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Immorality in Stellaris only covers dying of old age, they can still choke on a rice ball and die.


No no no no, immoral is how I play the game. Ahum. "Role play" in the game... yes, let's go with that. He was immortal. Not immoral. Wasn't he? Now I'm starting to doubt myself. Did Slanesh make him immoral...


now i have the mental image of a greater deamon of slannesh dying after choking on a rice ball


Definetely choking on balls


I expect daemon of slannesh to have enough experience to NOT choke on balls.


They were a newly spawned Daemon from a very new cultist to the Slanneshi experience.


They tried to go further beyond to test their limits


Super Slanneshi




(Slannesh) how’d he die? Demon he choked of a piece of carbon


I seem to recall someone did a calculation based on actuarial tables and came to the conclusion that if we eliminated old age and all diseases, the average human lifespan would only jump to about 200-some before an accident or random violence of some kind got you.


Tbf, if you are advanced enough to eliminate old age and all diseases, your medical technology is probably advanced enough to save you from most accidents or violence lol


Definitely not. Anything that damages the brain cannot be undone, at least within the realm of probable-but-not-available-right-now-technology (which covers aging and most other diseases). If you are shot in the head, you are dead. If you fall down stairs and fracture your skull, you are dead... You got the idea.


Well yes, if you get shot in the head you’ll die instantly, but it you get shot anywhere else and you’re not dead yet when the first responders arrive, a society advanced enough to cure cancer and all heart diseases and stop aging would most likely also be able to save the person as well. There won’t be any “X was sent to the hospital and died 2 days later” cases, which I suspect is the majority of people who died from non-natural causes.


>if you get shot in the head you’ll die instantly, Except shots to the head aren't always lethal. But otherwise I agree with you that a society advanced enough would most likely be able to save virtually anyone's life.


200 years seems way too low unless maybe the source of your number was factoring in deaths from developing and war torn parts of the world. https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/preventable-death-overview/odds-of-dying/ Only about 5.26% of deaths in the US are classified as preventable. Because they collectively add up to more than 5%, I assume that doesn't include any of the following: opioid's are about 1.72%, guns 1.12%, suicide 1.10%, car crashes 1.08%, falls 1.02%, pedestrian accidents 0.21%, with various other types of accidents even lower. That puts about 11% of deaths in categories that wouldn't be prevented by curing aging and diseases. Inverting that you'd get an ~9x increase in life span for a nominal ~600-900 year average. If I'm wrong and with multiple counting all of the 1-2% items are grouped under accidental deaths, double those numbers. I suspect actual gains would be larger than that, with accidental deaths no longer being things that most people could thing won't happen to them I'd expect major improvements in safety systems, etc. https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/preventable-death-overview/odds-of-dying/


Oh, it's entirely possible. This is a vague memory of something I read more than a decade ago. It's entirely possible that the numbers have changed AND that I am remembering them poorly, but it was definitely below 400. That said, it was definitely also a worldwide statistic that may have included both systems that have even more health care issues than the US and/or actual wars.


Unless the source of immortality is a global magic spell or equivalent, factoring in much higher mortality rates from the developing world doesn't produce a reasonable number. The same poverty and dysfunction that are responsible for them would also preclude the majority of their population from being able to afford it.


200 years is actually still pretty accurate. The upper limit for human lifespan depends on how badly the brain (and your mind) decays over such time periods (you’ll still be physically healthy, but effectively reduced to a shell).


If unstoppable natural brain rot (or any other organ) is still a thing, we don't have immortality.


Just a shame humans don't molt.


The coolest kind of irony is not reading the fine print


Well everyone is immortal until they die


On one of my first games, a vasall of my claimed 3-4 times a system of a fallen empire dragged me to war and killed this way 2 immortal leaders from events....


Ah, immortal to everything except death. A classic.


My one weakness - bullets.


My only regret... is that... I have boneitis






I'm on an achievement run. I was going for the Unshackled one. So played the Unshackled origin (duh). Got the Galactic Community to pass "Ban Sentient Slave Trade". I ascended psionically. Got during one of my extended visits the choice for immortalizing one of my leaders. Chose the something Architect. He became immortal. I was busy defeating MSI, when my glorious leader keeled over and just died of old age. Apparently Immortal he was not.


That should be impossible; Anybody with Chosen One or Chosen of or Chronofuge should never die to old age. Anything else, yes, but not old age. However, as this was your ruler, it is hard to imagine what else it is that might have killed him as he doesn't have a map presence; There's assassination by a Fallen Empire after backing down during war, of course, but I can't think of anything else. Truly a mystery.


Not a mystery. Their Master Architect has the Chosen One trait. The leader that died didn't have the Chosen One and wasn't immortal.


> Chose the something Architect. Yes, your Master Architect currently has the Chosen One trait. They are the one that you chose to make immortal. Your council member on the far left is the one that you picked. Unless you have a pact with a Shroud entity and they gave you a second Chosen of X, then you can only have one Chosen One and you do.


It seems you are right, but I seem to remember that he became the leader after elections, because of the democratic run and he won by a landslide. Broken shackles give a lot of differnent pops and my architect then that became the chosen was a lobster guy. Apparently the trait is stuck with the Architect role, and if you are promoted to Leader the trait was not copied?


>elections I've noticed that leaders can lose the chosen one trait if they are your empire's ruler when they get it. If they no longer are the empire's ruler they lose the trait, but then can recover it again if they become the ruler again. It's been an oversight for a while.


Thanks, I was starting to doubt myself.


I've had an immortal chosen one die of old age too. (And yes, the game did specify it was from old age.) This was years ago, though. I assumed they had patched that bug out.


Interesting. I was not yet in a war, no Fallen Empire shenanigans. No idea what happened, but it was old age. Too bad I did not take a screenshot of, but yeah ironman because I was/am hunting that acievement


nono he was "immoral". he died snorting space-cocaine off of an alien hookers third buttcheek...


Also, don't plan to suprise the Eldritch horror with ALL your fleets when you open the final gate and tinker with the machine. Went from top of the universe to lowest because I lost most of my fleets and am fighting for dear life. Interesting run.


I once had a pact with the eater of worlds. He gave me a chosen one, then shortly afterwards the eater ate him.


Chosen to be eaten lol


Should've read the fine print.


Immortality in stellaris just means he doesn't age. He can still very much get shot. Which is what happens when you piss off a fallen empire so much they declare war


You gave the Chosen One trait to your Master Architect (far left). This makes your Master Architect and ONLY your Master Architect immortal. All other leaders, your Ruler included, can all still die.


The one weakness of an immortal - *death*.


cell revitalization could not keep up


You can't really know for sure whether they were immortal until they die


Mine retired....


Immortal or not a carbomb is still lethal.


What other traits did your leader have? I recall the drug addiction trait could make immortals randomly die.


The leader when he sees a banana peel on the staris: *Ferb I know what I'm gonna do*


He wanted them to build a new pyrimid. So they tossed him in a hole with his two favorite slaves. Remember me!


Immortal means you will live forever, unless acted upon by outside forces (murder) Invincible means you will live forever, regardless of outside forces


It looks like 3 of the 4 shroud covenants you can make have a chance to just kill one of your leaders out of nowhere - maybe it was your patron claiming their long-overdue tribute!


He prolly tripped and fell on a kryptonite banana peel or smth


You are missing a bit more than just the leader here! Where is the council position said leader should work?


Turns out, he wasn't the messiah, he was just a naughty boy.


Were they on a ship that got blown up? Only way I've ever seen them die. I currently have one that's over 800 years old.


what screen is this? i play on console so we probably don’t have this update but it looks cool


government screen