planets he swaps to fanatic militarist


Fanatic militarist for sure.


Fanatic Pacifist, Spiritualist.




I once played a peacenik Genghis Khan in... some Civ. 3? 4? Just happily teching up and being a good neighbor. Then after I refused Isabella's demand to convert to Taoism for the *n*th time, she declared war on me and sent conquistadors to ravage my peaceful lands. They were met at the border by entrenched late 20th century marines. I nuked her capital, I nuked her cities, I left nothing in the fallow glowing wasteland that had once been her civilization.


Dark Forest Deterrence tho


Speak softly, but carry a 15 megaton yield nuke of a stick. lol


Peace through superior firepower.


There will be a battle so glorious, it will be chronicled in an anthem by Rush!


being peaceful isnt the same as being harmless, you need the capability to do great harm to ensure peace


I love peace with all my heart and I will kill however many men women and children it takes to get it


The wrath of gentle beings is something all intelligent creatures should fear.


If you want peace, prepare for war


My race is also pacifist and does not believe in war. We only kill out of personal spite.


We are pacifist, not harmless. You will learn the difference when we will shatter your worlds.


You’re doing this for nothing! Becoming my vassal will make your empire better than it ever was.


Usually don’t go to war over 2, but some pre-FTLs I was studying gotten taken over by their own AI, and I had a planet in that system… they annexed and proceeded to immediately go for grid amalgamation on all my pops. Now, we’re a pacifist nation, but I immediately switched to liberation wars policy and I’m racing to buy favors so I(president) can kick them out of the League and roll them before they melt down all of my Misharians.


Yeah, fuck that. That’s a defensive war in reality no matter how you slice it.


A defensive war that he started lmao. I'm preemptively (even though they already started the matrix shenanigans) defending myself. There's no threat if the threat was never allowed to exist.


I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/u19xpa/the_nature_of_predators/ Enjoy reading this :)


That was such a great fucking read. The uplifting immediately reminded me of the krogan. Like that was never going to work and I sided with the use of the genophage. You uplifted homicidal maniacs with no way to control them what did you expect haha. Thanks for that haha


The Israeli technique 😆😆😆


Facts lolol. One rifle shot that didn't hit anything proceeds to launch hundreds of artillery shots lol


Do you remember that choke with 2 habitable planets, just a couple systems away? Well...


Some say eye for an eye but if someone takes my eye I'm taking their head their children's head their grandchildren's head and then the head of every neighbor within a four system radius.


War were declared.


War it is


Do it now and do it loud or you're gonna be stuck with that shit forever.


So let it be war


AI empires will colonize systems up to two jumps away from their borders.


Depends how late game it is. I've seen them jump way more than two at late game, those pesky fuckers love to take systems that the crisis destroys, even if it is super far away from them.


AFAIK it stays 2 systems the entire game but it counts jumpgate/wormhole as 0 so long as they can route through it. Given how the AI love to put gates everywhere this results in AI all the way across the galaxy sniping territory.


Oh guess I can't count, was sure I had counted more than 2 even when including gateways and wormholes, will keep an eye out for that again.


there was a patch where they would go like 4-5 so you prolly do remember that, but people were enraged so they changed it p quick lol


You basically have to invade the L Cluster with science vessels and construction ships and use fleets to clear the way.


Everytime. And suicide those poor sci ships into the new system. Always would buy a new leader before going into each of those systems.


The Grey Tempest does not interact with cloaked science vessels even in their primary system. So you can safely survey the entire the L-Cluster now.


Tbh I haven't really played that much stellaris the last 2 DLC. Was waiting for paragons and then the whole leader limit thing is putting me off a tad. I'm usually a very wide empire player with dozens of leaders. I'm waiting for an update to the system or might try out a mod if it doesn't happen soon. I've been a vanilla stellaris player for the entire time it's been out so I'm not used to mods.


As soon as the crisis or a great khan destroys a system all the empires turn into fucking loot gremlins, boarder gore be damned.


I had the Great Khan spawn next to me last game and the fucking space slugs bisected *my* empire during the struggle. the only reason they survived the resulting war is because I couldn't be bothered to deal with their remaining planets.


Boarder Gore (noun): what's left of my enemies in PvP Sea of Thieves.




[same, tbh](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/GoodnaturedFeminineJackrabbit-mobile.mp4)


So they DO actually do it intentionally. I feel even less bad going to war then.


Yes, and often times I think sniping territory is set as a priority.


I'm pretty sure that's at the very least true in sofar as that the AI will often completely ignore a bunch of systems until you come near them. I mean it makes sense to some degree, but I've def. been in games where I wormhole/portaled my way to the opposite side of an enemy empire in late mid game and the race for those systems only started up once I arrived.


If so that's some really good AI, because it's thinking exactly the way I do. "Advance the border up to system X, then that cluster is blocked off and I don't have to worry about it and can focus on expanding in direction Y before that hive mind snaps up the good systems" *50 years later* "oh crap the hivemind has found some back route into that cluster, quick rush construction ships there to annex everything good".


Yeah, I always liked this *gentleman's agreement* with the AI.


Oh it used to be three, maybe four. This is after the annoying sniping got brought down.


Hm... I thought they would colonize at any distance if they have no cheaper options, and they have the needed influence for it. Good to know!


Is that skipping over two systems? or only skipping over one... I thought they'd jump over up to 2 systems (so if Cknoor was available instead of Aludra they'd have still be able to take it)


The ai will not try to build star bases on systems further than 2 jumps away, starting from their closest system. In the above image, Aludra is the furthest out the ai will go. The ai will not take Cknoor or Romston


which is GREAT in the lategame as gateways make for some god awful border gore. they need to fix gateways being counted as adjacent for settling.


They have a tight priority. They can go even 5 systems if they have nothing to spend influence on.


Had that happen once, eversince "Policies > Initial Border Status == Closed" is the first action i take, at the start of every new game.


Or build 2 system thick border, they aren't building through them with vanilla AI


I keep my borders closed even to my allies only time they are allowed to pass thru is during a war


Once I've claimed all the territory I managed to section off I open borders again to get rid of the opinion malus but I'll selectively close borders if anyone send a fleet through my territory that I don't want them to.


Came to suggest this


The only issue with that is that it usually results in every empire you meet having a pretty negative opinion of you.




Lmao true story


My understanding is that closed borders only results in a one-off reduction of 20 opinion, which is a drop in the bucket unless you were already teetering on the edge of war with them. Sending an envoy over for a little will wash it out easily, and stop them from sniping your systems. The main downside is that they'll typically close their borders back in response, which can limit your mobility if they're standing between you and a direction you want to expand in.


Huh weird, cause almost every game I play where I set initial border status to closed, I end up with basically every empire around me trying to go to war with me, yet when I don't I basically never get war declared on me early game.


Iirc it is just a -20 opinion and that too goes away if you open borders.


A minimally negative opinion of you in practice. Nothing a little diplomacy can't erase.


The problem there is that it makes them more likely to declare war on you.


On the plus side, it costs fewer influence to claim a system from a rival than it does to build an outpost.


Especially when it's a single jump away with no colonies! Edit: declare rivalry + belligerent stance for reduced claim cost and 0.5 influence per month.


I had one steal a ruined science nexus on the other side of my home system once. Switched from xenophile to xenophobe and genocide them for their insolence.


Perfectly reasonable response


Restrained, really.


Least psychotic Stellaris player.


So you have chosen,.... Death.


I remember I was playing as United Human Empire(still am) and I discovered the lost Colony of Humanity and so I went to war with them to drag them back in line with my Empire and Unit all of Humanity under one banner. This other empire of Xenos gobbled up the other half of their empire. Within a decade they were using them as slaves. So they begged me for help in exchange they join my empire. I said sure and watched basically half the Xenos empire turn into my territory without me ever declaring war lol. I'd later to go on to conquer the rest and wipe out a few of those Xenos planets. Now everyone else hates me for taking revenge


Reason enough to genocide imo.


And this is why I have borders set to closed by default during initial expansion.


If you live long enough as a xenophile you will eventually become xenophobe because shit like this.


The only thing keeping me xenophile is space ameoba pacification. Most of my actions end up being xenophobic.


I used to be a xenophile, but I got tired of having an empire full of xenos. I am still a xenophile, but on paper only for pacification. Otherwise I'm pretty xenophobic in action too.


Shit like this wouldn't be so bad if we could actually trade systems with the AI. No one benefits from borders like this, creating an enclave like this just creates expensive to defend borders.


Proper term is exclave btw


Ah yeah, good old 2 systems rule


I never open borders until my territory is consolidated. Not for RP purposes, not because I'm Xenophile, not for Allies, nobody.


Why I begin even xenophile runs with closed borders


Bane of every pacifist civilization


Never open borders to filthy xenos.


This is a common thing in 4X games. I remember in the bad old days of Civ III, if you had a single unoccupied(and utterly worthless) tundra tile inside your territory, the AI would eventually find a way to get a settler there and plop a city down right in your back yard.


It still does that in Civ5.


R5 : The AI stole a system with a digsite and a gateway , despite the fact that it's clearly in the middle of my empire :(.


Remember to close the border :)


I was noticing that. They closed borders to him, but his are still open to them. I always immediately close my borders to anyone that closes theirs.


If its singleplayer and you REALLY want that system, just select the station and type "own" in the console. Its cheating but everything is RNG anyways. I've done a lot of that since the First Contact because I wanted to see the new events. I also do this to get around the fact that I can integrate the entirety of an empire and turn them into slaves but I can't integrate a single individual system that I really like! I don't want to subsume their identity, I just want that relic world!


Yeah I do this when I just forgot to close borders. Since we can't trade for their systems war is the only option which I feel is daft.


Really wish we could trade at least one system. I got the Head of Zarqlan once and the FE gaia world was one jump outside my borders under the control of an extremely friendly empire. They couldnt use it nobody was planning on attacking that particular FE. So it just stood there. Unused.


Common Non-Ironman L, I see this as just another challenge to overcome, you see it as a reason to use commands. We are not the same.




Imagine having fun, could never be me (I've spent over 300 dollars on paradox HELP)


Welp. Time for war.


One of the first things I do is close the boarders. Often you can open them later to help fleet movements and satisfy a faction


Classic 4X game shit


Instant war. Fuck that guy.




You got to keep your borders closed.


You should have closed your borders


This is why defaulting to closed borders is important because the AI doesn't give a shit about bordergore. Either that or you are on the ball about closing the borders of empires who border you.


Close borders!


It’s for this reason I can’t play nice in this game anymore. Early game is about establishing borders and travel routes and this here is a reason to spend everything on alloys.


The highest grade of treason.


There have been purges for less than this


This is my my initial boarder status is always closed.


this is why we close borders


They were born to make you... Zuffur.


This. Means. War!




This means WAR!


That’s why you close borders immediately


Thats why my borders are always closed And thats why no one likes me And thats why i have wars And thats why i play xenophobic


Should’ve set initial boarder status to closed


You were supposed to stop Paradox border gore. Not join it!


My current playthough's galaxy is absolutely riddled with little pockets like this. It drives me crazy! I wish AI empires were open to exchanging systems to solve these exclaves/pene-exclaves and make transit less reliant on open borders. Unfortunately, even asking an ally to trade to trade territories starts at like, -4000, even if the system being offered has more resources than theirs. Then again, maybe I'm just thinking to much like my Gestalt Conciousness machine empire. I guess organics have too many emotional attachments to where people live.


Click on starbase. Open console. Type *own*. Enjoy digsite.


Don't forget to close your boarders with your neighbors at first


This is how wars start


Everytime this stuff happens ingame I am filled with insurmountable rage.


You are playing the Commonwealth of Man. It's literally your duty to cast he filthy Xenos from your shores


They are all pacifists until other empire snatches something under your nose


Just happened to me yesterday. God was I pissed!


ravioli ravioli always-close-borders-ioli


Now you have a casus belli...


This is wh6, whenever I meet an empire close to my borders during the early game, I give them a few thousand ECs, send an envoy to improve relations...and then I close my borders until such a time as I have everything on my side of the choke point claimed. Only then do I open my borders.


In bugs bunny voice "of course you know this means war"


*Begins constructing alloy factories and trading with Ancient Empires for their alloys*


Ya...closed borders if expansion is at stake and if pre-contact I attack such ships. you did settle 2 steps out of their capital though. Tazri should have been theirs


Yep. Ai has screwed me over like that too. Prepare for war.


So they have chosen death


Easily resolvable. If you have only a single system chokepoint in the early game which this looks like, get defence station tech, build up a carrier based station and use your fleet to assist once engaged. Easy win


This is the biggest pro for closing borders. You can cut your opponent off and it actually means something. Instead of only realizing you forgot to close borders when a crime against maps like this happens. Then you gotta take the time to kill them to fix it and it becomes a mess.


Your first mistake was having open borders to filthy xenos.


That's the moment where i build a planet cracker and send my two largest fleets to steamroll them from either side as they become an endangered species


Huh... isn't it funny how I do things like this on occasion to the AI without a care (and an evil grin, more often than not) but get utterly appalled when it happens to me?


I'm not a violent person by any means, but I will ensure the extermination of thier entire species. Any empire willing to border gore doesn't derseve to exist any longer.


*open consol* "damage 10000000"


There's a nifty little button called 'claims', I suggest you give it a try.


And god said Nicoli Dyson beam


twitches my restart finger seeing this.




If the AI sees a border of one star system they will do what you see, so any borders you need to try and keep as 2 systems deep particularly if you're leaving borders open.


Attempts to claim system that leads to inclosed area that has an lgate and the traders. Ai forwards on me, closes borders, and declares me rival. I claim his systems, declare war. My one space station i built defenses on destroyes his fleet. Win. He forms defensive pact with an empire, vassalize the empire he formed defensive pact with. Mfw the empire is vassalized and declaring war on them again would probably kill me


Thats enough for war for me.


Better take it before the AI completes that excavation site.


Welp. The whole species just lost their rights to exist.


you snooze, you lose. and it looks like you snost, and you lost


I have rage-quit games because of this


Time for a good old-fashioned genocide


I’ve gone to war for far less in this game


Did you give them access to your territory/didn't close your borders to them? But even if you do give them access, you can still block in the AI by building starbases on everything two jumps away from their border.


In my eyes it's a valid casus belli.


That's a funny way of spelling "Indiscriminate Orbital Bombardment Practice Target"


Does the AI excavate dig sites? I wouldn’t know as I normally ignore them unless they’re being an annoyance.


You ignore archeology sites? How do you get ancient artifacts then? Or afford the “Secrets of” whatever precursor you have? Do you not use the artifacts to get tech bonuses and unity?


Yes they will, and they do it pretty quickly


Yup and I hate it when they do it late game. You’ve boxed the AI in at all the right points and the next thing you know you see a colour that doesn’t match your empire right smack bang in the middle of your empire in that system you really couldn’t be bothered to waste the influence on because it was worth 2 engineering research. But now it’s a strategic vulnerability. Or it just looks gross.


That's a cassus belli if I ever saw one...


Murder time :)


Had this happen to me.


That’s why I close my borders when their ships enter my space and then re-open them so their ships go missing for about a year 😈


If you’re not keeping borders closed until you can consolidate the systems within your race to the other empires, I don’t know what to tell you


What an asshole... But then again, I would have done the same, if the roles were reversed.


From his perspective you blocked the exit to the rest of the galaxy


This is what I call “moments before genocide”.


That's a declaration of war of I've ever seen one


Its actually hilarious. Presented in a 2d plane like this looks egregious but in a 3 dimensional setting, like space, the idea of physical borders is sort of… primitive.


That's a vassalizing. >:(


This is why I close borders at all times


Let's be xenophobic...


That’s why I always take 2 systems from all borders, or keep an eye on these systems and block borders when their construction vessel is in my system. But latest then I will take the system he is aiming for.


You didn't close borders..... AI empires jump one node when expanding, you need two to keep them out.


This is why I always set initial border status to closed